
WMMAP - [S1] Shelter You - (愛)してる

"Expectation hurts you know..." "I know... And I know if there was another me in another universe, he wouldn't miss your birthday. He would stop whatever he was doing and come to you with the snap of his finger." "...what are you getting at?" "He would force you to go to bed with his magic because he wouldn't want you to stay up late. He would tuck you in and would stick around even if you fell asleep."

HeliosRedSun · แอคชั่น
5 Chs

Chapter 3

Sensing the decreasing pace of the girl behind him, Lucas slowly swirled around to meet her. They just stood there, staring at one another silently yet perplexingly.

"Aren't you gonna go home?" Athanasia finally asked, not liking how those crimson eyes bore into hers.

She knew there was no harm in those orbs, but they were getting appealing to look at. Noticing how she avoided his eyes, Lucas smirked.

"What? Do you want to follow me home?"

"That is my line. Where is your house?"

"Should I be concerned about telling a Random Stranger my whereabouts?" He asked mockingly.

"Whatever! Be on your way."

"Harsh. But I'm already where I should be."

"You are standing in front of my house! Go away, you creep!"

"I know you are stupid, but you need to stop giving out information like this."

Lucas snickered when she facepalmed herself just now, realizing what she had just told him.

He added, "And I should correct you. I am in front of my house, not yours. There is a fence. See?"

He tilted his head and motioned to the waist-length fence which separated the two households.


Athanasia was not ready to have a random stranger — or savior as her neighbor.

"I have never seen you before..."

"Are you dumb? I just moved in today. Arrived a few hours ago. Took a stroll. Found a Pikachu getting bullied."

"Who are you calling Pikachu!?"

"Who else? Blonde hair. Smoll. Not small but, Smoll. Yeah, I said it. So, Pikachu is the perfect reference."

His eyebrow heaved in amusement when she suddenly stormed toward him while Athanasia gritted her teeth, rage-fueled by that mocking smirk of his. It clearly said, 'What are you gonna do about it?'

Before Athanasia could reach his collar and decide to shove him in the nearest trash bin she could find, her door was barged open.


Lilian hastened out of the house and ran toward her. Her godmother held her so close that she could barely breathe.

"Lily, you are squishing me..."

Athanasia made space for the puppy before Lilian could crush both of them with her bear hug.

"What took you so long!?" Lilian asked as she pulled away. "I tried to call you, but you didn't even bring your phone— And— Is that a puppy in your arms!?"

"I will explain when we are inside. But... It was fortunate enough for this guy to show up."

Athanasia stole a glance at Lucas, who was still grinning in delight at what he was seeing.

Lilian promptly let go of Athanasia and slightly dipped her head, "Oh, my! Thank you so much for helping Athy. My name is Lilian York."

"I'm Lucas," he responded with a slightly awkward bow of his own and scratched his head. "And since that is out of the way, I will head back to my house."

He stepped backward, then turned around with his hands inside his pockets. As he was getting closer to his house, a black car parked right in front of his house captured his attention.


A vaguely recognizable voice resounded.

Lucas whipped his head around, seeing a familiar face, "Oh, it's you. Wait— Did you just come out of that house?"

"I came to deliver more documents for you," Ezekiel spoke.

"That is not my house," Lucas said, pointing at the house next door. "How did you even get in there?"

"It was me who invited him to our house. I was about to go out and look for Athy. But he showed up just in time," Lilian, who overheard the conversation, explained on the man's behalf.

"Sorry, but are you somehow related to Roger Alpheus?" Athanasia, who was left out the entire time, asked.

Pleased with how she remembered him, Ezekiel smiled before reintroducing himself, "Yes. I am his son. It is quite an honor for you to remember me, milady."

Athanasia studied the young boy whom she had met in her childhood days. He was now a full-grown man, and she could not help but venerate the matured impression he was giving.

Though it made her laugh nervously.

"I am not used to this formality."

"You two know each other?" Lucas, whose existence had been overlooked until now, questioned, displeased by how everyone disregarded him.

"Our fathers work together," Ezekiel explained.

"Sorry for interrupting, but is it okay if we continue the discussion inside our house?" Lilian suggested.

"Am I included?" Lucas asked.

"Yes. If it pleases you, stay for some tea and cookies as well. It's all homemade."

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading inside," Athanasia shrugged and went inside with Raven in her arms as well.

"Will you two be joining us?" Lilian smiled at her guests, and Ezekiel nodded slightly.

The thoughts of getting all those goodies were enough to convince Lucas. So he dipped his head slightly.

With Lilian leading the way, the two followed shortly after.

Ezekiel leaned in and said in a hushed whisper, "You ought to read the documents, Lucas. With that, you could have known at least who she is."

Lucas just clicked his tongue, put his hand hands in his pockets in annoyance, and walked ahead of Ezekiel.

Treating the house as if it were his own, Lucas went to the sofa where Athanasia was sitting. He seated himself there, legs crossed.

Athanasia squinted her eyes, judging the insensitive behavior of this specific guest. She fought against all odds to slap him in the head as he mouthed 'Smoll Pikachu' at her and he wiggled his eyebrow at her.

If it was not for Lilian's arrival, entering the living room with a plate of dessert, the young heiress would have jumped on him.

Athanasia recomposed herself, taking a deep breath and shrugging off the vivid laughter across the room. Gently stroking the small sleeping fur ball in her arms, she distracted herself from him.

When Lilian placed the plate of assortment on the table, not waiting for an invitation, Lucas extended his hand forward, reaching for the sweets.


The voice came from beside him and Lucas halted momentarily, eyes darted to Ezekiel.

"It's alright. Please make yourself at home."

Lilian's permission made Lucas scoff and took a fistful of the dessert in his hand.

"So? Aren't you going to explain yourself?" Athanasia suddenly asked.

"Shouldn't you be the one to do the explanation first?" He countered her with a question of his own, tossing the cookie in the air, head tilted to catch it in his mouth.

Athanasia remained silent, yet cursing and praying internally that he would choke for exposing her.

Though it was entirely her fault for all the incidents that had happened and so she explained everything.

The moment she heard Lilian sigh, Athanasia knew she was already in big trouble.

"You are grounded, young lady. No more cake for a month," Lilian said as soon as Athanasia finished her story.

"But Lily!"

"No 'But'! If anything happened to you, I would never forgive myself!"

"Nothing happened, though..."

"Because Lucas was there! If it was not for him, you would have gotten hurt!"

"I could have handled it myself," Athanasia mumbled under her breath. "Didn't even ask for his help..."

Though he heard her loud and clear since he never once took his eyes off her. After all, she was his source of entertainment in this room.

"You are welcome," Lucas smugly remarked on his sarcasm.

Not approving of his friend's behavior, Ezekiel stated his concern, "Lucas, please behave in front of them."

"No. It's alright. And Athy also prefers casual conversation," Lilian explained, and this somehow made Ezekiel feel alienated from the people in the room.

"I see..."

"So, you know that guy?" Noticing how her childhood friend's expression was changing, Athanasia asked Ezekiel while pointing at Lucas.

"We are friends from Obelia," Ezekiel answered.

Lucas clicked his tongue at the introduction, "Wrong. We are far from friends."

"You are right. Who wants to befriend the like of you?"

Athanasia inflicted an insult, but Lucas just scoffed.

"Why would I need one in the first place?"

"That is just rude."

"Do I look like I care?"

She glared at his face, mumbling 'Insensitive bastard...' at him as quietly as she could. She was worried that Lilian might overhear such language from her and Lucas would just smirk at her as he stretched his arms.

"That is just rude to say to your savior."

"I needed no saving back there!!" She snapped at him.

"Athy. That is not nice," Lilian shushed her.

"He started it!"

"May I ask why you two came to Arlanta?" Trying to change the topic, Athanasia's godmother asked as she poured the guests some tea

"We are there to attend Arlanta Academy, recommended by Sir Felix himself," Ezekiel explained.

Before Lilian could ask, Athanasia abruptly got on her feet and gave Raven to her nanny, "Felix sent you guys here?! How is my dad doing?!"

The black fluff let out a surprised yelp before burying his face into Lilian's arms, ignoring his new mom's ear-screeching voice.


"But Lily!" Athanasia pouted. "Dad barely calls! He has never visited me! What is so important with the company anyway? I am beginning to think he favors his company over me!"

A burst of small laughter escaped Lucas' lips.

"I—I am sorry about that," Her face turned into a shade of red, and she stuttered with discomfort.

"I personally think it's adorable," Ezekiel commented, smiling at Athanasia, making her blush even more at his bold compliment. So he added, "I think we had met several times back when my father visited His Excellency, but we have never introduced ourselves properly, have we?"

"No, I don't think we have..."

Ezekiel gently held Athanasia's hand.

"Ezekiel Alpheus at your service. I will attend the same school as yours."

She held her breath, glancing at their intertwined hands before looking him straight in the eyes. Golden orbs shining like a warm sun fitted perfectly with his silver-white hair.

"It is a pleasure to meet you again, Lady Athanasia, after all these years."

Then, he brought Athanasia's knuckles to his lips. The tranquility of his expression emphasized by a gentle smile still lingered on his face.

Then the sound of a teacup being carelessly placed on the table made Athanasia withdraw her hand.

Beckoning to the noise, Athanasia's crystal eyes met a pair of glowing red orbs, reflecting irritation. However, he avoided eye contact as quickly, grabbing the whole plate of cookies as he leaned back on the sofa.

"And you are?" Athanasia asked, not wanting to dismiss his existence.


She internally told herself to brush off the cold shoulder he suddenly was giving since they had only met.

"Athanasia De Alger. My dad may be the CEO, but please call me Athanasia or Athy in short."

Lucas shrugged again and averted his attention to Athanasia's scraped knee.

"So, Princess, shouldn't you do something about your knee?"

Lucas' way of addressing Athanasia made Ezekiel frown, but he shifted focus to where his friend was pointing.

"You got hurt?" Lilian asked. Yet without waiting for a response, she went to get the medical supply, and Ezekiel took action as fast.

He knelt down in front of Athanasia, attempting to take a look at the injured area.

"May I?"

"Um... Yes? But it is not a big deal..."

Ezekiel moved her knee lightly as he deliberately used the medicine on the cotton Lilian had just given him. He dabbed the antibiotic on the wound, making Athanasia wince at the pain.

"Does it hurt?" Ezekiel asked.

A hint of redness appeared on her cheeks but promptly vanished upon seeing two ruby orbs stare intensely at them.


Ezekiel waved his hand in front of her.

"Y—Yes... A bit, but it's fine."

"Please bear the pain."

"Ah... Okay..."

"Are you feeling unwell? You did not respond to my voice earlier."

"I'm fine. Thank you," she smiled while letting him wrap a bandage around her knee.

The sound of the table screeching to the floor as if someone intentionally moved it with force reverberated in the room.

All eyes landed on Lucas, who just got up and scratched his head.

"Are we done? Because I want to sleep."

"Oh, traveling must have exhausted you," Lillian said while getting up on her feet, and Ezekiel did the same.

"It's not a big deal... But I think I should go," said Lucas.

Lilian escorted the two guys to the door, and then Athanasia also decided to see them off.

Or maybe had she something else to say to them?

However, her slim silhouette remained shadowed behind Lilian.

"Again, thank you so much, you two."

"You are very welcome. Please let me know if you need any further help. We will take our leave now," Ezekiel bid his goodbye.

Head tilted to the side, he saw Athanasia was looking at him.

Well, he thought she was looking at him, but their eyes level did not meet.

As she wanted to hear from the guy leaning against the door frame, hands folded and back turned to her, she called.

"Hey, Lucas."

After a quick pause, he glanced at her from the corner of his eye.

"See you around?" She asked, then a small smile appeared on his face.

"See you, Princess."

"I got a name, you know."

"Nah. I will call you whatever I want. Plus, I like your metaphor."

She scoffed at his goodbye as she watched him exiting her house with his hands in his pocket.

Ezekiel paced and walked quietly behind Lucas. Once they were completely out of sight, He tapped on Lucas' shoulder.

"I expect you to behave with professionalism."

Lucas groaned out loud at his friend's welcoming advice.

"If you are going to lecture me about my job, then you can go," he said while shaking Ezekiel's handoff.

"Our job is—"

"You do your job. I do mine. End of discussion."

"She is the daughter of the President of Obelia Company."

"So what?"

"At least behave yourself around her."

"Does she know her father sent us to guard her?"

"No, of course not—"

"Then don't tell me how to do my job. We are not guys in suits, following her everywhere. Give her a normal life."

"I assume you are finally taking this mission with significance, given how serious you sound right now. But would you mind letting go of my shirt?"

Unaware that he was fisting Ezekiel's collar tightly, Lucas blinked before leasing slowly.

"It is only fair if you care about her—"


Before Ezekiel could finish, the sentence was cut off with Lucas' overlapping voice.

"Her safety, Lucas. Safety."

Ezekiel fixed his shirt and then got in his car. With the engine started, he slid the window down.

"But one thing for sure, her beauty has bloomed like a flower throughout these years. She almost looked like... an angel. Lady Angel," Ezekiel said out loud as if he wanted his other friend to overhear it.

He flashed his friend another one of his signature smiles before driving off.

The car was out of his sight, and Lucas walked to his front door. It had done nothing wrong to him, yet he felt the urge to bang the wooden frame shut harshly. Feeling furious with what he had seen today, Lucas landed face-first on his bed.

Annoyance was all he felt.