
World Entropy

Although the world has advanced to a point where every game is now played in VR, Full Dive-in even, gamers have become bored with the copy-and-paste products of the game companies. As if waiting for a chance, a new VR Full Dive MMORPG is launched in the middle of the boredom period. "Pandemonium" quickly rises in popularity. Bringing with it a new mechanic for Role Playing Games. In that game, he plays as a Changeling, a secret race. And there's his little sister, the Homunculus player, who suddenly attached to him despite their history. At first, Spade feels awkward. But as time goes on, they become the best duo in Pandemonium. However, there is one thing that's bothering Spade. "How does my sister know so much about this game?" What secret does the little sister hide? And perhaps... the game itself, too.

Overseer_ · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

It Is Just a Game

Anarchy moved from tree to tree until he got closer to watch the battle clearer.

With his trait combined with Thief Skill <Stealth >, he was undetected even when he was standing beside the nearest tree to the scene.

If somehow a miracle befell the five beginners, and they were able to corner the wolf, at that moment, Anarchy planned to steal the last hit.

When hunting in a group, it was better to target a bigger game as it would give much more XP than the smaller ones. Though it would take more time, the amount they could get was rewarding.

The XP compensation due to increased difficulty was huge; from "Advantaged" > "Equal" > "Disadvantaged" > "Hopeless," the difference in XP gained between each level was as high as a factor of ten.

When gaining XP through combat, defeating a superior enemy could be worth as much as 1000 times more XP than defeating an inferior enemy.

'That's if they can.'

It was tempting indeed. However, that was purely idiotic and impractical.

In actuality, trying to fight an enemy worth 10 times more XP would usually result in a critical state, if not dying, and along the same lines, trying to craft an item worth 10 times more XP or other actions with the same benefits would simply be a waste of materials and energy.

'From the look of it, that is a Spike Wolf. Other than its species and general description within the ISG, there's no clue of how strong it is unless we experience it beforehand.

'For now, I have to wait and learn as much as possible from their fights.'

Having recovered his sword back, the third Swordsman shouted, "One more time!" and rushed toward the Spike Wolf.

The other Swordsmen followed behind him, each getting into a position of triangle formation, trying to pitch the furry in all directions.

On the backline, the Thief took a deep breath and assumed her stance. Beside her, the Spearswoman followed.

"Dale!" The third Swordsman shouted at the shortest Swordsman, Dale The Great, positioned at the wolf's flank.

With a nod, Dale attacked first, but the Spike Wolf quickly repelled it. He jumped back after his failed attack; the wolf didn't give him time to recover, lunging at him with its jaw open.


The first Swordsman, Gogomaru, stood between Dale and the Spike Wolf. He thrust his sword, hoping it could stab the wolf's palate, and stopped his bite.

Sadly, the sword started to crush under the immense pressure of the furry's bite.

But the third Swordsman had used that chance perfectly. He dashed forward and dealt damage to its neck, giving his friends time to recover.

Though his attack went in, the weapon's quality didn't serve him justice, so it was to no avail.

"Don't forget us, Nap!" The two female players shouted.

They came from the wolf's plank now that it turned the other way, managing to deal some minor damages.

The five players didn't know each other's identity in real life. They were just random players that happened to be spawned in the same area.

Despite their circumstances, they managed to work together almost perfectly. If only they had more proper weapons, they could have slain the Spike Wolf.

Yes. For example, the weapon Anarchy had stolen from the workshop.

'I won't spare them any.'

In any case, if not for the third Swordsman—Takeanap's insight and leadership, they would have been slain by the Spike Wolf long ago.

Performing a spinning attack with its ferocious claws and maw, the Spike Wolf managed to push the attackers away. It lowered its head and lifted it into the sky.

It howled, but no reinforcement came.

"What the? Was that a bluff?"

"... I think so."

The players thought it was just a bluff, but in actuality, it wasn't.

Instead of calling for reinforcement, that howl only strengthened it. The mane on its back began transforming into spikes, like a hedgehog.

Without warning, it began launching spikes toward the beginners.

"Dodge it!"

Dale nimbly sidestepped the spikes launched at him, getting into hiding behind the nearest tree. Gogomaru followed his step but was hit with the spikes several times. His left shoulder was bleeding and limping.

Takeanap, the closest to the wolf, had to suffer more damage than the rest of his teammates. But, he was able to take cover.

Unfortunately for the two ladies, the spikes struck them in the face and neck, resulting in their death.

Glancing at Takeanap, Dale made a gesture to get his attention. When Takeanap noticed him, Dale used sign language to ask whether they should flee or go for it and die together.

Takeanap responded by gesturing for them to make a desperate, final attack.

They all nodded solemnly. "Let's go!!"

The battle was already decided the moment Spike Wolf got two of them.

The Swordsmen knew they had no chance. But they still charged at the wolf recklessly. They even had a wide smile plastered on their faces as they committed the suicide attack.

For them, it was all just a game. They didn't care if they died.

In the end, they would be revived.

In the end, they were still beginners.

Even if they lost, they wouldn't face humiliation.

Even if they lost, the penalty wouldn't be as harsh as it sounded.

Seeing them enjoy the game despite the situation, Anarchy felt a pang of jealousy within him. His mouth gaped, unable to utter a single word.

Watching the Spike Wolf slew the three Swordsmen instantly, Anarchy shook his head, turning around and walking away.

'When was the last time I truly enjoyed playing a game like they did.'

The last time... that was when before he was known as "Anarchy The Troublemaker."

'No. That's not it.'

Ah... Then, was it that incident?


Several years ago, there was an accident that made Anarchy want to escape from reality; what a coward he was to escape from guilt and burden, opting for virtual reality and making a mess in every game he played.

Anarchy walked silently in the forest.

His eyes glued to the guide window before him, searching for a clue to Lydia Flower's whereabouts.