
Chapter 43: The Duke's Extortion and the Barons' Alliance

At the training grounds, Su Nan raised an eyebrow.

Other issues might be trivial, but interfering with his acquisition of ancient texts was crossing the line. Anyone who hindered his pursuit of magical knowledge was bound to regret it.

Warwick, the old butler, pulled a letter from his pocket, its seal bearing the insignia of the Duke of Salonika. "Young master, this is the second letter from the duke. Judging by the timing, I doubt it bears good news."

Su Nan had received a previous letter from the duke, which consisted of superficial pleasantries and an air of condescension. The duke had even refrained from addressing the relationship between himself and the deceased Gus Pasha, glossing over past conflicts with an air of superiority.

Su Nan had dismissed the letter entirely, finding the duke's arrogance and ignorance insufferable. Their paths were fundamentally different, and Su Nan saw no value in engaging with him.

Now, another letter had arrived.

"Just perfect," Su Nan muttered. "Time to test a few experimental potions on those Bulgars. They'll serve as excellent data points."

As he skimmed the letter, his expression darkened. The Duke of Salonika had the audacity to demand that Su Nan extort 20,000 gold coins from Maple Leaf Town to pay him. In return, the duke claimed he would use his army, storm knights, and his own formidable strength as a great knight to prevent Bulgar tribes from attacking Su Nan's lands.

The final line read: "Dear Su Nan, as a former friend and superior of your late father, I must warn you. Possessing Maple Leaf Town may not be a blessing; its wealth will inevitably attract Bulgar raids. You need a powerful protector."

Su Nan immediately crumpled the letter and tossed it aside like garbage.

The nerve! The duke, who cowered within his castle, refusing to engage the Bulgar invaders, now claimed he could protect others.

Warwick asked, "Young master, what does the duke want?"

"Nothing worth my time," Su Nan replied curtly. "Empty words and nonsense."

The butler chuckled. "The Duke of Salonika always overreaches. He spends his energy chasing things far beyond his grasp."

"But young master, the Bulgars are elusive and expert horsemen. How do we find them?"

"I have a plan," Su Nan said, turning to Blom. "You'll lead the charge this time. I need to observe the combat effectiveness of our werewolf warriors."

Blom straightened. "Yes, my lord."

Though eager, Blom felt a pang of anxiety. Failing his master was unthinkable.

The next day, Su Nan convened the town council in Maple Leaf Town. Exercising his authority as lord, he enacted a new decree: all trade caravans entering or leaving the town must display the Peter family crest—a single-headed golden eagle.

"Anyone who dares attack a caravan bearing this emblem," Su Nan declared, "will be declaring war on the Peter barony."

While the council members appreciated Su Nan's efforts to protect the town, figures like Guildmaster Gus remained skeptical.

"The Bulgars follow the Beast God," Gus muttered. "They won't respect symbols or laws."

During this period, barons from neighboring territories—Baron Simon and Baron Frank—visited the Peter barony, hoping to form an alliance to repel the Bulgars.

Both men were deeply concerned. The Bulgar raids had become increasingly brutal, and with neither the king nor the Duke of Salonika taking action, they were left to fend for themselves.

Despite their repeated visits, Su Nan had declined to meet them, always preoccupied with his magical research. To him, dealing with the Bulgars was a minor inconvenience, not a matter requiring extensive deliberation.

By evening, Baron Simon and Baron Frank, rebuffed for the third time, left the Peter barony in frustration.

Riding side by side, Frank fumed. "Maple Leaf Town is wealthier than all my villages and estates combined. Yet that boy doesn't seem to care at all! I thought he was a capable young lord for defeating Gus Pasha, but now…"

"Does he think he can fend off the Bulgars alone?"

Simon, ever the diplomat, tried to calm his companion. "Don't be too upset, Frank. If the Peter barony doesn't join our alliance, that's their loss."

"At least we've managed to rally the other baronies. With our forces combined—yours, mine, and those of Baron Doren—we should be able to defend ourselves."

Frank scoffed. "Easy for you to say. My lands are on the front line. If the Bulgars come, I'll be the first to suffer."

"Don't worry," Simon assured him. "We won't abandon you. If the Bulgars attack, we'll fight alongside you."

Frank wasn't convinced. His anxiety stemmed from the knowledge that his barony would bear the brunt of the initial assault, situated as it was between the Peter barony and the Bulgar raiders.

"If the Bulgars bypass my lands and attack Maple Leaf Town instead," Frank growled, "I won't lift a finger to help."

Simon chuckled. "If SuNan is foolish enough to reject our alliance, then he's on his own."

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