
World Maker (Dropped)

*This novel has been dropped No memories, no identity. Just a blank canvas of existence. A boy wakes up in an unknown world and tries his hardest to survive. He then realizes that this world is actually his personal one that he can freely control? Need water? Just use the System to change the weather to rainy! Need food? Just use the System's market to buy some plants! This is the story of a man's path to true divinity as he turns his shabby world into a bustling metropolis. /// Note: The MC is not completely overpowered, he still has to work to get the items he needs, he can't just spawn them in as he likes. The start of the novel focuses more on the MC's personal growth, so if you want a novel that's only about kingdom building, then this is probably not for you. :) Updates: 6 Chapter / 1 Week

Carpo · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Friend or Foe?

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was the system's translucent screen hovering in front of me.

〖Dungeon Exploration: 29:54 Minutes Left〗


So what happens after the time is up?

Will I return to my personal space?

I tried to open the system to maybe find some information about my current situation, but weirdly enough it didn't open.

Can I only use the system in my personal world?

Well, whatever, what even is this place?

I looked around and quickly realized that I was currently in some sort of a cave.

I was surrounded by mossy stone walls and there were no light sources in sight.

But somehow, I could still perfectly see all around me?


My thoughts were interrupted by a strange squishy noise coming from under my feet.

I quickly hopped a few steps back and looked at the thing that made the weird sound.

It was some strange blue sticky material that seemed to be flattened by my foot.

I observed it for a little bit and realized that this strange thing may not be a thing at all, but instead a creature?

The material started pulsating and slowly returned back to what I assumed was its original form, a blue blob of jelly.

It looked rather cute… and tasty?

Although something deep inside of me told me that I shouldn't eat it..

I decided to go closer and investigate it further.

I crouched next to it and decided to stick my finger into it.

But as soon as the tip of my index finger entered the slimy creature, I suddenly felt a burning sensation all across my hand.

I quickly retracted my finger and curiously looked at it to see the damages.

Surprisingly though, I couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, making me question if what I felt was maybe some kind of illusion?


I stuck my finger into it again.


Yep.. still hurts alright..

After a few more experiments I decided to try to communicate with the little fellow.

Obviously not expecting much, I opened my mouth.

''Hello good sir! Can you understand my words?''

I said to it in a friendly voice and with a gentle smile on my face..

To my great surprise though, it actually responded..

Not with words obviously, since it didn't have a mouth.

Instead of vocal communication, it used its body to give me a signal.

It morphed its body into what seemed to be a human hand showing a thumbs up.

How did it even learn something like this?

I have no idea, but what's important is that it could understand me.

''Could you perhaps morph yourself into letters?''

I asked with curiosity.

This time the blob morphed itself into a thumbs down gesture.

I could feel that it was slightly saddened by its impotence.

''I see, well don't worry about it, at least you can understand me..''

I tried consoling it, and it seemed to actually work, causing the creature to hop up and down in one place.

Its simple-mindedness was rather endearing.

''Well, I guess I should give you a name to make communication a little easier?''

I looked at the blob and was met with a blue thumbs up.

''Hmm.. What about Sir Slimebertus Regalis Gooington II?''

This time the slime instantly showed a thumbs down, surprising me.

''You don't like that name? I thought it was quite clever though? Alright, then I guess I'll call you my second option, which was just Blob?''

The blue slime morphed into a large thumbs up and I could feel that it was pleased with its new name.

''Alright Blob, can you show me around this place?''

Blob energetically hopped up and down, indicating its joy at my request, and then started hopping into a seemingly random direction.

I found Blob's behavior adorable and without even noticing a small smile appeared on my face.

After following the slime for a few minutes, we arrived at a large open section of the cave.

Instead of mossy cobblestone, this part was surrounded by some sort of black stone that seemed to give off a small glow.

In the middle of this place was a rather large hole that Blob excitedly hopped into.

I, of course, followed Blob and arrived at the edge of the hole.

I glanced into it and was shocked at what I was seeing.

''Wow! Blob, I didn't know that you were a father..''

Staring back at me were around 10 cute little baby Blobs, who cautiously alternated their attention between Blob and me.

In the corner of the hole, I could also see a larger slime, although still smaller than Blob.

''Is that your partner?''

I asked while still being half-focused on the 10 little baby Blobs.

Blob gave me a thumbs up and turned around to seemingly communicate with his children and partner.

I had a huge urge to just jump in the hole and pamper the cute mini slimes, but decided against it since I wanted to give Blob some time with his family..


〖Dungeon Exploration: 5:00 Minutes Left〗

Crap, I totally forgot about the time limit.

I guess I should say bye to my new friend, since I don't know what's about to happen next.

Although I felt a bit sad due to having to leave my new friend behind, something deep inside of me told me that this wouldn't be the last time I'd come here.

Who knows, maybe the next time the mini Blobs have already grown up to their father's size.

Oh well, I guess this is it for now though..

''Hey Blo-''


Just as I was about to give my farewells, I felt something flying past me and time seemingly slowed down.

I looked at the object and quickly realized what it was.

A torch?

Where did that come from

But before I could figure out its origins I realized something way more important.

It was heading straight into the giant hole.

I tried to desperately grab it out of the air, but before I could reach it..


The torch landed inside the hole..

The vivid orange glow painted the black walls, creating an otherworldly scene of light and darkness.

Blob and his family desperately attempted to evade the torch's scorching touch, but to no avail.

Their normally smooth and gelatinous bodies quivered and contorted, as if in a chaotic dance of discomfort.

The sizzling sound of their slimy flesh meeting fire filled the air.

After a few moments, the fire calmed down.

I desperately looked into the hole, hoping that it was all an illusion of some sorts.

But it was all reality.

Mere moments ago, this hole was filled with adorable little blobs of jelly, but now all that was left was a burnt out torch and disgusting scorch marks.

''Disgusting pests, I was lucky to find them before they could reproduce more.''

A male voice came from behind me, shaking me out of my grief.

I turned around and looked at the person responsible, staring straight into his eyes.


He cautiously asked me, but I didn't hear it.

He had killed my very first friend, even if the friendship wasn't a long one.

All of my sorrowful thoughts were replaced by only one emotion.

Pure rage.

And then everything went black..

I opened my eyes and noticed that I was back in my personal space.

Why does my body feel heavy?

I looked down and could see that my body was covered in blood and guts.

I could tell that they weren't mine though?

What happened?

I don't remember..

I looked around, desperate to find some answers..

I looked behind me and saw something on the ground.

A head?

No, there is no way something like that could be a head..

In front of me was a mangled up, bloody round object..

Something straight from a nightmare..

For some reason, when I looked at it, I got angrier and angrier.

I walked up to it and picked it up.


Oh right..

Memories came flooding into my head..

I finally remembered everything that happened in the dungeon.

Out of spite, I kicked the disfigured head with my foot, causing it to explode into bits and pieces.


I stared emotionlessly at the bloody mess in front of me..

Why did he have to kill them?



〖Exploration: Level 0 ➤ Level 1〗

〖Reward: World Points x5, Minimap Feature〗

〖Intimidation: Level 0 ➤ Level 1〗

〖Reward: World Points x5, Basic Bloodlust〗

〖Hunting: Level 0 ➤ Level 1〗

〖Reward: World Points x5, Basic Iron Dagger〗

〖You have completed your 1st Dungeon Exploration!〗

〖Reward: World Points x25, Minions Unlocked〗