

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · แฟนตาซี
60 Chs

Thief and Thief

On the eve of dusk, the giant attendant came to the lounge and invited the group to go to the banquet hall for dinner. Antonio led everyone to follow the attendants to the banquet hall. The attendants sent everyone to the banquet table with their hands, and sat down on the tableware and cushions specially prepared for everyone. .


Tyrell, who was sitting on the main seat, saw everyone sitting down and glanced at the people present. He found that the man in white next to Antonio was missing, so he asked: "Captain Antonio, it seems that there is one missing gentleman. He is here." where?"


Antonio pretended to glance at everyone, slapped his forehead and said: "Oh, I forgot to report to His Highness. Mr. Rogge was attacked by the ice phoenix on the way, and his body was cold and uncomfortable, so he had to be absent in the lounge. rest."


"Do you need to diagnose and treat him?" Tyrell asked with concern after hearing this.


Antonio quickly waved his hand and said: "No, thank you Your Highness. There is no need to worry about him. His health is not serious. He just needs to sleep."


Tyrell nodded silently, pondered for a moment, frowned and asked: "Did you just say, Rogge? I seem to have heard of this name. If I remember correctly, he seems to be a demon hunter."


"It's him." Antonio replied calmly.


Tyrell nodded and smiled after hearing this: "I have some impressions of him. He seems to be a wanted criminal in your country. No wonder his self-introduction was so vague when we first met, and he didn't even state his name."


He looked at Antonio curiously and asked, "Why are you and him together?"


"We met halfway, and we went together to track down the stolen sacred artifacts." Antonio said while secretly observing Tyrell's expression.


Tyrell suddenly understood, smiled and nodded and said, "Okay, when Mr. Rogge recovers, please bring him to see me. I would like to have a chat with you two."


"Of course, Your Highness." Antonio solemnly agreed, looking back at Tully beside him. The mermaid had also been observing the reactions of Tyrell and the giants beside him, but she found no doubts from beginning to end and could only look at Antonio gently. Shake his head.


"It seems that we can only place our hope in Rogge." Antonio thought to himself and raised the wine glass in his hand to Tyrell.



"Everyone eats and drinks in the banquet hall, but here I am hiding from the guards and stealing things. Why is there such a big gap between people?" In the dim corridor of the inner city castle of Hurricane City, Rogge walked close to the wall. While muttering under his breath.


"Shut up, I haven't spoken yet! Why do you have to drag me with you? I should be eating all kinds of delicious food at the dining table now!" The little owl lay on the top of his white wide-brimmed hat, unwilling to do so. grumbled.


Rogge rolled his eyes and retorted: "You just ate a whole turkey yesterday. If you keep eating like this, you will be so fat that you can't fly!"


Lilith was unconvinced and was about to retaliate, but Rogge grabbed her hat and threw it into the air, shouting: "Go and do some exercise and find the giants' treasure house!"


"Barbarian, even if I find the treasure, I won't share it with you, it's all mine!" The little owl pouted its beak and turned back to glare at Rogge before fluttering its wings and flying away.


Rogge watched her disappear in the corridor, and looked back in the direction behind him. There was no one in the corridor as wide as a hall. Occasionally, a gust of wind whizzed past his head. Rogge looked around and walked forward. After a short walk, As I walked, I suddenly heard some strange sound coming from behind me.


He frowned and looked back at the corridor behind him. The corridor illuminated by the lightning magic lamp was empty. A gust of wind passed under the lamp, casting a shadow that was fluttering on the ground. Rogge stared there for a while. , I didn't find anything unusual, so I continued to move forward.


After walking a few steps, a strange sound came from behind again. Rogge turned around and saw a big dog four to five meters tall with six legs, charging towards him from a distance with its mouth open. Ge was startled, turned around and ran forward.


The dog chased wildly from behind, spitting out a long and thick tongue like a red carpet. Its six long running legs made it approach Rogge at lightning speed. Rogge turned around and saw the dog approaching, knowing that he would not be able to escape if he kept going like this. Quickly rush to the wall on the left.


His legs burst out at lightning speed, dragging a phantom behind him and rushed to the wall. He jumped up and stepped on the wall to run vertically upward. The dog rushed to the wall and bit it. It was only a few centimeters away, and its teeth came from Rogge's back passed without a bite.


Rogge ran all the way up the seven-eight-meter high wall. He pushed hard on the wall with both feet and flipped backwards. He drew a beautiful arc in mid-air. He rolled forward and landed on the giant dog's hairy back. One knee touched the ground steadily. Live the body.


The giant dog didn't notice anything falling on it, but it could still smell the smell emanating from Rogge's body. It persistently searched for Rogge, searching all over the corners of the wall and the cracks in the ground, but never found its prey. .


Suddenly, the big dog lay down on the ground and rolled its body to the right. The shadow of its body immediately enveloped Rogge. Rogge hurriedly grabbed the dog hair on its body and climbed to the left quickly.


When the dog's body hit the ground like a mountain, the air current blew up Rogge into the air. He grabbed the end of the dog's hair and swung it around in the air before finally falling on the dog's belly.


"Damn dog, I really want to dig your belly open with my hands!"


Rogge sat up angrily. Before he could sit up straight, the dog suddenly turned over. Rogge reached out and grabbed the fur under the dog's belly. His whole body was floating gently in the air, like a man who fell off a cliff and was hanging on the cliff. traveler.


"I've really had enough!" Rogge glanced at the dog angrily, grabbed the hair on its body and climbed up on its back. At this time, the dog suddenly spread its six legs and ran forward. Rogge was caught off guard and almost almost It knocked him to the ground.


"Dogs are friends of humans, but they don't seem to be my friends!" When Rogge climbed on the dog's back again, he sat on the dog's back with gritted teeth and looked at the dog angrily as he ran forward along the corridor. Said with resentment.


Suddenly, something quietly landed on Rogge's shoulder. Rogge turned around and found that the little owl was staring at him with two big bright eyes, chirping: "You are lazy, and you still find it." The horse was gone, but I was asked to work hard to find a place!"


"Stop being so verbose, little one. Have you found it?" Rogge glared at her angrily and looked back at the giant dog warily. Seeing that it didn't find the little owl, he turned around and asked.


"Just in front, have you seen those two giant statues? They'll be there soon, you can get ready to jump out of the car!" Lilith stretched out a wing and pointed forward. Rogge looked back and saw two giant statues. It flashed past my eyes.


Rogge was stunned when he heard the little owl in his ear say: "We are going to miss it, so hurry up and jump! Don't be afraid, I will use the transformation technique to help you land!"


After hearing this, Rogge jumped up from the dog's back, jumped down from a place more than four meters above the ground, grabbed the dog's hair in mid-air, swung forward, rolled a circle and a half in the air, and landed firmly on one knee and half. on the ground.


When he raised his head, he saw Lilith fluttering her wings and landing on his shoulder. She patted Rogge's head with her wings and pretended to be mature and praised: "Hey, young man, that was so beautiful just now! "


Rogge turned back and glared at the little guy, and asked angrily: "Miss Witch, where is the transformation technique you promised?"


Lilith tilted her little head and looked at him innocently and said, "It's not my fault. The dog hair blocked my sight and prevented me from using the transformation technique!"


"I knew you were unreliable, you little scoundrel!" Rogge poked her little head with his finger, got up and walked towards the treasure house.


The two came to the treasure house. Rogge looked up at the closed door and the giant statues standing majestically on both sides of the door. He turned back and asked the little owl: "Are you sure this is here?"


"Yes, it's right here, that's what it told me!" the little fur ball said seriously.


"It?" Rogge frowned and asked, "Who is it?"


Before he finished speaking, the stone bricks on the surface of the door suddenly retreated to both sides, and a huge stone face appeared in Rogge's sight.