

We'd see a sky view of the school of witchcraft and wizardry. Zooming into the headmaster's study, Godric Gryffindor would sit at the desk writing on paper. Salazar Slytherin then walked into the office.

"Evening Salazar," Godric said. Salazar nodded,

"Evening to you, Godric."

"I have something to propose… You could say." Salazar said. Godric looked up at Salazar confused.

"Is it about the school? You are a co-founder so you have a say in things…" Godric asked. Salazar nodded,

"Well, actually it had something to do with the students." Salazar said. Godric looked at him confused.

"What is it?" Godric asked. Salazar sighed and sat down in front of the desk.

"I think we shall not accept muggle-born students into our school." Salazar said. Godric cleared his throat. He looked up at Salazar confused. Godric removed his glasses and put them down on the desk.

"Not accept Muggle-borns into our magic school?"

"Are you ridiculous?" Godric asked. Salazar nodded and Godric stood up walking over to the balcony.

"How could you say such a thing, any child born with magic shall learn how to wield it… Or else…" Godric said. Salazar said,

"More why we shall keep them out. They could become a danger to the school." Salazar said. Godric clenched his right fist. He then turned to Salazar and pointed at the door.

"Get out…" Godric said. Salazar looked at Godric confused.


"GET OUT!" Godric shouted. Salazar looked at Godric, surprised.

"A..Alright…" Salazar said, as he turned to the door and left the study. Godric then lowered his finger from the door and rubbed his nose, sighing.

"Goodness…" Godric whispered. Outside of the study, Salazar would be walking down the halls of Hogwarts. Salazar walked over to the girl's lavatory. He walked inside and locked the door with his wand.

"Alohamora." The door shut as he walked toward the sink. Salazar closed his eyes and started speaking in Parseltongue.

"Hhesh-haasa..." The top of the sink then floated and the sinks separated themselves revealing a hole in the ground. Salazar cast wingardium leviosa on himself, floating down the hole. Salazar came out of the hole appearing in a cave.

"Lumos Maxima," Salazar said. There were multiple different tunnels in the cave. Salazar walked down the tunnel on the far left. He walked down the tunnel and approached a vault-like door with snakes.

"Hhesh-haasa...," Salazar said. A snake then started moving around the door as it opened. Salazar walked into the chamber of secrets.

"Damn you Godric…" Salazar said. Suddenly, the mouth of the statue opened and a baby snake slithered out.

"One day, my heir will bring true justice to the Slytherin name," Salazar said. Salazar and the snake then apparated out of the chamber.

-- 7:30 PM, DECEMBER 19TH 2016, Fathersfield, Brockenhurst, Hampshire, SO42 -- 

The home was quiet, as an 11-year-old boy sat in the kitchen with his parents eating spaghetti. The television was turned on, speaking on the recent death and supposed murder of Hogwarts Headmistress, Head Of Gryffindor, and Transfiguration Professor, Minerva McGonagall. The Newscaster said that the ministry was looking for a suspect in the supposed murder.

"Goodness… I hope James is safe and gets home soon…" A ginger woman, in her early to mid-forties, held a book under her shoulder, sighing worryingly.

"Don't worry, I bet James is alright." A man around the same age as the woman put his hands on her shoulders. The woman nodded,

"Isaac, finish up your food and get to bed… Alright?" The woman asked, her youngest son. The little fluffy-haired brunette boy nodded. The boy finished his pasta, grabbed his plate, and rinsed it off.

"Your pasta was really good!" He smiled brightly. 

He placed the wet plate into the dishwasher, closing it then walking out of the kitchen. The boy then walked out of the kitchen, running to his bedroom. He grabbed a book off of his bed and sat on a chair. While reading, the door opened downstairs.

"James!" Isaac thought to himself. Isaac left his book on his bed. The title of the book was 'The Alchemist'. Isaac left his room and walked downstairs, He saw two cloaked figures, standing in the doorway. Amelia and Thomas Linford stood there in front of the two.

"M-Mum..?" Isaac asked with a worried look on his face. Amelia looked back at Isaac in the same amount of shock.

"Isaac! I told you to go up to your room!" Amelia said. The boy stood there, shaking slightly, worried for his parent's lives. One of the cloaked people removed their hood revealing themself to be James Tegron, the oldest sibling of the family. Isaac's hand began to shake violently.

"B-Big Brother..?" Isaac stuttered. James looked up at Isaac with a dead expression. James then looked back to his mother,

"Deatheaters were weak… Scum of the earth, disgraceful, and arrogant… Couldn't live up to their leader…" James said. Isaac ran down the stairs, grasping onto his mother. James looked down at Isaac. Isaac glared up at James,

"d-don't talk to mom like that!!" Isaac shouted. James' teeth grinded,

"Stupefy…" The person next to James said. Isaac slightly flew back into the wall, falling onto the floor. James looked back at his mother,

"Any last other words… Traitor..?" James asked. Amelia nodded slowly,

"Run…" James raised a brow.

"RUN, ISAAC!!" Amelia shouted. James & Isaac's eyes widened. Isaac stood up, sprinting out of the house. Isaac ran down the street, as tears streamed down his eyes.

"I'm… I'M RUNNING MUM!!" Isaac shouted. An explosion was then heard as Isaac stopped moving, turning back to see his house up in flames. "MUM!! DAD!!" Isaac shouted. 

Isaac fell to his knees, looking at the house.

"I…" Isaac muttered.

"I ran momma…" he looked down as the tears fell from his eyes. He closed his eyes, opening them, transitioning to 4 years in the future. Isaac stood in an office at Kings Cross Station. A tall blonde woman, in a dark dress, holding a cane stood in front of the desk.