
Womanizer in another world

This is just an idea that I have that I will be writing on whenever I can..... Synopsis ——————- A 25 year old successful guy that got his heart broken during his high school days. After being so depressed and losing confidence to himself, he found a book that taught him how to live life peacefully. He soon inherit his father’s business and was able to live that peaceful life that he was taught. Until the girl that broke his heart came back, he didn’t care about her and just moved along with his life as that girl’s boss. He was living peacefully, relaxing, having meetings, until his favorite author binirubukuro published another book that is the opposite of what he believed in. Being a big fan of it, he of course read it.......... “Being a womanizer is fine?” He mutters while looking at the context of the book. ————————- I’m not gonna spoil anymore of the prologue. Anyways, this is a story about how a guy became a womanizer (at least the prologue). You can only find out how he died by reading, he is not gonna get killed by a girl (that’s all I’m saying, don’t want to spoil it)

Binirubukuro · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Chapter 27

The next day, since it's already sunday his plans with nino is today. He prepared some clothes and some protections, in case nino didn't want to do it raw with him.

Just as he is about to open his door, he is already met with nino standing in front of the door as if she is about to knock on the door. She is well dressed, and she is really fashionable.

"You look good today, nino" he said while looking at her.

"Thank you, kou chan~! You look great as well" she said and held his hand then rested her head on his shoulder.

"Nino, do you want to go somewhere first before, we go to the spadium?" He asks her, she shook her head in disagreement

"I want to go already, I want to spend my time with kou-chan, laying down and relaxing" she said while remembering the pictures that she saw when she searched about the place.

There are so many people that is in the spadium, but there are private rooms for couples, but this is for vip ticket buyers only and it cost more than the original ticket.

He looks at her and felt a little bad that he has another girlfriend beside her. Just looking at her told him that she is really in love with him.



Enjoying their way to the spadium, nino and kou decided to go by bus, which the two enjoyed while they hug each other. From time to time he would kiss her on the cheeks or the forehead to tell his love towards her. He would sometimes see some woman looking towards him and nino would gie them a mean look. He found it cute that nino is being over protective.

Right now they are in the train, since they are pretty far away from it it takes the train twenty minutes to arrive to their destination.

"Kou-chan~! Why is there so many girls looking at you? You are only mine" she said with a loud voice making the woman who kept looking at him felt awkward.

"It's okay, you are the only one for me, so don't worry about them" he said and let her rest her head on his shoulder while rubbing her head.

"I know…. But what if kou chan gets stolen by other girls, I don't want that to happen"

"Shh, stop thinking of that okay?" He said and kissed her on the lips in front of the crowded train, making some people frown.

"How bold of this young man" someone said, but he ignored them.

Nino only blushed by his action and felt embarrassed that kou kissed her in front of so many people on the lips.

"I hate you….kou-chan~! For making me feel this way" She whispers while hitting his chest lightly, he only smile at her and wrap his arms around her shoulder. She started to smile while rubbing her head on his shoulder.

"It's so comfortable….."

"I'm glad"



Soon the two arrived at the spadium, the place is really crowded and they needed to line up to get in. Kou didn't mind waiting, but what about nino.

He looks over to nino and saw that she seems to be happy instead of complaining.

"Are you okay with waiting in line?" Kou asks her, nino nodded

"As long as I'm with kou chan, I don't care" she said while holding his hand.

"If you felt sleepy you can sleep on my shoulder" he said while tapping his shoulder.

"Kou-chan, I'm gonna buy some water wait for me here" she said, kou grabs her hand and shook his head.

"I'll buy it, just wait for me here" he said, since he searched this area thoroughly before going here.

He heard some news about the area from sebas, since japan doesn't report sexual harassment, rape and stalkers. He knows that he needs to thoroughly search the area that he will bring nino to. Knowing this, he decided to left nino in the line where there are a lot of people here, she won't get in trouble

Following the memory in his mind he knew where the vending machine immediately. When he found it, the vending machine was really in a neatly hidden place. He is surprised that this place us not under investigation after all there are 5 cases of rape in the area, now that he looks at the place carefully. There is a lot of hidden places that cannot be seen during the night, so those rapist are able to run away without any punishments.

'I guess nino likes to be healthy so I will buy her some tea' he thought while looking through the drinks.

Meanwhile, nino is waiting for kou anxiously as two guys came up to her.

"Are you alone? You are really cute, Would you like to be with the two of us inside the spadium and roam around?" A tall guy with red brownish hair said, he is pretty muscular and attractive. He seems to be one of those playboys that you will see often in the streets of ikebukuro, shibuya, shinjuku, and etc.

"No! I'm not alone! I'm not interested!" Nino said ruthlessly

The other guy got closer and wrap his arms around nino's waist. She got angry and slapped his hand away.

"I told you I'm not alone! Fucking leave!" She said angrily. There are some people that wanted to help, but the intimidating aura from the tall guy made them hesitate and instead wanted to wait for kou to come back.

"Bitch! You are just a skank. Stop playing hard to get and play with us" the tall guy said and grabbed her hand, gripping it strongly.

'Uhmm…. This place is really unsafe, huh?' He thought while he roam his eyes around, taking his time.


As he is about to get close to the line, he heard a familiar scream. He started running and saw two guys close to nino, one of them is holding both of her hands while the other seems to be doing something behind her.

'Why is no one helping her!?' He screamed inside his mind while running towards the two.

He prepared himself and punched the tall guy in the face first. Since he seems to be the stronger out of them.

Hitting him right in the chin, the tall guy groaned and fell on his knees. His head was shook by the punch, but it wasn't strong enough to knock him down.

"Hey! Who are you!?" The other guy said and launch his fist towards him. He dodged his right hook by ducking and punch his stomach. Due to the guy's momentum, kou's punch was much more stronger. The guy cough up and fell down on the floor, he held his stomach while trying to breathe. He looks at nino and she seems to be crying.

'She…is…crying' he said in his mind as a swell of rage starts to take over him, but soon it ended as he felt the world spinning.



Suddenly kou felt his head shook, he fell down on his knees and looks behind him. He saw the tall guy with his fist raised.

"That's what you get for hitting me" the tall guy said, proud of himself that he hit kou behind his back.

"Kid….you don't want to mess with me" he said as he try to stand up, his head hurts and he felt his leg shaking.

'Damn this body is too weak' he thought to himself, it has only been more than a week since he got reincarnated making it impossible to attain a better physique.

He didn't expect that this guy will be so fadt at recovering from his punch. He hit him directly in the chin cleanly, but he recovered too damn fast.

With his staggering legs, he stood up and took his fighting stance.

The only chance for him to win against this monster is to win by counter.

"You practice boxing? Your punch is too weak, you should quit" the tall guy said while taking his shirt off so that he can move more effeciently and took a muay thai stance.

"Kou-chan! You don't need to fight! I will call the police!" She said, while holding her phone.

"It's okay, I will finish this soon" he said while his back faces towards nino. She didn't know why, but she completely trust what kou just said.

'Kou-chan….' She muttered while looking at his back.

"You're belittling me? I can kill with one punch." The guy said and launch a punch towards him.

Just as he is about to land his punch he suddenly fainted and fell down.

Kou landed a counter uppercut, using his height to his advantage, he was able to slip past the punch. No matter how fast the tall guy was, or strong he is, the experience of kou when he used to train a lot of martial arts made it possible to compare him to

a world champion.

The people who were hesitating to help, sighed in relief that kou won while some people are recording the video.

"Are you okay? Nino" he said and casually walk over her and landed on her. She catches him and started to cry in relief that it was over.

"I'm okay, can you stand up?" She asks him, he nodded and took out his phone.

"Its still early we can still continue our date" he said while holding the back of his head, since it still hurts. He looks over to the other guy that he punched in the stomach.

"Hey you! I know you are still okay, take your friend and leave" he said and kicked him on the back of his head.

"I-I understand" the guy said and took his friend to run away.

Kou would have punished them more, he wanted to beat them to death, but right now he is really dizzy and can't muster up his strength. He is glad that he didn't get knocked out from that guy's punch if he did, he will never forgive himself.

"Kou-chan~! Let's go to the hospital! I'm worried about you!" Nino said with a worried look.

"No, let's go. I want you to enjoy our date"

"I won't enjoy it unless you are okay!" Nino said and took his phone.

"Nino, give it back…." He said while feeling dizzy, he is so dizzy that he could see two nino at this point.

"No!" She said and started to call sebas.



A/n: it was getting boring with all the lovey dovey thingy. So I decided to put an action scene. I'm not that good at action scenes as you can see, I wish I could write it better, so that you get a better reading experience.

Please point out some grammar mistake, english is not my first language is my excuse for the mistakes.

Anyways, aot fanfic might be on hiatus…. Sorry I don't have the time to write it.