
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Scientist Ideology and Moral code

I visited the Rhine Lab headquarters where Muelsyse showed me around and promoted Rhine lab to me.

"Mumu, do you think im here to have a walk in interview?" Muelsyse realized and frowned at me.

"I just want to show you the Rhine lab" I smiled and opened my glasses, the face cover used by the Doctor in Canon then Tyrant changed into a shirt just like my normal work clothes, a slim fit t-shirt with Cargo pants coupled with a cape with the Rhodes Island logo.

"Then lets treat me as a visitor" My cape flutters with every step I take, Mumu now fails to focus because my good looks are on the way.

She stutters to much even she cannot hide her blush from my always smiling face.

"Why are you stuttering? Is there something in my face?" I use cosmic voice making majestic voice in Rhine lab headquarter, Mumu blushing again but this time redder than before.

"Doctor, please don't use your charm in here" Muelsyse is still mesmerized and stuttering in speech but I will continue to make a peaceful approach until the Director section comes that is none other than Ahren Parvis, The very guy who is in my next hit list.

"Welcome to Rhine Labs, famous doctor from Rhodes island, Your Oripathy suppressant is a ground breaking discovery that makes our company awe in your dedication" Look at that innocent smile, The disgusting smile of an old goat man who has started to smell of dirt, Just die already.

"Its a pleasure to visit famous Company especially Rhine labs, I have many inspirations from Rhine Labs that make me dedicate myself to surpass The Rhine lab" Slip of tongue, Fuck. Looks like my intrusive thought won this time.

"I see, We glad Rhine labs give you motivation to surpass Rhine Lab. Is there any achievement you got? im curious about it" I analyzed the whole building where I could see all Rhine Labs members looking at me seriously and listening.

"its not worth to be mentioned after all. Is that right Muelsyse?" Muelsyse vanished and I sighed because I didn't want to bring this matter up in front of this damn goat.

"Sigh, well. I will stroll around in Rhine Labs looks like my guide is irresponsible person I ever met in my entire life" Saria came and I went straight to her.

"Take me around in this Company please" Saria nodded and we went around Rhine Labs.

"Why did you close your achievements?" I stared at this session and walked back beside Saria.

" Someone's trash is someone's treasure, Someone's mistake is history which is my job to fix, Every Rhine labs mistake I improve it and upgrade it into better and give it the outcome that overcome the expectation. I don't want to show that because they will definitely be offended" Saria stopped and looked at me seriously.

"Thank you for that" I looked at Saria with a gentle gaze.

"Saria now it is your duty to give Ifrit the right to get the justice she deserves? If Rhine labs is not able then I will be able to provide it and look at Ifrit now, she laughs and plays with her other "failed subjects" without reminding them about their past purpose as "subjects". You're guilty Saria, too strict and short-sighted, that's my opinion of you. You have every right in this Rhine labs as co founder since Kristen's disappearance to take control of Rhine Labs yet what holds you? Kristen? Kristen doesn't abandon you and she realized once she failed, she passed down her light to you to lead Rhine lab to be a better company that is the future I told you in spaceship, Learn from it, despite you two clearly take a different path of scientific research while the other is trying to keep it close yet she can't, her trauma holds her as her exiled and banishment by her own race in sami. This lab needs an actual leader to show the path yet the two founding members crossing paths making this company doesn't have true purpose in the middle way" Saria was severely depressed due to my words which were the truth that she could not avoid or pretend to be ignorant.

"You are playing with my mind and my reasoning Doctor. what Dr. Kal'tsit said is true, You are a devil behind those angel beauties" I was surprised, Devil? Shit, This is why I hate talking too much, Rather act and be quite all the time.

"Alright, I admit, you got me. but remember my advice you should not close your eyes about what happened in this company" We went to the meeting of all directors of Rhine labs except the exploration director who was currently in Sami. This meeting had an unusual argument between all the directors, especially Saria who was annoyed with Pavis and Ferdinand because they abused their power, Without Control she is now in charge of this Rhine Labs.

Putting aside this endless debate made me reflect for a moment on what Saria said, Mael reports to me.

"Talk less, do more. To gain the trust you must act rather than talk. Antony I have taken care of and Simon Co I will help build" Mael advised me and gave me a report.

"Sigh, I'm really pathetic. I intentionally or unintentionally forced people to listen to me well I'll wait for good news from you" Mael closed the communication then I could hear them stop talking and I opened my eyes where they were all looking at me with shy faces.

"Continue, Ignore my presence in here" I was bored, I was forced to see the successful development of the Telepad where several Trimount infected and medical assistance could be Teleported to the Main Space Ship easily.

[+ 900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Orbs Gained]

[Reminder: Congratulation about your teleportation device, Need to break more major discovery to gain more orbs. Signed God]

"Doctor" I closed this hologram and saw Saria who was looking at me.

"Yes?" Saria looked at me but judging from what she wanted to say she wanted me to give my opinion about the current problem that is political struggle and scientific problem.

"Need your opinion" I nodded and then stood up and walked over to where the chair Kristen was supposed to sit but I moved the chair and stood up because I was too lazy to sit still like an audience.

"Thank you for the opportunity that Director Saria gave me, in my opinion as a researcher, I think it is natural to need outside help to facilitate the research I am doing even though I know that the financier will have its own interest in the project I am doing, so I also do not forget to pay attention to my research code of ethics or my pride as a researcher. Is that inversely proportional to my norms as a researcher? If yes, then I will sincerely refuse the assistance because maybe realistically my project will be abandoned or neglected. Is that in line with my norms as a researcher? If yes then I will accept it with open arms and dedicate all my skills and abilities to the maximum but, the research process always has an unexpected obstacle whether it is from experimental errors or mid-change of interest from the financier itself then I will voluntarily stop the project even though I have to be punished legally, namely imprisonment or revocation of my medical degree or at worst I might be killed in secret or an incident occurs intentionally or not to cover up the project. It all depends on the norms and principles as a researcher, That's all and thank you" I walked back to my seat then sat down and closed my eyes again to check the telepad magically.

They argued again until this meeting came to fruition tomorrow, Me, Saria, Muelsyse went but we were very awkward because I was doing research in my head, What research did you say? Well, Looks like our new member is here. Eyja is currently seeking our medical attention especially Kal'tsit used me as last hope and everyone agreed for it, That people.

I need something to cure her blindness and deafness, The formula is already made and need materials to create the efficient drug.

"Can I rest for a moment" These two people looked at me simultaneously then I sat on a bench in this hall.

"Doctor?" I raised my finger and coded them not to talk because they were disturbing my concentration, I then rethought the synthesia I had done in the past, with certain stimuli which were able to restore human vision and hearing perfectly, I then tried to do an experiment with myself.

I destroyed my eyes and ears where a lot of blood came out, I could feel Saria and Muelsyse panicking as they saw my eyes melting like jelly and my ears being destroyed.

"Do not panic, Lets return to Rhodes island. i can't hear you for the moment and please, do not panic" maybe this sounds stupid but I did something that doctors should be able to understand, I must understand my patient's disease by becoming the patient.

Stress 4 project not done yet, is making my sanity lower

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