
Wolves Weeping

Animals and mystical stuff. Bad hoomans and big families. Heroics Ensue. <____< Main character is going go be a wolf. Perfect description. * claps * Still setting up foundation with some folklore world building. If you want a cool mc story this is totally gonna be it. ...When I write more. This is 'write when I can' story. I already have like half the plot planned out I just gotta grind through chapter writing now. Okay that's enough rambling from me~

Scynthea · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Warnings and Concerns

A meeting was called into place, once again all the 13 gathering together under the Sky Piercing Waterfall.

The Badger could not stop complaining about how foolish the unicorn was to waste her time.

The Grasshopper and Rabbit expressed great and heartfelt concern.

While the rest were only concerned about their well being.

The Unicorn was loved by few, and envied by many.

While noone hated them, beauty will always breed envy. And with envy comes jealosuy.

And jealousy can lead to less empathy.

"I say, why are you causing so much trouble for us Unicorn? Are you acting to get more attention because you feel neglected?" Said the Badger. The Badger was jealous that the others thought Unicorn was the most beautiful.

Of course the Badger would never do anything to directly cause harm to the Unicorn. She was just sour because she had thought her stripes should be the most striking and beautiful feature of all the animals.

But alas, the Wolf, Owl, Snake, and Grasshopper always complimented the Unicorns beautiful horn whenever she appeared before them.

The Owl was concerned for the Unicorn, for its beauty was one of the highlights of its day.

What would happen if the Owl couldn't peer upon the graceful and slim figure of the Unicorn, and most of all... her most peerless feature, her glamorous shiny and jewel encrusted and gold dusted horn.

The Snake just liked shiny things, and the Wolf thought if used in battle, the horn could be a fearsome weapon.

The Grasshopper on the other hand, was madly in love with the Unicorn. She was all he could think about. When the Unicorn was in her meadow, the Grasshopper would hope along behind her, admiring her from afar.

For the Grasshopper was shy, and could not muster the courage to confess his feelings to the Unicorn.

The Snake thought the Grasshoppers infatuation was the funniest thing. Afterall, what is love?

Indeed, the first animal to experience love was infact the small and often overlooked Grasshopper.

"Unicorn, what ever is the matter, how did you become like this?" Asked the Eagle, trying to flaunt his charms off to the Owl.

"Yes. Eagle is speaking in the right direction, how did you become so weak? Were you attacked by someone?" Cawwed the Raven, his eyes sweeping the assembled cast with wariness.

The Bear snorted, and the Deer looked offended that the Raven would even include her, surely the most docile of the bunch of beasts, among his suspects list.

"Let Unicorn speak!" Squeaked Rabbit, after hopping over to put one of her forepaws on the Unicorns, trying to lend emotional support.

The Rabbit is usually such a crybaby. She is often bullied by the Eagle, Snake and Badger.

"I must tell you all are in grave danger, those bacteria can actually harm us of we do not change ourselves. They enter our beings, and slowly leech our life away, or by entering us, this act itself causes our body to violently react to the intrusion and put our body under great duress. If it goes on to long, we have to potential to cease to exsist."

A audible gasp is heard across the crowd of beasts. It came from none other than the Raven.

" I have been doing some investigations on these beings, and it seems some of my conjectures have proven to be right. So, may I ask you Unicorn, how may we fight back against these bacteria?" The Raven squawks out his question. The air surrounding him becoming rather intense and exuding a fretful aura of some sorts.

"Yes...how do we deal with an enemy we can barely see, if not at all?" Asks the Snake, rather skeptically. Their eyes becoming even more so skewed and appearing now as just mere slits.

Those yellow eyes unnerved the poor Rabbit to no end.

"Humppphh!" The Badger huffs out in indignation.

"I have not told anyone else this but, I possess a special trait in my blood that can help combat these beings. So I will ultimately be fine after my blood gets used to fighting them off."

"Then what about the rest of us?" The Leopard asked, from their spot hidden from others view within the shadow of a large nearby boulder.

"I think you all need only to intake one drop of my blood to become immune to these beings forever. However..." The Unicorns words began to trail off, she was seemingly hesitant to voice out the rest.

"We must have all the information. Please finish Unicorn." The Fish said from his wading spot from within the shallows of the large body of water beneath the waterfall.

"If you ingest my blood, I fear what may happen afterwards. Although it has many benefits, things deemed blessings to some, may be seen as curses by others."

The words the Unicorn said just then were delivered with a certian heaviness to them, that the others had yet to know how to perceive.

Afterall, what is more important than the continued existence of them?

The beasts that were all gathered there around the Unicorn, although abit wary, really felt they had no choice but to take the Unicorn up on her offer.

No one wanted to go through whatever it was the Unicorn was experiencing.

They could see the weariness written on her face, and hear her somewhat labored breathing.

" What's there to fear!?! I shall be the first to go!" Announced the eagle, flapping his broad wings about in the air around him, and generating unbelivably strong gusts of wind.

And so the Eagle flapped his wings with little effort at all, and arrived next to the Unicorn in mere seconds.

Leaning in, the Eagle pierced the Unicorns flesh with the tip of his beak, opening his jaw slightly so that a drop of blood dripped into his mouth and down his gullet.

I published it eeeeeeeh. I swear the origin story of the world won't go on for more than 10 chapters. Give or take a few perhaps...

I hope noone is mad at me for not including a Monkey or Rat.

I just kinda....didn't want them?

Your probably wondering where and how humans will come to be... dont worry.

I got it all planned out..vaguely anyway.

Also who is your favorite ship so far guys?

Also dont ask how random animals poofed out of nowhere from thin air.

I mean... shhhhh I'm not smart.

Scyntheacreators' thoughts