

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

Unjust injustice

When Roger and Catherine returned to the woodland where Alice was found, they were surprised to see a person lying in the middle of the woodland. Roger and Catherine rushed forward and found that it was Alice who had escaped before. She had a scar on her left chest. The person had stopped breathing due to the deep sharp wound.


"How could she die here? Didn't she run away just now?" Catherine turned around and asked in surprise.


Rogge glanced at Alice's remains and said, "She did not close her eyes when she died, and the look on her face was panic and panic, indicating that she was forced to come back here."


He looked back at the direction Alice's feet were facing. Two pairs of footprints, one forward and one reverse, extended from near Alice's body to the jungle to the north. The small backwards footprints confirmed that Rogge was aware that Alice was being forced. Returned speculation.


"Could it be that there are accomplices of the man in black robe nearby?" Catherine looked around in surprise and said.


Rogge did not answer immediately. He squatted down next to Alice silently. He lowered his head and inspected her body intently. He found obvious bruises and finger marks on her neck. It was conceivable that a strong hand had held her neck.


"Her legs did not turn into fish tails. The murderer knows the mermaids very well. As long as their necks are tightly stuck, causing difficulty in breathing, they will not be able to transform and resist, and will become as weak as ordinary human girls."


Rogge said, locking his eyes on Alice's hand on the ground. He pinched Alice's wrist carefully and picked up her hands from the ground. He saw that there was a blood stain on his left hand, and on his right hand. There are obvious protrusions of blue veins.


Suddenly, he noticed that there was a strand of white velvet hooked to the edge of the nails on Alice's right hand. Roger brought her right hand to his eyes, carefully pulled off the strand of velvet, put it in the palm of his hand and observed it for a moment, and said, "This It should have been pulled off the murderer by Alice when she was entangled with him. It looks like fluff from a woolen cloak."


At this moment, a loud shout suddenly interrupted Rogge's thoughts: "Who is it, let go of that body and step aside!"


Rogge heard the sound and looked up, and saw a knight in silver armor and white robes jumping out from behind the thorn bushes, pointing the spear in his hand at the two of them and shouting loudly. At the same time, more than a dozen members of the Silver Dragon Wings Knights The knights rushed up and surrounded them.


"They always appear when I least want to see them!" Rogge gritted his teeth and muttered to himself. Lilith mumbled softly after hearing this: "Speak as if you want to see them when you want to see them!"


"Rogg, we finally found you!" Douglas, the deputy leader of the Knights, took a step forward, glanced at the scene, raised his head and pointed at Rogge with the spear in his hand, "Why do you want to kill this guy?" Woman, is she the mermaid guardian Miss Tully mentioned? "


"Who told you that I killed her?" Rogge stared at the other person's face coldly and sneered noncommittally: "Did the dead man get up and tell you?"


"You are right. It was indeed the dead person who told me. If you didn't kill her, how would you explain this?"


Douglas pointed with the spear in his hand. Rogge looked in the direction he pointed and found a bright red blood stain on the blade of the silver sword in his hand that was shocking in the silver light.


Rogge calmly glanced at the blood on the sword blade, raised his head and glanced at Douglas's white cloak. His heart moved, and he retorted: "If this can be considered evidence, I think you may not be suspected of murder!"


"You are spitting blood, shouting to catch the thief! You have been suspected of murdering the grand master, and now you have killed someone else, and everyone has the stolen goods. If you have anything to say, wait until you are back in prison to talk about it!" The deputy captain pointed his spear, and the surrounding knights swarmed up. , the spear in his hand was like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, and he pounced on Rogge.


"Hmph, why bother to inflict a crime?" Rogge sneered, turned around to avoid the thrusting spear, grabbed the tip of a spear with his hand, pulled the spear away with all his strength, and flew up with a kick Kicking the knight to the ground, the silver sword in his right hand drew a silver arc, forcing the surrounding knights back.


He held a spear in one hand and a sword in the other. He swept the spear in his left hand and knocked the three knights to the ground. The sword in his right hand picked up the spear heads of several spears that were thrust at him. The spear in his left hand flew out and hit several knights horizontally. The knight's waist knocked them all to the ground.


Suddenly, Catherine's cry for help came from behind. Roger looked back quickly. Three knights rushed to Catherine with spears in their hands. The girl shot at them, but the small shield on the knight's gauntlet was knocked away. When he fired again, there was no bullet in the chamber.


Two knights stepped forward and grabbed Catherine's arms and tried to push the girl to the ground, but Catherine struggled desperately and refused to give in. The other knight saw this and raised the spear in his hand, and the spear shaft hit Catherine on the shoulder. .


Soon enough, Rogge grabbed the neck protector behind the knight's head from behind, dragged the knight to the ground, stepped on his breastplate, jumped up and kicked the other knight away. .


The third knight turned around and swung his spear to stab Rogge. Rogge swung away the edge of the spear and knocked down the sword in his right hand. The sharp blade easily cut the knight's neck armor. The knight screamed and fell in a pool of blood. .


"Are you okay?" Rogge stepped forward and pulled Catherine up. The girl's face turned pale with shock, her whole body was shaking violently, and she couldn't even answer Rogge's question.


Suddenly, Lilith, who was standing on Rogge's head, shouted a warning. Rogge turned around, leaned over to avoid a knight's spear sweep, and pierced him through the chest with the silver sword in her hand, while grabbing the spearhead of another knight. , kicked him to the ground, threw out the stolen spear, and nailed him to the tree trunk behind him.


"I hope you have a happy life in heaven!" Rogge pulled out the sword in his right hand and kicked the knight to the ground. He looked up and saw Douglas rushing forward with the rest of the Blade Knights.


Rogge kicked up a spear from the ground and kicked it towards the oncoming knights, blocking their attack. Then he turned around, picked up Catherine and ran towards the direction where the three men in black escaped.


The knights were about to continue chasing when they suddenly heard a loud shout from behind: "What happened?"


Everyone stopped and turned around to see Antonio, the leader of the Knights, arriving here with Tully and Murphy, leading the rest of the Knights.


"What's going on? Douglas, what happened here?" Antonio asked loudly, glancing at the chaotic scene around him and the several corpses on the ground.


"Captain, we just arrived here and happened to see Rogge kill the mermaid guardian Alice. We surrounded Rogge and his accomplices, but were resisted by them. After that, they killed three of our brothers. , and ran westward with his accomplices."


Hearing Douglas's report, everyone present couldn't help being shocked. Tully hurriedly stepped forward to inspect Alice's body. After confirming her identity, she turned back and looked up at Antonio and Murphy, with strong surprise on her face.


"How is this possible? Why did Rogge want to kill her?" She said to herself in shock, unable to believe what was happening in front of her.


After hearing this, Murphy pondered for a moment and asked Douglas: "Mr. Deputy Commander, how did you judge Rogge's murderous behavior? Did you see him stabbing Alice to death with your own eyes?"


"No, I didn't see it with my own eyes. When the knights and I arrived here, he was standing next to the corpse with a long sword in his hand. There was still bright red blood on his sword blade, and the wound on the corpse was Apart from him, there was no suspicious person around when he was injured by the sharp blade. If not him, who else could it be?"


Murphy didn't find any doubts in Douglas's answer. He didn't say anything more, but looked at Antonio and Tully with a frown.


"There are only two possibilities." Antonio walked to Alice's body and squatted down. He glanced at Tully, who was looking sad next to him, then looked down at Alice's body and said, "Either Alice refused to tell the truth and There was a fight with Rogge, and Rogge accidentally killed her, or..."


He paused, looked up at Tully's raised eyes, and said, "She revealed the truth to Rogge, but the relationship between the man behind the scenes and Rogge was extraordinary. In order to cover up his crime, Rogge chose to kill someone." Silence..."