
Wonderland Harem

Wonderland, a world where anything is possible. A world that looks exactly like Earth...What happens when the Goddess of Wonderland wants to change things up and entice a man to complete her challenges and tricks? The Tactical Genius, Leo Reigns, is smarter than most humans on Earth and everyone knows about his records. From his business deals to being one of the most renown criminal at one point, he's indeed smart enough to get away and win any game he wants. Due to his current business rivalry, he's killed in order for his rival to succeed... The Goddess of Wonderland transports him into her world because she knows of his IQ...Leo is now trapped in Wonderland and the only way he can survive is by playing this Goddess's game...

WonderSuru · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

The Sharpshooter (1)

I made it to Alice and the others then noticed them talking to a man. The man looked at me and crossed his arms, making the others look at me as well. Kaguya smiled happily and skipped over to me and held my arm.

"You're back~ I'm glad you're safe~" Kaguya purred and giggled softly.

"Yeah...Me too..." Suimin said and smiled at me.

I nodded and smiled at the them. "Thanks...so who's this guy?"

"His name is Crest. Apparently he used to be one of the King's Units, but he quit due to the corruption that's been happening since I lost possession of Wonderland." Alice answered.

"It's nice to meet you, you must be Leo. I've heard a lot about you from you being a tactical genius to you being their boyfriend to you bring the Joker. Hopefully I am of use to you and your ladies." Crest said.

"I'm sure you will be. So about this Pass to Serene City. You have it correct?" I asked.

"I do. It's locked away though." Crest said and looked back at the large red walls. "There's a shrine beyond those red walls that I locked the pass away in. I can lead you there, we just have to be careful of the Deviants that spawn.."

"Deviants?" I asked.

"Deviants are former humans turned into monstrous beings via their dark desires. The creatures that The Lost commands and summon are known as Deviants, but they are called Controlled Deviants...The Deviants that spawn in the open like this are called Free Deviants." Snow White explained.

"Ahh...Well they shouldn't be too much of a problem honestly. Just as long as we stick together, nothing should go wrong." I said.

"Right." Alice smiled and nodded.

"Alright, everyone follow me." Crest said and walked off.

We began the follow him. I looked around my surroundings and made sure that nothing was going on since Cheshur's presence was still known. Alice stuck close to me and held my hand. I looked at her and noticed how nervous she looked.

"We are nearing closer to the end with my sister sending her Organization against us. I'm a bit worried too...about you mostly. She wants you dead the most and it's clear to see that...I don't want to lose you. You give me the courage I need to focus and finally face my fears. Promise me something..." Alice said.

"Okay..." I said.

"Promise you you'll never die or lose your sanity..." Alice said.

I smiled at Alice and brought her hand to my face and gently kissed her hand. "I promise..."

Alice smiled and looked really happy.

Crest looked back then continued forward.

We continued toward the red wall, battling a few Deviants along the way. They weren't difficult to defeat, but the closer we got to the wall, the stronger my gut feeling got. I stopped walking and decided to trust my gut instinct.

Alice and the others stopped walking as well and looked at me. I placed my hands in my pockets then closed my eyes. Crest looked at me and rose an eyebrow.

"What's wrong?" Crest asked.

I kept my eyes closed and stayed silent.

"You feel it too huh..?" Joker asked and chuckled.

"It's you..." I said and looked at Crest.

"What's me?" Crest asked.

"Yeah, what's wrong Leo?" Alice asked and looked at me, a bit concerned.

I summoned my dark energy blade and the Skill Gear Sigil shined on it, changing its form to resemble a blunt, curved lightning bolt. The Dark Energy Blade became a pale, light blue color surrounded by dark energy.

Crest looked at me a bit surprised. "A Wonder Gear..? Who gave that to you?"

"It doesn't matter how I got it..." I said and pointed it at Crest. "You're leading us into a trap... Something about this seems too good to be true..."

Crest crossed his arms and shook his head. "I understand you're on edge because of recent events, but I assure you that I am not trying to trick you."

I stared at Crest then dodged a bullet and looked at the red wall, noticing a shine of a scope. I looked back at Crest then watched as Alice and the others back away from Crest.

Crest chuckled softly then slowly turned into Cheshur.

"That Preflex of yours is quite annoying to the core. There's not enough room for more than one True Joker in this world. You need to be eliminated along with these Traitorous Aces!" Cheshur said then summoned humanoid creatures in purple and black bodysuits.

A man teleported in front of us, holding two rifles in each hand. He took his hood off and smirked at us. His silver eyes shined as he looked at us. He had dark hair with gray streaks along his hair and had it tied in a low ponytail. He wore an eye patch on his damaged left eye with a large jagged scar running down his left eye.

"Rigel...I hope you can handle these fools. Kill them all. Leave none of them alive, not even Alice." Cheshur said and teleported away.

Rigel chuckled softly and walked forward. "Behind me is the Ruined Temple of Titans. The Pass actually is locked there...If you wish to get that pass, you need to defeat me and my Snipers."

"Where's the real Crest?!" Alice asked.

"He's dead...We killed him as he was also a traitor. Now it's time that we kill all of you." Rigel chuckled and pointed his rifle at us. "I hope you're ready for the ultimate showdown."

Rigel teleported away and the Snipers also teleported away. Black mist formed around us and blocked our escape. We had a vast area to work with. I noticed Rigel had landed on the top of the red wall and took aim at us.

"Let the show begin!" Rigel laughed.

[Challenge: Defeat The Sharpshooter]

Rigel began firing lasers at us from a far distance. We scattered and dodged the first set of lasers. Rigel took aim at me and fired three bullets at me. I dodged them then my Preflex activated, allowing me to dodge their redirection. I noticed them redirect once again and dodged them once more.

"Rigel's Power is the ability of Space and Demonic Abilities. His left eye, although injured and covered by an eye patch, gives him the nickname The Sharpshooter. He rarely ever misses his targets." Joker explained.

"What of his weapon?" I asked as I ran down the field.

"Final Space. One of his strongest weapons other than his True Weapon, Big Bang. Be careful of his Spatial Bullets..." Joker warned.

A few Snipers appeared around Alice and Snow White then fired bullets at them. The two deflected the bullets then noticed the Snipers disappear.

"Start dancing if you wish to survive!" Rigel laughed and fired a large purple bullet in the air then teleported.

I looked up and noticed a salvo of bullets raining down toward us. I grunted and ran off. I noticed Rigel appear in front of me then fired bullets at me then teleport away. I deflected the bullets and looked back. Spatial rifts opened around me then lasers were being shot from from. I dodged the lasers then evaded the salvo of bullets.

'He's not physically faster than Agni nor Fiorello, but his teleportation is what gives him this invisible edge. Space is his ability, I need to find a counter to it...I don't have enough Wonder Energy to transform...' I thought to myself.

"Suimin!" I called out.

Suimin dodged a Sniper and fired a bullet at them, but the Sniper teleported away and appeared behind her. She dodged a bullet and summoned her rifle then sprayed five bullets at the Sniper, hitting them and the Sniper vanished.

"Briar!" I called out.

Suimin looked at me and hurried over to me. "What..?"

"Kiss me." I said.

Suimin blushed and stared at me.

Kaguya noticed the moon coming out then twirled her lance and smirked widely. "It's time for me to shine as bright as the moon! Fellstar, come to me!"

Her lance shined brightly then the blade of the lance turned gold and formed four downward spikes. The Ultima Sigil shined on her blade then her weapon transformation finished. Kaguya summoned five more lances then looked at Rigel.

Rigel smirked as he looked at Kaguya. "The Moon Princess awakens. I've been waiting too see your true power...Now show me your capabilities!"

Kaguya dashed toward Rigel and thrusted one of her lances at him, but he dodged then grunted as one of her lances were propelled at him like a projectile. He opened a spatial rift to suck the lance in then fired it back at Kaguya. She caught the lance then slashed in a circle with all six lances. Rigel grunted as he blocked the attack then slid backwards.

"You haven't seen anything yet!" Kaguya bellowed and her lances circled around her then shot up to the sky.

Rigel pointed his rifle at Kaguya then fired a large laser at her. The laser split into five smaller lasers, homing in straight toward her. Kaguya giggled and licked her lips. The lasers hit an illusion, surprising Rigel. Seven illusions appeared around Rigel.

They all went for a synchronized attack, but Rigel teleported out of the way. He appeared in the air then groaned as the real Kaguya chopped his neck, spiking him to the ground.

"Star Fall!" Kaguya bellowed.

The six lances crashed down like shooting stars and caused explosions upon hitting the ground. Kaguya watched and sensed Rigel appear behind her. She looked back and Rigel teleported behind her then kicked her to the ground. He fired a large laser through her stomach and Kaguya coughed blood. Kaguya grunted softly as she sunk to her knees. Her wound burned her as the intense light of the laser caused everlasting pain.

"I hope it was worth it. You put up a good fight, Bamboo Cutter, but in the end...We are not the same. The Moon can't save you from someone who can control Space." Rigel said.

"But I hit you...! I saw it!" Kaguya said in denial.

"Heh...My Snipers look an awful lot like me don't they..?" Rigel chuckled softly and gripped Kaguya's hair. "I can't attack you because you'll only grow stronger...so instead, I'll just kill you outright!"

Rigel was about to execute Kaguya, but dodged a dark energy projectile then looked back. He looked at me and smirked a bit. I put on my mask and my eyes shined red. I walked forward then vanished and appeared in front of Rigel.

Rigel dodged my attack then teleported backwards then grunted as I appeared behind him. 'Predicting my movements huh..? Predict this!'

He fired a large gray bullet at me then then he began to redirect the bullet around. I dodged the bullet the first time then redirected the bullet back toward him. He caused the bullet to curve around then home straight toward me at high speeds. I held my hand out and the bullet slowed down, suddenly stopping before it could reach my hand.

'He copied my Spatial Manipulation..? Just who is this guy..?' Rigel thought to himself, a bit impressed.

Rigel smirked and shrugged then held his arms out. "Let us move our battle to a more appropriate area. Meet me at the Ruined Temple of Titans. Only you and Snow White because me and her also have unfinished business."

Rigel teleported away.

[Mission: Reach The Ruined Temple of Titans]

I looked at Snow White then looked down at Kaguya. I helped Kaguya up and held her. "You okay..?"

"Yeah...He found a way to cause me to feel genuine pain and I couldn't grow stronger from it. He's dangerous Leo...very dangerous. He's one of the strongest Lost Members..." Kaguya said.

"I agree that you should be careful." Suimin said.

I looked at Suimin. "You know something about him as well?"

"He wasn't trying during our fight, but after seeing your abilities...I am sure he's going to go all out." Suimin said.

"I have to agree. Rigel isn't one to take too lightly even with your Chaos Unit. He's strong enough to go toe to toe with Aladdin and all of the Jacks at the same time. He's highly dangerous." Alice said.

"I see...well no matter, Snow White and I will defeat him and get that Pass." I said.

"Good luck..." Alice said.

Alice took Kaguya and she, Suimin, and Kaguya retreated back to the motel. I looked at Snow White and nodded at her then she nodded back. The two of us made our way to the Ruined Temple.

[Mission: To Be Continued...]