
With you till the end

(WARNING:this novel talks about depression,anxiety and ptsd,it also has violence and sexual assault.If you are triggered by any of these things i don't recommend you read.) Layla Griffin,a girl coming from an abusive past and now struggling with anxiety,depression and PTSD. Jacob Santiago,a boy who’s father is a mafia lord and wants him to take over the family business once he is of age. He's helping her get over her past and she's helping him take control over his life. Are they destined to be?Or will this be another tragic love story...

Tt_A · วัยรุ่น
44 Chs

Splish splash

Layla's side:

When we arrived,there wasn't that many people, but only a few minutes later a huge group arrived with a big pack of drinks and party snacks.

Guy 1 -"LET'S PARTY!!"

Everyone ran outside to the pool as the music started playing,we got our drinks and decided to sit next to the pool.

S -"The weather's really nice today"

D -"Yeah it's better than i expected"

J -"We going swimming yet or not?"

L -"We haven't finished our snacks yet"

J -"Oh come on! The sun is out and it's a beautiful day. You never know when the sun is gonna set so you can eat your snacks later"

Jacob picks me up and gets ready to jump in the pool.

L -"I swear if you throw me in the pool i-"

J -"Hold your breath!"

He jumped either way and we both fell in, but i forgot to hold me breath so i choked on a little bit of water on my way up.

L -"*Cough cough*"

J -"I thought i told you to hold your breath? Are you okay?"

Jacob brushes the wet hair strands off of my face.

L-"*Cough* I'm fine, don't worry about it"

He slides his hands around my waist and lays his head on my shoulder.

J -"Make sure to hold your breath this time"

L -"Wait what?"

As soon as i hear him say that he pulls me under the water. It was pretty refreshing,the water was at the perfect temperature,not cold but not too hot either. We opened our eyes and stayed under water for a while, i'm not very good at holding my breath under water though so i came up pretty quickly and Jacob joined me soon after.

L -"Can i finish my snacks now?"

J -"*Laughs* Fine, but were sharing"

We got out of the water where Sam and Dustin were having cans of Pepsi.

S -"Dustin,can we go swimming now? That's your fourth can so far!"

D -"It's not my fault, i haven't had Pepsi in years! My mom always said it would give me health problems so she never let me"

S -"Pffftttt! Oh my god that's so sad!"


D -"Oh shut up!"