
Woman of Worth

Riya Moodley is currently living in South Africa but soon will be relocating to Shanghai, China, with her three friends. She and her three friends got accepted in a famous hotel called The Rose Valley Hotel as Pastry Chefs. As Riya steps foot in Shanghai, she faces racism and discrimination against her gender. She even meets an arrogant singer named Michael Wu who gives her a hard time. One day, Riya saves a woman from a gangster. On that night , Riya hears about two hundred and fifty women and girls getting kidnapped by gangsters. The next night, a mysterious woman appeared at the Forbidden Harbour where the fifty women and girls were going to get sold to other gangsters. The woman saved the victims. No one knows what she looks like because she wears a fully covered white mask. But the victims named her White Jaguar because she is fast as a jaguar. Everyone is curious about the White Jaguar's identity. But White Jaguar's mission is to bring down the most dangerous gangster in Shanghai named Yanwu. WARNINGS Violence +18

Yaksha22 · สมัยใหม่
31 Chs

Chapter 12 (Part 1)

It was completed deserted at The Forbidden Harbor. Only old rusty containers and broken equipment were in the area. The place looked so scary and covered in dry and wet blood. People tried to come to the harbor but they never came back. No one knew if they were still alive. Even police officers tried to enter. They managed to get in but they had no chance of coming out. The authorities banned the citizens from entering the place. Even international companies were banned from transporting their goods to the harbor. If those companies that were based in China disobeyed that law, they would receive hectic punishment. This harbor was owned by the most dangerous gangster in the country. His name was Yanwu.

Yanwu was a dangerous man to women and girls. He kidnapped them so he could sell them to other gangsters from other countries or he would keep them as slaves. He also stole money from businesses. His men made drugs which were turned into sweets so they could be sold to kids. He did not allow anyone to come to The Forbidden Harbor. If they did, he would torture them or kill them immediately. It was depending on his mood. His men were only allowed in the harbor because they do business. Yanwu loved to keep himself away from the public. Even when he was selling the women and girls, he would never come to see the other gangsters. No one knew what he looked like or what was his real name.

Many cars from the same brand were entering the harbor. The cars were parked behind the old rusty containers. Men that were dressed up in black and white suits came out of the cars. They had the scary white skeleton on their necks. All the cars were parked together. There was a big truck entering the premises. All the men stood in one corner while the truck was parking. The men also had silver guns in their hands for protection. The truck parked in the center then the driver switched the engine off. There was screaming coming from inside the truck. Four men came forward. They stopped in front of the truck. Two men unlocked the handles the opened the truck.

Women and girls were coming out and screaming at the same time. More men came to grab them. The women and girls were dressed up in short tight silky dark pink dresses. Their hands were tied up with thick robes. Some of them were trying to escape but the men managed to get them. The victims, the women, and the girls were being dragged by the men. The men were taking them to the center of the harbor. As they were walking, the victims were looking at the state of this place. Some of them felt sick just by looking at it. They could only smell stinging blood and smelly odors.

All the victims were out of the truck and they were being dragged. Their wrists were bleeding because the robes were tied tightly. Some of the men were beating up the victims for trying to escape. Five men from different nationalities were standing in the center of the harbor. They were watching the men dragging the victims towards them. The men made the victims stand in a circle. A few men were wrapping a long thick robe around the victims to make a big circle. The victims were looking around in fear. The men finished wrapping the robe tightly on the victims. They went back to the men to keep an eye on the victims.

An Italian man stepped forward while looking at the victims. He was impressed with the new lot. The victims were watching the man coming toward them. He stopped one meter away from them. "Your leader is improving his taste. These victims will be better than the others we received from him.", he spoke.

Yanwu men looked at him with evil smiles. "Our leader will never fail you Mr. Ricci.", one man spoke.

Mr. Ricci was impressed with the statement. He was now choosing his victims before he could pay the men. One woman was not inside the circle. The men did not wrap the robes properly. This was a good chance for her to escape because the men were not looking at their backs. She took a deep breath and then started running. The victims and men spotted the woman. Some men took out their guns and started shooting at her. The woman tried her best to dunk from the bullets. Few men appeared in front of her. She slowed down and then turned around to run to the other side. More men appeared in her way. She stopped immediately and stood in the same spot. They were pointing their guns at her. One man right at the front shot the bullet and was going straight to her heart. But his bullet was hit by a small stone. Then more stones were knocking on some of the men's wrists. The stones hit them hard which made them drop their guns. More stones were shot, knocking the rest of the men's wrists. Their guns landed on the ground.

Everyone was standing still and looking around to area. They were becoming anxious. None of the men were paying attention to the escapee. An arm was wrapped around the escapee's waist. Then she was pulled inside a corner into the darkness. None of those men saw that. The rest of them including the gang leaders were also looking around. A Nigerian man was looking at the men.

"Did you lock the gates after entering the premises?", he asked them.

Yanwu's men looked at him. "The gate locks itself automatically. If someone did enter the premises, the alarm will go on Mr Saidu.", one man spoke.

Mr. Saidu was impressed with Yanwu's strategies. Suddenly, two of Yanwu's men were shot with something. They landed on the ground. All the other men froze immediately. One man squatted down to take a look at the weapon. It was a long thick arrow with a white and black feather on top of the stick. The arrows went through the two men's chests. More men were shot and landed on the ground. The other men looked at the other dead men. This time, they were shot with black and white small blades. The men were getting anxious.

"Protect yourself and watch the victims!", Mr. Ricci instructed. He looked around in anger. "I don't was to lose five hundred million yuans worth of women and girls.", he growled.

All the men were looking everywhere, corners and on the containers. Some of them went to check inside the containers.

"Look over here!", one man screamed.

Everyone looked in the direction of the scream. A man was pointing at the top of the container. Everyone looked up at the highest container in the harbor. This was a surprise for them.

A woman was standing on top of them. She was of average height. She had arrows behind her which were in a bag and a black bow in her left hand. Her curly long hazelnut hair was left open. She was wearing a semi-short flowy black dress with a wide belt that had orange and red patterns on it. She was also wearing long black tights with boots that reached above her ankles. Her face was covered with a fully covered white mask.

The men were shocked that a woman managed to get into the area. They should have known because of the alarm system. All the men looked at each other because they were wondering how she got there. None of them knew how did that happen. Some of them were getting creeped out because of the mask. The men were pointing their guns at her. Suddenly, so many electronic noises were heard. The men and victims were looking around. Some of them found small black devices on the ground that had red lights flashing on them. They got closer to take a look. The lights turned green. The devices burst into white thick smokes. The smoke appeared everywhere. Everyone started running around for cover excluding the victims.

The woman could sense the victims were still in the center. She took out an arrow. She placed the arrow on the bow and was getting her aiming ready. She could not see the victims because of the smoke but she could sense their screaming. She got the aim then she shot the arrow. The arrow flew towards the victims and sliced the robe. The robe landed on the ground. The victims started running away but they could not see anything. Suddenly, a few victims stopped when they saw the woman standing in front of them. The woman grabbed two victims' arms and started running. She hoped she could get all the victims while the smoke was still thick. The two victims just realized what the woman was doing. They grabbed the other victims' arms and started running. All the victims started getting the idea and did the same. They were running as fast as they could away from this place.

The smoke was starting to fade. Some of the men had the courage to come out from the corners. The smoke was disappearing and more men were coming out. Some of the men started screaming out of the blue. The rest of the men came when they heard the screaming. They were looking at the empty area. All the victims disappeared when the smoke was thick. They even saw the robe being sliced open. The men looked up with so much anger. Some of them started yelling in their voices that they failed their mission for the first time. The five leaders were disappointed that the victims disappeared. All of Yanwu's money was going to go down the drain.