
Sally Whitemane

As Harry luxuriates in the feel of a tight, wet mouth and a thick, slobbering tongue worshipping his member, there's the sound of someone landing outside the terrace of Jaina's rooms in the Violet Citadel. Jaina and Harry exchange a glance, before the leader of the Kirin Tor rises from where she was lounging back and touching herself to his current activities.

No, she wasn't the one sucking him off right now… that was Moira, Moira Thaurissan. The dwarf woman was knelt before him, bobbing her head up and down his cock even now. Harry had his hands resting on her hair buns, but he wasn't controlling things. It was much more fun watching her suck him off willingly. The Empress of the Dark Iron Dwarves, on her knees and happily blowing him as she gazed up at him with lust and arousal glazing over her eyes.

Of course, that glazed look gave away to panic the moment that Jaina walked back in with… visitors.

"Harry, these two are apparently here for you."

"Greetings, Apprentice Potter. We come on behalf of our Queen, to ask a boon."

The ethereal voice certainly fit its owner as Harry raised an eyebrow at the sight before him. Moira, meanwhile, hearing someone unfamiliar, reacted in embarrassment, trying to pull back. Of course, that was about the time that Harry took control of the situation. His grip on Moira's hair buns tightened up, and he began to thrust down her throat as he held her head in place.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The dwarven woman struggled to get away and preserve whatever dignity she had left, but Harry wasn't having it, even as he put on a wane smile and cocked his head, staring at the… mm, majestic creatures before him. Yes, majestic was a good word for the two Val'kyr currently standing tall in Jaina's lounge. They were beings that Harry had only heard about in passing, but in person, they were certainly a sight to behold.

And they weren't wearing much either. Their translucent bodies might have turned others off, but all Harry saw was a pair of winged angels that were ALL women. Even as he fucked Moira's face right in front of them, Harry was looking the ascended creatures up and down and finding them not lacking in the least.

"Well then, ladies. What is it that I and my Mistress can do for you?"

The Val'kyr are probably nonplussed by his actions taken in front of them, if the glance they give one another is any indication. The pair's spokeswoman glances over in Jaina's direction as well, before shaking her head and clearing her throat.

"The Banshee Queen asks this of only you, Apprentice Potter. The Archmage's presence would only be noticed and could cause problems. However, her apprentice is another story. You are not too well-known yet."

They were beating around the bush. Hm, was he making them that uncomfortable. Well, he was closing in on his release anyways. Holding Moira down as he begins to cum, Harry grunts and spurts his load right down the dwarven woman's throat. The Empress of the Dark Iron chokes on his seed, which in turn explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth as she hacks it up.

At the same time, Harry lifts a hand off of her head and waves it airily in the Val'kyr's direction.

"Get to the point, please."

The please is tacked on as an afterthought, and his tone brooks no argument. The two-winged reapers share another glance, and then the first once again speaks.

"Our Queen asks for your assistance in dealing with the latest resurgence of the Scarlet Crusade in Tirisfal Glade. Once again, the Scarlet Monastery is gaining new ground. They must be dealt with."

Harry furrows his brow at that, even as he finally lets a gasping, retching Moira off of his cock. The short, stocky woman is left to fall back onto her ass quite unceremoniously, but a moment later she's scooping up his seed and licking it up, seemingly uncaring of the Val'kyr watching her with what seems to be visible distaste. Harry's not sure, they're hard creatures to read, with how their eyes are hidden away.

A glance at Jaina sees her frowning slightly. But when he meets his lover's eyes, she gives him a slight shrug. Which means this Scarlet Crusade ultimately means nothing to the Alliance in the long run. He's heard only bits and pieces about the organization. Extremists, zealots, sycophants. But they fought the undead apparently, which should have been a good thing. Under normal circumstances, it would be, except Harry was now aligned with those undead, wasn't he?

And as dead as she was, Sylvanas was quite lively when he wanted her to be. Snorting derisively at the realization he was only doing this because the Banshee Queen was such a good lay, a self-aware Harry shrugs and smiles.

"Very well. I suppose I'll help out."

Only once he's given his assent does Jaina step forward, eyeing the Val'kyr pair with a gleam in her gaze that spoke of pain and suffering if her words were not followed.

"I accept this as a part of our alliance. But do not think I will stand idly by if even a single hair on my apprentice's head is harmed. I will hold anyone who played a part in such a thing responsible… especially those who would be protecting him."

Harry smiles a bit wider at that, especially when the two Val'kyr stiffen ever so slightly. A clear sign that they're intimidated by Jaina, even if they don't outwardly show it. Eventually, as he collects his things and moves to join the two, the first Val'kyr once again speaks, inclining her head towards his lover.

"We understand, Archmage."

Hm, a noncommittal answer, to be sure. Probably for the best not to make any promises that they couldn't keep. Harry frequently liked to get himself in trouble, that was for sure. Chuckling lightly, Harry slides into position between the two-winged reapers and rolls his shoulders.

"Well… shall we be off?"

The Val'kyr turn and begin to leave without another word. Harry moves to follow him, but Jaina's unhappiness about losing him again for any length of time can be felt from across the room. So of course, Harry spells the anal beads still in the Archmage's ass to vibrate at their maximum speed, even as he steps out onto the terrace and lets the Val'kyr lift him off into the air. Before doing so, he turns around and watches as the scene inside of the room turns into a bit of female debauchery, a frustrated Jaina grabbing a still-recovering Moira and forcing the dwarven woman to eat her out.

A dark chuckle leaves Harry's throat as the scene slowly diminishes the further he's carried into the distance. Soon enough, he'll be in Tirisfal Glades and dealing with these Scarlet folk. Should be fun, even.


"What the- who are y-!"


The man, wearing all red armor, was undoubtedly a Scarlet, given their Monastery was just up the hill. He went down easily to Harry's stun, leaving the wizard to raise an eyebrow and smile at the ease with which he took out the sentry.

"Hm, this will be a cakewalk. I-."

The sound of a sword sliding into unresisting flesh causes Harry to cut himself off as he watches one of the Val'kyr with him kill the Scarlet he just stunned. The other raises a hand, and a moment later Harry gets his first taste of outright necromancy in this world as the deceased human is risen back to life as an undead. Still so freshly dead, he doesn't look any different, save for a slightly pallid color to his face and flesh, and a small glow to his eyes.

The Scarlet turns to one of the Val'kyr, who points him in Harry's direction.

"You will obey his orders until we decree otherwise."


Harry scrunches up his face in distaste and disgust. He turns to the vocal Val'kyr.

"The hell do you think you're doing?"

In response, the winged reaper floats up a bit in the air, as if to intimidate him.

"This task before you will not be nearly as easy as you seem to think, Apprentice Potter. Your magics are strong, and our presence makes it obvious that the Banshee Queen wishes for you to succeed. However, if you do not accept the help we can give you, a lot more of you will be harmed then just the hairs on your head. We will assist you in your task. Whether you like it or not."

Oh… oh that was so not cool. Harry was ready to turn around and leave right then and there… but as usual, his libido was doing some of the thinking for him. And damn it all, not only did he want a chance to fuck Sylvanas silly again, he wanted an opportunity to put these winged angels in their place as well. Perhaps once he was done here, he'd do both.

"Tch. Fine. Come on."

Turning, Harry continues to lead the way up the hill towards the Scarlet Monastery. His new 'soldier' keeps pace with him, sword and shield at the ready. As they near another sentry, Harry raises his wand and frowns. Well, nothing to be done about it, he supposed.


He doesn't even give the sentry a chance to react this time. And he ignores the sounds of sword parting flesh and necromantic resurrection taking place behind him as he continues on his way. He wanted an end to this, as soon as possible.


"Arise, champions! Fight once more!"

As the woman behind everything once again speaks in that shrill voice of hers, Harry can't help but grit his teeth from where he stands between the Val'kyr pair, flinging spells over his horde of undead. And it really is a damn horde by this point… not that that's actually serving them that well now. All of the Scarlets outside the Monastery had ended up bolstering their forces in undeath, raised to fight for Harry, as much as it irritated him.

However, once they were inside, he began to understand where the Val'kyr was coming from. There was no doubt about it… the strength of the Scarlet Crusaders within the Cathedral itself was above and beyond that of the rookie recruits outside of the Monastery. More and more, as some of the original undead soldiers were outright burnt up by holy light, did Harry recognize that he wouldn't have been able to handle the inhabitants of the Scarlet Monastery all by his lonesome. At least, not how he was now.

The problem was, the Scarlets weren't as stupid as he'd hoped they would be. After the first few fights, after watching the Val'kyr resurrect a few groups of these Scarlet Veterans who fought much harder and with far more tenacity, Harry had expected things to get easier as they continued along. But he hadn't expected them to get as easy as they did. Put bluntly, the Cathedral's defenders dried up fast, and the halls that they walked as they made their way deeper in were soon devoid of enemies.

It took getting to the Chapel Gardens to figure out why. Put bluntly, the woman in charge of the Scarlet Crusade had a surprisingly tactical head on her shoulders. As soon as reports of what he was doing reached her ears, it seemed she'd acted to preserve her people in the best way she could… by bringing them altogether, in one place.

Under normal circumstances, Harry would have thought this the height of foolishness. After all, it mattered not how grouped they were together, if every kill made was turned into an undead soldier for his army by the Val'kyr pair ever present at his sides. But High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane, as he'd learned she was called, was not a normal woman.

Hell, he was pretty sure she wasn't even a normal example of this world's priesthood. The Light-wielding Priestess had a knack for the one thing that was capable of turning the tide back in the favor of the Scarlets. Resurrection. She wielded it like a tool just as the Val'kyr did, but she wielded it better at the same time. As evidenced by the fact that she'd resurrected her greatest champion, Commander Durand, for the umpteenth time, along with many other Scarlet Crusaders in this last massive wave of life-giving light energy.

It honestly made Harry wonder if he was on the wrong side of this conflict. Only for a second though. Light and Dark, Life and Death… these primordial forces had no morals, in the end. All that mattered was the actions of their wielders. The Forsaken and their Banshee Queen had laid claim to this land for years, and these Scarlet Crusaders sought to destroy them wholesale. If Harry wanted to keep the alliance between Jaina and Sylvanas secure, Whiteman and her forces had to fucking go.

The problem was turning that necessity into a damn reality! Every time he turned around, the High Inquisitor was resurrecting another group of her men to continue fighting against the horde of undead that had so dramatically outnumbered them at first. But even if they'd pushed back the chokepoint and now fought in the Chapel itself, that didn't mean they were winning. In fact, to Harry's practiced gaze, it looked more like they were beginning to lose ground, rather than continuing to gain it.

It was beyond frustrating for the man who had become Master of Death. Because though he couldn't say HOW he knew, he still knew deep down inside that this wouldn't be a problem at all if he still had the Hallows. The Deathly Hallows combined had made him Master over Death. But without them, he was missing a part of his power. Without the wand and the ring and the cloak, he was just a normal, albeit powerful and extremely skilled wizard.

"Pawn of the Undead! Necromancer! See how your unnatural creatures fall before the blades of the righteous! The Light has SPOKEN!"

And now Whitemane was taunting him specifically, a wicked smile across her face as her eyes met his across the battlefield between them. The worst part was, she sounded like fucking Umbridge. Literally, her voice reminded him of the old toad, even if Sally Whitemane was FAR more attractive than that bitch from his old world could ever have been.

It pissed him off. All of this pissed him off. He should have asked for intel before coming here. He should have made a plan. Was he not an auror? Was he not the fucking Head Auror? He'd let himself grow too relaxed in this world. He'd laid back and taken a back seat to practically everything, simply enjoying this world as if it were a vacation. No more. No more!

As his anger and hatred grew, both towards himself and the circumstances outside of his control and the battle around them, Harry found himself reaching a breaking point. Watching Whitemane resurrect that idiot Durand yet again, watching the Scarlet Commander rush into battle with such inane lines as "My blade is peerless" on his lips… it tipped Harry over the edge.

With a roar, the green-eyed wizard found himself raising his empty hand into the air, his phoenix-feather wand dangling limply at his side. And out of that air, as Harry draws with all his might, comes a familiar focusing tool. At the same time, a ring coalesces around the middle finger of his hand, and a cloak falls upon his shoulders.

Harry didn't know he was capable of this. Perhaps before this moment, he WASN'T. But regardless, in that instant Azeroth shakes as artifacts of great power from another world are brought to it. The Deathly Hallows coalesce into being at the call of their Master, coming to his aid from across the universe. And as he feels the Elder Wand touch his hand, as he feels the return of his full power, Harry snarls and says one word.


He doesn't have to say anything else to cast the spell he wants to cast. The Elder Wand is HIS wand, in the end. Not just something he won in a duel, not just another wand to be taken by the next to defeat him either. Harry Potter is the Master of Death, and the Elder Wand answers his silent call with ease. A wave of sickly green light explodes from it, spreading across the room and hitting every being within it.

For a few, there is no effect. For many… it's the end. Besides Harry, only three are left standing after his attack. Everyone else, dies. Both the undead and the Scarlets who have all been resurrected more than once by this point. Those left remaining, stare at Harry in open shock. The pair of Val'kyr behind him aren't his first concern though, even as he hears them thump to their knees on the ground, both no longer able to keep their wings flapping, such is their surprise.

Instead, Harry has eyes only for one Sally Whitemane, and he slowly makes her way towards her, stepping past the bodies of her fallen comrades as she stands at the head of the room, up on her dais, mouth agape and eyes wide. Seeing him approach seems to spur her into action.

"N-No! Rise, my champion!"

She points her staff at Durand's limp, lifeless body… and nothing happens. His flesh does not reanimate, he does not rise from death. Not this time. The corner of Harry's lip quirks up at that, and he moves ever closer, even as Whitemane stares down at Durand, uncomprehending.

"I… I don't…"

"You don't understand?"

Finishing her sentence for her, especially in the chiding, mocking tone Harry uses, only serves to infuriate Whitemane. She snarls and raises her staff towards him, sending a strike of light energy in his direction. The Elder Wand comes up and smacks it away with ease, and then in the next moment Harry is upon the scantily clad High Inquisitor, grabbing her by her neck and slamming her up against her podium.

Her stave clatters to the ground and Harry banishes it away contemptuously with a flick of his wand, even as he stares down into Whitemane's face.

"Understand this, bitch. You've successfully managed to piss me off. So, I'm not going to go easy on you. This isn't going to be gentle. I'm going to hurt you… a lot. And you know what? You're going to enjoy it. You're going to beg me for more."

Sally Whitemane's eyes grow progressively wider as he speaks. When Harry brings up the Elder Wand and presses against her solar plexus, she yelps and tries to struggle.


But the magic is already cast, once again in silence. The spell Harry uses isn't necessarily a spell anyone could name or even really define. It's of his own make, more his desire made manifest in magical form than anything else. With a smirk, Harry reaches out and gropes one of Sally's tits. When the High Inquisitor responds with a shocked, wanton moan, he knows the magic is working as intended. When she squeals and then squirts from him pinching and twisting her nipple through her cloth top, he knows he's going to have fun with this. A LOT of fun.

"What… what have you done to me?"

She sounds timider now. When she's not screeching like a harpy, she doesn't remind him so much of Umbridge. That doesn't mean Harry is going to go easy on her though. Flipping the High Inquisitor around, he pushes her face first over her podium. Then, he begins to spank her, HARD. His palm comes down on her upturned, barely-covered ass again and again, drawing more squeals and cries from the enchanted High Inquisitor as her pain is translated into overwhelming pleasure.

As she cums from nothing more than him smacking her ass like she's been a bad, bad girl, Harry smirks and leans in, murmuring in her ear.

"Look at them. Look at your failed Crusade. Look at how many you've led to their deaths. All of this and all that will follow… is because of you, High Inquisitor Whitemane. You're going to learn your lesson, today. And I'm going to teach it to you."

She whimpers at that, and Harry knows that tears are streaming down her face as she gazes upon her deceased congregation, unable to do anything but stare out at the relatively silent Chapel, save for her own pathetic noises and the sounds his palm was making against her clothed ass as he spanked her again and again.

Harry though, found his gaze drawn further out into the Chapel, even as he kept up Sally's punishment. The Val'kyr… they were watching him. No longer on their knees, the two angelic reapers were standing there, looking for the first time completely uncertain and at a loss for what to do. The reason why was apparent at their feet. They'd tried to bring back some of the undead that they'd already resurrected with their necromantic magics.

Just like with Whitemane, it hadn't worked. Even though their reanimation magics worked differently from hers, even if they didn't require souls to make ghouls and such to fight for them… they could not do so here or now. Not in his presence. Harry wasn't letting them. He had a firm control over every aspect of Death within the Chapel, and that gave him control over the Life within the Chapel as well.

Watching them squirm beneath his gaze for a few moments longer, Harry finally smiles and stops spanking Sally's ass red, instead using his tingling hand to beckon the two Val'kyr forward.


They obey, floating through the Chapel until they stand before the dais and before him, once again uncertain.

"Apprentice Potter…"


This time, both Val'kyr speak at the same time. The one who had originally done all the talking still addresses him by his public title, but the other one, who had remained silent up until now… oh, now this is interesting. Does his connection to the Deathly Hallows give him some sort of dominion over the Val'kyr? Or is this one just finding herself struck with awe by his display of power.

Either way, the first Val'kyr looks to her companion, seemingly askance, even as Harry smiles. He reaches out and tears Sally Whitemane's silly little hat from atop her head. Then he grabs her by her hair and drags her off of her podium.

"You will help me punish this bitch for her crimes. Then, we'll find a use for her once she's been properly broken."

The winged reapers exchange another glance. The second is quicker to bow her head in eager acceptance than the first, but in the end, both agree with him.

"Yes, Master!"

"As you wish."

Dragging Sally over, Harry plants the human woman in front of the second Val'kyr first and foremost.

"Expose yourself to her. And you, High Inquisitor… you will service this Val'kyr with your tongue, or I will make things much worse for you."

Both obey him, and within moments Harry is grinding Sally's face into Val'kyr cunt as the Scarlet leader sobs, tonguing out the half-translucent pussy before her. At the same time, the unoccupied Val'kyr looks uncomfortable, squirming in place a little off to the side. Smiling, Harry looks to her.

"I never thought to ask. Do the two of you have names?"

Stiffening under his attention, the more vocal of the Val'kyr pair hesitates for a moment. In the end, it's the second one, the one he has Whitemane currently eating out, that responds.

"Y-Yes, my lord. I am called Eyra. She is Amadra."

Harry cocks his head in acknowledgement of the words, even as he keeps his eyes on the one he now knows as Amadra. Amadra is clearly uncomfortable with all of this, reluctantly obeying for the time being. Eyra seems to view him with reverence and awe that hasn't been matched since he was back on Earth, if Harry's being honest. Chuckling, he decides to see just how far he can take this.

"Amadra… expose yourself to me. Remove your armor, lay back, and touch your body for my pleasure."

The Val'kyr stiffens at being ordered in such a way. But she raises no protest, interestingly enough. If anything, she seems resigned as she obeys, her armor being pulled from her gorgeous, feminine form, her wings splaying out as she descends onto her ass, spreading her legs wide and touching both her cunt and her breasts for his viewing pleasure.

It's a gorgeous sight, to be sure. Harry smiles, well-pleased as he watches her go at it for a moment before turning his attention back to Eyra and Whitemane. He considers them for a moment, before asking Eyra another question.

"Do you feel pleasure, you Val'kyr? Is there any bliss to be gained by intimacy for you?"

There's a pause, as if Eyra is ashamed of the answer. In the end, it's Amadra who replies this time, her voice chilly behind him.

"No. We feel nothing."

Heh, now SHE sounds as if she wants to shame HIM. But Harry just smiles and gives the Elder Wand a twirl. He has such power now, he has such potential… both Amadra and Eyra gasp in shock a moment later, and when he looks back at the former, the Val'kyr has drawn her hands away from her body as if she's been burned.

"Did I tell you to stop, Amadra? Continue."

Looking a bit flustered, the winged reaper returns to touching herself. This time, it's not just for his pleasure, least of all because he turns back to Eyra and Whitemane a moment later. Oh no, he hears Amadra's failed attempts at muffling her moans as she pleasures herself for the first time in who knew how long.

Meanwhile, Eyra is clearly feeling it too, and clearly feeling Whitemane's tongue inside of her now in a way she had not felt before.

"A-Ah, ah… oh its… Master, it feels so good!"

And like that, the Val'kyr cums. She squirts her pussy juices all over the disgraced High Inquisitor's face, her head tilting back. Whether her eyes roll back beneath her mask or not, Harry doesn't know. But her mouth does form into the cutest little o as she experiences release for the first time in possibly centuries. Harry just watches for a moment more, smiling. When it becomes clear that Eyra has no intention of releasing her hold on Whitemane's hair even now that she's cum, Harry takes up a position behind the kneeling Scarlet and grabs at her clothing.

Sally startles, squealing into Eyra's cunt lips a bit, as if having forgotten he was even there. His hands are not gentle as he plays with her, and in fact Harry is as rough as he can be as he tears her clothing from her body, revealing the rest of her gorgeous, supple form beneath the scant outfit she'd been wearing before. As he does so, he speaks into Whitemane's ear once again.

"You really are a slut, aren't you High Inquisitor? Dressing like this… how often did you use your body to inspire your Crusaders? How many of them followed you for a chance at fucking you, compared to following you for your cause and for the Light?"

If she could, Sally would probably try to reject his words. But she can't, and instead she's being forced to eat out a Val'kyr while Harry grabs hold of her now exposed tits, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her breasts quite harshly. She spasms in his grip, and he knows from her muffled moans that she's cumming from the rough treatment, the physical abuse turning her on immensely.

"Did Durand do this for you, I wonder? Did he beat you each night, so you could go to bed happy and satisfied?"

Undoubtedly not, because it was Harry's magic who had turned the High Inquisitor into a masochistic little pain slut, but it was still fun to taunt her, especially after the high-pitched screeching he'd had to put up with during the half-hour long battle for the Chapel. Ah, but he was growing a little tired of waiting. Reaching up, he brushes his fingers over Eyra's hand. As expected, the Val'kyr draws back immediately as if burned, her head tilting up to him as he grabs hold of Sally's hair and pulls her back from the Val'kyr cunt before her.

"I'll be taking some alone time with the High Inquisitor now. Go and get your friend ready for me, Eyra. You and she are next."

Harry speaks calmly, and he knows his words, even if they do reach Amadra's ears, don't quite register as she brings herself to climax. As such, the Val'kyr is left completely surprised when her peer rushes over and all but pins her down to begin kissing her senseless. A moment later, the pair of winged reapers are going at it, exploring their new-found sense of pleasure and the sensations coursing through their bodies.

Sally, meanwhile… well, Harry wastes no time in pushing her face first into the ground, while also lifting her hips into the air. Sobbing openly even as her body trembles with unwanted need, the High Inquisitor of the Scarlet Crusade claws at the cobblestone before her, struggling and ultimately failing to get away from him as he parts his robes, draws out his cock, and slaps it down into her ass crack, hot dogging her fat bubble butt right then and there.

"This is what you want, Whitemane, even if you yourself don't realize it yet. So, I'm going to give it to you."

His cock slams into her from behind, the moment he draws it back enough that the tip of his member makes contact with her cunt lips. Harry grunts, wasting no time in penetrating the Scarlet bitch with every last inch of his member. At the same time, he's positioned her face down, ass up in just the right direction so that he can watch Eyra and Amadra going at it.

As reluctant as she started out, it's obvious now that Amadra can no more hide her glee at being able to feel pleasure again anymore than Eyra can. The two are in an enthusiastic embrace at this point, and from the looks of things, both of them have fingers in each other's cunts. Smirking, Harry follows their example, sliding his thumb into Sally's upturned asshole as he continues to fuck her hard with his big fat cock.

The white-haired woman squeals at this of course, the sudden rough intrusion bringing her to yet another climax. Harry shows no mercy in how hard he plows her, knowing that every bit of pain and discomfort he causes her is actually sheer, unadulterated bliss for the poor woman. But pleasure can be a doubled-edged sword, something Sally probably knew from the very beginning, given her initial reactions.

Her tears dry up as she's subjected to more and more mind-breaking ecstasy. Her whimpers and her whines and her cries turn into purely wanton and lewd moans. Most importantly of all, she stops trying to claw herself out from under Harry's iron grip and pistoning prick and instead begins to hump her wide plush hips back into his thrusting member, seeming not to mind as he replaces his thumb in her ass with two and then three fingers.

He goes further still, and all he gets is more enthusiastic moans, even once his entire fist is swallowed by Sally Whitemane's slutty back door. He fills her asshole with his hand, all the way up to the wrist, pistoning it in and out of her back door at the same speed he fucks her cunt. And in the same moment, even as he can FEEL her mind breaking by the second, Harry reaches out with the power newly returned to him.

He corrupts Sally, for lack of a better word. He can feel the connection she has with the Light. While some of what he's read seems to declare the light a living creature, it doesn't seem like it when he touches it through her. If anything, it's a vast well of unfathomable power that's there for the taking of anyone with the confidence and the belief in themselves to do so.

The only real condition on using the light seems to be a conviction in one's own cause. Which meant Sally Whitemane truly did believe herself in the right. Well… Harry would let her have her connection to the Light. The rest of her though, that now belonged to HIM. Taking the High Inquisitor and making her HIS creature, even as he filled her holes and fucked her silly… it wasn't difficult. It wasn't even particularly taxing.

And soon enough it was done, and Harry was cumming deep inside of Sally Whitemane as her eyes rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth, which by this point was split into a wide, joyous smile. Pulling his cock out of the insensate High Inquisitor, Harry gives her a swift kick to the ass and watches as she ends up sprawled face down on the floor, twitching and writhing, but not doing much else as his cum leaks out of her drooling quim.

Smirking, Harry turns to the others. The Val'kyr pair that await him are still happily in one another's embrace as he approaches. Only once he stands before them do the two realize his presence and quickly pull apart. Amadra is still a little hesitant, but she's much quicker to join Eyra on her knees before Harry this time. However, their kneeling bodies make Harry realize something he had overlooked before. They're both much larger than him.

Even larger than the orc women he'd fucked back in Dalaran, if he's being honest. But then, from what he knew, Val'kyr were Ascended female Vrykul. And Vrykul were several feet taller than humans, one and all. He COULD shrink them both down to a more manageably size… but where would the fun in that be? Instead… Harry grins as he wills his magic to make him grow. His cock remains as thick and large as ever, hanging between his legs, but his body… well, his body could finally be said to match his prodigious instrument of bitch-breaking.

Even though he still cannot see their eyes beneath the helms that cover half of their heads, he can practically FEEL the awe and reverence coming off of both Eyra and Amadra as he steps forward, grabs them by the wings of their helms, and forces their mouths against his member.

"Worship me, you glorious winged sluts."

And they do. Oh, how they worship his member. Even Amadra is into it now, moaning lewdly as her lips and tongue work over one side of his thick length, while Eyra happily and sloppily laps at the other. The twin Val'kyr give their all to his giant dick, moaning as they nuzzle and lick and lap at it, as they moan and kiss and smooch at it.

Harry watches them both, keeping a firm grip on their helms and enjoying the sight of the two angelic reapers debasing themselves before him. In no time at all, he's once again at full mast. And in no time at all, he's ready to fuck the two sluts before him silly. Ah, but something makes him want it a bit more special. So, with his hold on their helms solid, Harry drags the Val'kyr out of the Chapel.

Sally Whitemane is left behind, an insensate, twitching mess surrounded by the dead bodies of those she led into defeat. But Harry isn't too worried about her. No, he knows that when she comes back to herself, it'll be a version of her that serves him totally and utterly, to the best of her ability. High Inquisitor Whitemane belongs to HIM now… as these two sluts do.

It's the work of a moment to summon wings of his own, now that he has the Hallows back in his control. Harry grins as he grabs both Eyra and Amadra and lifts them off the ground in the middle of the courtyard outside of the Chapel, floating up into the air a few feet and slamming Amadra down onto his cock first, her fat ass backing up into his crotch and her front facing away from him.

Eyra correctly intuits this to mean that she's supposed to play a supporting role, even as Harry grabs hold of Amadra's translucent bubble butt with both of his enlarged hands, groping and squeezing the newly sensitive behind to his heart's content. As Amadra moans loudly and lewdly from the feel of his pistoning in and out of her in midair, Eyra is quick to crash her lips into her sister's, her own hands coming up to find purchase on Amadra's chest.

The first of the Val'kyr pair ends up the middle of a sandwich, with Harry on one side and Eyra on the other as they all float several feet above the ground. He pounds into the recalcitrant Val'kyr with everything he has, destroying the last of Amadra's resistance as he fucks her just as silly as he fucked Sally. He pounds her through orgasm after orgasm, and she's so much tighter than the High Inquisitor could ever hope to be. Whether that meant there was any truth to Harry's derisive comments towards Sally or not, well that wasn't very important.

Needless to say, it had obviously been a LONG time since Amadra got any nookie, because she took his cock deep, but she was clung to it as tightly as a virgin maiden. Her pussy walls were sopping wet even before he entered her, but that didn't mean she wasn't clearly unused to being fucked by a big, fat cock like the one Harry was currently using to rail her from behind with all his might.

She moans into Eyra's mouth, she cries out against her sister's lips. Eyra responds by tweaking Amadra's nipples, showing just how much more playful and lustful she is compared to her prudish peer. The two are like day and night, but now they are of one mind in this moment. Harry Potter, Master of Death… he has made himself their lord. They both recognize that and understand it, they both know that they serve a new King, even if he himself is not a Lich.

Choosing to follow Sylvanas had been more about survival than anything else. Choosing to help the Banshee Queen, to resurrect her and lose themselves in the process… it'd been about finding someone worthy of their loyalty. The Val'kyr had been designed, even before the Lich King took them into his service by force, to follow a leader. They had been made to obey, to submit.

Sylvanas had never quite earned total submission, but she had earned their loyalty and their trust and even the willingness of some of them to sacrifice themselves so that she could live. Harry Potter, on the other hand… he was taking them and making them submit. There was no doubt in either of their minds at this point that things could never go back to the way they were before after this. They had a new Master. A Master of Death.

As Harry cums deep inside of Amadra, stuffing her with his seed, he groans, feeling something stirring in his mind. It's a connection of some sorts, and its drawing power from him, but also giving him something back. It takes the wizard a moment to realize that he's now soul-linked with Amadra. No, that's not quite right. It's not necessarily a link, or a bond or anything as inane as that. It's more like… a leash.

He can feel it, the leash he now holds in his metaphysical grasp. He can feel how it connects directly to everything that makes Amadra who she is. And he can feel his ability to reject it, to discard the leash and leave the Val'kyr adrift once more, torn asunder by him not taking her up on her offering. But he doesn't want that. So, he takes firm grip on the leash, and he tugs with all of his mental might.

Amadra cums and she cums hard as her head tilts back across one of his shoulders. Eyra has stopped groping her sister at this point, and is just watching in shock and awe, her mouth agape as Amadra glows a bit, before turning a bit more… solid. The translucency fades ever so slightly, though it's not completely gone. Harry slides his cock out of the well-fucked Val'kyr and lets her drop from his grasp to the ground below. He remains where he is, even as Amadra remains where she falls, resting and watching the two overhead.

There's now an empty space between him and Eyra. Smiling, Harry holds out a hand to the Val'kyr. He doesn't say a word… because in the end, he doesn't have to. Eyra approaches willingly, even giddily. She's far more excited than she is afraid, her anticipation far outweighing her trepidation. As his cock slides into her cunt, the Val'kyr wraps her arms around his enlarged neck and her legs around his enlarged waist, and then, they begin to fuck.

He pounds her midair just as he did Amadra, thrusting into her with just as much force, causing Eyra to cry out and cum time and time again around his cock. Even as amorous and lustful and eager as she's proven to be, she's gone just as long without sex and intimacy and sensation as Amadra, no doubt. In the end, there's just no way for Eyra to keep herself together when confronted with such bliss, such ecstasy.

Her tongue wags out of her mouth as she shakes and spasms and bounces up and down on his cock. Harry chuckles and leans in to nibble at her, before ultimately giving her a deep, passionate, domineering kiss. His own tongue intertwines with hers and wrestles it into submission, even as he kisses Eyra deeply on the mouth. At the same time, his hands come up and grasp at her tits, groping her breasts and pinching and pulling the nipples.

His cock pistoning in and out of her, his hands on her body, his tongue in her mouth and his lips pressed against hers… Harry wastes no time in claiming Eyra as his own. And she wastes no time in being claimed either. Unlike with Amadra, there's no last vestiges of resistance. From the moment that she saw what he was capable of, from the moment that his magics proved stronger than hers, Eyra had been ready to become his loyal, willing servant.

She probably hadn't expected it to entail this of course, given that feeling pleasurable sensations had been beyond her and her kind for who knew how long, but ultimately, this was what she'd hoped for, even if she didn't fully know what it was she wanted. And now Harry is giving it to her, and it's all Eyra can do to hold onto her sanity as her lord and Master fucks her in midair, their wings flapping behind them.

Eventually, she can't even do that much. Eyra's limbs go limp, including her wings, long before Harry is done with her. He fucks her till he's finished anyways, but her body is like a ragdoll in his arms as he continues to plow up into her squeezing, tightening cunt. He fills her and fills her and fills her some more with his thick rod of man meat… and then he fills her cunt with his cum, pumping it deep inside of her and marking her as his.

Just as with Amadra, Harry feels the soul-leash form between them. He takes hold of it, making Eyra his pet in fact as well as name. She and her Val'kyr sister belong to him now… and as he floats back down to the ground and drops her off his cock, he can see both tired, angelic reapers looking up at him in awe and devotion. And he can feel their need to be with him, their need to serve him dutifully.

Smirking, Harry pulls forth the Elder Wand.

"Expose yourselves to me, and I shall mark you as my own."

The two freshly fucked Val'kyr happily do so, and Harry wastes no time in using the tip of the Deathly Hallow to mark them both as he said he would. When he's finished, he pulls back his wand and cocks his head to the side.

"Now… I'm going to fuck you both up the ass. Get into position."

His crassness goes unremarked, his crude words washing over the two with similar effect as they shudder happily and do as they're told. With two big, fat Val'kyr asses staring him right in the face, what was Harry to do but exactly what he said he would do? It was time to prepare the rest of his 'gift' to a certain Banshee Queen. Grinning wickedly, Harry looked between Eyra and Amadra, trying to decide which would get fucked up the ass first. In the end, there was really only one way to choose.

"Eenie, meenie, minny, moe…"


There was something going on, and Sylvanas didn't like it. Not the specific thing happening, but that she didn't know WHY it was happening. Or, at least, she didn't have all the damn details! She had a pretty good idea of why things were going the way they were, ultimately. And it kind of pissed her off, if she was being honest.

It had been a week that she sent two of her lesser Val'kyr to Dalaran in order to force Harry to go and clear out the Scarlet Monastery. In truth, she'd only DONE so because she'd expected him to come by Undercity and visit her before heading off, at which point she would make sure he was both equipped and accompanied by the right sort of folk to help him complete his task.

She thought she'd given the Val'kyr explicit instructions to that effect, but apparently not explicit enough. Or, Harry had somehow suborned her subordinates from her before they even left Dalaran! It was possible, but that didn't make it anymore palatable for the Banshee Queen. Regardless, they'd apparently gone straight to the Monastery instead, because what was happening now could only be Harry's work, Sylvanas was sure of it.

Put bluntly, what remained of the Scarlet Crusade was fleeing Tirisfal in droves. They had not only abandoned their Monastery, they'd put it to the torch and left the place and all of their most holy texts in ruins. A burnt-out husk, that was the report she'd gotten from her Dark Rangers when she sent some of them to investigate.

That alone shouldn't have been a problem, except she'd received a letter from one High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane, who claimed she was sending Sylvanas correspondence on behalf of the Scarlet Crusade's newest High Commander. Said mysterious High Commander who wasn't actually that mysterious at all because Sylvanas wasn't an IMBECILE, was focusing the Scarlet Crusade in a new direction. Specifically, the Scarlets would now be hunting down DEMONS of all things above all else, as well as Old God worshippers such as the Twilight Hammer.

To that end, they were making for the Twilight Highlands with all haste, putting down their banners there and apparently getting out of her hair for good. And more than that, this High Inquisitor bitch that Harry had for some reason wrapped around his finger instead of KILLING LIKE SYLVANAS EXPECTED HIM TO, was going to be cleaning up the 'more extremist' factions within the Scarlet Crusade on her way out of Tirisfal.

The Scarlets would undoubtedly be diminished by this. But they weren't dead. And now they were likely to never die completely, as they tried to change their ways. There were even rumors of overtures being made to the damn Alliance! Needless to say, this could not stand. But at the same time, Harry had done exactly what Sylvanas asked of him. She had no room to complain, damn it all!

It was-

"My Queen. They have returned."

Torn from her musings, Sylvanas rises from where she was seated, red eyes narrowed as her Dark Rangers file into the room. Behind them come two Val'kyr who she doesn't recognize at first. It takes her some time, and only her knowledge of matters and of the distinct impossibilities that happened around Harry give her any clue as to who she's looking at.

"… Amadra? Eyra?"

The two had left her side to journey to Harry as lesser Val'kyr. Not part of the original nine remaining after the Lich King's defeat. No, those only numbered four these days, and Sylvanas cherished them most of all. But now… now Amadra and Eyra hummed with more power than even the four Val'kyr that remained of the Nine.

"Banshee Queen. Our Master has sent us with a message of peace, and your mission finished. As well… as a reward."

It's only then that Sylvanas' eyes trail downwards, as armor is removed and Val'kyr cunts are revealed. Above the mound of both of the changed, evolved Val'kyr is a lightning bolt, branded onto their navels. And from their pussy lips gushes cum, lots of it. In fact, Harry's seed (because who else could it belong to) is trailing down their legs in such viscous amounts that it becomes immediately apparent that their asses are just as stuffed full of his jizz as their cunts are.

Before Sylvanas can do much more to react besides gaping at the two in wide-eyed shock, Eyra is before her, and pushing her down to the ground with her larger body. For a moment, Sylvanas prepares to struggle, prepares to turn into a shade and slip free of the Val'kyr. But then a bit of seed drips down onto her face, hitting her right on her upper lip.

The Banshee Queen's nostrils flare, and her squirming ceases as her traitorous tongue slips up to lap it into her mouth. She swallows deeply, even as her Dark Rangers, rather than helping her with her current plight, end up jumping the other cum-stuffed Val'kyr, Amadra. She goes down in a tangle of limbs but judging by her moans as the Dark Rangers start to eat out her cunt and ass, worshipping her larger body and her massive tits, she doesn't mind the aggressive assault on her person, not one bit.

Growling, Sylvanas struggles to speak, even as her treacherous tongue waggles out of her mouth constantly, hoping for more of that drooling quim just inches from her face.

"I'll… I'll get him back for this, d-damn it. Your new Master… I'll make him pay-mmph!"

"Silly Banshee Queen. Don't be such an ungrateful little slut."

With that, Eyra flips herself over so that she's burying Sylvanas' face in her ass, the Forsaken leader's nose going right between the Val'kyr's butt cheeks as more of Harry's cum drips from Eyra's back door. Only her chin remains visible as her tongue dives deep into the cum-filled quim before her. At the same time, the much larger Val'kyr leans over Sylvanas and gives her exposed, sopping wet pussy lips a harsh smack that causes the Banshee Queen to squeal in response.

"Don't worry. Harry told us exactly how to keep a slut like you in check. I'll have to punish you, but you don't mind, do you?"

Eyra proceeds to bite and slap and abuse Sylvanas' exposed pussy and clit to her heart's content, before ultimately pulling out Harry's second 'gift' and grinning as she pulls Sylvanas' flexible body up just enough to expose the Banshee Queen's ass.

"Here you go. Harry is such a kind Master. You should be grateful, you know."

She says all of this while stuffing the string of large anal beads into Sylvanas' trembling back door one by one, until every last bit of the string is lost inside of Sylvanas' bowels, her depths filled to the brim. Then, she dives her own tongue into the Banshee Queen's cunt, humping her face and making use of the undead elf in a way she would never have dreamed could happen before she met Harry.

Needless to say, there were repercussions later on. Eyra and Amadra's cum-filled holes didn't remain filled forever, and once they were both cleaned out completely of Harry's gift… well, they didn't have as much of a hold on Sylvanas or her Dark Ranger as they had originally. But ultimately, they were accepted back into the fold as the Master of Death's emissaries to the Banshee Queen. There was some punishment for the both of them, but it was the fun kind, because that was just the sort of thing that happened between the Banshee Queen, her Dark Rangers, and the Val'kyr pair behind closed doors now.

And even after all was said and done, and Sylvanas was once again left wanting Harry's cock and cum inside of her… she never did once remove the anal beads that Eyra had inserted into her. She never even considered it. And if Harry caused them to vibrate energetically inside of her at the most inappropriate of times… well, Sylvanas was no living mortal, to be so easily distracted.

Regardless of whether she was in a meeting with other Horde leaders, or addressing troops on the battlefield, the Banshee Queen would stoically bear with the vibrating anal beads… until she could get back to her private quarters and demand satisfaction from one of her Dark Rangers, of course.


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