
Wolf's Blood

After being defeated by a mysterious Hero who came to to kill her queen, the lone Fey in attempts to kill the Hero transfered her soul into the body of what she thought to be a dead human woman, and she was so close too. But unknowingly the soul of the woman was still there and by her reviving the body, it revived her, trapping the Fey in her, and forcing her to be sealed for some time. When waking up from an unknown amount of time in the woman, her life began again, and as the woman in which she unknownly saved gave birth to a healthy son, not even the Fey knew, that her soul took the new body. Now born in the same lands she had always been in, her kin murdered and only her left to remember them, she is born into a new family, and "He" has a new life to begin. But something still haunts the Fey, and it was the Hero. So with a new power and vast knowledge, he starts a new journey to gather the power to kill the Hero, and take everything he holds dear like how he took his. * * * * * * With an overall mission in his mind, a new influence beheads him, his life as a beast, and his duty to his new tribe, but the past still haunts him, an this one does too. . . . . . . . . . . Hey everyone, how's it going, I'm trying to do something new in which I haven't really done before, so I'll be glad for any support that comes my way, also this is a breif statement as this is a adventure and action type novel that also goes over all other types of tropes as well. So I'm glad to have y'all on board, and let's do this! Also Cover not mine, found it on Pinterest...

ColdApple · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 1: The Fallen Fay

As the mountainside began to split and the sky had soaked in the blood of the fallen, a lone Fey stood tall as she was holding her ribs, gritting at the lone Hero.

He was covered in the night sky and holding a bright sword, she didn't know where he came from but she didn't care, because their village was still burning...

And she knew it was him as he stood there proudly.

"Just make it easy and roll over for me, alright. . ."

The arrogance coming out of his mouth was enough for her to vomit, and looking at him she gritted her teeth more.

Not even understanding his words, but moreso tone. She balled a fist and then released it, letting out a pain filled sigh before chasing her hands towards the sky.

Closing her eyes, the sky began to cry balls of stone.

And as a shower of meteors began to fall to the earth.

She uttered, "Vanish from the earth, meteor shower" pouring her mana into the sky and sommoning them.

But smiling, the man laughed cheerfully at this good show, "Now you've done it, you've forced my hand," he said throwing his blade, breaking it through her stomach and rocketing out from her back.

And widening her eyes as a sharp pain peiced her belly, she looked down in completely terror as it was right through her, "No, this wasn't supposed to hap-"

But as it was too late, he was already in front of her, standing at the edge of the cliff she was on, and with this mischievous look on his face, he said, "I won"

An evil grin appeared as the mentors crashed.

And tearing it right out of her, enjoying it, her life was flashing through her eyes, but before she could even see the last thousand years of existing, he hit again.

And grabbing her forehead, tossed her down the cliff, watching as she fell and slammed against the rock, it would have been the end for her, if she didn't use the last bit of her strength to brace for such an impact.

But even at peak fitness, she lost to his strength.

Her organs were torn through and bleeding from the inside, and blood ran down her eyes, ears, mouth, an everywhere, spewing out of her every chance it had.

But she still had some fight left in her, enough to kill.

And as he jumped down at her, landing right next to her while creating a small creater, he reached into his pockets to take out this small little mech, "Extract..."

And as it glew and morphed into this automatic drill, she moved her finger, before he could steal her life's essence and become even stronger, she attacked.

And as the earth shifted and shot a beam at him, he reacted quickly, and moving his blade and arm, just predictin' her mana flow, he readied himself to block.

But it was too strong, and as it propelled him into the burning village he set ablaze, destroying building after building as he smashed into them, death neared her.

And as a grim reaper stood over her shoulders, with it's scythe raised to finish her off, she uttered various words to herself, and as his blade slammed down. . .

Her eyes glew a faint blue, and it's scythe plunged into her heart, killing the Fey, yet the reaper wasn't satisfied, and as it looked down at her, "Damn it..."

The repear clicked it's tounge, but finishing it's job.

Yet as the hero unaware of her demise finally got up from his decend, holding his blade he swore before looking to the path of the Fey Guardian in this land.

"Damn it, my HP's too low, this is becoming too much of a hassle to keep playing," growning as he checked his status bar, he readied himself to end it swiftly, but as he did, he heard a faint woman's voice behind him.

"Please... Help me..." she called out in pure agony.

Clicking his tounge he thought, "Why now?" thinking everyone had already left after he burned the village, but thinking again, they were crazies to let the Feys rule over them, but then again, they're still human.

And he had already killed the queen of the Fey.

So upon hearing her again, and using his life sense skill, he reluctantly went over to a pile of rubble, and he kicked off some rocks before going to save her.

And as he saw a faint moment, went down and tore them off, until it unmasked a beautiful woman that's dirty beauty suddenly caught his eye, "You alright?"

The hero asked, and as she tiredly gave a response due to her injuries and severely broken up body, he picked her up like a princes and said, "Fine, then I'll take you back to the castle to recover, alright miss,"

And looking at him, with bright blue eyes, that's the moment when she suddenly fell deep in love, as low as it sounds, this was her knight in shinning armor.

But as he told her to rest, and planned on using his systems magic to transport them away after he had checked for a severely injuried Fey he needed dead.

She secretly conjured a dagger into her hand, and as he had no clue, using his vision skill to check for the Fey, little did he know, she was actually in his arms.

Love and life was a lie, and as she possessed this body to kill him before she drew her last breathe of fresh air, she readied her hand to swiftly kill him.

But as soon as she clenched the knife, the body's soul began to resist, and as it began fighting for the main control over the body. . . She started loosing.

And before she knew it, she had lost to her...

She had lost again to a mere human...

And as she was repressed, her mind was still there as well as her soul in the body, but it began moving on its own, and infuriated, she wanted to curse them an just destroy the body along with him in a gorsom blast...

But unable to cast anything, she had to hold it back.

And as she watched, the human girl had passed out and when she opened her eyes, they were in a medic tent, she sensed an abundance of humans all over.

And most of all, him, with his dense magical aura.

The place disgusted her, but not as much as . . .

The human girl, and as she sat up looking at her body as it was covered in bandages and rags, she clicked her tounge, "Damn it, where... I can't sense em?"

And not thinking much of it, she stayed with the wondering woman for a few weeks, the woman had left the camp her and the hero were in and vanished from his radar completely, going back to their home.

But when seeing it in ruins, and her friends suddenly gone, she bit her lip so hard a line of blood slid down, and she punched a wooden house, destroying it...(?)

Baffled and confused, unable to even speak to her.

The next thing she knew, there was a roaring howl and this sudden view of the full moon, "AAAHH!"

She screamed at the sky, and thinking she was a bit crazy.

. . V . .

I looked up in spirit, before suddenly seeing my perception of everything surrounded by fleshy walls.

My soul condensed and moved somewhere else???

Before I knew it, I felt sleepy, and began to sleep.

When I next opened my eyes, there was a...

White snake like creature with no eyes.

"The hell's going on?" I dared to think.

I'm thinking of incorporating an interaction like system to this where after every chap I give 3 to 4 suggestions of where to lead the book, and you all can pick what you like or add something your interested in.

I'll start this in the next chapter.

Also due to School and work my schedule looks like possibly 1 to 2 chaps a week and if I can't upload this week, I'll add it onto the next week I upload and am off.

ColdApplecreators' thoughts