
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Spook me there

Everyone in train celebrating Halloween apparently, but someone didn't especially my adventuring section.

"Where the fuck is him ?" i crash from from Main hub and land on my table chair.

"Goddamn it, i miscalculated the trajectory. yo ! Miss me already"

"WHERE THE FUCK YOU GOING HUH !" Kal'tsit scold me in the spot while everyone hear me return rejoice, especially the kid who try to pull prank because of Halloween event.

i go to Canteen that already decorated, i create many type cookies, candy and chocolate.

[Playing Alkaline Tear]

"Thank you Ascendant"

[Yes sir, Sir perhaps can i study and learn Perfection Source]

"Sure, i dont mind"

[Thank you, i already archived the source. enjoy the Halloween sir] 

I enjoy the music and keep baking the cookies, somehow the kid already queue in front of service desk. after the treat done, the smell of treat is so exquisite in the nose, it stimulate them how they playing in the world of cookies, cake, anything sweet there is for them, is kids paradise.

"Trick or treat Doctor !" looking them with silly costume and scary costume make me laugh, i put the treat in their cute candy box, they instantly eat my cookies, they scream loudly tasting my cookies is good and tasty, tasty here was beyond tasty, the flavor is strong, the cake is smooth when chew out, it releasing refreshing taste of divine candy.

some of them even return to Queue again until i meet the adult who use silly costume.

"Why you guys tag along"

"Trick or treat ?"

"You are adult but whatever" i put the candy in their somehow, decorated medical box. i want to laugh but i can't.

"creativity never impress me" i put the candy there and the queue not done, oh my days like. Midnight coming, the queue finally done, all of the Rhodes Island personnel have their cookies from me some of them actually their 6 Queue by now.

i eat my candy gave by the kids, is genuinely tasty no wonder they like my food. when i busy eating, someone locking the Canteen door.

"hmm... oh you. what you want ?" this woman sit beside me and take my candy from the box.

"Kristen visiting us" i stop chewing and look at her.

"The reason ?"

"I call her here"

"Curious, why ?"

"that I'm doing fine"

"You lied aren't you"


"You want to show Kristen that you doing fine in Rhodes Island , the dream that She and You want is conflicting, by that conflicting is in different place treatment, she cannot grow because she depended on Country who only about personal interest while you are free because this company not bound by that and freely access and granted anything"

"...." Saria cried hearing that. i just pity her, she get what she want but her friend is already cannot be saved, but in my defense Rhine Labs lack Quality personnel. i admit some of director section is great individual but lack of corporation and leadership especially making them not unite, everyone have their own interest but when one person able make everyone on same page, is wonderful sight to behold.

Quantity of Experience doesn't make you Qualify over your proficient about, in some case.

take example Parvis and Clooney, they just bunch asshole.

"How about solution" Saria look at me with serious face and wipe off her tear.

"I will join Rhine labs" Saria Wide eye hearing that.

"no you can't"

"As collaboration not a member" Saria flinch and i can see fluctuation of her emotion, when she hear i join Rhine labs, a glimpse of hope and happiness fuel her but when she hear Collaboration, her emotion return to sad.

"Thank goodness"

"You sad aren't you ? before, when i say i will join Rhine Labs you feel happy despite you say i can't but when i say as collaboration you feel sad" Saria face become red and slap me, but i tank it like champ.

"you are worse person i ask for" Saria go away and she stop in the door, peek at me who currently eating easily.

'Valtor, if you join Rhine lab... i dont know what i should give you'

"Virginity perhaps" hearing that from my Mouth, Saria tick and mad then bash me like Housewife caught me cheating, she absolutely destroy me for well 4 hour until she go away with her grumbling voice.

i stand up and clean the bloodied canteen, i sigh and take out Satan aphrodisiac.

"count on you next time" i put back the medicine and continue eating the candy, tomorrow we dock near Tkaronto, Our arrival accepted greatly by local and Government. but as reality is stupid, our arrival not entirely accepted by Police department, not the gang but the corrupt police.

When i strolling around near Tkaronto, i get arrested by local police that assume i was one of leader despite i clearly using Rhodes Island attire.

in interrogation room of Police Department, i can see behind the glass, majority of them Maylander people.

A beautiful Perro lady in Police uniform go in, and i ignore her arrival and keep staring at the windows.

"Valtor Ismael, former"

"Shut up Selene, go straight to the point, what you want"

"what ?"

"I'm a doctor, i know you hiding something with that fake attire and attitude right now, this pathetic drama is predictable. you infiltrated Rhodes Island with your squad pretending sick personnel to check my location then seeing three day without my presence you give up and go near mobile city because our train destination.... let me tell you, i give you one chance" i stand up and stare at the window.

"i will conquer this planet with you on it, you can't stop me, i will kill every living god in this planet including wannabe one like you, i will kill everyone in throne of power, i will kill everything try to usurp the throne ruler of this planet, i'm extraterrestrial being who here to conquer you, label me as you like but when you touch Rhodes Island, not even Columbia stupid enough to help you. when news about Rhodes Island touched by your dirty hand, I will go to Ironforge and show every truth you hide there to the world and when the time is ripe, i will watch your country burn to ashes not even single soul will be spared from the chaos if you alive Selene" i flash to window and glare at them.

"I'll come after you, until then..... say Hello to Tin Man for me. By the way Police Lady, you should check your perfume it smell like old man sweat" she sniff her body and i laugh like maniac.

"why you believe that your odor is smelly ? you dont believe your own charm ? ahahahahahahah" that Police Lady ashamed, seeing her has been trolled by me witnessed by her superior from behind the glass.



"Val.." i releasing aura bloodthirsty so big even cracking the windows.

"Doctor" She piss herself seeing a terror beyond her comprehension, everyone behind the glass tremble in fear not even guard willing to go in.

"Doc.... doc....doctor" i nod and aura is gone, i sit down and open boom tube ordering pizza from nearby store, i return with fresh baked pizza and eat in here.

"So, what you want" i lick my finger full of mozarella cheese.

"....." The police Lady got PTSD, i gulp down my pizza then drink my soda, i point at her to change personnel. she dragged out from the room and finally a real Selene is here. A Liberi girl and her sub race Bald Eagle, her Eye lock into me, she so hot but Koshelna more hotter than her.

"It seems report was right, you indeed not from here" she sit down and casually take my pizza, she eat it with her eye keep looking at me, the audacity of this bitch.

"Then what...." i eat another slice of pizza and she take my drink and sip it where my lips take a sip, indirect kiss, double audacity of this bitch.

"You try to conquer this world right ?"

"Uh huh"

"Pfft, your era as Gaul Marshal is end here Marshal. i Selene will"

"Let me be real here, you idolize me right ?" She flinch, Jackpot.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my, it seems My Spy Report was correct, you idolize me to the point it become obsession, i watch you from Shadow Selene, every movement you take, everything you did, anything you do is under my watch, your Eagle eye oversight this right ?" Selene smile and take another pizza slice.

"It seems you get it wrong"

"This maybe answering the fact" i show her a Journal, her personal journal where all her report regarding me from anything she can muster and write, every page full of my name, my glory, my achievement from the past and the present. Selene eye enlarge and she take out her weapon, is like claw that almost reaching my eyeballs.

"Give it back....."

"Oh my possessive, too bad.... i get this from your valuable ally in here"

"WHO" She cannot hit me, if she wound me here, Ursus, Kazimierz, Victoria, Tara, Yan, Kazdel, Lungmen, Iberia will invade Columbia. one side massacre.

"Marx" i answer it with most devilish grin she can see, she feel betrayed hearing that, i can see her eye that Marx betrayal make her questioning her resolve.

"Devil of Babel live up to its name...." Selene calm down and look at me with caution, every move i make will decided the fate of Columbia.

"You want this back ?" Selene smile and glare at me like seeing walking trash.

"No, you keep it"

"Thank you, i will spread it the fact Maylander Companies leader is a Fangirl of Old Man" Selene punch the table so hard and i catch the last Pizza before it fall. she glare at me while i eat leisurely.

"I'LL KILL YOU" she say it with genuine hatred and shame, majority of them is hatred.

"do it, here, kill me right here right now" i make a cutting neck code, Selene grip her hand, killing me making her losing an idol but not killing me it will tarnish her public image. i will play with you more Eagle.

"...sigh..... alright spread it, i will make sure all Rhodes island you proud off will not escape me" i smile and peek at the windows where all Maylander and police there already massacre by Verdugo. 

"Oh is that so, you know" i stand up then walk toward the glass and flick it, the glass shattered where all pile body parts were scattered

"Lets kill each other shall we, no witness in here. between you and me who will fall" Selene seeing her comrade hanging with incomplete body and scattered on the floor can believe with her own eye, she cannot detect anything move or hearing the scream. is clean cut and more worse all of their head is gone. The CCTV still active and this maybe greatest clue she get to detain me if she able win.

"Very well" she attack me and rip apart my clothes but my body unscratched, Selene wide eye and do many martial art, Lua especially, she focusing on breaking my nerve and joint. but its futile when i had Perfect Absolute Defense, she literally scratching my clothes.

Her Art Unit broke down and i can sense Originium leaked from there, she out of option and use this opportunity to poison me with Originium Leakage, she stab me but her art unit exploded, she escape from the smoke and coughing hard, she already receive Oripathy cure so she is save.

but you what they say, i practically naked by now and ready to Ravish her, i remember the story of Zeus ravishing random mortal girl, ah what great story time.

"Valtor" i catch Selene both hand and lock it above her, Selene seeing my naked body blush and try to close her eye.

"Hey, you sexually harass me and purposely strip me. is this Famous Children savior leader that nothing more Sexual offender, CCTV record it all. your public image will shattered now Selene..."

"You devil, this is your plan all along" she try to peek below her seeing my Zeus Rod, big in size and the sheer girth was phenomenal. she blush again and close her eye, i pinch her mouth and she stare at me.

"Wow, you literally see my genital, pervert.... famous Agent is a pervert, unprofessional" She spit me, and i dodge the spit.

"Where is your dignity here lady" she nut kick me hard, i didn't flinch or stagger.

"harder" she kick me again and again but i felt nothing, I already Immune to CBT because Sheba And Jubileus.

"is your dick made out from steel ?"

"How about you find out ?" She raise her eyebrow, i bend over her, her plump ass is showing, i pull her skirt showing her black mature panties, i peek her vagina, full of pubes but her pinkish labia is sight to behold.


"Checking your Genital..... unfortunately you are not virgin. nah, where is my dignity, i dont want to conduct sexual assault here, consider this is equal, you see my penis, i see your vagina" Symbiote create me a clothes and i release her, i can see she actually willing for me to ravish her but she afraid of CCTV, she fear the CCTV will record her doing sex with me, she practically dont care about dead body outside, but having me is priority by her dictionary.

"You molester"

"Nu uh, you did it first, you attack me forcefully strip me down. CCTV record it all" Selene toss a table steel to destroy that CCTV, CCTV gone now, She checking the watch, the watch is 4:20 PM.

Selene Stand up and strip herself, Seeing her lingerie with great black bra.

"happy now, i strip you now i strip myself, consider is equal"

"i seen enough, im satisfied"

"Then, you kill my team now you must compensated their death"

"Oh, are you sure ?"

"What you mean ?"

"I have ability that called Illusion world, where i create illusionary world that everything we did since i show you the journal cannot be recorded by any technology, remembered by any being. we have 40 minutes before Simulation world end or Field police return, i already kill every person in here to be affected to illusion world, keep that in mind. nobody will remember anything, so we have a talk like normal person here"

"That amazing ability, so 5 PM is maximum then"

"reality break and we return where the time we not fighting. everyone think they just doing something for 1 hour but actually void"

"I see" Selene look at my clothes is different but she can see from her eye, that clothes is alive.

"Valtor... can we...."

"What you want making out with me ? did your throw away your pride before ?"

"No..... it just" Selene remember my Zeus rod, she shake her head and put on her clothes back.

"Alright let be civilized here"

"fair" i repair our table back and we sit face to face.

"Lets be professional. Did Marx"

"yes, Marx gave me"

"alright, do you aware of"

"Friston ? Yes, i aware, i do have Human Researcher in here, the one who create you all"

"..... i see, Machine in Bolivar have her name there Priestess"

"That is her Doctor name in the past, Her name now Carmen Angela"

"Hmmmm..... i see..... what is your purpose here"

"Have some fun"

"That is weird. Your ambition come here ?"

"Ambition....." Selene smile and she got me good until isn't

"Have sex with you"

".....Excuse you ?"

"Yes, that is my ambition in here, having sex with you, ramming my penis to your vagina, grope your tits, making out as our tongue swirling in your mouth, while you moan my name and i keep pounding your tight vagina as my penis kissing your uterus"

"YOU" Selene cannot keep her professionalism especially My Zeus Rod keep bothering her mind until now, she wish try to forget but the size the girth the majesty mighty manly hood i had make her act unwise.

"what ? you ask me a question, Your ambition come here, in this room, having sex with you. you need specify "here" Selene" Selene grab her temple and my Zeus rod appear again in her mind, she stand up bashing her head into the wall until she bleed, she sit down with leaking blood.

"Uh, are you okay ?"

"Im fine.... what is your ambition in this world"

"Find the truth"

"Truth ?"

"Yes... the truth of if this World can be saved" Selene grow interest hearing that and she listen carefully of next word i utter.

"The answer ?"

"It can" hearing that she somehow satisfied

"..... i see.... How about friendship ?"

"How about affair" Instantly My Zeus Rod image appear on her head, she bash her head into table again and again, i wanna laugh but i can't

"are you okay ?" Selene coughing and be professional again despite her head now full of blood. she build different, as expected from Columbia Liberi.

"what do you mean by Affair ?"

"Currently Columbia expansion of superpower"

"you have no right to participate Columbia Affair, Valtor.... i suggest you not go there"

"It seems reek of corruption"

"Yes, that is why i prefer in Bolivar, enemy and allies is clear as day but in Columbia ? Everyone stab each other, Opportunistic and Corrupt"

"DOD or Federal"

"Marx represent Federal while Conrad DOD"

"You abstain"

"No i'm siding with Federal rather DOD, you should be wary of DOD Valtor. they are real enemy in Columbia"

"Is they the orator who"

"Yes, let me tell you the truth.... DOD plan to use that machine to create superhuman. beastlike human that have power equal to Feranmut. currently the machine guarded by Singas Dynasty royal guard"

"Do Leithanein aid them"

"Hildegard aid them but Lieselotte busy dealing with The remnant"

"That is worse, that is why those two never have same page"

"Yes, Hildegard want to purge remnant completely from Leithenein then fully aid Bolivar but As Lieselotte gentle nature of approaching and easy to sway, making Hildegard hard to move support to Bolivar"


"Yes, annoying right. we as Federal also cannot go in to arrest DOD member completely because many of them is war veteran from Columbia independent, they have own merit for it, is risky move to jail them, public image will tarnish the Government"

"You also War Veteran"

"Yes, i'm also war Veteran, i just want the kids not suffer from old man war"

"Did you.... im so sorry for my action before"

"Is okay.... thank you" Selene infertile for a reason, i almost trigger her PTSD before. well she a normal Gaulish lady until she got hooked by some Victorian male, she try to life in Columbia before when Victoria still occupy them, until her husband died to accident, it cost her unborn baby. oh my day, she share same fate with me, she lost her husband and baby, but i lost only baby.

The accident apparently because Victoria occupier try to seduce her, well not gonna lie she age like a fine wine but somehow i felt guilty almost ravishing her before, im not using Omniscient when Horny kick in, i need learn self restrain more after doing fun with girl in Svarga.

the accident leading her husband died in argument gone wrong, she swore to banish Victoria occupier despite the odd was low, victory is victory, her achievement and dedication gain recognition and she become founder of child right to respect her late baby.

a loud clock noise appear, reality broke and we return to real world where the pizza still here, cctv return and the glass still solid glass.

"You not lying"

"Nu uh"

"Alright" i point at her bloodied head, she aware and hide it.

"Looks like our interview halt for a moment"

"Is nice this is only misunderstanding right, have a nice day Director Selene"

"Have a nice day" Selene get out and clean her head in Toilet, she still remembering the Zeus rod again and she sigh.

"Is big.... i wonder it will reach here. no Selene, focus, focus, focus, you can't let that thing stay on your mind" she imagining my cock when erect, she blush hard and splash her face with water.

when she get out, Her Maylender member gather.

"Chief, is your head okay"

"I accidently slip on his Mozarella sauce and bash my head to edge of the table"

"Are you sure not labeling Doctor as Enemy of Columbia"

"No, make Doctor of Rhodes Island. untouchable, any personnel never involved or engage to him personally in free time or on duty"

"Yes Chief"

"Add addendum, In any under circumstances...." Selene stop and think about Zeus rod again, she click her tongue and little bit angry about it.

"Label him as my prey"

"But Chief" she glare at her team, when her eagle eye lock on their eye, is like seeing hunter looking at her prey.

"I told you, he untouchable, if you touch him or get close to him on duty or free time, i will personally make you M.I.A"

"Yes Chief" Selene and her team go away, she go in her team car and go in.

"Good work Chief"

"Thanks.... Wait Valtor, since when you here ?"

"They let me go when you in toilet, Federal Government send a pardon to me and investigate the one who arrest me in the first place"

"Oh no"

"Did you"

"No... definitely not me" it is you bitch, i knew it.

" can i have a ride ?"

"where is the original Driver ?"

"He's in the back" Selene check behind the window

"So Valtor..... lets chat about something"

"Sure i dont mind" we ride back home, the home in here is Selene Hotel she rent.



"Size ?"

"8'1 to 2'4" Selene blush and peek on my crotch, she hesitate either want to feel it or taste it.

"Curious ?" She flinch and coughing.

"My team behind, they will caught us"

"Look again" Selene check behind where her entire team already pass out.

"Did you"

"Do you think sleeping powder that odorless isn't my pocket"

"You sly"

"Doctor duh" Selene giggle and her hand reaching my crotch.

"I suggest not in busy road, CCTV in Light Road will spot you" Selene stop she doing and we talk normally, talking about Columbia mostly until we reach the hotel parking lot.

"Team wake up, we arrive, i need to make report to headquarter in here, you guys sleepy head, go get some sleep" they woken up and seeing Selene open up her tab in front car, inputting a report.

"Chief, we"

"Shush, go rest, i will fill the report.... go before my focus break"

"Yes Chief"

"Leave the car key here"

"yes chief" they go away to Hotel, Selene and me look each other.

"Did you hypnotize them"

"Yes, one of my eye ability"

"I see" Selene continue writing report while me playing video game on my hologram phone.

"new technology from DOD ?"

"My own" Selene surprise and curious about my holographic phone.

"too advance..... no wonder Columbia congress and Rhine Labs want you"

"How come ?"

"You basically able create Space Ship is great achievement, some of Science team in this Country willing to study with you"

"Teleportation device ?"

"Ah, that one. it's obscure, everyone especially Federal Government try to copy that teleportation device but every time we try to study it, the Teleportation device always on shutdown" Orion doing good work, i need gift him something.

"Well is contingency measure of the machine to instantly shutdown if non member try to study it"

"i see.... Valtor"

"hmm ?"

"can i take the journal back" i give her the journal and she instantly hide it between her breast, ah yes pocket dimension of big tits woman.

"Its time for me to go"

"Wait.... can i take a look ?"

"What ?"

"that, you know" Gap moe of this lady make me want to ravish her.

"Here" Symbiote open up crotch section, Selene see my Zeus rod, she gulping her saliva, the size, the grith, the majesty of ambition.

Selene never blink and staring at it until a car honk make her scream. a Car pass by and i can see that a hotel guest.

"Done ?"

"No wait, can i touch it ?"

"i think is not right way"

"Why ?"

"hey, we only meet today. is not proper, i want date or dinner first. is kinda awkward you know" Selene coughing and symbiote close my crotch, i can see Selene actually want to measure it with her hand but she can't is not proper ethic to meet your idol in your first day.

"How about tomorrow ?"

"Sorry, i can't. Rhodes Island have project that i must participate" Selene literally sulking, until she have an idea.

"How about i"

"You can't, if you go to Rhodes island. everyone will on guard, Ho'olheyak and Kal'tsit know you"


"You can't. too risky, if DOD spot you go to Rhodes Island, you can't move freely and my team get targeted DOD as Spy" Selene feel annoyed, until a bright idea appear.

"How about i treat you dinner today"

"Where ?"

"I know a place near here" we go there and eat dinner, i can spot Rhodes Island member spying on us, when Selene not focusing on me, i wink at them and continue talking with her. after finish dinner, we return to hotel back, we been followed and Selene aware of that.

"Ck, annoying"

"Bad idea but we still have time though" 

"What do you mean by time ?"

"Go on" Selene patient running out, she reach my crotch and grab my cock, the size is beyond her imagination, she try to stroke it, it become erect and more bigger than before, more girthier than before. Selene almost lose herself until i flick her forehead.

"we've been followed, if you want it. next time, you must return to your team and work" Selene sulking again and we part away, i can see her hips sway, she actually inviting me but i can't because there is one major mistake. Mon3tr hand, blade, sword gun, well many weapon you can name currently aiming at me.

"Oh hey, how's cooking good looking"

"Doctor... we need to talk" three minutes after i get caught, i was in corridor hanging upside down with pike below me ready to pierce my head.

"So....cheater.... what harem member you gonna add huh ?" Kal'tsit literally playing with solid steel of baseball bat it belong to Coura.

"No, i never intended to add her, she have great information"

"Darling.... that's Selene"

"Yes, i do aware of that Ho'olheyak, i get information regarding the Feud in Columbia, DOD and Federal is locking each other"

"what is correlation with you having dinner with Selene"

"Because my mistakenly arrest, she treat me dinner for apology"

"Dinner for apology huh" all of them surprisingly say it together.

"What ? what you expect ? oh you horny woman, do you think i will do that" some of them feel insulted while some of them feel shame.

"Stop reading our mind"

"You all predictable, please...."

"alright, you under Company arrest for abusing authority, i demoted you" i feel joy and smile of happiness.

"ah.... i expect honorable discharge though"

"you want get fired"

"yes so i can join Rhine labs or maybe Maylander or Black Steel or Maybe Helping my niece Alexandrina as Counselor" Hearing that Kal'tsit enrage.


"Chill kal'tsit, why so worked up"


"you want it too ?"

"i... i do"

"just say it, why you need hide it"

"but where you were going for 3 day?"

"Oh i return to Svarga, punishing those 4. apparently i take 21 day in there so 3 day in here"

"Valtor, did you kill them ?"

"Yes, i did kill them and change them into...."

"Into what ?"

"My little sister"

"Papa has Little Sister ?"

"Yes, she will be your aunt, she will be queen of Svarga while Mael is administrator of Greater ark while me as Great Engineer in Kalimdor"

"Can i meet her ?"

"You want to go home ?"

"Unnn, i want to meet my aunt"

"Okay" I open Boom tube where Svarga in night time, a beautiful star formation and great city already shown.

"Lets go, Yumi, Nier, Orion"

"But Big Sister"

"Papa can handle it, we must meet our new Aunt" i smile, until you hear your new sister, you will be crying of Joy Alice. four of them goes to portal and i close boom tube.

"How eager of them meet my little sister"

"Valtor... i thought you only child"

"well, to be fair, yes i indeed in fact the only child, perhaps Mael right now is different entity but i told Svarga people, he in fact is my twin, little twin that more serious and moody but he dependable most of the time. so i lack little sister, Despite Mael literally decline the Idea at first, he reluctant and sigh about it, He shy meeting new Sister despite we clearly create her together"

"Fuck you, what now.... to be fair, you are strongest here yet you always get tortured, pathetic as always Valtor" Mael appear with new technology, that is Wisdom Cube.

"Is someone got trapped in Limbo again ?"

"Apparently, some idiot throw trash in Universe web. so we enhance it and tada, Wisdom Cube"

"Fascinating" I release myself and take the wisdom cube, same as formula and i nod to it.

"Have fun, next time if you want to screw another woman perhaps consider third party is gone"

"Sigh, i free yet chained in this company"

"Well, you have 1 month before we welcome you in Greater Ark, until then" Mael show me his new weapon.

"Siren Twin Glaive"

"Yes, with more cosmic energy as fuel.... thanks for Perfection Source i able fuse this with my Zanza weapon, consider this a additional weapon"

[Infinite God Mael Perfection Source study.....99%] 

"Fuck yeah Mael"

"See you around until Then Valtor, i want a rematch" i sneer and releasing godlike aura.

"Game on" Mael answer it with releasing same aura, our Aura like Godzilla and King Ghidorah ready to fight, it overwhelming and we literally cackle like maniac.

"Ehem" we both cough and doing fist bump.

"See you around" Mael slash a reality creating dimensional shift.

"hey Valtor.... Can't wait to meet my niece and nephew"

"SHUSH, SHOO SHOO" Mael sneer and walk to dimensional shift, that bastard almost make me get a death sentence.

"Im beat, see you tomorrow guys guck" i get choked by Kal'tsit, she glare at me like Psychotic woman who thirst for blood, her eye deathly stare at my soul and her big smile make me shudders.

"LETS.... STUDY IT" she choke me harder and literally like a Goblin climb up to my torso and choke my neck as anchor.

"yes..... this.... is....necessary....material....for....Olivia....." She choke me harder and her eyes twirling in insanity.

"GOOD.... THATS MORE LIKE IT" Kal'tsit switch behind me and ride me like little kid with her handle was my neck.

"GO MY MAD GOD STEED" i hold her legs and run to corridor like mighty steed.

"those two..." when we arrive in Research room, we making out and have sex here, to release the stress for a moment before stress we receive next.

"Valtor... keep teasing me there" i keep fucking her from behind and pull her hand to behind, her ass bumping my pelvis is great symphony.

i fuck her more faster and we cum together. i pull out and Kal'tsit suck my cock clean, she show it to me and eat it like gum, my sperm leaking from her crotch and she pull up her panties and we clean our mess.

"i want more but we can't"

"yes. when we having fun, some innocent bystander witnessing us, they will eventually join in"

"i dont like third party" Kal'tsit sit on my lap and she intentionally tease me again, i got annoyed because my focus split, i grope her chest and pulling her tits under her clothes.

"I also dont like a not honest woman like you" Kal'tsit open my zipper then stroking my cock while me keep fondling her tits.

"valtor...shhfftt, can we do it again"

"Everyone on the way here"

"Stop the time"

"why you like this"

"Alone with you is make my instinct out of control"

"I'm not arguing with that....." i continue groping her tits, fondle them in circular manner then pulling her tits, Kal'tsit lactating from her clothes and she hold her moan, eventually she let it out.

"stop the time Valtor"

"No, Kal'tsit"

"stopp... it" Door open, i quickly pull out my hand from her clothes and Kal'tsit flinch and hide my cock with blanket.

"Hey. you two always leaving us" Hearing Angela Voice make us giggle, Kal'tsit secretly pull out her panties and put in my cock inside her warm full of sperm vagina.

"Kal'tsit" i whisper to her.

"risky play, fun play"

"Did you want throw away your dignity"

"Because of love, doing unreasonable is normal"

"and for that we on same page. lets play risky game" we interacting with everyone but somehow they actually aware why we sitting together but not questioning what we do behind those blanket because this room was too cold for us, is reasonable we have blanket and warm up each other.

"are these room little bit too cold"

"i mean why not ? we literally brain storming, it will overheat our body"

"but why you"

"Duh, why not. hugging each other is warm right" Kal'tsit intentionally gripping my cock with her vagina, her uterus mouth open up and my cock fully inserted to her entire genital.

"Yeah, why not.... hugging someone who love is common right ?"

"Phrasing kal'tsit, you trigger civil war here"

"First come first serve, who take initiative get the full attentive, Right ?" Kal'tsit tightening her vagina more, she literally gunpoint me with her vagina. while some of them actually feel insulted, Kal'tsit smug grin win while them is annoyed.

"I agree with her opinion, first come first serve. initiative full attentive" they glare at me but the spark of envy can be seen but Kal'tsit already won, they can't fight back.

"Fine, so what is that"

"Wisdom Cube, a conceptual metaphysical object that is composed entirely from data and information, because is conceptual nature, we can assume many thing with this wisdom cube, but we can't put aside the crucial capability of wisdom cube, Composed entirely from data and information. so any type information regardless anything exist Via reality or you could say, exist that can perceive by human in total and concept or basically imaginative, assumption to a concept or just initial design that cannot be deduce by human science and intellect can be recorded to this cube. but Because Mael already basically rewriting anything inside it, so this basically empty hard drive"

"Is that thing same as Valtorium"

"In Energy yes, in capability none. it same as Civilight Eterna belong to Amiya or Sarkaz Crown, a recording machine that can be manifest"

"You mean"

"Yes, what you guess is right. if this record V-unit, skill like summoning anything that your imagining can be manifest as long there is a data provided, V-Unit provided data from Status deck alone for example" i stretch my hand and grip it, appear a dragon like energy that growl.

"This energy manipulation that take a form. Originium Skill energy manipulation is how to express energy to desired effect but added with Wisdom cube, you can able do like this, imagine Magician with Gun"

"We can do magical no supernatural thing with technology"

"yes, this, realistically speaking, impossible. because as i say magic need medium and type incantation but Valtorium already give us the pass, now it need only what type "Supernatural" thing you want by the Skill in Status Deck, but the skill need evolution. as we say, energy need is abundant to manifest this kind skill and ability. but lets not go there because we practically not ready on that level as many majority of us not reaching lets hypothetically speaking reaching first stage of Evolution" the dragon on my grip swirling around on my hand and wisdom cube record it, me and Kal'tsit decode it in just 10 minutes clock mark.

a big ball of data appear and with branch of data that recorded that is Dragon cannon blast, Type ability are Energy Blast. Kal'tsit grip my cock again, i pinch her side boob.

"Stop gripping it"

"Sorry, force of habit. but you like it ?"

"Suck my cock" Kal'tsit Vagina grip my cock ferociously and sucking it in her womb and vagina.

"how about now"

"That's Kal'tsit i know"

"Interesting implementation but let put this as you... um... what is say"


"ah yes Cosmic, is looks like Simulation world in form of database"

"That is correct Mechanist, this wisdom cube also same as Database or digital world like Saria. i try to study this what if we manifest that Data to physical world"

"Transforming data to physical world, that..... impossible in practical reason. is like manifesting concept to physical world unless..... psychic.... no that's wait..... doctor, you want create manifestation of energy, from the archive i read yesterday in library, because nature of Psionic or you could say mind and soul based power. we can make..... that actually genius. If Wisdom cube as pointer and Psychic as source, we can create Superconductor weapon, energy weapon, that of course why would i think of that, Nanotechnology Item. Lets work the web way, If Valtorium as source energy then Wisdom cube as the recorded said data then Psionic receiver of what physical form of the data, Valtanium will express the data in real world. Valtorium and Wisdom cube is Digital source that basically conceptual while Psionic receiver that we can modify with V-unit able to manifest the form and Valtanium will express the transmutation data to Physical world. Energy that already recorded the data that send it to receiver and manifest it in form" i gave Mechanist clap of appreciation because 70 percent of them was correct.

"That is correct but in my blueprint was different. because we here try to create Olivia and Joyce"

"ah i see worth to try, but that actually genius doctor, if we create mind based Unit, is genuinely impressive"

"Yes, imagine you have weapon that minim metal rather pure solid energy with capability of said metal such my energy blade before, is also implementation of Psychic and Hard Light Manipulation"

"Alright doctor, we same page now. at first you try that but it seems we not brilliant enough for that"

"woah, woah, dont be pessimist, dont rush take your time. after all we have plenty of time before we arrive in Greater ark, when you there nothing that called impossible exist there, everything already answered and studied. If Svarga magic based the Greater Ark is science based. Ignore Kalimdor, because its my workshop and Yharnam is My Holy Sanctuary"

"Spoiler doctor"

"Really ? Tyrant is Bio weapon that modified, Soundwave is Titanus Robot in unique forged, Navi is Holo-Advance Conceptual weapon. Void Avenger and Supreme Sentinel is weapon with celestial science, the greater ark itself is roaming solar system in form of giant synthetic living planet, 9 ring is limbo world where anything thrown in to Omniverse web will be filtered and taken by Greater ark to study, Wisdom cube is the trash we salvage and repurpose. Psychic Receiver is product from Greater ark that i try to implement here, if we able teleport to each location we can imagine"

"i, i get it now doctor"

"Oh, tell us"

"lets we combine Psychic Receiver and Wisdom cube, imagine like the world is data that Joyce will caliber it for us, with that type data we can teleport our self to said destination but we need abundant energy for it to scan our existence to digital expression then reappear it on physical world based on our hyperbolic time pod and Saria. Valtorium provide it.... the drawback was"

"Yes, cooldowns"

"Yes that one.... if we want to use it more, we really need to wait to Valtorium charge it back except we overload energy in Valtorium as we in battle situation by using Olivia, now i get it, Doctor you amazing, you blueprint it that way" i laugh then clap my hand, now i see what worth working in here.

"Yes, Olivia is energy battery charger for us, if we lack energy in V-unit or need quick charging to Overcharging or basically wasting enemy energy and time to make them wait for their imminent demise. you finally able deduce Cosmic blueprint i congratulate you Mechanist"

"LETS GOOO, LETS GOOOO" Mechanist literally celebrate in here, i just laugh seeing him that. Kal'tsit grip my cock again, she sulking about, it should be her not Mechanist. i just giggling but Her Vagina literally Squeezing my cock and her womb keep sucking it.

"See, i told you, your focus split and unable deduce this" Kal'tsit sulking and she move her hips back and forth, her hips can't been seen by everyone because of blanket.

"Lets go doctor"

"Tomorrow okay, at least we know the blueprint work"

"Ahhhh.... fair. i will sleep like a baby" Some of people go to their room to sleep, is already midnight and some of person stay but eventually they give up and rest. when everyone is gone, im still try to record the world, Kal'tsit busy decoding of Psychic until we rest our back.

" Nobody notice ?"

" no "

"Continue ?"

"Why not" Kal'tsit move her hips more vigorously, we kissing each other as our tongue swirling around, my both hand playing with tits and pinching her nipple, Kal'tsit hand rubbing her clitoris while other caressing my cheek.

The door open and we panic, we switch the chair back to the door view, Kal'tsit put our blanket covering our body fully.

"Valtor ?" We not answering but we still pleasuring ourself, i still groping Kal'tsit tits, while Kal'tsit still gripping my cock inside her vagina. that person approach our chair and seeing us sleeping hugging each other as my bulky hand hugging Kal'tsit chest.

"Sorry" seeing us sleeping like Couple envious for this person but this person curious the blanket covering us, the person try to pull it but somehow it heavy to pulled out.

"Hey.... what you want" 

"Ah, sorry if i disturb your sleep"

"Is okay, please leave. Valtor is sleeping so do i, i dont have many energy left if you bother us"

"Sorry, sorry" This person goes and close the door. i literally chuckle then we both laugh.

"Seeing her expression is genuinely satisfying"

"Well... ignore her" We making out and having sex again, we literally doing the sex in every corner of this place, every position and style. we release the stress and pleasure for each other until we finish it with creampie and bukkake.

Seeing kal'tsit open her mouth wide to take my sperm is erotic, after filling her mouth with my sperm, she drink it slowly and lick every drop escape from her mouth, her pussy already eaten, her mouth already eaten, she satisfied, Guan Yin Water blessing is great moreover supercharged by Perfection. beyond pleasure.

"Taste more better than before and each action more better than before, i can't get enough of it. Perfection source and transcendence limitation supercharge it i assume" Kal'tsit suck my cock diligently and i caress her hair.

"yes.... curse and blessing at the same time, that two also supercharge my self too, i become more like a beast and ravish you inside out, sorry if im not gentle" Kal'tsit pop my cock and lick the shaft.

"I prefer you make mess of me, i dont like gentle approach, but hey, my heart literally beating more faster when we play that risky game, i fear i get caught every time but that woman almost caught us if im not pretend to wake up"

"more better" Kal'tsit growl and squeeze my balls, i just laugh seeing her hand squeezing metal ball.

"No, i dont like any woman taking you especially around my presence"

"Possessive aren't you ?"

"Because a Love and partnership between us, sorry if i throw little rampage there, i genuinely envy and mad to you, you have me but you put your eye to other woman except me"

"more player more fun right ?" Kal'tsit look at me with judging stare then sigh.

"i.... i actually dont mind but when we do this i prefer you and i, i dont like third party involve...."

"Special treatment for special woman ?" Kal'tsit nod and stand up.

"Yes.... i want special place in your heart"

"You already there" Kal'tsit smile and sit above me, and put my cock in her vagina again.

"Then im gonna make sure my position still there until" the door open, we both seeing Koshelna who in her night gown and glare at us.

"YOU TWO CHEATER" she scream so loud it literally echoing in corridor, we both sigh and punish Koshelna for her loud voice, by what ? well, Tag team.

"ah, ah, ah, Sephiroth you too rough" Kal'tsit squeeze Koshelna tits and pinch her nipple while me keep pounding her vagina like a madman try to violating a woman.

"blame you screaming in corridor, time to punish naughty secretary"

"YES, PUNISH ME" a masochist as always. we literally break Koshelna into submission until next day where me, Kal'tsit and Koshelna sleep in the floor covered in big blanket after cleaning our crime, we spread many research and report around to make alibi that we work so hard we forget to sleep.

Some of engineering and science team go to research room seeing three of us sleeping in the floor.

"the big three sleeping on the floor while we in luxurious bed..." Koshelna awake and seeing her sleep beside me she happy until she isn't, because Kal'tsit was there, Koshelna Kick Kal'tsit face from her position, Kal'tsit wake up seeing her face kicked out by koshelna, while Koshelna hugging me full.

"Piss off cat" Kal'tsit take a deep breath and summoning Mon3tr.

"Time to die you bird" Koshelna and Kal'tsit fight while me just sleep leisurely until one of debris slam my face, i releasing rage aura just like super saiyan 3, i wake up and stare at both of them.

i wipe the blood of my head and take a deep breath of rage, we literally having intercourse in the night but this two woman fighting on their free time.

".... Bongo time" i vanish and pin them both, then i spit my hand. i slap their ass in harmony creating Sick Bongo music.

Both of them plea to me to stop but i make their scream of plea as background singer, my bongo play become more intense especially their ass cheek jiggle and juiciness keep following my tempo.

"For full extreme torture" i slap their butt cheek to create a opening then playing the most brutal drum play of Doom, That is correct, David Levy Headstomp in full rage.

Kal'tsit and Koshelna scream of agony while their butt literally slapped into oblivion, the fast tempo and the echo of their butt are music to my ear, their scream of agony echoed in train while me laughing like maniac slapping their butt.

Rip and tear until its done

Psychic is Form Starcraft, Wisdom Cube from Azur lane. The mchanism is create digital scanning world that will be a data, Joyce will caliber the location said data has been recorded in Combination of those two item. and we teleport said destination, it need constant abundant energy. Valtorium need to adapt and evolve by evolution as Valtorium need to scan said Originium particle on individual body as conduit to personal teleportation

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts