
Womanizer appears

Everything was dark for a very long time, it felt as it everything around me where still. Was time moving? or was it standing still? regardless of which it was, it felt as if I had been floating around in this nothingness for eternity and yet at the same time I felt nothing at all.

Almost as if on queue I began to feel it, a call of sorts, one of desperation and of need, I felt its emotions entirely. Sadness, Pain, Regret, most of the emotions where associated with sadness and yet....I welcomed these emotions entirely, I even felt as if the call was meant for me. Who or what else would it be for? after all this time in this abyss it had been me who roamed it endlessly and only me. Yes the call must be for me, and I will respond.

~ Karakura Town, Night~

A strong spiritual pressure descended upon a certain spot in Karakura Town, and its origin, an orange haired youth.

"This feels great! I don't know what happened but I feel like a completely new person" Exclaimed in excitement the orange haired youth as a smirk creeped its way upon his lips, his name happens to be Ichigo Kurosaki.

Although he had been standing in slight shock at the sudden spike in power coming from the orange haired youth in front of him he quickly regained composure and shouted back at his opponent

"So what if you got a little strong all of a sudden! Roar, Zabimaru!" Renji, the red haired man who seemed to be fighting with Ichigo yelled and swung his oddly shaped sword at Ichigo, and in doing so his sword seemed to stretch out like a snake as it made its way towards Ichigo.

"That wont work this time!"Ichigo let out a battle roar as he blocked the incoming sword and began to move towards Renji, showing a speed that he had not been able to show previously in the fight. He rushed Renji and with a quick swing of his sword sent him flying backwards. "WHAT?!?" Renji exclaimed as he flew backwards, blood dripping down a wound Ichigo had just caused on his head.

With his still rising spiritual pressure Ichigo looked and Renji and kept his smirk and looked at Renji 'What the hell is this, how much higher can his spiritual pressure go?' Thought Renji.

"Here I come!" Ichigo sped up and jumped towards Renji ready to swing his large sword down upon his opponent, who was currently frozen on the spot still surprised from the sudden turn of events that where happening to him.


"Huh?" Renji looked in front of him, although he was awaiting the sword to strike him nothing had happened and again he was surprised to see that in Ichigo's hand... was a bladeless hilt.

'W-what?" Ichigo looked at Renji as he slowly fell forward, unsure as to what had just happened 'It couldn't have been him he's still in front of me and hasn't moved so who?...' With a thud he fell on the ground and began to bleed from a wound.

'Ah, no matter how many times I see it, it still catches me by surprise...The captains flash step' Thought Renji.

"Ichigo!" A petite black haired girl ran to the orange haired young mans side in concern and began to try and help him up out of his pool of blood.

"Do not move Rukia, let the ryoka lay in the pool of the mess he has created" Spoke another man, the one who was seemingly responsible for the current situation of the young man on the ground.

"But brother!" Yelled out in protest the girl now known as Rukia. "Silence, you will return to the Soul Society and await your punishment" Responded the cold faced man.

"R-rukia..." Ichigo looked up and put his had on Rukia's leg.

Rukia looked down at Ichigo and momentarily bit her lip before gently kicking Ichigo's hand from her leg "Get your hand off of me, you are lucky that brother went easy on you and didn't end your life.... forget about me if you live through this."

A large door appeared out of nowhere and the three individuals made their way towards it as it began to open.

"Was it you?" Spoke a voice in the air.

"Huh?" Everyone looked around in order to find the source of the voice.

"Was it you that called for me?" The voice spoke again.

"Who are you, show yourself" Spoke the cold faced man, as even he who was clearly the strongest one present did not know who was the owner of the voice that filled the air.

"I'll ask you again, was it you who called me, girl?" The voice, who seemed to be speaking to Rukia asked again.

"Me? I haven't called out for anybody, who are you?" Yelled out Rukia in response to the voice.

"If you wish for my help, speak truthfully from your heart and I will help you." Replied the voice.

'This voice.... maybe..... maybe whoever it is can help Ichigo. It seems even brother is having trouble finding where the voice is from and if even that is the case then whoever this is must be strong' Rukia thought to herself "If.... I asked you to help Ichigo then what will you do?" Rukia asked the voice.

"If it is what you wish for then I will help you" Rukia looked around to her brother who stared back with a slight scowl on his face, and looked at Renji who was also donning a similar look. "Please help me!"

Suddenly an intense spiritual pressure shook the whole of Karakura town, it pressed down upon everyone present suffocating them and forcing them to their knees, even the cold faced man was beginning to sweat from the sheer power pressing down on him.

Yet again out of nowhere, the pressure disappears and in its place a large amount of small white bird like creatures begin to flutter around and fly around the area, some circle Ichigo as he begins to visibly get better and some circle the whole area.

While the trio of Renji, Rukia and her brother where all focused on the never before seen phenomenon a young man appears besides Ichigo. This young man is relatively tall in stature standing at an even 6 feet tall with visible yet compact muscles donning his body though most are hidden below the white robe he currently wears, his wild purple hair dances along with the white small creatures that circle the group.

The handsome purple haired young man stretches out his hand towards Rukia "Take my hand, pretty young lady" He smiles and looks at her.

Rukia looks at his hand and hesitates before taking it and making her way to his side and looks at her brother who is visibly bothered by what is happening.

"You..... What is your name" The cold faced man asks the young man in front of him. "My name.... my name is Sinbad" Replied Sinbad as he put his hand on Rukia's shoulder to give her some reassurance.

"Are you aware of what you are doing right now?"

"Yes, I am helping this beautiful young lady at her request"

"No, you are obstructing the justice of the Soul Society, that girl is to be brought back and tried for her crimes. Punishment awaits, and that punishment is death" The cold faced young man spoke, as if it were not his sister that he was attempting to bring to justice.

"Well if that is the case, then you must go through me to bring this girl to force upon her your twisted sense of justice" Responded Sinbad with a stone cold look on his face bordering an angry one. "And I promise it wont be easy for you or your red haired friend over here to kay a finger on her head" Said again Sinbad as he put a hand on the saber at his side.

"Come at me if you wish"