
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Keep it together

"how long you gonna stay here?" I closed the report and saw Theresa, Amiya, Saria, Nightingale, Alina and Yelena or Frostnova in case you forgot.

"Umm Uncle, we were just. umm. seeing angel" I sighed and then continued looking at this report.

"If you hungry in my fridge take many snacks as you want" I then looked at the date for a moment and then looked at Saria.

"Where is control ?" Saria looked at me and saw the news this time.

"I have left Rhine Lab, I have nothing to do with that company" I laughed and closed this report on my computer.

"That's on your terms, but on Control's terms. You are still the director of Rhine Lab's defense section. Ferdinand is trying to take over Rhine Lab by using any means necessary to gain full support by any outside force. Before I admired your company genuine research but now one by one its deteriorating, its sad. yet here we are, Muelsyse try her best to make you and Kristen dream keep it together that is Rhine lab yet Rhine Lab rotting form inside, now, I'm tagging in. I'm fully support with my technology that is this very space ship as you can see in other facilities. use it and I don't mind it. the more you know the better it will be. for now lets make Ferdinand loss support until That Golden Mongrel comes out from the underground" Saria looked at me with a look away because my face was now smiling dazzlingly.

"what do you mean ?"

"Preserver, as i speak. the very A.I that preserve human coffin or sarchopagus from previous civilization. That A.I. is also the one that created your president and the very thing that created Columbia. Now Control is in there gaining insight from it yet just theory, implementation ? Zero, Hopeless. she basically wasting time asking someone who remember record of history of this planet and someone who just want to end his suffering and he just give you insight, opinion but Reality ? nothing, In the future, let me tell you she died meaningless because her space ship turn into ashes when reaching layer of the dome. and the irony is, Her dead consider the future she wish to Terra people witness that we can bypass those fake sky. do you wish that future become reality ?" Everyone was surprised and Saria looked at me seriously then she stood up.

"What ?" I nodded and stood up from my chair.

"I can see the future remember. Past, present, future is mere a Television for me, I can watch it whenever I want it. that is why I provide the Real future here as form of space ship. Simple real deal that everyone seeks for, remember People greed and ignorant will be humanity downfall. so now lets visit Columbia and install those Telepads in branch Office. Bismarck, Fly over to Columbia approximate 30 Km from it, Inform spaceship inhabitant I will visit Columbia as enthusiastic walk. Let's go to Columbia to confirm the Rhine labs plus Control is now unreachable and I suggest you leave her alone or your friendship will be broken because different ideology, Just let her be for a moment" Saria looked at me seriously then nodded to me

[Understood Commander, Have a nice walk. Please bring me a souvenir from there]

"Of course, I will buy it" I then looked at those who were looking at me together then I smiled softly.

"What are you waiting for ? Do you want to shower with me ?" They all looked away and I giggled softly, then I stepped into my bathroom shower.

"I do though" They said it together but silently, while I was busy taking a shower. I saw Shop this time.

[Orb :

Name : Valtor Ismael

Occupation : Heavenly Marshal, The Doctor


Boost :

> Apex Celestial : Enhanced Cosmic Physiology, Cosmic Healing and Regeneration, Cosmic Perception and Universal Awareness, Universal Communication and Mind Manipulation, Elemental Cosmic Manipulation, Adaptive Cosmic Evolution, Cosmic Creativity and Existence Manipulation, Harmonious Unity

Power :

> Omni-Mortal Arbiter : Ominscient Reality shaper, Multiversal Overlord, Life and Death Embodiment

>>>> Soul Saved : Your Soul Shard (Seaborn King)

>> Power absorbed :

Abyssal Dominance/Elemental Transcendence/Biogenic Corruption/Aeos Halo/Dopplegangger

>> Kaiju Trigger : Kaiju Might, Nova Seraph Ethereal Wing, Alpha Kaiju Ascension

>> Half Dragon Transformation : Kaiju Hand, Kaiju Tail, Kaiju Legs, Dominating Dragon Eye.

Enhancement Half-Dragonoid Transformation power >

> The dragon hand are imbued with the Nova Seraph

·> The dragon tail is enhanced by the Kaiju Strength

> The dragon legs are empowered by the Astral Body

> The dominating dragon eye is further enhanced by the Full Transformation of Alpha Kaiju.

Marshal Form (Full Manifestation Locked) > Heightened Presence, Eyes of Cosmic Radiance, Celestial Complexion, Cosmic Symbols and Markings, Flowing Cosmic Hair, Cosmic Voice, Cosmic Breath, Stardust Trail, Graceful Cosmic Movements, Awe-Inspiring Presence

Item :

> Wesker Tyrant Suit : Thunderstorm Catalyst, Vibranium Symbiote Integration, Promethium Armor Enhancement, Energy Conversion Matrix, Cybertronian Integration, Predator Stealth System

>> List of Weapon Available in Wesker Tyrant Suit : Thunderstorm Turret, Fusion Blaster, Cyclone Minigun, Vortex Beam Cannon, Sentinel Seeker, Phantom Turret, Plasma Nova Cannon

For the energy weapon > Omega Blade, Shadow Stiletto, Tempest Whipblade, Void Lance, Infinity Triskelion, Phantom Grapple Claws, Infinite Aegis.

> Perfect Blade Of Olympus : Omnislayer, Flawless Indestructibility, Absolute Attack, Charged Attack Capable Reality tearing or Creation annihilation. Deity Power absorb.

>> Godly Power in The Blade : Pandora Hope, God Judgement , Rule of Nature , War Marshal, God Dominion, The Living One.

Celestial Regalia >

The cosmic stone as the energy source.

The sunglasses with HUD has been upgraded >

Sleek and Stylish Design, HUD Display, Advanced Sensors, Combat and Strategic Planning, Life Forms and Energy Signatures, Chemical Composition.

The unknown metal full body suit has been upgraded into the Unknown Metal Cybernetic Arms > Impervious to Damage, Defensive Mechanisms, Energy Absorption and Redirection, Enhanced Strength and Agility.

The modified sigil lower body backpack and The wing propulsion system upgraded into Floating Thorn > Flight and Mobility, Weapon Generation and Duplication, Tracking Sensor and Automatic Defense, Defense and Protection

Arbalest now is a fusion hand glove and floating needle weapon >>

The needle's basic attack, Cosmic Stone charge, The shield mode, The hand glove cosmic beam attack

Sandalphon >>

Guardian Spark. Light of Judgement.

Furious Blow. Energy Drain<>Healing Halo.

The circlet colors and their corresponding attacks are:

Blue Circlet to Activate <Guardian Spark>

Red Circlet to Activate <Light of Judgement>

Golden Circlet to Activate <Furious Blow>

Green Circlet to Activate <Energy Drain> or <Healing Halo>

The Ascendant >

Super Advanced Artificial Intelligence >> Reality Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Advance Sensors, Holographic Technology, Hyper-Reality, Quantum Mechanics

4-D Management System >> Data Management, Analysis, Visualization, Simulation

Universal Almanac >> Complete Archive, Knowledge Repository, Easy Access, Data Integration.

Slayer Style :

> Dragon's Fury : Momentum Strike, Unstoppable Fortress, Death Judgement

> Bullet Ballet : Dual Inferno, Death From Mist, Accel World

> Sword Saint : Final Legacy, Wrath of God, Rose Sonata, Ouroboros Fury, Eye Of Atlantis.

> Energy Edge : Swarm Machine, Cosmic Golden Spark

[Reminder : remember about the synergy of each skill]

[Shop: Remember, Think before you buy. be wise and resourceful with the Orb you have.

List (New Goods Available!)>

[Special Goods : New Item in the list, Check it out]

North Demon Army + 900.000.000.000 Orbs

North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 900.000.000.000. Orbs

Sout Demon Army + 800.000.000.000 Orbs

North Demon Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ 800.000.000.000. Orbs

Seaborn Army + Orbs

Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 1)+ Orbs

Seaborn Army Upgrade (Stage 2) + Orbs

Seaborn army Upgrade (Maximum Potential) + Orbs

Wonderland Upgrade + 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

[Move set: a collection of moves that can fill out your Slayer style. These moves take many references and put them together to form a Synergy]

Dragon's Fury >

Joker Dance + Orbs

Momentum Strike Upgrade + 500.000.000.000 Orbs

Bullet Ballet >

Titan Wrath + 500. Orbs

Luminous Descent + 400. Orbs

Whistle of Luna (Need Specific Accessory ) + 800. Orbs

Sword Saint >

Death God Dancing + Orbs

Asura Jaw + 600. Orbs

Energy Edge >

Seraph Fall + 700. orbs

Untouchable + 400. Orbs

[Boost: a self-improvement both conventional and magical, follow my recommendation advice]

No Available Boost (You already in Peak Boost)

[Item: An item that only you can access, all of these items are extremely rare and do not exist in the world you live in. Use them to the fullest no matter what]

Tyrant Upgrade + 999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

[Power: A power for you that you can use thoroughly, remember all powers have side effects and some effects can be neutralized with Boost or other powers]

Soul Absorbed Power Fused +- Orbs (Buy this when you need balance things up)

Kaiju Trigger Upgrade +- Orbs (Unavailable)

Refresh +0 Orb

[Reminder: you need more Orbs to buy]

"Still long way to go huh" I finished bathing with divine water then au hair dryer my hair with cosmic cyclone, I dressed up normally and not overdoing it. I wore a smart casual dress code suit with a pompadour hairstyle but not too thick, luckily my hair was easy to participate in.

Tyrant is ready and I am wearing a watch where this is Thorn in case of unexpected problems, Simple touch Black glass from HUD.

I came out of the bathroom and saw that people had left, which was good. I saw that we were very close to Columbia while I was walking in the corridor leisurely until I was intercepted by none other than Closure who photographed me for a moment and then coughed.

"Ehem, Doctor. Teleportation device installation is ready, now we can attach the teleportation pad in branch office" I smiled and nodded, Closure had been stealing glances at me.

"I see, thank you closure" Closure opened her arms and I giggled softly, I hugged Closure and she fainted. I was shocked and there just happened to be a medical team passing by.

"Miss Closure fainted, please try to take her to the medical room" The medical team photographed me for a moment and then Closure was taken to the medical room.

I walked to the Research Facility where Another teleportation pad was already finished, everyone greeted me and I returned the greeting but they took the time to take a picture of me and then we took a selfie, oh my god, I'm not the top celebrity here.

"Doctor" I looked at Muelsyse who approached me with a Rhine Lab robe.

"Mumu, how can I help you?" I analyzed the Telepad before lobbying this to Trimount.

"Would you like to go shopping with me at Trimount? This should be fun?" I also happen to want to buy souvenirs for Bismarck, obviously I will tag along.

"Sure, Lets go then. Oh, I see, is it a date? My oh my, Mumu you are so assertive" Muelsyse was panicking because I accidentally exposed the reason she took me shopping.

"no its not, im serious, its not" I then made a road letter for this equipment and everyone logistically moved the equipment to Cargo.

"really? i dont mind it thought" Muelsyse realized that she was being teased.

"Doctor you mean, but I will wait in Trimount" Muelsyse left while I followed the logistics team to the Cargo facility.

Kal'tsit looked at me with a slightly depressed look, what is she doing again? Really this cat always depressed.

I walked up to Kal'tsit, stroked her head and scratched her chin then rubbed her ears from cat ears to human ears she had then pinched her cheeks gently.

"Is there a problem?" Kal'tsit looked at me with a very horny and thirsty gaze.

"Silence wants me to take care of Simon. Co. especially with our financiers" I just remembered that it will help with capital investment as well as the ease of improving the Branch in Columbia especially in the construction field. Free construction company that surely use for future branch office upgrade, with Raythean and Black Steel already join hand with us.

"New Corporation to build our office with minimum effort, so you want me to save their current son in that jail and clear out their company name ? Kal'tsit, that is my plan, but I suggest a two way approach" Everyone in the lobby is looking at me and Kal'tsit is looking at me seriously.

"Go on"

"Political or Justice, which one do you want ?"

"we going political ? oh no"

"no that kind of political that has been used by the government of Columbia, we use power over authority" Kal'tsit thought for a moment then looked at me and nodded.

"planning ?"

"If we go political, remember the President of Columbia is A.I ?" They nodded.

"I will insert a Virus into the A.I. system with a Virus containing all false accusations against Simon Co. completely and legally. The President will make an arrest warrant that cannot be refused by the municipal government in their state nomadic city, its that exploitable ? Say who ? Pursuer, I'm going to make them a special team force directly sent by the "President" to capture Hyde Bro and its backer with real evidence and an official letter with the seal of the president of Columbia. Because Columbia's laws follow the congress and legislature which I admit is corrupt but I'm going to be even more corrupt by exploiting their government system digitally and the file that they know doesn't exist but actually the file is in front of them, is it fake ? Literally it's genuine with proof of stamp and signature plus in their database it's also there, it's legal but the creation of the file they don't know, because Human brain memory has limit different from A.I that has no limit about capacity of memory, so what they can rely on is the A.I but the A.I has given a decree which is already a real letter of arrest and submission of evidence brought by Pursuer. There you have it" Everyone was surprised that my approach was quite logical because there was real evidence and the original arrest warrant even though it was a fake but there was evidence of copies in the database and files in the government so it could be considered genuine.

"The justice approach?"

"Simon will be the key figure. The method is the same as a normal court without any manipulation in the court but I don't play like that. Because surely rival companies will exploit the jurisdiction, we will play evidence on evidence. do you remember I can see past, present and future? I only need to record evidence of crimes, agreements on deals, evidence and proof that pin all Hyde Bro's accusations to Simon. Co. from all sides and they can't move with concrete evidence that they may not know because it's real, now which side do you want to play ?" Kal'tsit thought and then looked at me with a slightly surrendered look.

"Let's do it Justice way" I nodded and looked at Silence who was looking at me expectantly.

"First you must save Anthony from Mansfield by your way, legal or illegal is irrelevant. Many assassins will make sure Anthony's death in there. I will prepare his Lawyer" Kal'tsit then tilted her head.

"Better call Mael" My shadow widened and enlarged and formed a huge shadow on the wall where a smile like a demon, no sound appeared making it very tense but then there was the sound of footsteps from that smiling mouth. The man walked casually towards us.

Presence exude an aura of cosmic grandeur and radiant energy. his very presence commands attention and inspires awe. The air around him seems to shimmer and vibrate with the power of the cosmos, as if the universe itself acknowledges your presence.

His eyes are pools of ethereal beauty, reflecting the vastness of the cosmos within their depths. They possess a mesmerizing luminescence, radiating a celestial glow that hints at the profound wisdom and cosmic knowledge you hold. As he gaze upon others, a glimpse of the universe's secrets and mysteries can be seen within his eyes.

His complexion takes on an otherworldly luminescence, reminiscent of the stars themselves. his skin seems to be kissed by the gentle light of distant galaxies, giving it a radiant glow that enhances your cosmic nature. It shimmers softly, as if infused with stardust, and appears flawless and ethereal.

Above his head, a resplendent halo of stardust forms a luminous crown. The Stardust Trail intertwines with this celestial halo, creating a mesmerizing display of cosmic energy. The halo pulses with ethereal light, casting a soft, enchanting glow around him. It represents his connection to the celestial realms and serves as a visible symbol of his extraordinary powers.

His attire reflects the majesty of the cosmos. It consists of flowing garments in iridescent hues, resembling the swirling colors of distant nebulae. The fabric seems to shimmer with an inner glow, mirroring the cosmic energy that courses through his veins. Intricate cosmic symbols adorn the garments, depicting celestial constellations and arcane knowledge.

From his back extend ethereal wings, reminiscent of celestial feathers. These wings shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, as if they are made of stardust itself. They are an extension of his cosmic essence, allowing you to traverse the realms with grace and ease. When unfurled, they create a breathtaking spectacle, with each feather emitting a soft glow that illuminates your path.

With every movement of his hand, a trail of shimmering stardust follows in its wake. These radiant particles resemble a cascading shower of cosmic glitter, leaving a trail of enchantment wherever he go. The Stardust Trail adds an ethereal touch to his gestures, as if the very magic of the universe is woven into his movements.

Mael and I stood facing each other making a celestial aura that collided, then the celestial Aura grow larger and larger creating eerie sound of divine beast growl.

"Really ? Its my turn to shine ?" We both laughed together then sighed to cover our shenanigans

"Nobody here denies Sankta's peaceful nature, especially Professional Sankta Lawyer. Siracusa has one now we create a new one that is more omniscience. Remember the reference alright"

"Fine, my payment ?"

"Entertainment" Mael opened his book which was a book that opened itself and took out millions of sheets where each sheet was evidence to make Anthony take back his father's company. then all the sheets became a file that was signed and legalized as evidence.

"Give me 7 hours to prepare the court, while I want the defendant in the court ASAP" I looked at everyone who was still surprised by Mael's appearance which was almost similar to mine.

"Hear Mr. Mael ? Prepare the defendant in court. Mael will wait there" Mael shook his head then took out various files again.

"I want other too, I want every "victim" that got tagged in will be in court, justice is indeed blind but it hears everything. So I will provide the most efficient way to do law justice in Columbia. Please elaborate" Mael walked forward then in his hand appeared the DoomCycle that I had designed with my two hands when I was lazying in Wonderland, seeing the Doom bike Fan Art I became inspired to make it. thank you doom fans.

"where is my gun ?" I sighed and opened the armory I had with trillions of firearms of various designs ready to use made and carved by me while I was idle in Wonderland.

"Which one ?" Mael looked at me with a look of Really?

"Fine, that is my collection" Of these trillions of firearms there was only one unique safe where there was an engraving with a special cipher.

"Rip and Tear" I use Maykr language where this safe opens with sophisticated where every sound there is a unique high end technology sound that is very fierce.

In the red smoke came out a very unique weapon display which was like a Gauss Canon model that I had modified to a high level where the Canon could become a Ballista, Intercontinental Ballistic Canon, Chain Gun, Energy blaster Canon, Homing missile launcher and Energy Harpoon Canon, Last its Orbital Sized Laser Hand Canon and many on its in that weapon, Basically a copy of Pandora box from Devil may cry but more weapon options.

I picked it up and threw it to Mael, Mael caught it and checked it then cocked it easily. Gauss Canon was placed on Mael's back and then he pulled the gas hard.

"now its the real weapon, better hurry up" Mael dashed with incredible speed to Columbia Court while I closed this arsenal and closed all my works back to the dimension pocket.

"Tsk there goes the Futuristic one, lucky for me he didn't ask for the other stash" Kal'tsit pulled my collar and looked at me seriously.

"Other stash ?" I smiled and pinched Kal'tsit's nose. Kal'tsit whined and grabbed my head.

"its secret, you will lose your mind if that technology appears. Its not the time but i will spoil you. The very weapon capable of destroying a planet in a single shot" I could see Kal'tsit's eyes where her eyes were looking at me with a very curious look.

"Mass extinction weapon?" I smiled and walked away because Kal'tsit would scold me if she found out, I left with the Logistics group with Rhine Lab Members Saria and Muelsyse.

"VALTORR!" Kal'tsit shouted so loudly that I could hear myself while I casually sat in the trunk of this truck with everyone else.

I laugh at the sight of Columbia, America

Better call saul reference, love that show and breaking bad. 10/10 Show, i will watch it again in my summer vacation

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts