As the mogu known as Iron Qon falls and they push forward, Harry can't help but feel his body thrumming with anticipation. He can feel it, he can feel the end of their journey approaching. At the same time however, its safe to say that the raiding party is exhausted and tired. They've fought hard, and to have gotten this far… it has not been without its losses, without its sacrifices.
"Harry… perhaps we should turn back for now. Our people need rest."
Harry's gaze slides back to Archmage Modera, and his lips press tightly together as he looks out at the rest of the group. Not many are meeting his eyes. To be fair, some haven't even heard Modera's words. There are those who are still laying on the ground, brought low by the last fight. There are also those who have healing capabilities kneeling beside them, healing them, removing their direr wounds. Of course, there are also some who the healers shake their heads and pass over. The dead who are too far gone to be brought back now.
But those who do look to him have the same exhausted look as Modera does. Even Mar'li, who has fought beside them throughout the Throne of Thunder since her conversion is looking pretty beat up and ready for a nap. Glancing away from them, Harry looks in the direction they would be going. He can taste victory, but at the same time, he knows defeat is just on the other side of that coin. He won't push it too far, and they really should confront the Thunder King at full strength.
Perhaps a compromise is in order then. Looking back to the group, Harry nods slightly at Modera and then speaks loud enough for all to hear.
"Form ranks! We're moving forward to secure the entrance to the Thunder King's inner sanctum! Once we have that in our grasp, we'll move up the camp and tend to our wounded, bury our dead. Then, on the morrow, we'll handle this tyrant, once and for all!"
There's a ragged cheer from the raiding party, even as those still living psyche themselves up for the fight ahead. Those on the ground get to their feet and the healers with them help them to stand. Modera's shoulders slump, though be it in relief or disappointment, Harry could not say. She gives him a slight nod of acknowledgement when he looks in her direction though, so he lets it go and continues onward, leading the raiding party deeper into the Pinnacle of Storms.
He really does intend to do nothing more than secure the entrance to Lei-Shen's throne room. At this point, they've dealt with every major threat in the Throne of Thunders, at least as far as Mar'li knows. And as one of the Council of Storms, why would she be kept in the dark about anything? As the raiding party advances, they make quick work of the foes that stand between them and their goal, but more specifically that stand between them and a rest. The group fights with an almost feverish intensity, driven not by a desire to see Lei Shen brought low, but a desire to see a bedroll or something of the sort that they might lay their heads upon.
Mar'li stops them when they come to a small chamber, off of which there is a side corridor to the right. She places her hand on Harry's shoulder and nods in that direction.
"Lei Shen will be through there, and down on a massive platform. He will be gathering his power… we should do the same."
Harry nods in agreement, even as he looks around the chamber. He lifts a hand and is just about to speak when a low, rumbling laugh fills the antechamber, bouncing off the walls which make it all the harder to pinpoint the voice that follows.
"Do you hear that, dear sister? The fools think that whatever measly power they might bring to bear on our Master could ever compare to his own."
"… Suen…"
"You were right to have us lurk, Lu'lin! Now we have first strike!"
And like that, out of nowhere, a burst of light hits the center of the chamber, nearly blinding all who are looking at it. Harry manages to guard his eyes, and when he finally does look, the tired, beleaguered raiding party is cut in half by two new foes, the appearances of which shock him to his core. Female mogu? He hadn't thought they existed! And yet, there they were before them. One in golds and yellows, the other in blues and blacks.
They stand there, motifs of the sun and the moon cresting over the back of their skulls as they look down upon the much smaller fleshlings before them. Its not hard to figure out which is which, at least not for Harry. Suen sneers and snarls, still chuckling deeply, her eyes blazing with fiery energy. Lu'lin, meanwhile, looks almost unhappy to be there, her own eyes flickering with shadowy purple magic.
"More kindling for the flame! Come, Lu'lin, let us burn them to ash!"
"If I must…"
And like that, the battle is joined. No further warning, no further prep time. Within moments, three of the raiding party are down, and they aren't getting back up. Harry snarls as he takes to the field, magic flying towards the female mogu, but not even his greatest spells do much in the way of damaging them. Avada Kedavra washes right over the stone constructs, leading him to realize they're not truly alive in the first place. They're constructs, likely made by Lei Shen himself or someone close to him as a gift.
… The Thunder King had sex dolls guarding his inner sanctum. No wonder Mar'li didn't know of their existence, they were likely both Lei Shen's greatest treasure AND his greatest shame, all at once! Not that that reduced the threat they posed even a little. Suen was all fire, while Lu'lin called forth the night and the moonlight. The thing was, neither of them were anything like a normal caster. Where a mage like Harry or Modera, no matter how strong they got, was still quite squishy and prone to taking damage, these two stone constructs were ensorcelled with enough power to be nearly impervious to harm.
Nearly, anyways. Harry eventually found that the bombarda maxima spell did the absolute maximum amount of damage to these creatures, chipping off bits of stone from their bodies. He would have to cast it nigh a hundred thousand times to actually finish either of them off, but he didn't have much other choice, did he? Still, the situation was growing more and more dire by the moment. They were basically running on fumes before they even came in here, and the losses they'd taken against their last great adversary had NOT been replaced.
This wasn't going to work. Bombarda maxima wasn't going to be enough. Nothing he could do was enough, but Harry didn't stop casting, the Elder Wand flicking and swishing back and forth nonstop, faster then it'd ever moved before. Suen's laughter fills the air, while Lu'lin's melancholic sighs act as an undertone, a bit of background. But neither ceases their attacks, not for one moment. They're here to kill him and everyone he cares about, and they won't stop until they've done so.
Y'knath k'th'rygg k'yi mrr'ungha gr'mula…
Harry spasms and stops in place, one hand raising to his head as sudden whispers invade his thoughts.
Ywaq mwual'gyos gag prfakt sjabba zuq...
And just like that, Harry can understand. Not fully, he still doesn't know exactly what the whispers are saying, but the concept is pressed into his mind, imprinted almost. It's a curse. He's being given the means to cast a curse, the origins he knows not, the power he knows not. All that comes with the incantation is a surety that this will weaken his foes, that if he uses it now, the two Mogu Constructs he faces will be brought low before him, and his lovers will be saved.
But Harry is no reckless fool, especially not in these matters. He does not trust these unintelligible whispers in his mind. He does not trust any source of magic that he cannot reach out and grasp with his own senses. As he stands there in the middle of the raging battlefield, frozen, trying to do exactly that, the whispers slither in and out of his metaphysical 'fingers', laughing in the far recesses of his mind all the while. He gets the feeling that they do not care what he does now, that their work is done.
He doesn't trust that either though. How can he? How can he trust any of this when it's sure to be a trap of some sort? Harry doesn't get much longer to contemplate that, because instead he hears a gurgling scream that tears him from his distraction, refocusing him on the fight still happening around him, still happening right before his eyes.
Said eyes widen as Harry takes in the sight of Archmage Modera on the ground, a hand clutched to her abdomen as red pools beneath her. Looming over her is the grinning form of Suen, the Sun Mogu sneering as she raises her sharpened claws like so many knives over her head to bring them down and end Modera's life.
Harry acts without thinking then, without any further consideration. The Elder Wand comes up and as he incants the spell that was thrust into his mind, both the tip of the wand and his eyes glow with a mighty purple light. Nothing shoots out of the Elder Wand, this isn't that kind of magic. All he has to do is continue the incantation and remain focused solely on Suen for the curse to take ahold.
At once, the construct stumbles, spinning about and turning to him as her eyes widen in shock.
"You! What are you doing?!"
But even as she takes a step in his direction, now ignoring her original quarry, she stumbles again, this time not able to catch herself as her entire body suddenly begins to morph and shrink. Harry watches through glowing eyes as Suen's stony body becomes one of flesh, leaving her about the height of a female troll. Still a head above Harry, but no longer a massive, imposing giant made of stone.
In the next moment, a blow from Mar'li's staff to the back of her head sees Suen's eyes rolling up in her skull as she falls forward, unconscious.
Lu'lin freezes up upon seeing what Harry has done to her twin. But Harry does not. Now knowing what the curse he's been given does, the wizard whirls about, pointing his Elder Wand in Lu'lin's direction and repeating the incantation once again. The more melancholic and withdrawn of the two female mogu constructs doesn't even really fight it. She shrinks back from him, but that doesn't stop the curse from taking hold within her anymore than trying to charge him did for Suen.
Soon enough, she too is shrunk down and reduced to a fleshy, living creation, which in turn is quickly walloped and knocked unconscious. And with that, the fight is over. But not without casualties. Looking around the small antechamber, Harry swallows thickly. Barely anyone is still standing at this point. Its only him, Elsia, and Mar'li who seem to even be conscious. And then there's Moder- Modera!
As the Archmage coughs up blood weakly, still trying to stem the flow coming from the massive claw wounds across her abdomen, Harry rushes over, the Elder Wand coming up as he begins to use every healing spell, he knows to put Modera back together. Luckily, his specific brand of magic is some of the best healing this world has to offer. It doesn't require a connection to the forest or nature, nor does it require a connection to some Light magic energy source that judges your every thought and action, constantly trying to find out if you're righteous or not.
In the end, it just relies on Harry, and his will, which is still quite strong. Soon enough, Modera's wounds close over. The glassy-look that had been filling her gaze fades away, and she blinks her eyes as she stares up at him in wonder. Harry grins down at her in response, even as he slips the Elder Wand away into its holster.
"How… how did you do that?"
Chuckling slightly, knowing full well that mages in this world had no real access to magics that could heal others, Harry helps Modera sit up, feeling to make sure the wounds are truly gone, and the blood left behind is just that, leftovers, not actually still pouring out of her.
"Trade secret, my dear. But… if you're very good, perhaps I'll show you a few tricks, hm?"
Modera licks her lips at that and nods, clearly eager to learn new magics. Then, she looks around the room and her shoulders slump a little at the carnage that surrounds them. Its just the four of them left alive, along with the unconscious mogu females turned flesh.
"Damn them…"
Harry smiles at seeing the Archmage's anger directed at the proper source. Reaching out, he places a hand on her shoulder and looks her in the eye as she turns back to him.
"Shall we show them the error of their ways, Archmage? I think some form of punishment, is in order."
Seeing the twinkle in his eyes and quickly catching onto what Harry intends to do, Modera blushes with embarrassment… and a small amount of arousal as she bites her lower lip but ultimately nods.
"Y-Yes. I'll… I'll help however you need me to."
Harry just grins at that and gets to his feet, pulling Modera up with him. She seems surprised a bit as she only stumbles briefly, finding that she's barely feeling an ache despite the grievous wounds she was suffering from not but a minute before. Together, the two of them walk over to the unconscious forms of Suen and Lu'lin, which Elsia and Mar'li are already standing over, ready to beat them down if either of the transformed mogu so much as moves.
As soon as Harry walks up, Mar'li turns her gaze to him, apologetic.
"Master, I… I apologize. I did not know. No, rather, I did not think they were real."
Harry just lifts an eyebrow as his eyes and the eyes of Modera and Elsia move to Mar'li while she explains herself.
"These are Lei Shen's Twin Consorts, his most prized possessions. Suen, the Mistress of Anger, and Lu'lin, the Mistress of Solitude. They were not supposed to be real. I heard only rumors of their existence, of the fact that Lei Shen had pleasure slaves, female mogu, the only two remaining in existence, if the rumors were to be believed. But I did not believe them, nor could I have ever even guessed that pleasure slaves would be this powerful. I apologize, Master. I failed you."
Harry smiles slightly, as Mar'li bows her head.
"Yes, you did. We'll discuss your punishment later. For now, you will assist me in teaching these two the error of their ways, and depending on your performance, perhaps you can earn some small measure of forgiveness."
Mar'li swallows thickly, but ultimately nods her head in agreement. Harry, meanwhile, draws the Elder Wand out once more and points it down at the rather beautiful bodies before him. Suen and Lu'lin, the Twin Consorts… they certainly clean up well, once one shrunk them down a tad and replaced their stone for flesh. They were still undeniably inhuman, undeniably mogu… but Harry had had his way with more than one alien creature since he'd arrived in this world, and all he saw before him now was two bitches who needed to learn which Master was truly worth serving.
A few rounds of Incarcerous make sure that neither of the twins is going anywhere as conjured rope wraps around their bodies, restraining them quite effectively. Only then does Harry cast enervate at the Twin Consorts, watching as they slowly come back to the land of the living, blinking their eyes open and staring up at him. The glow is gone now, and where Suen has beautiful green eyes, Lu'lin has the darkest blue Harry has ever seen.
Its quite gorgeous… though Suen's lip leaves a lot to be decided.
"You! What have you done to us?! Release us this instant or I will destroy you! I will destroy all of you!"
He watches her strain against her bindings for a moment, smiling slightly as those struggles prove to be entirely ineffectual. Its very obvious that she's trying to use magic, trying to use that fiery power of hers to burn the rope away. The runes inscribed into the length of the conjured rope glow bright as they restrain and contain her power, withholding magic from her and holding steady in the face of her impotent rage.
Lu'lin's bindings on the other hand, don't even glow for an instant. The Mistress of Solitude kneels there, arms tied behind her back and chest jutting out, her head bowed and not a word coming from her lips. It draws Harry's attention in the worst possible way, and he grins ferally as he points at Suen.
"Teach this slut the pleasures of the flesh my dears."
That gets Lu'lin's attention, and she looks up just in time to see her spit-fire of a sister get grabbed by the three women Harry has just commanded to molest her. Modera, Mar'li, and Elsia waste no time in stripping Suen of her clothing, which to be fair, was rather skimpy in the first place. Then, their hands are all over her, groping now soft, malleable tits, pistoning digits into her virgin core, and just in general introducing her to the weaknesses that having a body of flesh rather than a body of stone gives you.
Harry, meanwhile, walks right up to Lu'lin. Kneeling before him, her chest still comes up to his crotch due to her height, leaving her head level with his abdomen. Smirking down at her, Harry reaches out and grabs hold of the Mistress of Solitude's top, tearing it away and letting her gorgeous breasts fall free of their confines. They bounce and jiggle in a way Harry didn't imagine they could have done before he'd cursed this construct with flesh, and the wizard grins wider still as he reaches out again, this time with both hands, grabbing and groping her chest.
Lu'lin moans in discomfort, wiggling in his grasp a little but not truly trying to get away. She was apathetic in the extreme, and melancholic to the end. She did not fight him, but neither did she seem to be enjoying what he was doing to her. At least, not at first. Smirking at the submissive nature of one half of his latest conquest, Harry eventually reaches down with one hand and pulls his cock out of its confines as well. Enlarged and engorged by this point, Harry slaps the meaty length down between Lu'lin's tits, causing her to gasp and her eyes to widen as she stares down at his cock.
Using her tits as a nice, fun funnel, Harry begins to thrust into her cleavage with his shaft, fucking her chest like its her cunt. Of course, even with her size, his shaft is rather huge right now, the same size he used to fuck disobedient orcish innkeepers into submission, as well as certain troll priestesses who did not believe in his power. As such, the head of his massive cock pushes up between Lu'lin's breasts in short order, very nearly bouncing off of her chin again and again.
Her snout flares as she inadvertently breathes in his musk, and then Lu'lin tries to turn her head away, attempting to avoid the smell, and the precum that's right before her face.
"Oh no you don't… you don't get to pick and choose when you're apathetic, slut. You either care, or you fucking don't…"
Reaching out, Harry grabs Lu'lin by her blue hair with one hand, using the other to help maintain the titjob he's enjoying as best he can. Pulling her head back around takes a small measure of enhanced strength, but Harry came prepared. He's ready for disobedience, though he was kind of expecting it to start with Suen, not Lu'lin. Either way, he forces the Mistress of Solitude back to his cock, pushing her face down into it. With every thrust he makes up into her cleavage, the tip of his member and the precum already leaking out of it smears across Lu'lin's face and lips, now both made of soft flesh rather than the stone she'd been constructed out of for all of her existence.
The female mogu's nostrils continue to flare throughout this, and before Harry can even command her to do it, Lu'lin begins to unconsciously lick at his cockhead, lapping up the precum and ultimately slurping at his member quite loudly as she continues to inhale his musk with every thrust, he makes up between her tits.
Grinning at this, Harry knows that she's ready.
"That's a good girl… but now its time for the main event."
Using his grip on Lu'lin's hair to spin her about, Harry bends the female mogu forward, snapping the ropes that bind her arms behind her back and letting her fall onto her hands and knees. He doesn't give her much time to react to this though, and she's still got more than enough rope to hold back her magics as he crouches behind her and brings his massive member to bear on her waiting pussy lips.
She's wet, amusingly enough. This mogu slut is wet, not that Harry is surprised. He makes sure that she's facing her sister when he finally begins to rub his cockhead up and down her slit, and he watches Suen's enraged face for the minute reactions to Lu'lin's own facial expression, since he can't see the latter.
"B-Bastard! Get off of her!"
Harry just laughs, one hand holding Lu'lin's head up by her hair and the other settled on her hip to hold her steady. His cockhead slips into the entrance of her cunt, getting nice and lodged there… and then Harry thrusts forward, not even deigning to dignify Suen's words with a response or a moment of hesitation. He slams into Lu'lin's sopping wet, fleshy cunt and fills the transformed mogu to the brim with his massive cock. Said length would have been fully appropriate to plug the female up when she was her original size, so now its more than enough to make her scream loudly as Harry begins to reshape her hole with his gigantic member, penetrating deep inside of her and then pulling back to do it again.
Suen roars her anger, but its as impotent as its always been. The runes on the ropes that bind her in place continue to glow brightly, but in a contest of wills, Harry beats her hands down, and there's no way for her to escape the physical and magical confinement she finds herself in. On top of that, none of the three women who Harry has conquered previously are in any mood to allow her to escape their touch either, their hands continuing to run over her all-too-sensitive body, bringing her pleasures she is VERY unused to.
Harry watches all of this, even as he continues to thoroughly enjoy Lu'lin's extremely tight cunt. His hands come back to grab her big, fat blue butt cheeks with both hands, and he molds and kneads her ass with his fingers as he pounds into her over and over and over again. His unrelenting assault leaves Lu'lin with not much in the way of resistance. Her apathy is slowly washed away as he forces her to reluctantly react to the way he's fucking her with his massive, meaty rod.
Her moans fill the chamber, eventually drowning out even her sister's fiery cries of anger. Suen eventually goes silent and wide eyed in the face of Lu'lin's lustful vocalizations, until finally, Harry draws his first orgasm from the Mistress of Solitude. She positively shrieks as she shakes and spasms before him, and the climax is unmistakable to all those in the room. Suen's anger at him abates for a moment as her tone turns disbelieving.
But her twin sister does not hear her. Or if she does, she does not care to acknowledge her. Lu'lin continues to moan, and now, Harry can even see that she's only holding herself up with one hand. The other hand has risen from the ground to grab at one of her breasts, groping and squeezing it in an almost instinctive act of enhancing her pleasure as she pushes her hips back into his thrusting cock and moans wantonly, like the whorish consort she already was. Grinning ferally, Harry raises a hand and brings it down hard on Lu'lin's buttocks, spanking her and watching the flesh ripple as she in turn cums again around his shaft, body shaking once more.
"THIS is the real duty of a consort, you mogu sluts! This is the true meaning of defilement!"
With a roar, Harry grips Lu'lin's hips all the tighter and then begins to fuck her from behind with even more power than before. Lu'lin's moans becomes constant shrieks and squeals and screams of pleasure as her body is rocked back and forth, jarred constantly by the powerful thrusts, eyes rolling around in her skull, tongue lolling out of her open mouth.
Harry can tell just by looking at Suen's horrified face that Lu'lin has lost all composure, and is now showing her true self, the true woman that lay beneath the feigned apathy and the melancholy. With a victorious shout, Harry finally begins to cum, filling Lu'lin's womb, now flesh and viable, with a nice, thick load of his seed. He pumps it into her, and Lu'lin arches her back as she sings his praises to the high ceiling of the antechamber overhead.
Even as Harry pulls out of her creampied cunt however, he's not yet content. Making direct eye contact with Suen as Lu'lin slumps forward onto her front, face now touching the cool stone beneath her but ass still up in the air, Harry gives the other twin the first view of his cock as he raises it up from behind Lu'lin's fat ass and wide hips and slaps it down atop her upturned buttocks, humping and hot-dogging her cheeks for a moment.
Suen's eyes widen as she sees the true size of the phallus that was just buried in her sister's cunt, and they remain wide, even as Harry grins at her maliciously. She doesn't react until Harry pulls his cock back and fits the tip of his messy length against Lu'lin's asshole. When he thrusts in then, disappearing his member inch by inch into the Mistress of Solitude's bowels, Lu'lin comes back to life, clawing at the ground and squealing like a stuck pig.
Seeing this, seeing her sister in pain, no matter how temporary it may be, Suen struggles anew.
She doesn't get a chance to finish her demand however, as Mar'li suddenly forces her cunt over the female mogu's mouth, blocking Suen's view with her muscular blue thighs and her dripping wet pussy. Lu'lin's screams continue however, and Harry has no doubt that they chill Suen's rapidly beating heart. Of course, the Mistress of Solitude's screams were not along for long.
Making eye contact with Harry, both Modera and Elsia have malicious grins of their own across their faces as the Archmage speaks for both of them, her voice a stage-whisper that echoes through the antechamber.
"Not to worry, whore… I'll personally make sure you're ready to take Harry's massive cock."
And with that said, she forces her fist up into the larger female's cunt, pushing her human arm up to the elbow into the mogu's not-so-slick insides. Then, it's Suen's turn to scream, and she only screams louder still when Elsia does the same exact thing by sticking her slightly smaller, elven arm right up Suen's ass. The Mistress of Anger is reduced to panic more than rage as she's forced to eat out the cunt of the troll priestess that had once served her maker, while at the same time getting fisted in both of her lower orifices by the two other bitches that serve at the bastard wizard's command.
She's not prepared for it, she's little more able to fight against the sensations then her sister was. By the time Mar'li's thighs release Suen's head, Lu'lin's screaming has died down and Suen's own sore throat has long given out on her as she's cum again and again around Modera and Elsia's hands, much to her utter shame and self-loathing.
As Mar'li comes up off of Suen, the latter's dazed gaze finds the broken form of her fellow consort, her twin sister. Lu'lin's stomach is inflated by this point, and white, steaming cum is pouring out of both her holes. Her naked form is stained with a smattering of jizz and sweat, and all the blue mogu could do was whimper pathetically as she laid her head on Harry's lap and suckled weakly, but willingly, at his length.
He was still hard, even now. Luckily, Lu'lin wasn't expected to content with the entire behemoth. His fingers traced through the broken mogu's hair, even as she slurps and licks and suckles at the side of his cock, paying her respects, worshipping his member, but clearly not capable of doing much more than she was currently doing.
Harry has a nice, big, shit-eating grin on his face as he rises from his seated position, letting Lu'lin's head fall weakly off of his lap. The Mistress of Solitude whimpers and begins to follow him, but he quickly outpaces her crawling, writhing form as he walks across the antechamber to where the fierier of the Twin Consorts lays.
"Thank you, dear pets, for your hard work. I'd say she's ready now, wouldn't you? Get her into position for me, won't you?"
Suen's eyes widen and her nostrils flare… but her pussy twinges with desire and anticipation. Her entire body has betrayed her by this point, and the smell of sex and Harry's musk has positively FILLED the room… and thus her nostrils as well. Her head is swimming as the trio of women who have half-broken her by themselves rearrange her into a position preferable to their master. She ends up laid back against the troll priestess' lap, her legs pulled up to her chest by powerful three-fingered hands. Meanwhile, the other two spread her thighs and cheeks wide, offering Harry her gaping holes.
Its all she can muster in the form of resistance, all she can truly bring to bear in the way of refusal. Her voice is barely there, though Harry still hears it as he kneels before her and places the head of his cock against her already open pussy lips. In an instant, Suen feels a heat that she's never felt before. In an instant, she knows that Harry's cock will be bigger than the woman's fist and arm both were.
Leaning forward, Harry looks Suen in the eye, smiling at the defeated Mistress of Anger.
And then he thrusts forward and Suen feels that heat throughout her body as his meaty log of a cock pierces up into her core, immediately hitting her cervix and pulling back to do it again within just a few seconds. Suen's eyes widen, her mouth drops open, and for a moment she's screaming silently. Then, her voice catches up with her body's reactions and the throatiest, most wanton of moans escapes from her open lips before she can even hope to stop it.
That becomes the general theme of the next little while, as it were. Harry fucks her, and her body reacts, her traitorous, fleshy form reacts before her mind can catch up to it. Her voice betrays her as well, every part of her betrays her, submitting to the bastard mage before her as Harry takes her to pound town, slowly battering down the entrance to her womb.
As he plows into that most sacred of places, Suen loses the battle that Lu'lin barely even tried to fight. Her eyes roll back in her head as she experiences her first orgasm at the end of Harry's cock, and her moans becomes screams of pleasure as her body shakes and spasms beneath him. Not that she wasn't already nice and primed by the ministrations of the other women, but she'd still intended to fight for as long as possible. Ultimately though, that wasn't nearly as long as Suen had hoped for.
Harry's massive length, this human man and his cock… they rearrange her insides, they addled her thoughts. She's not supposed to be made of flesh and blood. She's not supposed to have sensations running through every single cell of her body as they are now. Of course, her and Lu'lin had been used and utilized by their maker for quite a long time in such a way. His pleasure was their pleasure after all.
But this was nothing like servicing Lei Shen. That was their duty, and their honor. This… this was ecstasy made manifest in creatures that had never experienced such pleasure before. This was euphoric and blissful and… Suen simply hadn't been designed to fight against these sorts of sensations. Her new body certainly wasn't helping either, the sensitivity of her flesh and blood form cranked up a good hundred times over that of her original stone.
In the end, Suen squeals and cums again and again, and she orgasms explosively when Harry finally cums inside of her womb. Then, they flip her over and he penetrates her ass next, but unlike Lu'lin, Suen has already been prepared for this. She does not scream in pain, though she does grunt in mild discomfort at first. But with Modera, Mar'li, and Elsia all doing their part to 'help' with Harry's conquest of the Mistress of Anger, it's not long before she's moaning throatily and giving it up to Harry yet again.
Even her asshole is not sacred. Even her back door is too sensitive for Suen to do anything but shake and shudder as she climaxes from his anal plundering of her bowels. Just as he did with her sister, Harry slowly breaks Suen down, inch by inch, bit by bit. The female mogu, cursed with flesh but blessed with ecstasy, learns who her new Master is, moment by moment, until nothing remains of her old loyalties.
And when Harry is done with her, standing over her broken body and staring at both it and the form of her sister, who having crawled all the way over, now laps and licks at his cock again, eager to make him happy, eager to clean him off… he smiles. Nodding to Modera, Harry gestures behind him.
"Call forward our forces. Get a base set up. We take the fight to the Thunder King in the morning."
Modera bows her head, though he can tell from the way she keeps glancing in the direction of his cock and biting her lower lip that she wishes she could have a go. He smirks but doesn't say anything one way or another about that. Meanwhile, Lu'lin pulls back at hearing his words and speaks in a quiet tone.
"Master… allow my sister and I to show you to our quarters. Allow us to spend the night worshipping you so that you may be rested for your battle against the Thunder King."
Harry cocks his head to the side at that but nods finally, even as he snaps his fingers at Mar'li and Elsia, the two other women following him as well. Lu'lin helps Suen up and the two transformed mogu, the Twin Consorts conquered, begin to escort Harry and his girls towards their rooms and the comforts within.
Tomorrow… tomorrow the Thunder King fell, a tyrant defeated. Tonight however, Harry would be enjoying himself to the fullest extent.
With a wounded roar that echoes through the chamber, Lei Shen, the Thunder King, topples over onto his front. A kick to his side from Suen sees him rolled over onto his back, and with his last breath, the male mogu spits weakly at the traitorous bitches standing over him.
"You… fools. I sought only to finish… the works of the Gods…"
And then he's gone. Harry watches all of this from a little way away, and as soon as Lei Shen breathes his last (for the second fucking time, they were going to have to do something to make sure the Thunder King didn't come back again) Harry sweeps his gaze across the rest of the chamber. Everyone is just fine, everyone that matters anyways. The bolstered raiding party that had followed him and his newest pets into the Thunder King's Inner Sanctum were all in the process of resting or healing or helping one another to their feet.
Lei Shen was dead, and they were victorious. Smiling slightly, Harry walks up to the Thunder King's cooling corpse and pulls a familiar staff from his back. Jaina had said it was the Staff of Antonidas and had tasked him with this very important mission. The Elder Wand slips away, and the Harry holds the Staff of Antonidas high over his head with both hands, even as he points the tip at the space above the Thunder King's form.
Almost immediately, it begins to draw on the remnants of Lei Shen's power. Lightning crackles off of the Thunder King's corpse as its lifted up off the ground a few inches, swallowed by the crystal on the end of the stave. Harry watches this in silence, nodding to himself as bit by bit, the Jaina's staff absorbs the power.
As she'd told him, once the transformation was complete and the weapon was charged, she would be able to use it for one very specific purpose. When the time was right, she would use the staff to bring the walls of Orgrimmar crashing down on Garrosh Hellscream's head, and like this tyrant, that tyrant too would be removed from play by their hands.
Harry quite liked the idea. Especially if it introduced him to as many beautiful female creatures as taking down this one had. Turning away from Lei Shen once the staff is done, Harry places the crackling weapon onto his back once more, just as the Twin Consorts drop to their knees before him, crawling over to meet him. Some of the raiding party is likely watching, but Harry could care less. Rumors of what he'd done to Lu'lin and Suen are probably already circulating throughout the camp, but that is what they will remain, just rumors.
With a simple flick of his fingers, Harry closes off the space around him, Lei Shen's body, and the two transformed mogu. He smiles down at his new pets, now that they have a bit of privacy, taking in their bodies. They strip off the armor they'd been given for the fight and reveal what lies beneath. All across their naked, fleshy forms is his cum, staining their bodies, dried in some places but still wet in others.
On top of that, a waterfall of seed drips down from each of their gaping holes as they let the armor fall off of their lower halves too and continue to crawl towards him. Their weapons fell first, and so they come before him naked and needy, squatting beside each of his legs to nuzzle against his sides like the good, house-broken pets that they now are. Grinning as he strokes their soft hair with both his hands, Harry chuckles darkly.
"Now do you understand? Now do you see the true meaning of strength, your purpose in life? I defiled you both because I had the power to do so. We killed Lei Shen because he was weak. And now… now you belong to me, don't you?"
Lu'lin and Suen exchange a glance, before Suen moves from his side and pounces on Lu'lin, who is already laying back when her sister pushes her the rest of the way down. Suen ends up on top of Lu'lin, as one would expect given their dispositions. At the same time, the two maneuver their hands onto one another's bodies, using their legs as well to spread their thighs wide and show off their cunts. Lu'lin grabs hold of Suen's butt cheeks in fact, exposing her ass in the same moment.
Looking back at him, Suen over her shoulder and Lu'lin past her twin sister, the transformed female mogu moan wantonly.
"Please fuck us Master! Allow us to serve you!"
"Let us fulfill our duties as your consorts, mess us up with that big fat cock of yours!"
Harry doesn't need to be told twice, and he's soon pistoning in and out of both Suen and Lu'lin again and again, one thrust into the former and then another thrust into the latter, back and forth, interchangeable, never paying more attention to one over the other as he gives him a nice, powerful plowing right beside the corpse of their maker and former Master.
Harry grins as he does so, growling and fucking both women as hard as he can. Meanwhile, hidden beneath the screams and moans and growls that pierce through the Thunder King's conquered palace long after the triumphant raiding party leaves Harry and the consorts to their devices, hidden beneath the roaring storm raging even now outside… there's faint, faint laughter.
Maybe once, Harry thinks he hears it. Maybe once, he pauses and cocks his head to the side. But he doesn't allow such things to distract him from the beautiful women before him for long, and in the end the laughter continues unabated and unnoticed, like whispers on the skin of the world. Things are moving. Things are changing. And as the mortals fight amongst themselves, as they try to reach for the heavens and attempt to topple one another before either can find true glory… there are things that lurk below that they can barely even begin to fathom.
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