
With Naruto's abilities in another world

Read with me and see what our hero has achieved

Zahar4ik · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 1

<ya-tr-span data-index="214-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="When Lin Chuan woke up, he felt pain all over his body." data-translation="Проснувшись, Линь Чуань почувствовал боль во всем теле." data-type="trSpan">Проснувшись, Линь Чуань почувствовал боль во всем теле.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="215-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="What was even more uncomfortable was that his head seemed to be bursting, filled with a lot of complex information." data-translation="Что было еще более неудобно, так это то, что его голова, казалось, лопалась, наполненная множеством сложной информации." data-type="trSpan">Что было еще более неудобно, так это то, что его голова, казалось, лопалась, наполненная множеством сложной информации.</ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="215-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="This situation didn't stop after more than ten minutes." data-translation="Эта ситуация не прекращалась более десяти минут." data-type="trSpan">Эта ситуация не прекращалась более десяти минут.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="216-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""What happened? " data-translation="- Что случилось? " data-type="trSpan">- Что случилось? </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="216-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Before going to sleep, Ling Chuan struggled to remember what had happened." data-translation="Перед сном Лин-Чуань изо всех сил пытался вспомнить, что произошло." data-type="trSpan">Перед сном Лин-Чуань изо всех сил пытался вспомнить, что произошло.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="217-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="He just remembered that he was going to participate in a comic show, and he wanted to cosplay Naruto's main boss, Otsuki Teruya. " data-translation="Он просто вспомнил, что собирается участвовать в комическом шоу, и хотел сделать косплей главного босса Наруто, Оцуки Теруя. " data-type="trSpan">Он просто вспомнил, что собирается участвовать в комическом шоу, и хотел сделать косплей главного босса Наруто, Оцуки Теруя. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="217-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The costumes and props were bought from a certain treasure, and he had already put on makeup, even two on his head. " data-translation="Костюмы и реквизит были куплены из некоего клада, и он уже наложил грим, даже два на голову. " data-type="trSpan">Костюмы и реквизит были куплены из некоего клада, и он уже наложил грим, даже два на голову. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="217-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Only the horn was raised." data-translation="Поднялся только рог." data-type="trSpan">Поднялся только рог.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="218-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Ling Chuan remembered that at that time, standing in front of the mirror, he was licking the fruit of the support, the tree of God, and then there was nothing." data-translation="Лин Чуань вспомнил, что в то время, стоя перед зеркалом, он облизывал плод опоры, древа Божьего, а потом ничего не было." data-type="trSpan">Лин Чуань вспомнил, что в то время, стоя перед зеркалом, он облизывал плод опоры, древа Божьего, а потом ничего не было.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="219-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="When Lin Chuan woke up again, he was no longer in his own home, but completely in a foreign world." data-translation="Когда Линь Чуань снова проснулся, он был уже не в своем собственном доме, а полностью в чужом мире." data-type="trSpan">Когда Линь Чуань снова проснулся, он был уже не в своем собственном доме, а полностью в чужом мире.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="220-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""Let me go, fakes of a certain treasure aren't poisonous, right? " data-translation="- Отпусти меня, подделки некоего сокровища не ядовиты, верно? " data-type="trSpan">- Отпусти меня, подделки некоего сокровища не ядовиты, верно? </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="220-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="I'm dead !!» " data-translation="Я мертв !!» " data-type="trSpan">Я мертв !!» </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="220-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Lin Chuan wanted to cry without tears." data-translation="Линь Чуань хотелось плакать без слез." data-type="trSpan">Линь Чуань хотелось плакать без слез.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="221-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""But that's not right. " data-translation="- Но это неправильно. " data-type="trSpan">- Но это неправильно. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="221-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Why does the body still ache so much after death?" " data-translation="Почему тело до сих пор так болит после смерти?" " data-type="trSpan">Почему тело до сих пор так болит после смерти?" </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="221-2" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Lin Chuan asked in surprise, then touched his body and found that he was wearing loose clothing, a bit like what the ancient people wore while waiting for him. " data-translation="- удивленно спросил Линь Чуань, затем коснулся его тела и обнаружил, что на нем была свободная одежда, немного похожая на ту, что носили древние люди, ожидая его. " data-type="trSpan">- удивленно спросил Линь Чуань, затем коснулся его тела и обнаружил, что на нем была свободная одежда, немного похожая на ту, что носили древние люди, ожидая его. </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="221-3" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Touching her hand to the skin under her clothes, she suddenly sucked in pain." data-translation="Прикоснувшись рукой к коже под одеждой, она вдруг почувствовала боль." data-type="trSpan">Прикоснувшись рукой к коже под одеждой, она вдруг почувствовала боль.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="222-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="No part of the body is intact, there are large and small scars everywhere, and in some places even ulcerated." data-translation="Ни одна часть тела не цела, везде есть большие и маленькие шрамы, а в некоторых местах даже изъязвления." data-type="trSpan">Ни одна часть тела не цела, везде есть большие и маленькие шрамы, а в некоторых местах даже изъязвления.</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="223-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value=""What happened? " data-translation="- Что случилось? " data-type="trSpan">- Что случилось? </ya-tr-span><ya-tr-span data-index="223-1" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="Why do I have so many injuries!" muttered Lin Chuan in shock, " Moreover, why are my eyes black!»" data-translation="Почему у меня так много ран! - в шоке пробормотал Линь Чуань, - кроме того, почему у меня черные глаза!»" data-type="trSpan">Почему у меня так много ран! - в шоке пробормотал Линь Чуань, - кроме того, почему у меня черные глаза!»</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="224-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="The next moment, Lin Chuan touched his eyes with his hands and was shocked to find that there were only two holes, and there were no eyeballs at all!" data-translation="В следующее мгновение Линь Чуань коснулся глаз руками и был потрясен, обнаружив, что там было только два отверстия, а глазных яблок вообще не было!" data-type="trSpan">В следующее мгновение Линь Чуань коснулся глаз руками и был потрясен, обнаружив, что там было только два отверстия, а глазных яблок вообще не было!</ya-tr-span>

<ya-tr-span data-index="225-0" data-translated="true" data-source-lang="en" data-target-lang="ru" data-value="This touch really scared Lin Chuan, and he almost didn't jump up, but because of the physical injuries, he couldn't stand up." data-translation="Это прикосновение действительно испугало Линь Чуаня, и он почти не вскочил, но из-за физических травм не мог встать." data-type="trSpan">Это прикосновение действительно испугало Линь Чуаня, и он почти не вскочил, но из-за физических травм не мог встать.</ya-tr-span>

Immediately, Lin Chuan could no longer check the injuries on his body, but immediately checked the various complex information that had just flooded into his mind.Just by looking through the pages, Lin Chuan found the key to all the problems!

"I crossed over ... and this is an area of improvement ...»

Lin Chuan's ignorant path didn't recover for a long time.

"Go through with it, why is my body so weak? What's worse is that I've gone blind."

Lin Chuan was crying soundlessly, even though he didn't even have eyes.

Just thinking about strangling himself and seeing if he could cross over again, Lin Chuan touched something with his hand, and from the touch, he knew almost immediately that it was the fruit of a sacred tree!

Although it was a role model item bought from a certain treasure, it seemed that his journey was because of this, because the end of Lin Chuan's memory was the moment when his tongue touched the fruit of the sacred tree.

Holding the sacred tree fruit in his hand, Lin Chuan didn't dare to eat it directly.

Since the crossing was caused by this, Lin Chuan is pretty sure that there must be something special about this thing, but the problem is that he's not sure if this thing is meant to be eaten! What if it's just a weapon?

Lin Chuan threw the fruit into his mouth for a long time and swallowed it, muttering indistinctly: "Either way, this body will die or not, and he's still blind. It is believed that he is not far from death, so he ate it. Right!"

All the while swallowing, Lin Chuan calmly waited for the miracle to happen. But one minute passed, and there was no miracle, and ten minutes passed, and still there was no miracle.Until half an hour later, Lin Chuan was in despair.

"Heaven, earth, why is this so? It's not easy for me to go over once, why let me go over to such an empty body, let alone waste, people can go through to empty the body and counterattack, but why did I go over to the blind one! "Lin Chuan was lying on the ground with a full face.

"God, can I wear it once?"

"Just once, ahhh!"


After an hour, Lin Chuan was in complete despair and, secretly carrying good luck, began to search the memory of the original owner of this body.

He had no nostalgia for his past life. He was originally an orphan. Before the transition, he was a jerk from a second-rate university. He had few friends. The crossing might have been the best gift for him, but it didn't seem to look very good! tears!

When the memory of the original owner was almost read, Lin Chuan also secretly sighed.The original owner of this body was also called Lin Chuan, and his fate was worse than his.

Although he was born into a large family, he was born because his father was a servant. He was originally a person who shouldn't exist, and his talent for self-improvement was extremely weak. Finally, because of his stepbrother's eyes. The injured man's family decided to dig out his eyes and transplant them, and after the incident was over, they threw him into this place, leaving him to fend for himself.

Although Lin Chuan was sad, there was an uncontrollable anger in his heart. Currently, he can almost be considered as the same person as the original Lin Chuan.Lin Chuan's feelings before, that is, his current feelings, the two are no longer separated from each other, a kind of immersive pain, even if it's not Lin Chuan He experienced it firsthand, but this time it's as if it happened to him.

Just as Lin Chuan was trying to test the memory of this world, a clear voice that seemed to be several children suddenly rang out from outside the door.

"Let me tell you, there's a new baby here. He has no experience at all. This is the best tool for improvement."

"I used it to practice punches and kicks last night, and the effect was surprisingly good!»

"Isn't this guy resisting?"

"Resist what? He dared to resist me and killed him. In any case, the people who live in this place are orphans without a father. Even if they are killed, the family will not be looked after."

"But then again, this guy is pretty good. Every time we come, he hangs his head in the corner and never resists!»

"Hahahaha, so it's the best tool for practicing kicks! But today you need to take the time. Yesterday's shot was too violent. He killed us, where can we find such a good tool!»

"However, today, only hit the limbs, not the head!»

During the conversation, four seven-to eight-year-old children were violently pushed inside.

After listening to these children's conversations, Lin Chuan finally understood where his injuries came from, and finally understood why Lin Chuan died!

Sometimes children are darker and scarier than many adults!

Lin Chuan tried to stand up, even move his body, but he couldn't do it with such a simple movement.

If he hadn't stumbled upon it, this body would be a cold corpse at the moment, one can imagine how bad Lin Chuan's physical condition is.

"Oh, I really didn't die! Great, I can train for a long time ...»

Before the words fell, the fists of the four fell on Lin Chuan's body.

The intense pain hit again, Lin Chuan raised his head and wanted to see what the four of them looked like, but suddenly remembered that he didn't even have eyeballs.

"Hey, why don't you hug your head in the corner today."

"He even dared to roll his eyes at us, it seems like he didn't hit us hard enough!»

As the voice dropped, the four of them began to beat Lin Chuan with all their might, but Lin Chuan's heart was touched at this moment. I didn't even have eyeballs in my heart. How could I roll my eyes? Can you find a worse reason to beat me? ?

However, in the next moment, Lin Chuan suddenly found his eyes glistening, and the four children in gorgeous clothes were frantically swinging their fists and legs.

At one point, Lin Chuan had two eyes growing out of empty sockets, but this pair of eyes was completely different from ordinary people. They didn't have black pupils, but they had white pupils and white pupils. These were the white eyes of the Hyuga clan in Hokage. ! (I know that the white eyes are what Datongmu Huye originally had. Here it has been changed, and it is not the same as the original!)

Note: here, eyes suddenly appear, because the fruit of the sacred tree caused his eyes to grow out, and none of this family found any abnormalities due to vision problems, because this family and the family that took his eyes are not the same family, or even are not the same family. On the continent, I am very annoyed by people who don't look closely and have to go out to spray, so explain, and those who understand this can just ignore it!