
World after Earth

—Note: Please read the tag before reading. — English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. —Please give my story a proper review. — I accept a suggestion, but no spam! —Artwork page —https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088473842323 ———————//———————— —In 2030 the planet was undergoing several changes, with the advancement of technology humans lived longer. Pollution, global warming, deforestation… Natural disasters were much more constant, millions of people died, realizing that the planet was on the verge of collapse, humanity began the race for salvation. In one of the researches of the atom collider, the first stable dimensional portal was opened, a new world was before humans. With technology on their side, humans tried to dominate by force. Unfortunately in this world the unbelievable was possible, magic, beasts, knights... Arthur, one of the survivors of Earth who lost his father in these conflicts, lives with his mother in an attempt to improve the situation they find themselves in.

Bruno_Brunin · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 11

Author's Note:



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The following morning passed quickly, in the afternoon class Lucian surprised Arthur by inviting him to be his training partner.

Arthur had two techniques to test, for him it was much better to test in a training.

"My technique is very weak against people, so if you can go easy on me I thank you."

Arthur was used to tracking and ambushing, frontal fighting was his weakest point, he would take every opportunity to learn, a training with a prince who had the best teachers was perfect for him.

"I can guarantee you won't die! HE HE HE"

Lucian was the typical guy who did everything with maximum excitement, Arthur wasn't worried about dying, in the academy the infirmary had mages to heal any injury that happened during training, but being beaten in a training wasn't an experience that someone would want to go through.

"The winner will be the one who makes the opponent accept defeat, fight with honor."

An instructor announced the duel, all students immediately gathered around to watch the duel, after all Lucian was a prince.

Lucian had two short wooden swords, he held one in front of his body and the other over his head with the tip pointed forward.

Arthur had a wooden katana, he held it forward pointed at Lucian.

Lucian jumped forward as soon as the instructor gave the signal, attacking forward with both swords without using mana to strengthen the body, he and Arthur exchanged light blows to evaluate each other's level, the difference between Lucian and Arthur was noticeable.

'As I thought, fighting against a person is on another level. But my motto is to try to win always, so I'll use this fight to train my lightning step.'

It was clear that the first one to use mana would be assuming to be weaker. Arthur just wanted to train with everything he had, for him to lose here was better, he didn't want to humiliate a prince, it was totally the opposite.

"Lightning Step!"

Arthur surprised everyone who was focused on the duel, his speed began to increase, Lucian couldn't keep up and reinforced his body with mana.

'He can already use the technique we got yesterday, that's a worthy rival.'

"Wild Steps!"

Lucian used the movement technique of his family, he had mastered this technique a long time ago unlike Arthur.

Lucian used one of the swords to stop Arthur's katana, with the other he delivered a perfect blow to the stomach, sending Arthur 3 meters back.

"I surrender, my lord!"

"I can't get too hurt, the healing magic can't restore stamina, I still need to finish the missions tonight."

While everyone was talking about the fight, the instructor passed by all of them, he was far away when he stopped and said.

"Good job learning a high-level technique in 1 day!"

"The rest of you, go back to training those who stay behind, will be demoted to Class B!"

The instructor walked to the director's room to report that a student from class A had managed to use a Class A technique in 1 day of training, students with this perception and talent are rare.

The rest of the class passed with several duels happening, it seems that the instructor's words motivated them…

Arthur was now jumping from tree to tree, he tracked the goblins and killed 1, but as soon as the group saw one die they ran into the forest.

'Damn, if they keep running I can't shoot.'

While thinking, Arthur had a glimpse and put an arrow on the bow while continuing to chase the goblins, he stretched the string and before releasing, he used the same principle of the lightning step technique, in his eyes.

His green eye turned silver like Fenrir's eyes, the world went into slow motion, he was able to aim perfectly at the head of one of the goblins, it was a perfect shot.

Unlike the people of this world, he had knowledge about anatomy, even though basic he understood that this technique worked by accelerating the nerve signals.

He killed 5 goblins using the new technique he developed, as soon as he deactivated the technique, his vision turned red.

'Blood! It seems my body is not strong enough yet, my limit with this technique is 30 seconds.'

Arthur cut off the goblins' ears to prove he had completed the mission, and with a dagger removed the 5 white cores. One of the cores fell to the ground, right next to the white cub that followed him everywhere.

He gave the mental order for Fenrir to pick up the core for him, but the cub swallowed the core as if it were the best food of all.

'He can absorb mana cores!'

Arthur quickly remembered the pack of wolves that had hunted all beasts close to his home.

'One is his limit, it seems.'

Arthur thought after the cub refused the 2nd mana core.

'It's not time to be doing tests, I have less than 2 hours to collect the herbs.'

When he completed the missions, there were only 30 minutes left to close the academy gate.

'I'm glad I read about basic alchemy in Maplewood.'

When Arthur saw the values of the pills, he tried to learn alchemy and read most of the library books, but if being an alchemist was an easy task, wouldn't everyone already be an alchemist?

As soon as he arrived at the academy, he ran to the cafeteria that was open 24 hours for students.

Fenrir was asking for a piece of meat, he tried to give him the other white core, but it seems that swallowing a core was not related to hunger.

'I'll ask the teacher in class tomorrow.'

After eating and taking a relaxing bath in the tub, Arthur started testing the principles of the lightning step technique, he had not yet mastered 100%, the process of gathering mana, had to be precise and it seemed that for each part of the body, the amount of mana was different.

'What if I apply electric mana directly to the brain instead of starting by applying it from the mana core, and accelerate all the way?'

Arthur was completely focused, after all the brain was the most sensitive part of the body. Arthur's body began to shine and his hair stood on end, and his clothes started to sway, he opened his eyes and was shocked with the result, even with only a small portion of mana the result was incredible.

'I can feel everything around me, my hearing, vision, even my thoughts are faster, it seems time is passing slowly for me.'

A thin layer of electric mana enveloped Arthur's entire body, he sat on the bed and tried to increase the volume, unfortunately for him his body could not withstand it, his vision darkened and he collapsed unconscious...

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