
World of beasts

Qiao Ai is a Chinese Expat living in Australia. Or, well, she was. Now, she's dead, and doesn't even know how she died. All she got after death was an annoying creature yapping in her face! She ended up getting sent into a new body in a strange new world with no humans, no semblance of science, not even basic bronze age civilizations. How is she supposed to live in a world filled with stupid beasts?!?! She's gonna have to do a whole lot of invention to live comfortably, and maybe improve some lives while she's at it. *** This is a non-human reverse harem. The MC will have both men and women in her harem so be prepared. There'll be smut, and maybe gore in this train wreck. There is probably going to be 5ish love interests. Also the circle of life, death, injury, children etc. etc.***

kapiti · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Chapter 9

For the next 2 weeks, I constantly experimented with Maverick's element, as well as my own. I had so many theories and questions that were begging to be answered, and he was willing to do whatever I wanted. He enjoyed seeing what his element could do actually. So, we both had a good time. The list of discoveries made in these two weeks is so large that I'm missing paper and my notes app to keep track of them.

Firstly, Mavericks water element. Or well, that name doesn't quite feel right now but we'll keep it anyways. It has turned out to be an incredibly versatile and overpowered ability. He can pretty much freely manipulate any water or water/liquid variant within eyesight, as well as being able to quickly create his own. However, in terms of creation, he can only create states of water. So, not other liquids like blood or lava. He can control existing blood, but we were unable to find any lava on short notice so no clues there. He can change waters state and temperature. (Hot baths here I come!) It does require some concentration, but that's probably a matter of practice. I tried to make him create dried ice, but either I suck at explaining and he couldn't get a good enough idea to successfully create it or it isn't possible. We also tried using it offensively, and while I did have to give him some ideas at first, he picked up how helpful it could be pretty quickly and started making new ideas that didn't even occur to me. Making thin ice to trip up opponents, highly pressurized water blades that can cut stone like butter, draining the opponents body of blood and moisture through a small cut (scary), even freezing the enemies solid. All of a sudden Mavie scares me a lot more, because a lot of these methods would be an awful, painful way to die. Especially coating his claws in hoarfrost and giving people instant frostbite before freezing any organs he get the claws close to. Even if the opponent managed to run, they would still slowly die. But yeah, that's pretty much what we did in terms of Mavericks element.

My element, on the other hand, is far more obscure. It's just as interesting, but not quite as useful practically. I can create illusionary sights, sounds, feelings, tastes, even fake intuitions. It totally messes with peoples heads, and honestly, if I used it right I could probably scare people to death with totally fake scenario's. It doesn't exactly have to be targeted towards a specific person either. I can imbue an area with a particular illusion by tethering it onto an object, or several corner objects. Very useful, but while it can probably become an incredibly powerful element, I'm not very skilled at the moment and can only create a few small illusions, like a shadow from the corner of your eye, breathing right behind you, or an instinctive reaction to bloodlust for a split second. I'm dead set on getting stronger now, because this all seems absolutely fascinating and I can't wait to see how complex and strong they can get in the future.

Well, research wasn't the only thing we focused on in the past two weeks. there's only so much practice and cultivation before you get exhausted and have to stop. We have rapidly improved on our home and lifestyle, to the point where we almost seem like civilized beings!

First and most importantly, I now have clothing! Finally, after the struggles of constantly being either a small fox or naked in front of Maverick, I can now proudly stand in front of him without a breeze drifting through my legs and over my breasts. He himself also has his own little skirt to keep my eyes from drifting down, because oh my gosh it is tempting. Look, I'm an adult woman with needs and desires okay?! It would be quite awkward to sleep with my housemate and suitor without returning his feelings after all. Anyways, the clothes are simple for sure, a matching small brown deer skin skirt and sleeveless tube top, with a small hole in the skirt to fit my tail through. Unfortunately, we cannot keep the clothes on in animal form so they stay in the cave for now. I'm quite desperate to find a solution to this problem.

We've also made some upgrades to our cave, courtesy of Mavie's rock cutting hydro blades. All I did was brainwork here. We added ventilation into the walls, small little square vents near the top. Let air in and out, but no leaking water, snow, or other unwanted substances. We also made a small pillow of leftover animal hide for when we decide to sleep as humans. By we I mean me, but it doesn't matter, Mavie will put his head on my stomach and sleep there so It's mutually beneficial. Other then that, just made some basic storage and cookware using hydro cut stone and wood.

And speaking of Maverick, I came to a very big decision about him. We've been together constantly for the last 2 weeks, whether experimenting or hunting or cooking or me making him do things. Not only does he not complain when I take charge and dominance, he enjoys it and willingly, happily does whatever I ask. Supposedly it means I consider him as mine and he likes that. Also, as he mentioned before, beasts seem to get feelings far quicker then humans because I've become super fond of him. Like, to the point where I'm full on crushing, constantly thinking of how pretty or cute or hot or handsome he is, thinking of a possible future together, all that fun stuff. He mentioned feelings like those almost never change for beasts, so I decided I'll take a leap and do that mate thing he talked about. Yup, I'm going to make him a lover instead of a housemate. Now, I'm not totally sure how I'm going to go about this, because if I wait until night to bring it up to him he'll get too excited to sleep, and I WILL end up letting dark desires take hold and fuck him too soon.

So instead, I decide to ambush him once he gets back from him morning business. For context, I've currently just cooked breakfast for us both and am eating mine. I've idly thinking while munching on berry covered fresh meat, very good by the way, and sipping my ice cold water out of a very sharp looking stone cup. Maybe I'm old but I'm so very proud of our cooking utensils. No, focus Qiao Ai. I guess I'll just bring it up to him when he's eating. Yeah, that sounds good.

I mull over the possible responses while finishing off my meal and waiting patiently for Maverick. It took a few minutes, and with each one I was starting to overthink to the point that when he got back I was almost convinced that it's pointless and I should back out now. Oh the things crushes do to you. To be fair, it's a big nerve wracking decision.

"Qiao Ai, why are you spacing out?" His voice snaps me back to reality, and suddenly he was sitting right next to me with his tail curled up around my leg, munching on his food. Oh, what's wrong with me, I might as well just say it.

"Mavie, you still want to be my mate?" I'm fidgeting, my fingers jumping off each other as I tactfully turn to look a the remains of our fire. After a few seconds though, all I'm hearing is silence, and I turn to see what his face is like right now, even though a part of me is screaming not to. But Maverick's face was totally slack, shocked. He had left the food in his hand uneaten, and the unexpected look made me nervous. "Maverick?"

"Eh? You mean it? You aren't joking? Do you really want to be my mate?" His whole face came to life in an instant, mouth stretched into a huge grin, eyes sparkling with pure joy as he stared at me, waiting for me to reaffirm what I said before. I nod, overwhelmed by his excitement, and he drops the food as he lunges to grab me in a huge hug. I slowly relax in his embrace, a small smile on my face at his acceptance, while he was giggling like a child and twirling around with me. Eventually, we end up on the bed as he drops onto it with me on his chest and he starts rubbing his face against my hair, messing it up. "Can I take that as a yes then? If you don't answer then I will." He nods against my hair, and I can't help but beam.

"Mavie, you're going to have to tell me how to become mates, I don't know how. Do we need anything specifically?" He shakes his head, and after squeezing me lets me go and turns to look into my eyes as I slip off his chest and onto the grass next to him. "I can do it right here right now. All you need to do is mix your vitality into mine when they get close. Should we do it now? Do you want to?" He looked more like a puppy then a cat right now, but it was adorable. "Yeah. Do what you need to do, I'll follow your instructions."

He takes a deep breath before asking me to close my eyes, and I oblige. All I hear is rustling from where he lies, before feeling his head bump into my neck. I have no clue what he's doing, but I trust him, so all I do is lye down with my eyes closed. Until I feel his lips make contact with my neck. They're cold and soft, and my eyes fly open as my arms make their way to his hair. "Mavie, what-?"

And then his teeth sunk into my neck, and I'm thrown into the whirlpool of my vitality. But approaching it, is a strand of another vitality. It's light blue and grey, and I can feel Maverick in it. Remembering his earlier words, I reach out to his vitality with my own, and they slowly coil around each other as searing heat fills me. I think I feel something cool on my right thing, but for some reason I'm exhausted, and the last thing I hear is my soft moan as Maverick pulls me back into his arms.

My new computer came in, and it took ages to set up. Also, school starts again tomorrow and I don't really want to go back but I'm also bored and kinda miss it. Boo.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Cya tomorrow with a lovely new chapter!

kapiticreators' thoughts