
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Kazimierz Riot ? Profit

Three day later after Warfarin lost her fangs, she now in agony after Kal'tsit "Correct" her, in bed, full of bandage and whimpering in tear.

Gavial and medical team visit her with food, put that beside her.

"well, how is your day ?"

"mhmmm" Warfarin can't speak because her mouth gagged by device.

"Doctor still taking care Major, Mael however in Factory. you can be patient, but we curious, how is the sensation of Evolution, i mean we genuine curious, Dr Kal'tsit can't be trusted after all she petty"


"Oh we forget" medical team put out the gag and Warfarin still in tear.

"I dont want discuss it"


"No, i still traumatize, can you please soothe me first"

"Sigh" Gavial give medicine to Warfarin and her Fangs grow back into normal.

"what ? how ?"

"Doctor Second potion remember ?"

"Ah, i forget about that. i should listen him more. so the power like this" Warfarin explain her transformation and evolution in detail, from change from her body, her Originium art and her mental capacity and her natural genetic evolution beyond her imagination, not like Elder or Ancient power is like Pureblooded Vampire, she even exaggerate the power she had a little, she able control people by her presence alone, manipulating their blood flow even controlling their body like a puppet.

"Huh ? That is yours, how about us ?"

"I dont know but Doctor blood, is most delicious delicacy i ever taste, the God Blood, a forbidden Blood. if you guys taste it, i feel my body purified from head to toe, even i can feel my own hair, happiness that he told is legit no fake, i feel endless joy, happiness and something a beyond me, enlightenment maybe i dont know, im not that religious but that enlightenment give me the chance to actually feel what is god supposed to be. and doctor say is true, i become too cocky about that and i get what i deserve, my fangs, it take something precious from me, i should listen to him and hear his advice"

"Hmm, okay. any other commentary and something to say"

"Wait.... Ah. i scan doctor blood before, normally right, Human blood was red but Doctor blood is golden, i scan his body there is something in him, a tremendous energy, no, a suppressed power, something suppress his true power, that is the reason i become cocky to dominate him, i thought he holding back but i'm so naive, i'm too focus to my target rather my own time limit. my eye power can detect person energy, blood flow even supernatural entity for a moment there, i can see Rosmontis brother hand, Ifrit Diablo Sarkaz, and....." Warfarin stop talking when she see something in the door, an pair of eye watching her, she can feel her instinct told her, if she keep continue her report, she will be silenced.

"Dr Warfarin ?"

"ah, yes, sorry, my mind just wonder. well that is all i can see but maybe Doctor know, we just wait he develop cyber gear after all is like X Ray scanning but more advance"

"you seems in distress ? Something bother you ?"

"No, no, no, Absolutely not" Everyone look on the door, there is nobody rather many Rhodes Island member walking around in Corridor.

"You see something ?" Gavial Ask Warfarin, Warfarin rub her eyes than see surrounding, that pair of eye is gone.

"Nope, all clear. i need rest guys, you should be worry about..... hiiiiiii" Warfarin scream in terror when she see a horrid being observe her, Everyone on guard but found nothing while Warfarin wrapping her body with blanket.

"Dr Warfarin ?"

"Can you guys stay here, im scared"

"Huh ? What do you mean"

"I see monster, please dont go. please" Warfarin plea for her life but everyone can see her eye beg for help, everyone nod then that floating eye go away.

Verdugo appear and report to me, i nod and send it to designated post.

"Waffy, you never learn" Another Verdugo appear and report to me regarding a Kazimierz riot, in next hour riot will happened by Kawalerielki, the Kawalerielki separation incident will happened and people across Kazimierz rallied from their homeland to here to ask Justice, who lead the Revolution, Toland. and surprise, surprise Mylnar also join the rally but as observer not as participant.

Many High Echelon KGCC and Adeptus all in here including Association of three ruling body Kazimierz making great opportunity for Rioter.

The black out Happened in major but i dont like darkness, the theme park is brilliance on light and the major too, making the Insurgency and rioter surprise.

"Something happened, honorable Audience there is incident of Blackout outside, the major will be halted for now, every participant return back to respective post and place. reminder for Audience to avoid chaos outside, please follow Enforcer to go to your respective condominium and place you already rent, for other can enjoy our attraction free with no charge" Everyone cheers hear that and i told mob to make sure to take a shelter, riot will happened outside and told Knight participant to control situation.

"Attention to all Knightly participant, there is riot happened outside, please take your weapon and shield to guard your family, friend and someone you dear outside and bring them to shelter in Theme Park"

"What !?" Every knight hear that and i appear in Knight change room.

"Mr Lucifer, what happened"

"Riot, this time Kazimierz is in civil war. Common Folk against KGCC, Adeptus, Association. I must warn you, there is total black out there, Armorless union also on the move to control the situation, the situation i mean"


"Yes, they will purge the rioter and pray whatever you believe not to see your family or loved person died in the street or get stray bullet out of nowhere. now is time for you to show what is true knight about, what you gonna use your weapon for, what is the meaning of the armor you use now, what is the meaning of knighthood to you, to kill or to save, i will fix the black out" I raise my hand and appear Holy Sword. 

"Good luck" I dash toward entrance with Margaret and Every knight participant, in street we get total Volley of arrow and we save some injured people to take shelter, the tyrant enforcer guard them and some medic drone appear taking out arrow and anything.

"we part away" Margaret nod and block a Arrow Volley, then charge to Armorless union army.

"Good luck Doctor" I nod then vanish from shadow, in Kawalerielki Main power plant, i found many bomb in here. i found out about this Bomb, this bomb specifically design to active where a loud sound happened, and it connected to main Major Stadium, lucky for us the main major stadium currently empty, everyone in Raid Boss Stadium.

This bomb is Leithanein man made and surprise, surprise, this Bomb bought by KGCC from Leithanein noble. they try to bomb the theme park and then blame Rhodes Island for the accident. Unforgiveable, how dare they destroy Rhodes Island reputation.

"I will destroy you just a moment, i will spit you right to your face" I defuse the bomb and fix the Black out, Kawalerielki light return and i hear someone foot steep.

"As expected, Mr Lucifer is Doctor... Intel was right" Another Darksteel appear but this time a hidden one, not the first one who i already gave a warning.

"Hmmm... correct. so you here try to kill me ?"

"Yes, KGCC last order, i'm not the old man and cocky one you kill before. but" that Darksteel take the Darksteel javelin and point at me.

"this Javelin will be the one who take your life"

"i doubt it but worth to try" Darksteel throw the Javelin and stab my heart and pierce me to the Power plant i got electrocuted and Kawalerielki power short circuit begin and died out again.

"Job done, easy job for" That Darksteel head get sliced into three piece then The Darksteel body got sliced into million pieced.

"Job done, Easy job for me" Verdugo copying his voice and appear. The Verdugo take the Darksteel and i yawn.

"Good job" I fix the main power and Kawalerielki power return, i get out and see a Silverlance pegasi with their legion stop the fight between Common folk and Knight participant with Armorless Union.

Silverlance Pegasi approach me and give me salute.

"Thank you for your aid Mr Lucifer"

"No worry, is my duty to protect people who take shelter and in the Theme park also my responsibility but i can't abandon the riot happening outside"

"we respect the decision" The riot dim out and the riot continue on peaceful manner with many Kazimierz top Echelon come down from their glorious throne, Silverlance Pegasi is on guard to protect the Riot and i above the building watch over the show. the Demand from people somehow not well receive because KGCC now out of money and Adeptus can't grant their demand and Association can't grant their demand either.

Until the chaos erupt and KGCC Boldly claim their wealth has been used to invest in major to throw the people anger to me, until i click my remote and all big tall building showing all KGCC Corruption exploitation and many more, Adeptus Powerless and wrongdoing regarding their inability to serve justice also been shown completely, and many thing regarding the truth has been hidden until the last icing for the cake.

Bombing accident, i show the evidence and the true recording about the deal of the bombing including killing Me and destroying the theme park into ashes, then throw the blame toward Rhodes Island of the incident to slander them of making Kazimierz misery.

Everyone who witness the truth or the evidence start getting angry and for the first time in the Kazimierz history. Armorless Union, Silverlance pegasi, Common Folk demand justice and punishment for treason. the council lost word of the thing they did while me in top of building laugh like maniac seeing their lost face.

"That man" Kal'tsit taking a coffee while watching the big screen with her genuine interest.

The aftermath of this riot, The capitalism Fall, Legit, I literally rob entire Kazimierz Wealth from the KGCC Aristocrat, but to save my face before me getting killed. i give Major free access and free attraction and entertainment until Final Major.

KGCC Aristocrat who take part of treason executed in public watched by whole Kazimierz people, then Death KGCC Aristocrat wealth has been shared to underdeveloped region, signed and watched by whole Kazimierz people. KGCC now under new rule regulation and Adeptus incompetent people already strip out their status and give their 70% Their wealth to common folk under "Knight Sacrifice", some of them maybe become poor that's a sacrifice they are willing to make.

The Major continue and i get another invitation to become Head of KGCC, but i decline or she gonna maul my head but i give a recommendation to them. Poland famous for Vodka, Chocolate, Slippers, many Poland Product that somehow accepted by The Council, as another source of income for them.

Somehow my Business grant them better relationship with Ursus and they can import the Chocolate snack to Columbia, Siracusa, Kazdel, Victoria, Higashi even Yan. while the Slipper is their main business, majority of the people like the Idea of Slipper because many Kazimierz Kuranta and they walk alot, they need something to comfort their feet.

after dealing the Council invitation, Major Final begin as the Usual, this time Bloodknight and Nearl duel and win with glorious fight, i'm proud of Margaret despite she clearly emotional about that, i congratulate both of them and they go to Champion Hall with pride but this time, The champion hall indeed only Margaret Face will be display, but when the picture get touch, a bunch of knight participant will appear in the picture showing the all participant name and the Knight name with them and their status, their honor, their martial prowess be shown.

a new concept that accept we indeed the winner but everyone also winner, sound communism but what can i do ? i have no intention to dwell into gladiator fight and more so i got drag into KGCC head Candidate, duh. i already rob your Aristocrat money, my job is done, there is nothing i can do to help the Country though.

in above my building or in top of Theme park currently already under construction to detach from Kawalerielki.

[ Ursus, Conquered. Lungmen, Conquered. Kazdel, Conquered. Yan, Conquered. Tarra, Conquered. Laterano, Conquered. Kazimierz Conquered. next place ?]

"Leithanein, Iberia, Higashi, Rim Billiton, Siracusa, Victoria, Sargon, Mino, Columbia, Bolivar, Sami, Aegir"

[Such heavy day sir]

"yeah, heavy day. Ascendant, tell me honestly, is it worth it in here"

[..... do you feel grateful about what you have sir ?]

"yes i do"

[Then why you complaining ?]

"... I.... I'm sorry, it seems i get overworked and stress out"

[Rest all you want Sir, no one will get angry if you felt tired. after all, you done your part, your contribution, your good deed and evil deed but remember Sir, is all your choice, its your freedom, its your free will]

"..... You Right, Thank you ascendant" Ascendant disappear and in midnight the theme park officially closed and i return to Space ship to sleep. i need rest and sleep in my room with comfort until it's not.

In early morning, i still wrapped in blanket, in Training room with everyone, apparently there is new member and operator in here, but as lazy as i am, i procced to wrap myself to blanket and continue to sleep.

"is that infamous doctor ?"

"Yes, he.... Valtor... Wake up" i grunting and shoo them away.

"please elaborate for a moment" I wake up, do stretching then rub my eyes.

"Hello my name Valtor "Sephiroth" Ismael, im doctor from Rhodes Island, former duke of Ursus, White Dragon of Victoria and God Slayer Of Yan, Devil Of Babel. whatever name available in Operator Record, you can call me Doctor, nice to meet you. Can i sleep now ? i really need sleep right now" i return back to my comfort zone, sleeping in the corner of the room with blanket covering me once more

"Sigh, You do everything for us, you deserve your sleep reward" 

"Is Doctor Mr Lucifer ?"

"Yes, he Mr Lucifer, the one who create chaos in Kazimierz and the Theme Park. Oy Valtor, Stiltufera Navis Key is in here, and Some Cultist wannabe send a Abyssal Hunter in here, currently in intensive medical monitoring" I groan and close my ear with my pillow.

"Is Doctor always like that ?" Kal'tsit sigh and look at everyone.

"No, Doctor currently out of mission, let him deserve his reward" Kal'tsit explain Company rule once more and decide to check everyone report despite the report isn't what she expected, some mission team happened meet another anomaly that i say before after checking them.

while the other there is indeed what i say, There is Another Witch king Remnant Descendant in Vyseheim, While the Avalon Forest has been found but blocked by Art, Kjerag Envoy or Yumi told by Orion her origin by Experimenting Kjeragandr Floating Originium art and Evolve it to human, Kal'tsit enrage and look at me who sleeping like a baby.

"So tell me the truth what happened after she appear" Everyone look at enrage Kal'tsit and they in dilemma, i say never told her about that memory wipe and Orion my own son tell her.

"Dr Kal'tsit, your memory got wiped by father. i dont know what reason he memory wipe you but i can say, its your fault"

"ME !? MY FAULT... my fault..... urrghh" Kal'tsit Originium Energy released from her body, is Oripathy combustion, Everyone panic and try to calm her down.

"Doctor, Wake up ! Wake Up !" Everyone try to wake me up. Kal'tsit scream her lungs out, her Originium energy explode beyond control. i woke up and kiss her for a moment and instantly she pass out.

"You really never learn, i give you shortcut yet you fail me Kal'tsit, you not ready to reach evolution, so i take back what you supposedly deserve until you have right to have it, no one shall have it" I put my hand in her chest, Kal'tsit return to her normal Arknight model, not thicc and absolute beauty like before, i take everything back and she become normal kal'tsit.

"Doctor, what happened"

"Well, She overuse her power. her stress build up and accidentally trigger her Originium Energy inside her, as respond of her stress, Originium releasing energy to protect her but her body and mind can't control it and she... sigh... is my mistake, she not cocky like Warfarin before rather too vulnerable and oblivious of her profound evolution. with absolute power corrupt absolutely, once it out control, it take everything you had, from this incident never tell her about it never in any under circumstances, you already feel the danger of it right ? if you in her position you will see your friend or someone you know laying there death or critically wounded. Orion, next time be quite is good, observe rather report, silent doesn't mean you hiding something rather know what consequence of what gonna happened despite your intention is good, intent not matter only consequence, Understood ?"

"yes, father, im sorry for my action"

"Dont be sorry, i know you can be better than this, I will take control in here. Our next destination will be Kjera, Operator who already given the mission, please check this place and scout in this place need help especially underdeveloped region, Contact Rim billiton to deliver estimated 3 to 5 Container Originium ore, Koshelna you supervise that Cargo. Jessica, Can you contact your father to deliver worth 300 Ton Steel plate if you can you guard it with BS member, Hellagur can you go to Ursus and send my request to Fyodor. I want some of you go to Yan to search One Feranmut in this specific mountain, invite her to come here, if she unwilling tell her i insist. Rhine labs member or former Rhine Labs member, can you go to check this region laboratory and scout the Experiment by going undercover as Pioneers and try to call Muelsyse to come here too, i need her help regarding something. Santalla and other Sami Operator, can you go to Sami and take something in my Clinic ask Cyclops Sarkaz there if you dont know the location, they know where my clinic was, never open whatever in there, whatever your curiosity of it. Alexandrina and Glassglow gang there is smuggled goods from Victoria Corrupt noble to nearby country such Leithanein, Siracusa and Columbia. i want you to sabotage that convoy and claim that goods, You want to do silent or go rowdy approach is all you, the goods is important rather the people, kill them if situation call, spare them and bind them if necessary"

"Doctor, we stealing ? that is bad action doctor"

"is not about who is good, who is bad. being good is mandatory, being evil is necessary. you let those Victoria corrupt noble do whatever they like under your nose, That is Victoria product and goods, with under any circumstances you must know how many the goods are, what type of goods was, where is your goods go, who is responsible to it. be harsh and strict is necessary, if you keep pampering them they will grow more uncage, deaf ear then beyond reason at all. for what reason i do that ? for all of you, i will do bad thing and evil thing as Kazimierz incident regarding KGCC and Adeptus before, all of you my responsibility and my responsibility to make sure you never get dragged in from that incident as i did before to detach our cooperation. and i save you from slander and defamation from Kazimierz Riot from our cooperation. lets put aside that whatever is your choice after all, follow me or not is yours rightfully. choose" Everyone look each other while me just wait them, i look at them with determination of this time, Kal'tsit out of commission, and Amiya is not ready but i will make her ready no matter what.

"Very well doctor, what is the plan"

"Thank you for cooperation, Map ascendant" Ascendant show World map behind me where clear as the many mobile city roaming around, country even Catastrophe movement.

"Dynasty shall rule eternal"

[Code Unlock, Unlocking 3D Map]

Ascendant showing me the map regarding the convoys just Like 3D map of Dynasty warrior 5 with terrain and route complete in detail, with unique interaction that is live streamed.

"This is the route of Convoys, They will go in this region to resupply nor to hide plain sight from Victoria Country border spy and guard, i want you to infiltrated that moment of time, they will be on guard about Spy movement but the spy movement go in this direction to direction, you can go swiftly in this near gap of surveillance and there is short cut from there, from this place and the place as escape route and emergency route when the spy spot you. remember you can go silent or rowdy in this Heist, if you want to go silent, you can go here to retrieve the goods without being spotted by Victoria spy but you need catastrophe aid for that, this is Special Odorless chloroform make anyone who inhale it will go deep sleep for 7 hours, you have seven hour in deep of catastrophe to go this escape route without being spotted by Victoria guard, if you go rowdy you must create a chaos in the Convoys to attract the Victorian guard and spy, but you have maximum 30 minutes to end the fight before the spy and guard arrive, once you get caught, you already lost. which one you choose, remember all is bad result, Silent approach you risk unfortunate porter in the middle Originium catastrophe while Rowdy Approach the Porter will be executed by Victoria noble of their incompetent"

"is there another way ?"

"You can't go any other way, they just people who unfortunate enough to get caught and dragged by political ploy, i told you, being people in power you must sacrifice some of your people to do your interest, lost one is not a problem, lost the interest is the problem. see the dilemma, we pity those porter for their misfortune but we can't help them either because their fate is set, once the goods delivered, their purpose is done, they become nobody in Victoria society but when they become nobody guess what happened ?"


"Correct, they will be silenced to clean the track, is risky game because innocent people will be the victim here even we shelter them in here, they still have family in Victoria as bargaining chip for the information, cruel ? bear with me, you have no idea"

"Uncle, do you have any solution to help them"

"i do but it little bit cruel"

"Memory wipe ?"

"No, Eternal Hallucination. i give the corrupt noble a memory implant, the Convoys got caught by those three country border Guard and they already jailed by law and jurisdiction then make another memory implant that the goods already delivered but detained by customs, The Noble will report it to buyer but once the buyers claim it the goods is nowhere to be found, it will create another paradox memory to claim the Corrupt noble men is in jail, once the buyer ask who is the name, Remember the paradox memory and Corrupt noble high Ego never remember their subordinate name, they will tell the characteristic of their convoys group but when they search it, nothing, a scam and their reputation is down to bottom, untrusted by many people of their hypocrisy and rest of the history. do it or not ?"

"Risky, i like that plan Doctor, we go rowdy silent is not good because the risk of Catastrophe is another pain, we can't risk from third party concerning of our physical well being"

"good, now who want join, more people more better, remember the rowdy approach, you have 30 minutes before the guard arrive, finish it under 20 minutes so i can deploy reinforcement in there to safe guard the Porter return back to home" Some battle maniac and mercenary participate, Siege and Glassglow member participate, and Amiya participate.

"Amiya you sure want to join ?"

"Yes, doctor. i have good hunch of this"

"Nice hunch, now throw away your art unit, any type weaponry you possess, any type tool you had and anything consider Rhodes Island attribute"

"Wait why ?"

"Cyber gear, Prototype version of it. i will test it with you, if you perform well in this experiment, you can experience the different of cyber gear compare common art unit or superior art unit truly are. the thing you could have for yourself as Operator Unique Gear Art unit" somehow many people participate not because this is heist reason but try to Cyber gear first time.

"we ready" i nod then Ascendant play me a music from Dynasty warrior 5, Trembling With Eagerness. Ascendant provide me the map or battlefield situation and i check the Unit info. Team already spread in equal manner and need a captain for the team that is me in here.

Once i already selected the team, Item check for the team. i take out Cyber Gear Unit from Durance where there is a unique logo on it. Doom Demon Rune with Coin like from.

"Equip" The Coin duplicate and spread to the team. once the coin in their chest put on. the unit active.

"Now is time, try to imagine the suit you like, Exo-skeleton armor, Normal casual suit, many form of armor you want" they try it, The Coin transmute creating armor for them and once their helmet or head gear with Hard light HUD, showing status of Physical body, Originium art and mental state of the user, targeting enemy and positioning and optics helm enhancement view from zoom in, 360 view, 3rd Person view video game like and eventually Cinematic view where they can see outside the boundary of space where they can see full view of space ship from above the sky where they true body glowing in position, radar that detect any object, human, movement, environment, trajectory, map detail in terrain, height, volume and anything hidden object, obstacle in the map. is combination Iron Man HUD and Robocop HUD.


"There is more, say equipment"

"EQUIPMENT" Appear hologram where their Art unit and they belonging already recorded and they can inspect the Art unit they already had from firepower, capability, durability, condition of Unit, and one quick secret.

"you see the little empty box there, that is command prompt to weapon or tool for manifest, or you can say what command you want to use to deploy the Unit, you want auto deploy or specific trigger. while there's triangle box, it's wielded or not command prompt, you can wield directly the unit but if unit not wielded, it can be activate anywhere you like and you can command the Unit activate the art without any problem because recycle system of the Originium unit in you Cyber gear, it can sustain on its own you just command it from nowhere near the unit"


"Say skill"

"Skill !" Appear Hologram where everyone can see their mirror self doing their art and appear branch of possibility of Art Skill and Art Manipulation but there is padlock.

"The padlock is telling you, you not reach the requirement for the skill of your Extended Originium art Manipulation and your personal skill such many thing you can see the progress of the skill itself, all the path way is more better then previous one but you can use previous one without worry, you can see the display how the Originium Art skill work just as reference, you can even check the skill effect, the power of the skill, the capability and how to use the skill in detail as full. if you want to unlock it when still locked, just will it, the gear will provide what necessary thing to collect to be able use that skill" everyone try it and they shown many requirement such Mastery over something that Gear provide how much experience they are, need specific Resource such attachment or tool to be able use the skill and medicine to able reach requirement of physical or mental requirement.

"We can be strong as you doctor ?"

"Not as strong but near realistically speaking, say Evolution"

"Evolution" Appear another hologram showing their physiology just like Spider web where there is glowing gene in there. the web evolution provide Their stats such Strength, agility, stamina, Originium art Proficiency, Defense, Resistance against abnormality such Mental resistance with mind manipulation ability to physical resistance with elemental resistance and Originium infection resistance, then a new type description regarding their Evolution circle, currently they are still Ancient and some are reaching elder, almost reaching peak elder.

"you can see the progress of evolution by chart in inner circle, what build your physiology was. you can see there is branch in your current evolution, you can will it to see what evolution is that. many evolution is branch new possibility it also provide you the requirement for high skill level, remember you see low level skill before, next you will see more advance Originium art or Personal skill that beyond your imagination such i show you in dimensional council before, you can use it and able to see your progress of evolution, is all natural evolution, you can check the requirement of evolution based on how many resource, medicine and skill you need, remember one key point of this Cyber gear, Skill necessary to get stronger, Evolution necessary to gain adaptation, You must adapt first to become stronger. remember that"

"Yes doctor" 

"good, everyone ready"

"Yes doctor"

"Navi, Connect to everyone communication"

{Hello, yes}

Navi connect herself to everyone communication device where my face can be seen in there HUD.

"Hello, you can see me right, my appearance not hindering your vision. you can use 3rd person view for better awareness and remember is about adaptation, once you adapt about awareness you can even see the world in third person view just like God View the world, i see the world in 3rd person view and 4th person view, because my true body, see above you" everyone look above where my celestial body observe universe. the huge celestial body with the universe on its palm, just like Eternity and Titan from WOW.

"Now you see me there, now return to 2nd point of view where you can inspect your whole body or change the attire you use to better style, perhaps you dont like your armor to flashy or anything you can change it just with this view. once you in first person view, the awareness of Gear will provide you warning about blind spot you had such below and behind. well try it first in high stake situation this 20 minutes heist, remember to edit your equipment for better battle style you like, you can explore it on your own before i deploy you to place where you should ready"

"Yes doctor" everyone edit their equipment and tools and ready.

"good, say Status"

"Status" Appear command prompt in there where everyone can see Skill, Equipment and Evolution, Equip Cyber Gear command prompt also there.

"You can alter those four command prompt not by speaking, Cyber gear is advance technology from other universe implemented by following your universe or world technology, you want tap your finger to be able check your Evolution progress or Skill progress, or just manifest it out of thin air by command it by neuron activation or will if you want. any command is available but remember is all yours, you own it, its yours to command" everyone edit it and complete, i nod then creating divine magic where following the rule of magic, in everyone HUD appear description of Technique.

[ Target : Valtor Ismael 

Race : Human (Ascended to God Race)

Threat level : Omni-versal, Proceed with caution

Skill : Classified information (Need more Evolution and Skill or Specific Equipment)

Power : Classified information (Need more Evolution and Skill or Specific Equipment)

Currently doing : Channeling Mass teleportation magic (Check here for Magic information) ]

[ Mass Teleportation Magic : Magic from Guidance Omni-Magic, Valtor can guide magic to reach desire outcome, currently the magic he use is teleportation where manipulating space and time with supernatural Force. (Check here for potential skill and talent)]

[Skill can be learn from this type magic such, Blink, Flash, Teleportation, Instant teleport...

talent can be learn from this type magic such, Supernatural Magic of Time, Supernatural Magic of Space, Supernatural magic knowledge...

Select the skill and talent you want to add to your gear : [ " choose here " ] ]

"Doctor, we can learn skill and talent from everyone ?"

"Yes, Amiya, you can even deduce the Art from every person just by staring at them, but that is homework for tomorrow, now go before the Convoys gone" Everyone teleported while some other stay to check the progress.

In battlefield, i command everyone and watch over them with big screen, their potential is beyond i expected, because this is video game world i implement Video game world and rule for it and it succeed.

Everyone complete The heist just by 10 minutes, their technology, skill, equipment is beyond capability of them. once the loots has been taken, i command Verdugo to retrieve the porter wounded state and return them back to home, then use Anti life Equation to give false memory to noble.

Once they in desired escape route, there is giant sigil of teleportation ready for them.

"Good work everyone, how the sensation, more easy to move, more easy to maneuvers, more easy to do thing and doing mission right ?"

"Yes, doctor, is like everything too easy, is you always like this doctor"

"Obviously, that is why when i go to mission, is complete success but now is time you experience, check the notification"

[Skill requirement reached]

Everyone excited when seeing there is branch skill opened, a new type skill they can use such Originium art or personal skill. majority of them personal skill such mastery over thing, Dual wielding, Acrobatics, CQC and many option that they can use such Double Jump, Air Walk, Walk Walking even the impossibility that is hidden thing in this Gear.

"Doctor there is star in our HUD"

"Finally you found out, inspect it" Everyone inspect that and found their Race Trait, such draco, Lung, any animal trait they had.

"That star system mechanism is called Elite System where you can enhance your bloodline, basically evolve you further from Ancient to Elder to Feranmut to Godlike being but there is biggest challenge, the requirement is high and the risk is also high. when you check requirement you need reach specific evolution and enormous resource, once it reach you can evolve but your body need hibernate to adapt evolution, you can check them" Everyone check their Animal trait where they can see Physical alteration, physical modification, physical transformation and it will unlock more high level skill such able breath fire from mouth or creating total darkness or total moons eclipse, a beyond skill that reach Nature manipulation level.

"5 month ? can it be quicker doctor ?"

"It can but you already see what happened to Dr Kal'tsit right ?" Everyone aware, out of control is something they never wish for.

"Sorry doctor, we just curious"

"No worry, return" Everyone teleported where we in main room, the loot already in hangar and Mael inspect it for us.

"Time to return" The Cyber gear transmute back and become coin in my hand that i play coin toss with it.

"So, how is the gear ?"

"Doctor, lets create that"

"Chill Closure, mechanist and all engineering team. we lack resource remember, i already provide you prototype version of it, despite it need more upgrade and enhancement, as long you get the gist. you never worried about anything if you had entire armory and equipment in your arm, support you need and many thing. now i must remind you, you have mission that i already give to you while other stay here guard the boss and remember, do not tell her about Cyber Gear you use today, you know her reaction and respond right ?"

"Yes doctor"

"Good, now spread out and for new member, welcome to Rhodes Island where we bunch of weirdoes and maniac that entirely not good company work here, we welcome you with open heart and arm if you try to resign well see ya good luck outside. oh Yeah Abyssal Hunter, Iberia Operator and Higashi Operator, come here" The operator i call approach me then my symbiote touch their forehead.

"Hmm.... okay.... The Seaborn Hive Mind infected some of you.... mhmm... well are you ready to be hibernate to free from Seaborn Assimilate ?"

"Umm... um... doctor... are you sure this is gonna work ?"

"Yes Skadi, by the way Where is operator Gladiia ?"

"She.... She...."

"I'm here" Gladiia appear and i smile.

"Consul of Aegir, welcome to my space ship. perhaps technology in here interest you"

"Your technology unable to fight that Doctor, i do believe your Cyber gear is great but mediocre compare to ours"

"Hmmmm... how about proof ?" Gladiia raise her eyebrows and i open up portal, vast endless sea of terra appear and i sing a song to call something, Appear third Firstborn that is trying to reach.

"hey girls what cooking good looking, miss me from our fight before" That first born actually growl to me and i laugh hearing that.

"Oh my such courtesy, join me to other universe, this world hate you and all your race, if they dont accept you because you are monster, then follow me where that such a treatment never exist" That First born growl and i laugh again hearing that.

"Killing you ? do i look like homicidal person ? in my perspective Seaborn isn't an enemy, Church of the deep are the enemy, you just lost being stranded in cruel world where you want to survive but the world deem you not worth for life, so instead live in constant struggle and meaningless war and human endless ego to gain peace which basically ironic asking a monster to claim that yet they have no ability to achieve that, why not join me as my people where many being outside there accept you whatever you are , whatever you become, How's that sound ?" The First born growl and a Seaborn ice try to reach me, i tap my finger on that Seaborn and its purr ?

"Weird interaction, agree ?" The Firstborn growl and i nod.

"Its decided then" I Blast her with Omega effect and put her in Omega sanction, i yawn and close the portal.

"Well, Caerula Arbor host in here, Primordial Life Spring Host is here, Unmelting Iceberg In my endless pocket dimension, Ishar-Mla host in here. there is no leviathan seaborn left in sea now Aegir consul, what you gonna do ? Stand there and gapping how i able defeat firstborn just one attack ? well simply put, im built different, better than your defected Abyssal Hunter super soldier. Church of the deep is now my great hunt list, once i found them all despite i already know where them all, i'm gonna wipe them out with your country included, i wonder you aware how oblivious your country was corrupted by inside, i wonder how many settlement, how many city, how many dome will be ruin by seaborn endless attack, your stubbornness to never seek aid from us is your own down fall, i give you insight, The very sea you Aegir dwell is my domain after Assimilation with Primordial Life spring Firstborn, whatever Seaborn do in there i know how many casualty, how many people turn into abomination in the sea, how many people will one eventually probably soon turn into Sea terror or Sea monster but let me give you another truth oh Aegir consul. We Many is already fall by me, now the Seaborn ready to migrate with me until time is ripe, what you see in near coastal Iberia, Siesta, Sargon, Higashi is We Many corrupted by Church of the Deep with Human mindset that nothing but pathetic little runt who just live in misery because their own action. fun fact, i know their movement even they detach from We Many simple hive mind, the sea have ear and the sky have eye, who own that ? me... i will give you another lost truth. hello fellow abyssal hunter. my name Valtor Ismael, First Captain of first generation Abyssal Hunter, the Golden blade of Aegir, the one who slay Caerula Arbor just one strike. What this ? Overheated ? you need take a bath lady, your body can't sustain the stress and the adrenaline of undeniable rage you had right now" Gladiia attack me and i block it with my body.

"Well, challenge. sorry for my lousy mouth perhaps we can prove point by fighting, shall we dance ?" Heirach armor appear and Amaterasu divine treasury appear.

"Take back what you say"

"Im sorry, Are you dictating your obituary to me Consul ?"

"I have name"

"do i give a single shit about your name ? do you want me carve it into your tombstone with little seaborn plant on the grave as decoration ?" Gladiia attack me like actually try to kill me, i just dodge it with Bison stance without using my divine weapon.

Gladiia keep moving and attacking but all attack so predictable until she overheat.

"I smell cooked fish, do you need mobile refrigerator to cooldown your body ?"

"Can you stop talking and fight me like actual hunter you proud of" I walk menacingly, taking both of my Thunder edge roaring with eagerness creating many electrical malfunction in the space ship and roaring thunder in terra. Gladiia step back while me casually walking and charging the blade with actual thunder who releasing eerie and haunting noise of thunder, space ship become turbulence.

"DOCTOR STOP" I look at everyone who tremble of terror, its like seeing actual catastrophe in little place, where wrath of god ready to kill them all.

"...." I put back thunder Edge in my hips and look at Gladiia already overheat, she can't fight anymore because her Aegir physiology.

i quick draw thunder edge and blast her with lightning retribution, Gladiia scream in agony and i freeze her with Tundra beads making her froze in time like total statue screaming then burn her body with solar flare into ashes but instead burn completely she just get overheat by my Solar flare, her body releasing so much smoke and i can smell smoke fish in there.

"When she wake up, tell her. Seaborn assimilation in her body already killed by me, i dont need her gratitude or anything in positive respond, i just hate her in particular and keep her away from me or i am gonna do inhumane thing to her when i see her in my line of sight, warning for all of you, when i angry, no human reasoning apply to me anymore. leave me alone and wake up you silly cat" i smack kal'tsit head until it smoke, she yip and a big bump appear on her head.

"What happened"

"i don't know you ask them" i walk away from the meeting room with thunderstorm outside, Kal'tsit look herself then she sigh.

"what happened ?" Amiya told everything except the Cyber Gear, Kal'tsit sigh then look at gladiia taking care by medic team.

"So, he kill the seaborn by electrocute her, then freeze her body then burn her ?" everyone nod then Kal'tsit got insight.

"That actually work. by electrocute her body to certain current then freeze that shock leaving a vulnerable state condition of her body by this condition is called hibernation, he then burn the hibernation state of Gladiia which also burn the living substance that seaborn inside her and mind, with also return her warmth and back from hibernation state, which is cruel in method but by this method, he will create medicine to actually make the electrocute procedure not torturous, your body paralyzed from body to brain function unable to respond anything when in freeze state your body and mind will frozen like dead body a lifeless body without anything responding, body heat is no more, brain function already death and frozen like ice, many thing freeze, in this state the seaborn substance will eventually get out from your body in certain duration because they think your body is "dead" or unable become assimilation host nor anything they kind try survive, majority substance will seek another host when reach time period, your body heat will return and anything will return back to normal until it overheating, it kill remaining seaborn cells in your body as full. but the overheat is the problem"

"Give them bag of ice or let them bath in cold water for faster cooldown, problem solved" i put batch of medicine there with marker, Seaborn cure.

"I already test it on Laurentina, the medicine is great success she will awake in 1 to 2 Hours, the hibernation state will last for 10 to 15 minutes, your duty to contain seaborn cells who try to escape, i already provide special bucket for it. if you dont believe me check herself in her ward. thanks to "that particular consul" for her salvation to help her egoistic race stupidity, everyone already receive the mission, i will check Mael goods in Storage. medic team check the Abyssal Hunter cure progress included Iberia and Higashi Operator already recorded in this paper once you already look Laurentina stability, she already get Oripathy cure and her Spinal fluid full originium particle, her nerve or mental state little bit out of control once she wake up. my temporary leadership end, return back to the boss" Kal'tsit rejoice hearing her theory correct.

"Valtor, nice god attire"

"Thank you, reminding me when i still become king of the gods. well, check out Everyone kal'tsit" 


"What ?"

"Thank you giving me the chance to evolve"

"No need to thank me, that is also my curiosity, looks like you not ready for it, well work hard kal'tsit for claim it back"

"Of course" i wave my hand and vanish like Artanis.

"Oh wait, Valtor, evolution medicine... he gone... well you people can go to work, dont mind abyssal hunter, i will check them. oh yeah one more thing, is he hiding something from me" everyone just shake their head, Kal'tsit look at Orion and Yumi, they both shake their head.

"Hmm... suspicious.... hmmm..... Folinic ?" Folinic shake her head.

"Rosmontis ? Amiya ? Red ? Victoria" Four of them shake their head.

"Shamare ? Popukar ?" they also shake their head

"Bird, snake" Both of them shake their head.

"Very suspicious..... " Kal'tsit become curious and suspicious of everyone who dont obey her.

"Cyber gear" Kal'tsit see some of operator flinch, and she smile like devil.

"gotcha, I'm watching you. Always watching. Always" Kal'tsit smile like devil then walk away from the room.

"Lets go everyone, we have work to do. we must hurry to create.....cyber gear...." the last sentence speak with very little noise. everyone nod and kal'tsit appear wide widest grin she ever give.

"I knew it" everyone now get interrogate by her one by one meanwhile me and Mael checking the goods.

"Looks like transmitter from Dorothy lab ?"

"Yes, the council Columbia stole the blueprint but i exchange it with broken one, to be honest this machine can be use for 2nd, 3rd, 4th vision"

"That more be better, perhaps perfect version of Cyber gear will be great addition"

"Hmmm..... Beware of Columbia movement, it seems Marx treat you as threat to his grand vision"

"That bird ? well, M21 hunting gun should the job" Mael laugh then provide me one bullet with Marx name on it.

"One shot"

"One kill" i take out Sheba and reload it with that bullet.

"happy hunting big guys"



"Thank you"

"No worries, see you" Mael vanish then i smile seeing the Victoria loot, as expected, Power armor base material from steam knight spare part, Siracusa mechanized weapon and Leithanein music spare part. this goods can be use as great addition to my great mobile workshop.

"need another type of tool"

based on reference Seaborn need living host to assimilate(For perfect assimilation, check Endspeaker. while dead one is more hideous assimilation), i just using medical logic, where nerve shut down and cryo pod then the fire to heat them back to alive

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts