

March 10th, 2003.

Early in the morning, I left the dorm and headed straight to my car.

But it wasn't my cherished Snow White BMW M5.

That gorgeous BMW was parked in a garage I'd rented in western Gainesville earlier this year.

I'd leased the space to accommodate a few new cars I'd picked up after the Buccaneers won the Super Bowl.

Instead of Snow White, a blue Subaru Impreza STi 2.0 was waiting for me with it's aggressive lines, aerodynamic body, lowered stance and large rear spoiler.

I climbed in, tossed my bag onto the passenger seat, and yanked the door.

"BANG!" The door slammed shut with a loud thud.

Too much force...

Since December, I've been going to the gym regularly and my muscles are definitely starting to show.

I revved the engine, took off, and drove straight to campus.

A few minutes later, I was getting out of the car and heading towards the university's finance department.