
Woman of Worth

Riya Moodley is currently living in South Africa but soon will be relocating to Shanghai, China, with her three friends. She and her three friends got accepted in a famous hotel called The Rose Valley Hotel as Pastry Chefs. As Riya steps foot in Shanghai, she faces racism and discrimination against her gender. She even meets an arrogant singer named Michael Wu who gives her a hard time. One day, Riya saves a woman from a gangster. On that night , Riya hears about two hundred and fifty women and girls getting kidnapped by gangsters. The next night, a mysterious woman appeared at the Forbidden Harbour where the fifty women and girls were going to get sold to other gangsters. The woman saved the victims. No one knows what she looks like because she wears a fully covered white mask. But the victims named her White Jaguar because she is fast as a jaguar. Everyone is curious about the White Jaguar's identity. But White Jaguar's mission is to bring down the most dangerous gangster in Shanghai named Yanwu. WARNINGS Violence +18

Yaksha22 · สมัยใหม่
31 Chs

Chapter 11

Liang, Kris, and Yingjie were at the hospital. The doctors were still with Riya for the past half an hour. Kris and Yingjie were sitting on the sofas while Liang was looking out at the windows with his arms crossed. Kris was getting slightly worried about Riya. Yingjie could not stop thinking about the rules Michael came up for Riya to follow. He found that so unfair to do that to her. Susan and Tommy appeared at the scene. They were looking for the gentlemen. Tommy decided to ask the receptionist while Susan was looking for the gentlemen. Holly, Aliya, and Lucas appeared at the scene. Kris gave them a call earlier that they should come to the hospital. They found Tommy by the receptionist. They went to him in worrisome. Susan looked around when she found Kris and Yingjie sitting on sofas.

Susan looked at Tommy. "Didi (small brother).", she called for him.

Tommy looked at his sister. Susan moved her head to the side and then bought it back to indicate the seating area. She went towards the seating area. Tommy saw Yingjie and Kris sitting on the sofas. He went to the seating area. 1Holly, Lucas and Aliya followed him. Yingjie was looking at the flowers on the table when he noticed Susan and Tommy coming toward him. He got up to explain what happened to Riya. Holly, Aliya, and Lucas also appeared behind Susan.

"What happened to Riya?", Susan asked.

"Lan Bingting was getting raped but Riya managed to save her. Unfortunately, Riya lost her guard when the man was behind her. He hit her back and knee. Then she landed hard on the road and ended up getting small bruises. Her back and knee must be hurt.", Yingjie explained.

Holly knew that was going to happen to Riya. Holly should have just warned Riya about that after yesterday's incident. Holly noticed a man standing by the window. "Who is he?", she pointed at Liang.

Liang heard that. He turned around to look at every one. Holly, Aliya, and Lucas were surprised to see Wang Liang. They bowed to him. He bowed to them back then they looked up. "Don't worry about your friend, she is going to be fine.", he spoke to them.

"Thank you Mr. Wang.", Lucas was grateful for that.

Yingjie got up with a red folder in his hand. He stood in front of Liang. "I read the contract. Michael is being ridiculous towards Riya.", he said in some anger.

Liang took the folder from him. "Why?", he asked.

"Because Michael wants Riya to start less than two days. And he wants her to do all those things. I feel like he is getting worse now that he wants Bingting to take half the shares of the company."

Liang was looking at the contract. He took a deep breath. "I will handle this later.", he said in a calm manner. He closed the file.

Yingjie was always curious about how Liang handled things in a calm manner. Even when the situations were difficult, he would handle them in a calm manner. The emergency doors opened in one corner. A male doctor came out of the room while taking out his surgical mask. Liang heard footsteps coming toward the group. He looked up and saw the doctor coming to the area. The doctor was looking at him. Liang gave the folder back to Yingjie and then walked toward the doctor.

Liang stood in front of the doctor. "She is fine. There is nothing to worry about. She could have also passed out due to stress or worry. But she will wake up in less than twenty-four hours. I gave her strong pain killers to ease the pain.", he explained to everyone.

"Are we allowed to see her?", Lucas asked.

"She is sleeping. You can come tomorrow during the day."

"Can one of us stay with her for the night?", Holly asked nicely.

"Don't worry, the nurse will check on her every four hours."

Liang, Kris, Yingjie, Susan, and Tommy bowed to the doctor, thanking him for sorting Riya. The doctor bowed back and then left them to check on the other patients. Holly, Aliya, and Lucas were so relieved. The nurse came to the group to show the medical bills. Liang took the paper and looked at the payment. He looked at the amount at the bottom. Thirty thousand Riya had to pay. He folded the paper and then looked at the others.

"All you go home.", he said firmly.

"But how is she going to pay the bills? She doesn't have that kind of money to pay.", Lucas said.

"She will pay in small amounts.", he said. "Don't make Michael pay because he has caused enough problems."

"Okay.", Yingjie said.

Liang looked at the emergency doors. The others decided to leave because it was getting late. Liang was standing in the center of the area while looking at the doors.