
2. HER

"Courage is not having the strength to go on, it is going on when you don't have the strength."

~~Theodore Roosevelt~~~~

Monday morning rolled by quicker than I could imagine. I dreaded going to my new job. I groaned as I stepped out of my warm bed shaking off the urge to dive into an even deeper sleep. I dragged myself to the bathroom and took a nice warm shower that at least removed the grogginess from my body, brushed my teeth and got out ten minutes later to find Kate already laying out some decent office clothes.

"Well don't just stand there Aria you're going to be late. Now hurry so I can do your hair and make up " she suddenly snapped at me. I know she was secretly excited that she got to give me a makeover since it was what she wanted for a really long time.

I rolled my eyes as I took out some black matching underwear and slipped them on. I then took the black mermaid like skirt that ended right below my knees. At least she remembered how uncomfortable I felt with short clothes . She had paired it with a nude blouse and black blazer.

I was absolutely grateful for Kate's presence in my life and all that she had done for me. I couldn't imagine a life without her. I quietly sat down while she put my thick waist length dark brown hair into a neat and professional bun.

"I really don't want my make up to be done Kate. At most you can put that blush pink lipgloss on me. " she just gave me the stinky eyes and sighed grabbing the said lipgloss applying it to my lips.

"Come on Kate please don't get mad it's just that I'm already running late . But I promise you'll even curl my hair one of these days." From the mirror I could see her widely grinning. Why had I even said what I said?

I ran back to my room and grabbed a pair of black pumps, my mothers old watch that she left me and kissed Sebastian on his cute chubby cheeks.

I rushed out the door saying goodbye to Kate and flagged down a cab . I had to be at the office in about thirty minutes since it was 6:30 am and I had to be at work by 7:am. Luckily traffic was light on this side of town.

I glanced outside the window as we passed many fancy restaurants, boutiques. This side was definitely for the rich. This made me even more curious as to why my new boss was on the other side of town when clearly there were even better coffee shops here.

"Ma'am we're here ." The driver alerted me as I met his eyes through the front mirror. I got thirty dollars from my purse and handed it to him.

"It's okay you can keep the change as a tip sir have a good day." I could see that he was amazed and quite touched by my action with the way he faintly smiled at me and drove away. I guess tippers were rare.

I stood in awe of the large building complex that looked like it had thirty floors or even more. It looked so fancy with motion censor doors large glass windows that overlooked the city. It was so amazing.

I snapped out of my daze and went through the security check and since I was not yet an employee, I was given a visitors pass and directed to the receptionist at the front desk.

It was now 6:50 am when I stopped in front of her desk. "Good morning Ms. how may I help you today?" Wow she was so professional it was like she was a robot. I guess having to say that all day did that to you.

She was a strawberry blonde with round features and emerald eyes . My eyes landed on a golden thing pinned to the left side of her blazer, Kristy so that was what I assumed her name was.

"Well my name is Aria Moneigh and a certain man told me to come here on Monday at this time. I don't know his name?" I said sheepishly as I looked around the interior. State of the art supplies and generally beautiful designs to match up the quality of the Corp.

"You're just in luck Mr Maxwell already sent details of having a placement for the position of his assistant. Don't worry I have already forwarded your details to his secretary. " she bends down nearer to me so that she can whisper in my ears " well you just have to be careful of her she's terribly obsessed about the boss and won't like the fact that there's another woman on the floor with her" she said with a chuckle.

I grinned and patted her arm "well it is a good thing I'm partially deaf to nonsense." I could already tell that we were going to be good friends.

She then directed me to the elevator and told me to go to the thirtieth floor. I rapidly made my way there so as not to waste more time than necessary.

I got off the elevator into a long quiet hallway with only three doors down. The secretary who I presumed to be poked her head out of the first door and not so politely waved me over .

I then made my way there and closed the door after myself. She was a brunette and everything about her appearance screamed Botox. She was definitely trying to bag the boss.

"Listen here sweetie just because you'll be lessening the work load doesn't mean I like you. Stay away from what's mine and we'll have no problems now get out." I rolled my eyes at her overly childish antics . I didn't even want to be here anyways . I stood up and got out and opened one of the doors opposite another door to see that it was a small office.

I closed the door figuring that the next door opened to the boss's office. Sucking in a deep breath, I knocked on the door and only opened it when I heard a gruffly come in.

Nothing less than state of the art was what could be used to define this room. There was a large floor to ceiling glass window that overlooked the city on the left side of the room. All the furniture was brownish black with a medium orbit desk and a plush leather couch on the other side of the room.

"When you're done staring we will get down to business." My cheeks turned red in embarrassment of being caught staring and admiring his office.

He gestured for me to take a seat and I shuffled toward the chair opposite his.I got out my notebook to write down whatever he was going to say.

"As my personal assistant, you will be required to get me my daily coffee at exactly fifteen past seven. Then you will read me my schedule . You are also required to set up for meetings, accompany me to meetings and answer my private emails unless otherwise. The rest like faxing documents and basic emails will be handled by Megan and I assume that you have already met her. That will be all."

I quickly noted down some of the stuff in needed to get in order to work this job .

"Si.. Sir I am going to need your diary in order to plan your schedule .." I trailed of nervously to see him skeptically watching me .

I averted my eyes as he finally got his eyes off of me and stood up to go to the shelf where he retrieved a brown hard book together with a folder.

He placed the diary on the desk and opened the folder to reveal a contract.

"All employees are required to sign this contract and read the code of conduct for this company. I read through the contract briefly. Ignoring that mischievous look in his eyes, I signed it.

He took it back to the shelf and took his seat once again. With a smirk he looked at me once more and shaking my hand said

"Welcome to the company Aria Moneigh