
World Jumper: A Wizard's Odyssey

A Simple law student's life turned upside down when he was gunned down by a fellow student. Thrown into places and situations beyond his wildest imagination follow him on his journey to become the strongest being in all the verses. SI/OC with magic from the Harry potter verse World travel/Multi crossover ************************************************************************ My patreon if you want to support me: Patron.com/Crowkenz

crowkenz · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
11 Chs

Chapter 6


" Wow. I'm going to be learning how to do proper spells. But what am I supposed to do now? Am I supposed to write a letter and give it to the bird ? " I muttered under my breath. 

" No need for that, Mr. Grey. "

I turned my head in the direction in which the voice came from. 

Walking towards me was an old woman wearing green robes with a pointed hat on her head. 

And if my guess was right then this was a woman who looked surprisingly similar to her counterpart that played her role in the Harry Potter movies. 

Maggie Smith.


" Who are you? Are you from this Hogwarts place? " I asked as I pretended to not know who she was or where she was from. 

 " I am Professor Minerva McGonagall from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and you, Mr Grey , are a very difficult boy to find. " The professor said it to me with a poker face.

 " First time seeing someone that made a public bathroom their home? " I asked cheekily. 

" Yes and hopefully this will be the last time. Usually, it's just orphanages and houses. Never a public restroom in a subway station. Now, how on earth did you end up here? Did you run away from the orphanage? " She asked with a pointed look on her face Clearly not amused by what I had said before. 

" Errh. I have never been in an orphanage. Been on the streets for as long as I can remember. " I lied. 

I watched her face soften as I said that. 

' Sorry, professor. It's not like I can tell you that I just arrived on this earth a little over an hour ago. ' I thought to myself. 

" Well that explains why there was no address on the letter until an hour ago. " I heard her mutter under her breath. 

" Professor? Are there a lot of things we have to get for school? " 

" That's all you are going to ask ? You are not going to ask if magic is real? " She asked. 

"Well, besides the fact that an owl just delivered a letter to me and the fact that no one is even taking a glance at you despite the way you are dressed. I would say that you are telling the truth, and that is before taking into account all the weird things that happened in my life. " 

" So tell me, professor. Are you the one that has been pranking me my entire life? Setting things on fire when I get mad. Teleporting me to roof tops? Training an owl to deliver mail towards me ? Or paying all these people to ignore you? " I asked her with a smile on my face. 


" Definitely a claw. " 

" Do you know how to read Mr Grey ? " She asked as she handed me a paper. 

" Professor. I'm homeless, not illiterate. " I replied in a dry tone as I took a look at the list of things that I had to get for my first year. 

First-year students would require:




Three sets of plain work robes (black).

One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear.

One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar).

One winter cloak (black, silver fastenings).

Please note that all student's clothes should carry name tags at all times.




The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1 by Miranda Goshawk.

A History of Magic by Bathilda Bagshot.

Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling.

A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration by Emeric Switch.

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllida Spore.

Magical Drafts and Potions by Arsenius Jigger.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander.

The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection by Quentin Trimble.


Other Equipment


1 Wand

1 Cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)

1 set of glass or crystal phials

1 telescope

1 set of brass scales

Students may also bring an Owl OR a Cat OR a Toad.




"Umm, professor? I don't think I can buy these things. As you can tell, I don't exactly scream wealth. " I asked. 

" Not to worry. Mr Grey. The ministry has a special fund that is used to give funding to kids that can't afford to buy the listed items." 

" For free? " 

 " Of course not Mr Grey. You are required to pay the Bank back after finishing your studies. " she replied. 

' Interesting. This was never mentioned in the books, but I guess that makes sense. The pure blood fascists would never allow mudbloods to study magic without a way of tying them down to the wizarding world. ' I thought to myself. 


"Now, if you please, Mr Grey. Please hold my hand. We are going to get you your things for your first year at hogwarts. " 

" Oh and Mr Grey. Try not to puke. " She said this as I was about to touch her hand. 

What happened next was one of the most nauseating things that had ever happened to me. 

My whole body felt like it was being forced through a narrow tube while being constantly spun around as if it was in a washing machine. 

" errhh " 

I groaned as I fell to the ground as we appeared in front of a shabby looking Pub. 

Even though I mentally prepared myself for how bad everyone said slide along-Apparition was going to be in the fanfics. It still wasn't enough.

' I need to find a better way to teleport. ' I thought to myself as I got up from the ground. 

" That was impressive, Mr Grey.Its not everyday that I meet a Wizard that does not puke after their first apparition " The processor said with a surprised look on her face. 

" Well. What can I say? It looks like I am a natural at everything. " I said to her while holding back the bile that was in my throat. 

" Yes. Well, We will see how much of a natural you are when you are at hogwarts. " She replied with a smile on her face. 

 " By the way, professor.You never mentioned which subject you teach at hogwarts. " I asked her as we crossed the road towards the pub called The Leaky cauldron. 

" I am the transfiguration Professor. Mr Grey. " She said as she stopped at the entrance of the pub.

" And this, Mr Grey is the Leaky cauldron. One of the most popular gateways to Diagon Alley. " 

" Diagon Alley ? " I asked.


" Now hold your horses. You will see exactly what I mean in a bit. Come on, Mr Grey. Follow me." She said as she opened the door, entering the pub with me right at her heels. 

The Inside of the Leaky Cauldron was exactly how the books described the place to be. 

Small and dingy yet welcoming. 

The inside of the pub was way bigger than how it looked from the outside. 

' An expansion charm.? ' I thought to myself as I looked around the place. 

There were quite a number of people enjoying their drinks or food at their respective tables. 

" On the trip to Show Diagon Alley to another Muggleborn Minerva? " An old and Wrinkly looking man asked as he walked towards us. 

" Ah yes. Tom. Mr Grey here is quite a difficult child to find "

" Mr Grey this is Mr Tom. The owner of this tavern. " The professor said to me. 

" Well, Boy. You are in for a treat. I love seeing the absolute look of disbelief on the muggleborns' faces when they see the alley for the first time. " The old man said to me with a smile on his face. 

" I'm looking forward to seeing it. " I replied to him as I stared at the smiling man who was showing me all thirty two of his non-existent teeth. 

" Come along Mr Grey. " She said to me as she walked towards a wall.

" Look closely and make sure to remember where I'm touching. " She said as she took out her wand and pressed it on four different blocks. 

Just as She finished pressing the tip of her wand on the last block the wall started to tremble and move. 

Brick by brick The wall parted both ways from the middle, which I could only describe as by magic. 

In Front of me was no longer a solid wall but an Arch way into a busy street filled with people. 


" wow. " I couldn't help but say out loud as I stepped through the arch. 

The Diagon Alley was far bigger and busier than what was ever described in the Harry Potter books. 

There was an endless number of shops just lined up against one another as far as my eye could see. 

It was as if the street stretched out infinitely in both directions. 

 " How ? " I couldn't stop myself from asking the professor. 

' How did they achieve this? ' 

' Did they cast a Fidelius charm on an entire street? ' 

" Welcome to Diagon Alley, Mr Grey. " 

" As for your question. Well, it was simply done by magic, However, a proper witch would never reveal her secrets now would she? "

" I suppose not, professor. " I replied with a sigh.

 " Now come along. We have many places to visit. " The Professor said as she took my hand,joining the sea of people that were walking the magical street of London, Diagon Alley. 



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