
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Future is Here now old man

[Shop: Remember, Think before you buy. be wise and resourceful with the Orb you have.

List (New Goods Available!)>

[Move set: a collection of moves that can fill your Slayer style. All of these moves take a lot of references and put them together to form a Synergy, Some Of movements need requirement weapons]

Dragon's Fury >

Unstoppable Fortress + Orbs

Joker Dance + Orbs

Bullet Ballet >

Dual Inferno (Require Minigun) + Orbs

Death From Mist + Orbs

Sword Saint >

Wrath of God + 900.000.000.000 Orbs

Ouroboros Rage + Orbs

Energy Edge >

Swarm Machine (Requirement Drone) + 1.500.000.000.000 Orbs (Discount 70% + 70 % Off, Buy it before its late)(2 Hour remaining)

[Boost: a self-improvement both conventional and magical, follow my recommendation advice]

Fuse Soul power that acquired + 500.000.000 (The more soul fused more expensive it become, be wise)

[Item: An item that only you can access, all of these items are extremely rare and do not exist in the world you live in. Use them to the fullest no matter what]

The Ascendant Technology +1,500,000,000,000 Orbs

Wesker Quint-Metal Suit Upgrade + Orbs (When you upgrade this, you unable to use it for a while)

Thunder Railgun Upgrade + Orbs (Very Recommended)

[Power: A power for you that you can use thoroughly, remember all powers have side effects and some effects can be neutralized with Boost or other powers]

Half Dragon Form + Orbs

Marshal Form + 99.999.999.999.999.999 Orbs

Refresh +0 Orb

[Reminder: Don't forget to buy discounts, in case you need them, right? Don't forget to think about what you're going to do with the Orbs you have]

Thank you God, you helped me a lot. I'll definitely buy the Swarm Machine because I need it and the Railgun Upgrade? Interesting, I also need that because I overuse Boo instead of the Advance technology I have.

maybe I can have some interesting abilities that can make myself more useful in melee and ranged.

[ - Orbs Used]

[ - Orbs Used]

[Thunder Railgun Transform and upgraded into Lightning God Weapon, Some of additional capability added and some old ability included :

Two Modes: The wrist weapon has two modes > Energy Gun and Energy Weapon.

Rechargeable Energy Cell: The wrist weapon uses the Thunder Railgun's rechargeable energy cell as its power source and added by your own Pure energy source for backup energy.

Overload: When the wrist weapon is fully charged, it enters an Overload state that increases its power and density in energy.

Transformations: The wrist weapon can produce into 14 different types of Energy Gun and Energy Weapon modes.

Special Drone Transformation Mode: Transform the wrist weapon into a special drone. The drone has its own rechargeable battery and can be used recharge other drone.

List of Weapon Available in Lightning God Weapon >

> Ionize Turret: Stationary turret that fires ionized energy to wear down enemy shields and create an ionization field to damage enemies that enter it.

> Fusion Cannon: Cannon with concentrated beam of fusion energy that can penetrate through multiple enemies, with a charging mechanism and pulse function.

> Spinning Gatling Gun: Creates a spinning array of energy bullets that rapidly fire in all directions, with a lock-on and ricochet function.

> Ray Cannon: Fires a high-powered ray of energy that deals massive damage to a single target, with a zoom and piercing function.

> Homing Gun: Launches homing energy projectiles that track and pursue enemies, with a jamming function.

> Automatically Targeting Turret: Deploys a stationary turret that automatically targets and fires at nearby enemies, with a cloaking and scanning function.

> Hand Plasma Cannon: Unleashes a powerful blast of plasma energy with a wide radius and charge and rapid fire function.

> Energy Sword: A blade made of energy that can be extended or shortened and shaped into different forms, with a secondary function to emit a powerful burst of energy.

> Energy Dagger: A smaller version of the energy sword designed for quick, precise strikes, with a throwable blade and a small energy shield.

> Energy Whipblade: A flexible weapon made of energy that can be manipulated like a whip or used as a blade, with the ability to emit an electric charge.

> Energy Spear: A long-range weapon with a sharp tip made of energy, with a telescoping design.

> Spinning Three Blade: Three rotating energy blades that can be adjusted in size and speed and imbued with different types of energy, with a boomerang function.

> Energy Claw: A hand-held weapon that covers the user's hand in energy forming sharp claws, with a grappling hook function and serrated edge.

> Energy Shield: A defensive weapon that absorbs energy-based attacks and can be charged with energy to increase its defensive capabilities, with a counterattack function]

[Reminder : Lightning God weapon stored in your Dimensional pocket, use it if you want to use it it will attach to you in Charge mode, you can activate it with simple command or with your own thought, there is secret in this weapon. find out yourself]

[Swarm Machine is a Special Move that requires a special Drone to operate, this Moveset consists of :

> Alpha Drone: The leader drone that can create up to six other drones. It is equipped with advanced technology, including weapons and holographic interface, and has an AI that helps it coordinate with the other drones in combat.

> Zoom Drone: A scouting drone that is invisible to the naked eye and equipped with cloaking technology and sensors. It can also disrupt enemy sensors with a high-frequency pulse.

> Ale Drone: A medic drone that can heal and shield allies with its barrier. It has a built-in defibrillator and holographic interface that displays medical information.

> Dome Drone: A drone equipped with a large dome that can trap enemies inside. It can generate an electromagnetic field that disrupts enemy weapons and communications.

> Thanatos Drone: An attack drone designed to disable enemy armor and weapons. It has a barrier that can disable weapons and a grappling hook for mobility.

> Savior Drone: A rescue drone that can safely evacuate wounded allies. It has a unique barrier that makes it invulnerable to attacks and a miniature tractor beam for pulling injured allies to safety.

> Nyx Drone: A drone that specializes in disabling living organisms. It can freeze organic matter and disable any potential threats, and has a built-in icethrower for thawing out frozen enemies and a sonic pulse that disrupts enemy abilities]

[Reminder: There is only one Alpha Drone but the other 6 drones can be thousands or even millions depending on what you and Alpha want, Alpha is loyal to you and will assist you in carrying out your duties perfectly]

I was Flabbergasted. i lost word, i lost word i want to cry out loud but Kal'tsit is sleeping, if she heard me cry she would arguably be angry.

I prayed to God and thanked him with my knees, I wanted to give him something that was gratitude, really great gratitude.

I summon the weapon and in my right hand appears a Gauntlet with no gloves just a wrist with the face of Zeus but suddenly this Gauntlet shines brightly at me and Boo appears giving off the same Godly aura.

The Suit automatically creates a Shield around me and absorbs this kinetic energy for it and I feel the Scale on my right hand being gnawed and then this bright light disappears and Boo returns, I check the Lightning god Weapon and see not Zeus' face on it but King Ghidorah.

Three dragon kings from the Void with glowing Blue eye and Golden Wrist, my hand returned to human-like but only my left hand was still Godzilla's hand. I can rub Kal'tsit's vagina, hurray. that is priority now.

The Suit then becomes the same bracelet but the color follows the Maykr color pallet, if Lightning God is Blue and gold then the Suit is White and Gold. but unfortunately my left hand is still a dragon hand.

So the little Scale on the Suit wristband is a gimmick for me. I checked on Kal'tsit who was still fast asleep. I tested whether she was awake or not by touching her cheek with my human hand or tickling her.

"ummmm, Valtor. im sleepy. go disturb other inmates" yeah, she already in dreamworld, now lets check this bad boy.

Ionize Turret looks like M3063 Halo Universe turret only the difference is the color of this turret is gold and blue with a cool Ghidorah motif at the end of this weapon sleeve, This is deployable and I can create many copies of it depending on how much energy but the limit was 40. Shame but awesome though.

Fusion Cannon which is similar to Megatron's but in Michael Bay Universe and this crab claw changes into ghidorah three heads to stabilize charging energy, Awesome and it has the same color pallet with Ionize Turret.

Spinning Gatling Gun which is similar to Doom Eternal's Chaingun, Although the casings of this chaingun should be four but this is eight, and the worst thing is this one handed weapon that is pretty much heavy as fuck. my hand got crammed using this weapon because its literally lifting 7 Mountain at once.

Ray Cannon is a weapon that I don't know from which game but this weapon is very good because it charges energy very quickly and makes a sound like a bird whistling melodiously. Love that reference, then a notification appeared that this weapon was called Quantum Horizon. Neat.

Homing Gun This weapon looks like a glove and has a floating energy needle of 7 pieces, and the design of this weapon is quite cool to me and but why does this weapon have a Plasma Canon in the palm of my hand or maybe Two weapons in one use? that is genius holy shit, I never imagine that homing gun is Floating energy needle while the Hand Plasma Canon is a literal Gauntlet and this is a secret combination that is god talking about.

Automatically Targeting Turret is the same turret as the Shade turret in Halo but the only difference is that this turret does not need a shooter and can shoot 360 degree shots and a distance of approximately 10 Km with 100 percent accuracy.

I deactivate this bracelet and look at Kal'tsit who is still fast asleep, she is defenseless yet I don't want to eat her while she sleeps, other inmates are also in dream world and the guard who is in charge was also laid back enjoying his phone rather than checking the security cam.

Time to sleep, I'm also sleepy, I'll check the Energy weapon tomorrow.


Kal'tsit Journal

Years passed until I heard that Kazdel was collapsing and some news made me interested but Valtor why was he still relaxed, what was he waiting for? Was he hiding something from me?

I interrogated some of the prison guards that they didn't see anything strange when I slept or we slept, everything was safe and clean. But I saw an oddity why Valtor always did one hand push ups and always did one hand.

And the strangest thing is why he has a golden wrist on his right hand and his hand is back to being human again, this is strange but when I wanted to ask but why my heart didn't dare.

I dared to ask and the result was beyond my mind, me, me, me, VALTOR YOU HIDE IT FROM ME AGAIN? WHY, WHY, WHY.

The energy weapon he developed broke all the research I developed and even surpassed the research of all of Terra, even Ægir technology is bland compared to his energy weapon.

its pure energy not originium, i want it. i want his technology. i want to learn from him yet i can't comprehend how this energy weapon works without originium source. Plasma? Ion? Ray? Is that new energy? If so, let's learn it together Valtor.

Valtor, the more I am with you the more amazing things I discover. If you are not by my side maybe I can't see the wonder beyond the sky even beyond our own universe.

Just stay with me, I will stay with you by your side. also since his hand returned maybe we can, no kal'tsit. not now, there is new knowledge and you think about that now?

Notes: This energy weapon is solid and can last longer than I thought and the effect as well as the firepower is Insane, no technology in this world is able to compare this type of weaponry.

If we implement this on war, no. why do you think about war? Valtor already said to me

"our war is not with the people but the greed of the people. we can win the war without even participating, we two alone is enough to conquer the entire nation in Terra" That is the sentence Valtor said but why do you always use we, we, we, we. i cannot reach you valtor. you show me amazing things yet i'm still here, watching you yet can't do anything to help you except give you company? am i useless? what do you think Mon3tr? am i useless?

Am I Useless for you Valtor? if so, then im sorry. i will improve, i will prove it to you, i will grab your hand and walk together to the darkest future of Terra.

Side note, The strokes from his dragon hand and his human hand have different sensations. if the dragon hand makes my mind calm then Valtor's human hand makes my entire existence instantly purified, as if his pure energy pulse is straight giving me its energy to my existence, Valtor pet me, pet me more. i love when you pet me while we are doing a research.

sorry for the late, im in vacation for now.

i got spam called by my rich chinese whale woman who spam me that Ho'olheyak is playable i jump out from my comfy hotel bed and scream my lungs out, speak like zero sanity doctor and ooga booga to oblivion. Finally, another crazy, yandere, sexy dummy mommy is playable, and this benefactor also send me a Pop figure of ho'olheyak, Do you know how much money i save for that pop Figure ? Enough to buy a jar and fill it with research purpose. Shit, Fuck it

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts