
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs


I sat down to make medicine prescriptions and Kal'tsit received patients here and performed diagnoses, Kal'tsit became my assistant thanks to Edward's help. I convinced Edward that Kal'tsit was my partner and Edward told me to be vigilant because the feud in the Aristocracy made me a good storehouse of wealth.

My clinic has been a good source of funds for Victoria and even King Aslan helped upgrade my clinic with some new medical equipment that I feel like it's their own work, but so be it, let me upgrade it again when Boo and Wesker return.

Ever since the 7 days of exposing who I was, Kal'tsit always came when the clinic was closed and kept crying loudly in front of me, releasing all the emotions she had.

We got along after I enrolled her as my assistant although Kaltsit was a little more expressive in showing her feelings. For example, when she was upset then she would scratch me or strangle me, if she was happy then the lynx's tail would move quickly like a propeller. if she was sad, stressed, or tired she would hug me like a cat if I let go then she would growl I mean grumble and wriggle wanting to continue to be hugged and stroked her head.

Are we doing that? hell nah, there are a lot of eyes and ears here. because I told kal'tsit not to step out of the clinic without me whatever it is, or do anything suspicious enough or talk about politics out there because I'm neutral and all the aristocrats agree on that, even though 40% of the clinic's revenue I have to hand over to Victoria.

But that made me even more protected in Victoria as the first source of income after the superiority of their technology, I also helped Edward make him the head of the Artorius Family thanks to one thing.

I told Edward that soon we would be at war with the Gaul empire which made Edward initially distrustful but after I told him that this was Edward's good chance to sit on the seat of the Victorian parliament with the name of the head of Artoriu.

Edward could not put the offer aside and finally Edward agreed even though Edward's influence was still weak in the parliament but in this war I would make Edward become the incarnation of Red Dragon in legend.

I helped Edward with politics as a whole even how to rule people and scheme his opponent to doom in the shadow, Edward in just 2 years was able to make Victorian society prosperous even the turmoil in the government began to collapse slowly but Edward did not show his wings before the war began.

Edward's position and influence grew until the war began with an alliance made by the Witch king, Aslan king sent Edward as his supreme commander from Victoria.

Edward and I were in the battlefield, I was an irregular because Elder Draco interfered in the battle, I was actually lazy to fight but the Orbs is important, I need it.

"brother, you ready" I laughed looking at Edward who was beside me, I looked at our troops which were mostly Draco and Feline.

"You first" Edward looked at Leithanein and Ursus at the end and raised Edward's sword high.

"Charge" I roared as loudly as possible making a catastrophe that was extremely terrifying, Draco and Feline immediately joined in making a battle cry making our morale increase drastically because I buffed them with dominion from eternicore.

Our superiority of predator trait in the land is the Lion, and in the sky is the dragon so this silly bird will be our buffet.

Victoria's army broke through all the defenses of my old army, Gaul was weakened because their Marshal was stupid in organizing the troops, 2/3 of Gaul's troops we slaughtered ourselves and we did not stop until the center of Gaul's kingdom and made Gaul collapse with Draco and Aslan as the tip of the spear.

[+ 40,000,000,000 Orbs Gained]

"We Won!!!" We all roared as loudly as we could, our battle cry roaring in this bloody war in this helpless empire.

We looted whatever technology Gaul had and took their capital city as our booty, this finished war made Edward's influence even greater plus the casualties of Victoria's troops were practically nonexistent, not the slightest wound. they returned with great pride making King Aslan amazed and gave the right of Chief Artorius to Edward.

Edward and I partied hard even though I knew it was just a political game but we didn't care because we got what we got.

The influence of the Aslan nobility in Victoria began to wane because of Edward's achievements that were able to make the Victorian people prefer Edward to sit on the next throne but I told Edward, don't sit on the throne of Victoria or you will regret it for the rest of your life.

Edward listened to me and was not greedy about it, Edward helped Victoria's geopolitics to other countries for 10 years, making Edward's influence outside of Victoria even greater, making many foreign business people invest their businesses in Victoria.

I'm still working as a clinic doctor here, Kal'tsit and I are considered by Victorians to be married even though we are not, but our behavior is like a husband and wife.

Did we do it? Nope, because aristocrats from aslan sent me a bunch of death threats in secret and assassins to kill me but with only dominant eye of dragon the assassins cower instantly even before they have chance to observe me.

I hate audience, I don't like someone listening to our tease even seeing us kissing each other, so we restraint that for now.

"So you know this chess play of yours will create the downfall of Artorius right?" I sat down and nodded to Kal'tsit who was closing the door to our clinic.

"No, I have no reason to bring down the Artorius family. I have bigger plans for that, just you wait. the feud has already started" I looked at Kal'tsit who was sitting in front of me with her coffee.

"where is my coffee Silly cat" Kal'tsit immediately sprayed the coffee she drank directly into my face.

"there, lick it for yourselves" I took a cloth and cleaned my face from this coffee, then I got up and walked over to Kal'tsit and tickled her quickly making Kal'tsit laugh out loud until this night was filled with Kal'tsit's laughter and screams.

1072, Where the Draco purge begins. All the Dracos have been secretly evacuated by me, I hug Edward and part ways for the last time.

"Make many kid okay, if fate brings us together I hope you are still healthy" I said goodbye to all of this Draco nobility, they went to Lungmen for shelter while me and Kal'tsit were going to Columbia because Kal'tsit still had unfinished business, I removed my tail and left only my dragon eyes.

I was still wearing Casual clothes that I was quite comfortable wearing, Victorian tailors were quite good at making clothes, fortunately I had kept several stocks of official clothes, dating clothes and everyday clothes in this form.

As well as a normal human form too, I'm curious about Marshal's form, I guess my form must be like the sephiroth dissidia version.

Now we arrived at Kal'tsit's house and I immediately threw my body on Kal'tsit's sofa which was full of the smell of tears and vaginal fluids, Is she ah dont discuss it.

I clean the house with my own strength, the house is now clean from bacteria and even smells better than usual, then I check the contents of kal'tsit's refrigerator which are all meat and some dishes that she didn't finish, I heat it up a little with nova flame and eat it with gusto.

After I finished eating, I filled this fridge and some spices that I had stored in my dimension pockets.

Fortunately, my dimension pocket is not bound by time, you could say that time didn't exist there so any form of spoiled or expired food cannot spoil and I have stored various food spices and even Yan's medicine and all plants from various terra nations.

I then cooked food for Kal'tsit before she finished bathing, Kal'tsit immediately ran over naked and still soaking wet.

"Wipe the water off your body first, lazy cat" Kal'tsit ignored me and immediately ate my food regardless of whether it was hot or not.

I shook my head and went to take a shower, even though I had to mop the floor first because of this damn cat. I'm like the father of a household where my wife doesn't do her duty.

While I was busy showering, I heard my bathroom door lock, and I stepped out of the shower to see Kal'tsit who had finished eating.

"Can I help you?" I covered my genitals with a towel, Kal'tsit then invited me back to the living room where she sat next to me.

"Tell me what happened after you got devoured." I recounted my journey in the belly of the leviathan until the epic battle where I fought in the dark abyss and fought 11 leviathans head-on.

I told in detail until the point where I buried Leviathan more precisely their bodies one by one, then I showed the abilities that I got from them in detail and one by one but for the Upgrade session I did not explain because it was personal and it was my duty to learn it.

Kal'tsit touched my beautiful Ethereal wing and I used the Ethereal wing to gently envelop kal'tsit.

"I'm glad you're happy kal'tsit but do you have no problem with me being like this?" Kal'tsit shook her head and wrapped her arms and wings around me.

"Whatever your form, you are you. what matters is that this is you even if you transform into a monster, seaborn or ancient or Elder. you are Valtor" Kal'tsit finally understood the meaning of what is matter its nature of the thing not its form.

I hugged Kal'tsit tightly and stroked her back and head gently.

"You have grown, I am proud of you" Kal'tsit gripped me and then whispered in my ear.

"Hey, all you gave me was an appetizer, I want the main dish" Cat is on heat, I release our embrace and immediately kiss Kal'tsit ferociously on the lips, our tongues swirl beautifully and I play with Kal'tsit's muddy pussy.

I swipe my hand and play her G spot with enthusiasm making Kal'tsit shake and making her lift her hips higher.

"Ah, ah, Ah, Yes, ROUGHER" I rubbed faster until Kal'tsit squirted more, making a beautiful fountain of her vaginal fluid.

I then returned to playing with Kal'tsit's pussy until Kal'tsit was gone, she fainted with a face full of the ecstasy of great sexual pleasure.

I sighed and took Kal'tsit to her room, it seemed the stimulant from my new power was too overpowering.

Literally my touch on kal'tsit's pussy made kal'tsit's sexual hormones increase and it was too much that she passed out before we even started doing sex, I took this as my next reference.

Maybe next time we can have sex calmly and comfortably.


Kal'tsit's Journal

Valtor is alive, Valtor is alive. This feeling makes the world so bright again, I am now an assistant in his clinic.

I've really learned a lot about the techniques he uses and his handling.

I was originally an assistant to receive patients and diagnose, Valtor tested me in diagnosing and some patients were also surprised that someone managed to become Sephiroth's assistant, Sephiroth is a good name for Elder Draco but Valtor said he was beyond elder race, Another mystery? Valtor, Valtor, do not give me another puzzle to solve im getting addicted to unveil all your secrets.

Years passed until Edward who was Valtor's best friend visited and Valtor cleverly offered an offer that I thought could overthrow the Aslan nobility and increase Edward's influence in the Artorius House.

Of course, the politics taught by Valtor and the many shortcomings and needs of the Victorians made Edward the most influential nobleman in Victoria and even the Aslan nobles lost public support because of it.

The Dublinns the other hand trying to poach Valtor even try to kidnap Edward but Valtor already foresee that, Edward go other country to learn their culture and geography but the real reason valtor doing this was.

This clinic is a good cover up for Valtor to know what people Victoria needs, and Valtor gave the information to Edward regarding Victoria's needs and Edward executed the plan then boom, Edward's influence and power in Victotia was able to take down the Aslan dynasty for good but Edward and Valtor planned not to take this cursed throne because the Dublinns and Aslan were grude, The Artorius is a peaceful dragon and all royalty from the house agree about Edward not taking the throne because the Aslan and Dublinns will strike each other's throat.

The war with Gaul the peak of Edward's influence, Edward and Valtor conquered Gaul and even conquered the capital of Gaul in no more than one day, Victoria's morale peaked and did not let Gaul rest at all.

The most loot was Victoria who took the technology while Ursus took the land and leithanein only took the dregs, the Witch king was getting disappointing because he was starting to go crazy.

Edward went home full of flattery but Valtor went home full of applause, A massive event took place among the Victorian nobles, Valtor and I were invited to this event as honored guests from Edward's side.

King Aslan was thrilled with this achievement, and gifted Edward a country he could rule himself but Edward refused leaving Aslan and even Dublinns surprised.

What is the reason but I already know why, Edward started to do geopolitics and managed to establish connections with Wei Yenwu in Lungmen.

Until the purge began, the entire Artorius vanished without a trace even any relics or treasures as well as some documents concerning their achievements and loot vanished without a trace but in fact all this was brought by Edward to Lungmen.

We said goodbye and Edward was honestly sad to hear that Valtor had to cross paths with Edward, Edward did not want Valtor to die because Elder Draco was quite rare on Terra, but Valtor convinced all of these Dracos with a motto that was quite simple and seemed beautiful to me.

"Life isn't just about passing on your genes. We can leave behind much more than just DNA. Through speech, achievement, history, and heritage. what we've seen, heard, felt. anger, joy, and sorrow. these are the things I will pass on. That's what I live for. We need to pass the torch, and let our children read our messy and sad history by its light. We have all the magic of the digital age to do that with. The older generation will probably come to an end sometime, and a new generation may rule over this planet. Terra may not be forever, but we still have the responsibility to leave what traces of legacy we can. Building the future and keeping the past alive are one and the same thing"

All these Draco and I have been silenced, so much silent that no other of us dare to open our mouth.

What valtor said its right, Artorius has those legacy, those achievement, those history and heritage. its our job to make sure next generation learn and build better future for future generation.

Valtor, i dont mind i can't have your offspring but i will make sure your legacy, no our legacy will continue creating better future for us, no, For terra.

Note: After hearing the story of Valtor's battle and gaining the power of the Seaborn Leviathan, I was at a loss for words.

So that's the reason Valtor became a genius in handling and medical action, Valtor educated me well and gently even though he often teased me with jokes but from his behavior he wanted me not to be depressed.

He can read emotions making me so confused as to what emotions I show him, the majority are pink, yellow and green.

Lust, Proud, and Calm. Why am I always lusting? Am I too captivated with Valtor that I can't hold back this turmoil?

Ah, Valtor. I don't want you to leave anymore, this is the third time I've lost you. If I lose you again, I'll throw away my hopes and just kill myself, I don't care anymore. You dead, im dead.

then we did that after decades of restraint but Every saliva Valtor gave, even the touch of his hand on my pussy made me immediately feel a sensation that I had never felt in my life even when I climaxed it felt like my soul had left my body, an extraordinary sensation of pleasure made myself not want Valtor to become the prey of other females.

I'm ashamed about that incident, I don't know what Valtor saw when I fainted but from that smile I know. I've lost my face, I'll hold my lust even if my soul and hormones are peaking even if I won't be tempted again.

How about his sperm and penis maybe, Enough kal'tsit! No horny or you will faint again!

Fellow Doctor, I have bad news and good news.

Bad news is, i spend nearly 500 USD (Current Dollar Change to IDR) To whale my CN account and honestly i got scold by Chinese superior workmate because how stupid my decision was, But the good news is , i got Snake Lady 3 time considering how long endless farm of orondum and Mumu Spook me 2 time, Fyuh dodge the bullet there but i can't dodge her wrath, She literally scold me to oblivion and honestly i dont care as long i got the unhinged smug snake

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