
Regroup, Part 2 (Communication Is A Two Way Street That Needs Empathy Or At Least Respect On Both Sides)


May 11, 7:22 pm, Canberra, Australia

Once more, Gadiel refreshed the page. For a moment, the entire screen went blank, and reloaded almost immediately.

No change.

Gadiel sighed, half in relief, and half in frustration. He had spent the better part of an hour simply checking his grades.

The past couple of weeks had been exam week for the rest of the university. Not that Gadiel was unaware. It was just that instead of exams, his classes all had assignments instead. Due to the whole monster thing, Gadiel had been having some trouble getting it all done on time.

That was part of the reason why Gadiel had been so worried about getting to class; he knew that it was the last time he would be able to talk with the professor for advice on his assignment. Gadiel was well aware that he was annoying them a lot by asking questions that had been addressed in the lectures, but in his defense, he had also been practicing his powers in order to stop the entire university from being destroyed.

Not that he could tell his professor that. So he sucked it up and dealt with the subtle passive-aggressiveness.

Once more, Gadiel refreshed the page. Again, nothing.

It wasn't like the grades that came out would actually be the final ones. Technically, the deadlines were all already past. He couldn't really do anything more, and what he was trying to find out now was just the grade for the assignment before the final one he had submitted.

What Gadiel wanted to know was how well he had to do on his final project in order to get a passing grade. The reason? He felt like he hadn't really done very well. Due to the whole labyrinth thing, he felt like he had rushed the whole thing towards the end. So if he had done well in the assignment before, that would be a load off his mind.

The fact of the matter was that Gadiel was only barely passing his grades. Sure, he could speak all the languages he was studying fluently, but that only counted for so much. And that didn't help at all for his linguistics classes.

So if he didn't do well in this one assignment...

Gadiel refreshed the page again, and his heart jumped out of his chest as he realized the assignment had updated. Quickly, he read over how he had done.

Immediately, his heart sank.

He had barely passed. That, combined with his previous grades for the course...would mean that in order to pass the course, he would need to get...he would need to get...

Over 80%.

Gadiel stared at his screen. Maybe if he stared hard enough, the sinking sensation in his stomach would disappear along with his grades.

80%...Gadiel had never gotten an 80% on any of his grades before...

He balled his fists. The sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach had settled, and there was something also rising in his throat. He wanted to scream, to shout.


Gadiel let out a sigh, and put his face in his hands. This was it. He was done for.

He was going to fa-

"Hey, party boy!" said Tarik, slamming Gadiel's door open. "You ready to hit the club?"

Gadiel simply stared at Tarik, who for some reason, was dressed in very short gym shorts and a very low cut tank top. His eyes couldn't help but travel down his compact, but impressively toned chest.

The most surprising thing wasn't how provocatively Tarik was dressed; it was more how different it was from his usual, fashionably conservative vests and slacks.

But despite the weird clothing, the simple fact that Tarik was here was enough to make Gadiel feel just a little bit better.

"Gadiel, are you seriously staring at your grades right now?" said Tarik, noticing the page Gadiel was on. Gadiel quickly shut his laptop, preventing Tarik from seeing his grades.

"Look, I'm not in the mood to-"

"No, you need to relax," said Tarik. "Exams are over, and you've been working your butt off all year. If anyone needs a break, it's you."


But Tarik didn't let Gadiel say anything else. He had already opened up his closet.

"What's this?" said Tarik, peering into a plastic bag. Before he could see what was in there though, Gadiel immediately leaped from his seat and slammed the closet door shut.

"Okay, I can dress myself," said Gadiel. "Just give me five minutes."

Instead of leaving like Gadiel expected, Tarik sat down on Gadiel's bed instead.

"Well go on," he said, grinning. "It's not like you're a girl or anything."

Gadiel blushed, then narrowed his eyes. Tarik's weird insistence wasn't doing anything to help his mood. If anything, it was just adding heat to Gadiel's current emotional whirlwind.

"Turn around," he said.

"C'mon why don't you give us a show-"

"Turn. Around."

Tarik rolled his eyes, and made a show of turning around. Ten minutes later, he was lying on his side, facing the wall, and on his phone.

"Alright, done," said Gadiel.

Tarik turned, and was surprised to find Gadiel dressed in an unzipped, sleeveless leather jacket, and matching tight leather pants. His well-defined abs, broad chest, and impressively large arms were all on display as he put on a rainbow wristband. He looked over to see Tarik staring with his mouth open.

Despite his mixed feelings, Gadiel grinned.

"Ready to go?" he said.

Tarik picked up his dropped jaw, and managed to stammer a response. The two of them headed out.

The night air was cool and calming, which was good because despite the lack of sleeves, Gadiel's jacket was hot. He wondered how Tarik was able to walk about in his thin shorts and tank top, before remembering that Tarik literally had the power of fire.

The plan was to go to Cube, Canberra's only gay bar. Not that it was very gay these days. It had been invaded by all the straight girls taking refuge from the straight guy, and the guys had all slowly followed. But it wasn't like Tarik and Gadiel were going out to pick up guys, and it was the place with the best music.

The walk wasn't too far from campus, about twenty minutes in total. As they walked, Tarik kept Gadiel's mind off his grades by talking to him about some guy he had met the last time he went to Cube.

It wasn't having the effect Tarik wanted it to have.

The more Tarik talked, the less Gadiel wanted to hear. It was getting to the point where Tarik's presence was annoying Gadiel instead of making him feel better.

"He was actually wearing something similar to what you are now, which is why I was reminded of him" Tarik laughed.

"So if I take it off, will you stop talking about him?" Gadiel growled.

Tarik raised an eyebrow, and Gadiel seemed to realize what he had said.

"I didn-" Gadiel began, then stopped. He sighed and stopped walking.

They were on the sidewalk, near a road, under the lights to cross the road. The light was flashing red as Tarik stopped as well.

"What are we doing?" Gadiel asked.

Tarik frowned.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what is all...this?"

Gadiel made a gesture with his arms, encapturing both of him and Tarik. Tarik just stared at Gadiel.

"I don't know what you're-"

"Do you like me?" Gadiel asked plainly.

"Of course," said Tarik.

"Then will you go out with me?" Gadiel pressed.

Tarik looked away. The sound of the crossing light was beeping signaling that it was still too dangerous to cross, despite the fact that there were no cars on the road.. When it was ready for people to cross, it would ring once, then start beeping quickly.

"Aren't we going out right now?" he answerd.

Gadiel gave Tarik a look, which Tarik pointed look away from.

"You know how I feel about you, right?" said Gadiel. "And didn't you say that you want to know me more too?"

Tarik said nothing.

"So what are we doing?"

"Why are you asking this now?" said Tarik suddenly.

Gadiel threw up his hands.

"Maybe if you'd listened to me earlier, instead of taking me out of my room, you'd know that I'm not having the greatest day today!" Gadiel yelled.

"Hey, I didn't force you to do anything!" Tarik yelled back. "And why are you yelling at me?"

"What is going on with you?" said Gadiel, narrowing his eyes. "You've been acting weird ever since you came into my room! Are you just messing with me? Trying to make me feel worse by talking about all the hot guys you've-"

"If this is about you feeling insecure about something, that's your problem, not mine," snapped Tarik. "If you want to leave, then just leave. I'm going out to have some fun."

"No," growled Gadiel, grabbing Tarik's arm. "You're not going anywhere."

"Let go!" yelled Tarik, pulling away. But Gadiel didn't let go.

"What is you deal?" Gadiel growled. "Why are you acting so weird?"

A sudden thought struck Gadiel.

"I just want to have some fu-"

"Are you still Tarik?" Gadiel asked suspiciously.

That got Tarik to stop struggling. Instead, he looked confused.

"Who else would I be?"

"If you're Tarik, then you-"

At that moment a piercing, robotic ringing went off.

Instantly, Gadiel was on guard. He threw an ice spear towards the sound, placing himself between Tarik and the sound.

A moment later, he realized what he had done.

His spear pierced through the crossing light, shattering itself and the plastic as it tore though the metal. The piercing screech became a low wail as the box fell from the pole and crashed to the floor.

For a moment, no one said anything.

"Dude," said Tarik, putting a hand on Gadiel's shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

Gadiel jumped at Tarik's touch, and then got very, very annoyed.

"Yeah, I'm great, thanks for asking!" said Gadiel, turning to face Tarik.

"Now maybe if you'd asked me before dragging me out here, you wouldn't have made me do that!"

Tarik narrowed his eyes and curled his lip.

"If you're not mature enough to know where your own actions come from," said Tarik, "then I you're right. I shouldn't have brought you out. My bad."

With that, Tarik walked off, leaving Gadiel staring at the pavement, panting. He looked up, to catch a glimpse of himself in the mirrored surface of the building in front of him.

He quickly turned away, heart pounding. He couldn't stand the sight of his reflection.

Not since the labyrinth.

Gritting his teeth, Gadiel slowly made his way back to his dorm.

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well.

So. Premium chapters. Should be happening this Thursday.

And if all goes well, they will start from Thursday onwards. No previous chapters will be locked, it will just be from Thursday onwards. If all goes well. If not, then you'll know, but that's the plan.

Once again, thank you all for sticking with me so far! I feel like this story is getting a little tired...let's spice things up a little more >:)

Stay safe!

sinfuegocreators' thoughts