
World Hopping-Easy Mode

A single terrorists, took over a building and wanted to make it explode to hurt many people. But a brave 20-year-old guy did something really brave. He hugged the person who was going to make the building explode. Then, he jumped out of the building, saving others but losing his own life. His bravery stopped the horrific plan and saved many people. Even though he is not here anymore, people will always remember him as someone really brave who cared about others. Jake's Pov As I stood there, the weight of the decision pressed heavily on my mind. The world around me blurred, and the muffled sounds of chaos filled the air. Deep down, I knew that I had a choice to make – a choice between saving myself or risking everything to save others. My heart raced, and a whirlwind of thoughts flooded my mind. Fear clawed at me, urging me to run away, to escape the impending danger. But then, amidst the chaos, I saw the faces of those innocent people – the families, the children, the ones who had no part in this madness. A profound sense of responsibility and empathy welled up within me. I couldn't stand by and watch as their lives were threatened. A surge of courage ignited within, challenging the fear that held me back. "What if I don't make it?" I wondered. The unknown loomed before me, but the thought of not trying to save them felt even worse. In that moment, a simple truth crystallized in my mind – the value of human life and the importance of standing up for what is right. The decision was made. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to make a difference. With a deep breath, I steeled myself for what lay ahead. The path of sacrifice stretched before me, but in that instant, I embraced it. I chose to be the shield that stood between the innocent and harm, knowing that the price might be high, but the purpose was greater. "What are you doing??" The terrorist yelled but I tackled him, fortunately the floor window was big enough, I tried to push him out but he suddenly grabbed me, leaving me no choice, I-I choose to jump with him. Arghhhhhhhhhh He shouts too loudly probably, trying to vent out his frustration, " What a Idiot am I.." -------------------------------------------------------------- Covers not mine, from google

Enigmatic_Dream · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
21 Chs


As the Wizard King returned near the capital, he noticed smoke rising from the city, prompting him to hasten his return. Upon arriving, he found all the attackers captured, with only Fuegoleon being injured. He sighed in relief upon seeing the others, noting that only Jake had fought alongside the kids, who were now sleeping, while the other captains seemed to have returned from a long journey.

Approaching the large prison, he observed many prisoners dressed in white robes with a golden eye-like symbol. "It seems you have worked hard," the Wizard King suddenly appeared in front of me and remarked.

I nodded and replied, "It was my duty."

Satisfied with my answer, he nodded and then conjured orbs from his hands, which captured all the prisoners, freezing them stiff like statues within suspended capsules. It was a powerful and effective imprisoning spell, one of the best I had ever seen.

"Now that you are here, I will go to sleep too," I said, pretending to fall unconscious from exhaustion.

"It seems this kid is exhausted too," Yami remarked as he picked me and the others up and carried us to the clinic. As he laid me on the bed, I felt genuine sleep overcoming me.

I couldn't gauge how long I slept, but when I stepped outside the room, a guard directed me to the meeting room. Yawning, I made my way there and found every captain sitting inside.

As I entered, all eyes turned to me. I nodded in acknowledgment and took a seat in a corner, closing my eyes.

Soon, I sensed the presence of the Wizard King along with two others. "Hmm, one is Mushroom Head, but who is the other one?" I pondered, sensing a familiarity with the other presence, reminiscent of a captain.

As I watched the door, the Wizard King entered with Mushroom Head and Mereoleona Vermilion, the captain's sister. No wonder the presence felt familiar.

As I observed Mereoleona, she suddenly turned to me and began approaching. In the next moment, I found myself hanging upside down, face-to-face with her. "You brat, I heard you know something about the attack on Fuegoleon," she asserted.

Confused about how my identity as a reincarnator had been leaked, I blinked. "From the investigation, we found the attack on Fuegoleon was for his locket, and you seem to know about it," Yami explained, noticing my confusion.

Realizing that my identity was still secure, I requested to be released from the uncomfortable position. Mereoleona obliged, releasing me, albeit a bit abruptly, causing me to land on my face. Shaking my head, I took my seat and began narrating the story.

As I recounted my tale, a silence fell over the room, with some frowning in contemplation. Even the sleeping captain opened her eyes and looked at me, her gaze captivating despite her childlike appearance. If not for her youthful physique, I might have considered proposing to her.

"But my tastes are straight, big, and round," 

After I finished narrating, silence once again fell over the table.

"You said it's your family magic, right?" William inquired, breaking the silence. "And since your ancestor knows things in such detail, was he perhaps a noble too?"

Honestly, I had expected him to ask some questions, especially considering that his body currently hosted another soul—an Elf, hell bent on revenge.

I nodded in response. "Yes, and he was a Duke. But after the royal bloodline was wiped out that day, my ancestor didn't acknowledge the First Minister as the king who took the empty throne and was banished from the nobility."

"My ancestor lost to others who stole magic from Elves, resulting in them becoming powerful. Since my ancestor didn't steal magic like others, he remained the same human with no magic boost," I explained.

As I spoke, William's eyes flashed with anger, though he was facing me, so only I noticed.

"What else do you know?" he asked.

"The Demon working with those nobles is still alive, and the First Wizard King is alive too," I dropped the bomb, causing everyone to exclaim.

"The First Wizard King is still alive?" the Wizard King asked incredulously.

I nodded. "Since at that time, no one had any magic that could kill the Demon, the Demon was sealed, and the Wizard King sealed himself to return once again when the Demon returns."

"What was the Demon's gain?" William inquired.

"Yeah, why would a Demon work with humans?" Yami chimed in.

"Like any Demon, when they enter the Human World, their powers are sealed," I explained. "His power was sealed too, and to access it, he needs a Grimoire—but not just any Grimoire, a five-leaf Grimoire."

"Is there even a five-leaf Grimoire?" Yami questioned.

"There is none that occurs naturally, at least," I answered.

"Not naturally made? You mean..." William trailed off, and I nodded.

"Yes, a five-leaf Grimoire forms when the owner of a four-leaf Grimoire falls into despair."

"That Demon almost succeeded in acquiring Licht's Grimoire, if not for the Wizard King's attendant using forbidden magic to seal the Demon and sacrificing himself," I continued. "Oh, by the way, the attendant is alive too."

Others nodded, and then Jack chimed in, "So, what's this Midnight group in all of this?"

"The leader is probably an Elf, led astray by the Demon," I speculated.

"What do you mean?" William asked.

"I mean, only Elves could open the door to the underworld, and it requires magic stones like Fuegoleon's Stone Necklace," I explained.

"The Demon is sealed, and to release himself, he needs to open the underworld. Hence, he is leading those Elves to do his bidding, and those Elves, burning in the flames of revenge, are blinded and following the Demon's will."

"So, we have to find a way to contact those Elves and tell them about this?" the Wizard King suggested.

"Yes," I agreed.

Others nodded, and then Charlotte asked, "Earlier you said something about not having a magic that could kill Demons. What does that mean?"

As she asked, everyone focused on me, understanding the significance of the question.