

We walked to the dining hall. Sam used his white cane, swinging it left and right as he followed behind us.

A few minutes later, we got to the dining hall. It was an open space, with the ceiling very very high and tables sprawn around. 

I headed to the food counter and grabbed a serving of fries with fish, then found a suitable spot for us all to sit. Alex, Mia, and Sam joined me shortly after. Mia kindly helped Sam bring his portion of food to the table.

Raheem walked up a moment later with two plates of food—one piled high with wholemeal bread sandwiches and the other with chicken and a massive serving of vegetables.

"Hey, are you seriously going to eat all that?" Alex couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, I'm running a lot. I want to go professional. I need the calories and protein."

I turned to Raheem. "How about going for a run together sometime? I'm training for a marathon."