

"Julia" i looked down from the branch in the trees, to my father walking towards me, but so far he didn't see me thankfully. I giggled and stayed put as he went right under me. "Come out come out wherever you are" his voice was low yet sounded sweet as honey, he had a smile on his face and the little wrinkles on his forehead were gone from that happiness. I jumped as I saw fur shoot up along his back and his face stretched into a normal wolf shape.

Now his wolf form was sitting on the ground a little ways away from my hiding place and I knew that he would easily find me now that his full wolf senses came in. Once he found me he smiled at me, or the wolf did anyway. He changed back into his human form and walked over to my branch. My face scrunched up, he had the audacity to cheat in our game!

"Come down now little bug" he chuckled looking at me with a rare smile on his face. His long light blonde hair was now hanging down his back. He usually had it up in a ponytail but I guess the change took that away. He put his arms out to catch me once I jumped which is what he was expecting me to do.

"You cheated!" I screeched. He stopped before pushing his hair back guiltily.

"Did i?" he tried smiling at me that guiltiness tainted his face and i shivered.

"I cant use my wolf senses but you did. You cheated!" He looked a bit amused but instantly changed his expression to an apologetic look.

"I'm sorry" he paused and hesitated "what if i make you a milkshake when we get back to the cabin" he tried looking at me "would that make you feel better bug?" my expression changed completly and i absolutly forgot about the incident and I instantly nodded my head

"You owe me" I accused jumping down from the tree branch into his warm arms and safety. He looked at me with a small amused smile.

A woman slowly came up the hill to meet us. She was smiling as her light red hair braided down her back and two strands in front of her face were still loose. Her light brown eyes revealed her entire identity.

"Dinners ready" she called to us as we walked down the hill with her at the bottom. My father nodded and put me up onto his shoulder with a quick movement and I held onto his head and laid my head down on his head.

"But just know Father promised me a milkshake" I accused my father who looked guiltily up at me.

"After the dinner bug, I promise." I smiled with content at his response and we finished the trek down the hill and were on our way to our cozy cabin.

"Momma what'd you make for dinner" a yawn escaped my lips as i looked at her.

"I made grilled cheese and tomato soup" she skipped with glee at her accomplishment. Which made me want to jump but as I was on my fathers shoulders i didnt. Insead i yipped in gleewhich made my parents laugh.

Once we got to the cabin dad put me in my chair and sat in his a bowl of nice warm tomato soup and a plate of two sandwiches were in front of me. The food made me drool a bit but i quickly wiped it off my face as my father started to eat along with my mother. I grabbed a sandwich and dunked it into the tomatoey goodness. I put the still warm sandwich as the tomato soup dribbled down my chin.

"Oops be careful" my mother giggled and took a napkin to clean off the soup from my chin she was gentleand careful as she smiled. I continued to eat my grilled cheese continuing to get breadcrumbs and tomato soup on my chin and mouth.

"Didnt work" my father chuckled his low horse chuckle that made me feel calm inside. "We should try again after" and for the first time in a while my mother and father were smiling with eachothers presence.

Soon after dinner ended i was in my fathers arm with the strawberry milkshake my dad homemade for me. We sat on the homemade couch in the Living room my mother started up the fireplace. He had a book in his hand that i was interested in and he looked joyous to share it with me, soon i heard multiple knocks at the door they were harsh and loud and then the door was broken open. Three men in armor came into our home and looked around.

"Were is the princess!" one of them yelled i had seen him before i didnt know his name.

"You have no right to come into my home unannounced!" my father yelled putting me on the ground and pushing me behind him.

"You stole from us Windwolf! She is ours!" the guard pointed to my mother with a look of anger as she looked around in fear. She was trying to find a hiding spot.

"That is my wife!" my father yelled "i didnt steal her!"

"Yes you did why else is our princess here instead of by our princes' side!" another guard that had a harsh yelled, although the voice was softer than the firsts and i could tell she was a woman. yelled with a barking of orders to the guards who grabbed my mother.

"Mother!" i yelled running to her side before any guard could get to me. I embraced her and she looked at me soft tears in her eyes and i tried to looked up at her.

"I have to go" she comforted and rubbed her hand along my back "you be safe" she was pulled up by a guard and rushed out of our house but father did nothing.

"Father their taking Mother!" i yelled trying to understand why he wasnt in his wolf form fighting them.

"Shes not ours shes their princess she needs to go back" he sounded like he was trying to convince himself but it wasnt working and instead he picked me up and put me up on his shoulders. I was too shocked to try to catch her. He took me into my room and closed the door behind him.

"Father! Dont leave me! Please dont leave me too!" I begged and he melted and came back into the room to sit on the sofa beside me i felt his calluse hands around me comforting me.

"I wont," he comforted "you will see her again" he tried we will find her again and give her a big hug but baby?"

"Yes?" i tried continuing him to talk.

"She wont live here anymore okay?" he put me on the bed and sat beside me "she is a light wolf princess. Shes a princess like you."

"But shes a queen!"

"Yes but she has to go become a queen somewhere else" I looked at the window as i saw Mother being lead away by the guards and i nodded.

"Ill never see mother again right?"

"Maybe one day"