
Wolf of Fire

Alpha Amusu was the feared Alpha of death. His name struck fear into the hearts of all who heard him, his wolf was deadly, vicious and mad. He spread his fangs of death,fear and dread all over like a blanket of vile sin. He was not a devil,he was THE DEVIL! But only one person could defile him...only one person could put an end to his viciousness. Aira,a young she wolf who was still struggling to discover who she was. Being trapped in slavery and torture in the Silver Moon Pack, Aira makes a difficult decision to save her people from the hands of the monster. She's tied up into a web of lies and fears, death and evil. Would she become consumed by the one thing she struggles so had to escape from? *This book is a historical fiction, situated in Africa. *However,its completely written in English. *It has been edited *Contains triggers like; Suicide, Rape, Murder, Violence, Torture and Discrimination.

Olive_Otamz · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

7** Abuse and Future Betas

Aira stood at her spot in the tight iron chain that were hooked around each left foot of the slaves numbering about 20 heads.

Every 4 market days,they were assigned to a new master.

Today it was Dera's turn.

He was the future Beta of the pack.

Just like all the nobles,he was cruel and power crazed.

Their first punishment of the day was to carry the heavy chains which were laced in wolf's bane,hooked around their left legs while they stood under the burning sun.


It was Dinma. She was one of the only people Aira ever spoke to.

Dinma was sickly. She always passed out after long hours of work.

The black burn scar at the side of her face showed that she was an Obanje in her last life and as a result,she had to pay for her sins in this present life by always falling ill.

"Dinma...are you alright?"

The tiny girl shook her head fiercely, forcing her tears not to fall.

"I...I...I can not stand for much longer."

Aira could see her trying to hold back her tears.

"Do not cry,Dinma! What did I always tell you?"

Dinma swallowed hard and answered shakily.

"Cry...crying...solves no...no problem. Even though you were to die,face death with a clear eye."

Aira nodded once.

"Very good! Now,lean on me slowly."

It was difficult to do as the chains were tightened to prevent as much movements as possible.

But the plan was a failure.

A guard caught them.

Aira knew what was going to happen next.

Her whole body was a story of the abuse they all suffered.

But she showed no expression of fear even as the guard walked up to them,with fire in his eyes.

Every body was silent,not daring to utter a word.

"What is going on here?"

His deep voice asked.

The other slaves trembled under his voice.

He was a warrior,his tone could make any slave tremble.

But Aira stood her ground, looking him straight in the eyes.

"This slave is really ill. She can not stay here any longer."

The guard looked like a goddess had stripped naked in front of him.

Dinma shook Aira's shoulders, pleading with her not to say anymore.

But Aira knew that if she kept quiet now, Dinma would be in trouble,and the tiny girl could not bear any more pains.

"Did you just speak to me, you filthy slave?"

"I am the one trying to stop someone from dying and I am the filthy one?"

The words were out before she realized it.

"What did you just say?"

He growled.

His eyes were turning red.

He was a wine wolf. They had red wolves which were known for highly aggressive behaviors.

"You can burn in eternal flames! Nkita! Dog!"

Aira knew that if she didn't act rashly, Dinma would be involved. And the gods know how much more pain the girl could face.

The next thing she felt was the shackles coming off her feet and falling to the ground.

The other slaves stood silently as they too feared for their fates.

Shackles coming off may seem like a good thing. But for a slave,it was more preferable to be chained while others were.

Aira knew she was in trouble but it was nothing new.

She rolled her eyes in annoyance before the guard threw a punch directly in her face, blackening her out completely.




She was in a void. She felt as if she had been trapped between space a time.

The clanging of metals rang in her head so loudly,she feared her ears could bleed.

Slowly,she opened her eyes,to welcome more darkness.

The only light source was a dimly lit oil lamp at one end of the room she was in.

She was chained to a poll in the middle of the large room and gagged.

The material that was shoved into her mouth would definitely leave a bruise later on but she was thankful that her eyes were not blindfolded.

She liked to see the faces of whoever was tormenting her.

It made the pains easier to bear and it fueled her thirst for vengeance.

What are you planning now?

Fire spoke rather too loudly in her head.

Aira hissed in annoyance.

'Must you be so loud?'

That Dinma girl...I hate her! She acts so weak and fragile all the time...it is disgusting!

Aira tried to let out a laugh.

'She needed the help...she was going to die.'

Fire said nothing more as footsteps got closer and closer.

Aira raised her head to see the man who was coming towards her.

Dera stood there in all his glory.

His dark hair packed tightly in a small bun making the perfect jawline of his face obvious.

He was easily a six footer with muscles bulging out like saucers.

"The fiery slave is here again,eh?"

Aira glared hard at him, daring him to do his worst.

The last time she met him was not so pleasant.

The burns on her back were enough to tell the story.

But to think she was afraid of him was to get to far ahead of one's self.

He gripped the cloth piece and dragged it out of her mouth, cutting her lips in the process.

"I would like to hear you scream while I make you bleed!"

Aira chuckled and gave him a death glare.

"I would cut my tongue out and boil it in soup before I scream out in pain for you or anyone of your dirty..."

His fist connected to the side of her face,with a sickening crack.

For a few seconds she felt numb and a loud shrill sound rang in her ear.

Blood had started to drip out of her mouth slowly.

She chuckled like a crazy woman and stared deeply at him.

Her teeth were bloodied and her eyes were mad.

The pain was terrible but she made a vow to herself.

She would hang herself before she would shed a tear of pain for these monsters.

"Even...even...in beating...you...you can not still make a girl scream."

Aira...mechi onu! Shut up! You want to get killed?

'I know what I am doing!'

Aira knew she had hit a spot.

He was a future Beta, a prince.

An attack on his ego especially by an lowly slave would fuel fire in him.

That was the fire Aira needed. She wanted the beatings,it fueled her desire to get vengeance. It made her hate grow stronger.

You are mad!

Fire flatly pointed out.

Dera screamed madly as he hit her head repeatedly against the pole she was chained to.

Grabbing the chains and yanking them off,he threw her down to the ground like a bag of dirt.

She forced down a whimper,not letting him gain the pleasure of her emotions.


She began to laugh hysterically, enraging him the more.

He picked her up by the throat, choking her as she dangled in the air.

Aira's eyes were bloodshot and swollen. The left was already bruising and purple.

Blood dripped out of every opening on her face.

Her head felt like it was being split in half.

She smiled crazily at him, making no motion to get out of his grip.

"You killing me would not give you the balls of a real man. Maybe you should just run back to the loins of your father...oh wait,he doesn't even acknowledge you!"

She snickered before sending a bloody mixture of saliva right into his eyes.

Dropping her on the hard floor,he bent down and grabbed a fistful of her thick hair.

"I will break you!"

Aira laughed humorlessly and hissed,fire burning in her eyes.

"Break...break me?"

She choked.

"Tufia! The gods forbid! You are nothing but a castrated bull full of shit! Even if you cut me to pieces,you can never break me!"

"Believe me I will..."

"Believe me too! You can not!"

The glared daggers at each other before she went hysterical again.

The only thing she remembered before the darkness was the heavy bark of a tree jamming her head to the ground.

***Author's Note***

Hi y'all!! It's meet

It's been a while though.

I've been kinda going through a lot lately but it's getting better.

BTS butter be lit yo!

Anyway... please vo support my book.

Thank you...thank you... thank youuu😍😍!!!