
Within he seeks: A Harry Potter Tale

Within he seeks: A Harry Potter Tale Eden has always been a gentle soul—too gentle, if you ask his father. He was the heir to a pure-blood family and had to meet his father's requirements, but when his standards rise to a new level where Eden has to start questioning his father's morals, things start to take a new turn. Follow Eden as he struggles through a family that might not be as perfect as everyone thinks and a school where death doesn't seem too far away. This is my first fanfic and english is my second launguage so bear with me :D ps: No Harem and MC is a Greengrass Slow-burn Message me if you want the cover to be changed :)

Voyy · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

A Companion

The day had finally come for the young quartet of Eden, Susan, Daphne, and Blaise to venture into Diagon Alley to gather all the necessary items for their upcoming education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Excitement and anticipation filled the air as they stepped into the magical marketplace.

Their hearts fluttered with the promise of a new chapter in their lives, and as they entered Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, they were greeted by the warm smile of the friendly witch herself. Her experience in fashion was evident as she took each of them under her care, eager to find the perfect robes for their unique personalities.

"Oh, I want something with sparkles!" Daphne exclaimed, twirling around in a burst of enthusiasm.

Susan giggled, "Sparkles? You'll look like a walking star, Daphne!"

Blaise playfully raised an eyebrow, "Perhaps that's what she's aiming for, Susan—being the brightest witch of our time!"

Daphne grinned, giving Blaise a playful nudge. "Exactly! Besides, I want to dazzle the first-years at Hogwarts."

Eden chuckled softly, admiring his sister's excitement. "You'll light up the Great Hall, no doubt."

As they tried on various robes, the quartet couldn't help but tease each other good-naturedly. Blaise playfully modeled an elaborate robe with a dramatic flourish, eliciting laughter from his friends.

"Oh, very princely, Blaise," Susan remarked, trying to stifle her laughter.

"Thank you, thank you," Blaise replied with a mock bow, causing Susan to erupt into giggles.

Eventually, they all settled on their perfect school robes, each expressing their unique personalities through their choices. Madam Malkin couldn't help but enjoy their playful banter and the joy they brought to her shop.

Next on their list was Ollivander's Wand Shop, where they were met by the enigmatic Mr. Ollivander himself. As they tried various wands, the shopkeeper observed each of them with keen interest.

Susan was the first to find her wand, a vine wood with a unicorn hair core. "It feels just right," she said with a sense of wonder.

Blaise struggled to find his amoung the clustered wands and started getting a little anxious but right before he opened his mouth to ask Mr. Ollivander something, a wand of hornbeam with a dragon heartstring core started glowing a bright blue light. "Well, I hope it doesn't demand too much attention," he joked eased.

Daphne found her wand the quickest, it was a perfect match of spruce wood with a phoenix feather core. "I feel like a real witch now," she said, her eyes shining.

As Eden tried a few wands, he felt a sense of connection with each one, but none seemed to resonate as strongly as he hoped. Just when he was starting to worry, he noticed a flash of movement near a stack of wand boxes. Curiosity piqued, he approached and discovered a fluffy cat, its yellow eyes fixed on him.

Lauma, as the young wizard later came to know her, approached Eden with a grace unbefitting her size. She nudged a particular wand box with her paw, as if guiding him toward it. Intrigued, Eden reached for the wand inside—a wand made of cedar with a phoenix feather core—and he felt an unmistakable surge of magic that resonated deep within him.

"It's as if it's alive," Eden whispered in amazement.

Mr. Ollivander smiled knowingly. "A magical bond indeed, young wizard."

The quartet left Ollivander's with their new wands and friend, and Blaise couldn't resist showing off some wand tricks to the amusement of his friends. Susan, always the inquisitive one, tried to replicate the moves, resulting in a burst of colorful sparks.

"Careful, Susan, you'll set the whole alley on fire!" Daphne joked, causing Susan to roll her eyes playfully.

As they left the magical marketplace, Eden couldn't help but feel a profound connection with Lauma. Their meeting wasn't mere chance—it was a moment of fate, as if the magical realm itself had conspired to bring them together.

As he returned home, Lauma trailing closely behind him, he knew that their connection was no ordinary one—it was a bond forged by magic and destined to shape their journeys at Hogwarts and beyond. With Lauma as his loyal companion, Eden was filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the unexpected friendship he had found in the form of a magical cat.

Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, Eden couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendships he had formed. His heart brimmed with excitement and a sense of belonging. Marlène, his mother, watched the duo closely, her heart touched by the unspoken bond that had formed between her gentle son and the loyal Maine Coon. She knew that Eden had always been a caring and gentle soul, and seeing him find a kindred spirit filled her with a mix of pride and love.

As the days passed, Marlène often found herself quietly observing them, sharing a moment of understanding and friendship that only a magical bond could bring. As they continued to share laughter and mischief, the quartet of young witches and wizards(plus cat) forged a bond that would withstand the tests of time, making their journey through Hogwarts one of friendship, adventure, and headaches for the professors.


Another much needed chapter is out,:D

I'm not sure with this one but welp am not gonna sit and wait it out. :)

Please comment if you have an idea that you want to be in the story or if you want me to change anything :D

Much love Voyy!<33

Voyycreators' thoughts