
hard to smile

It's hard,

it's already hard to survive,

Don't make it harder.

It's really hard to play blind,

Please don't force me to play deaf.

It's too hard to smile,

Don't make it a crime

I know you are smarter,

But don't force me to cry harder,


It shed blood…

I lost my life,

Don't force me to lose my soul.

I am sorry that I was born.

But believe me I am already torn!!!!!

You think, you have a right to speak?

I am sorry but you can't peek!!

Where were you when they made me cry,

You were the one to make me die.

I was a treasure,

But you made me a toy

Ahhhhh!!! I want to die

It's ….really hard…..

It's MY deep cry

Alas, it's not a lie.