
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Expedition Marshal Episode 2 : Eldritch

I woke up and saw my room changed from wood to pure concrete, Huh? Weird.

"Good morning Sir Mael" I turned to see Fairy maid who was looking at me shyly, I looked at my body which was not naked but a little bare chest, I mean it was uncomfortable especially around lady.

"Good morning, was I kidnapped by someone?" the door opened I reflexively covered my body with a blanket, I saw Remilia, Sakuya and Patchouli walking together.

"I heard from the news that you can summon all the gods and goddesses and then you got the blessing of the Dragon God, then I heard that you cleaned the Moriya Shrine and Hakurei Shrine quickly even as if they had just been built. I hired you temporarily as a Butler here, please forgive my Head Maid who kidnapped you while sleeping" I pause the world and test it, is she able to move 4 dimension time stop or not, I snap my hand and do anything to her, yep, she completely stops.

"Did she violated me?"

"She checked your heartbeat by opening up your clothes, she never touch your genital except she caress your perfect body and muscle"

"I see, thank you" I return back to my position and continue the world.

"Alright, job one. Whether I take a shower or get ready, I will prepare breakfast for you Miss Remilia and your sister Miss Flandere" Remillia looked at me with worry.

"I suggest you don't have to take care of my sister"

"I can't do that Miss Remillia, Miss Flandere is your family regardless of Miss Flandere's condition, you can't ignore your sister, as an Intern Butler, entertaining the mansion owner's family is my duty as a butler so please allow me to entertain Miss Flandere as well" Remillia sighed and nodded.

"Alright, I'll wait for you in the dining room" I paused the world, I took a nice bath, then after taking a bath I put on the Butler's clothes that Walter had from the Helsing series.

I repaired all the furniture in this mansion one by one then repaired all the facilities from place to place thoroughly then cleaned all these places from cutting the grass tidying up the plants in the garden as well as painting or replacing some things.

After cleaning and replacing, I tidied up everyone's clothes and arranged them in a neat manner, even sewing them back on if they were loose, I also repaired some of Remillia's and Flandere's dolls, I changed the fabric of their mattresses and pillows and wiped everything clean or did maintenance on their mattresses.

Maybe this would take more time if the world wasn't my whale but this is passion, so I have to be alert with this until I finish cleaning everything, I clean myself once again and tidy up my butler's clothes, I start cooking food from the food ingredients available on the shelf.

Although the food ingredients here are many but the variety they cook is not appropriate and unbalanced therefore I have to improvise with European cuisine, I started cooking European specialties and snacks, I cooked with love and affection making my cooking smell fragrant and delicious.

After quite a wait I served this food on the dining table then arranged it neatly, I arranged all the chairs then brought the food to Flandre's room who was still sitting sweetly on his bed, I put the food on his table and gave him a headpat then left.

I arrived at my room then the world went back to work, Remillia was surprised to see me in Butler's clothes.

"Miss Remillia, I've cooked breakfast for you in the dining room. Let me deliver it" Sakuya was surprised by my speed while she herself didn't realize that I had changed my clothes even the whole mansion looked shining, clean and sparkling from the solid walls and even the floor was as clear as a mirror itself.

I explained about the overall cleanliness of the mansion and then the maintenance from the courtyard to the foundation of the building including the drains and some equipment.

After explaining enough they entered the dining room where the food was still covered, I opened the cover where the fragrant aroma of fresh and hot European cuisine could be smelled deliciously.

The aroma of the right mix of spices with the warm aroma of the soup was appetizing.

"Your breakfast is ready Miss Remillia, this is enough for the residents of Scarlet mansion and I have delivered the food to your sister's room, now Miss Flandre is eating comfortably with my cooking" Remillia did not take the signal to immediately sit down and eat comfortably, I just laughed softly at her eating, I invited everyone to eat but they had a code of conduct for Miss Remillia to eat first but their stomach couldn't hold it.

Stomach grumbled because of the tantalizing aroma of food plus Remillia ate so well that she forgot that she wanted to look like a princess.

Until Flandre appeared making us surprised to see her arrive with food smeared on her body.

"Is there a new butler? Hello, my name is Flandre scarlet. YOUR FOOD IS GOOD, I WANT MORE" I looked at Flandre who was quite careless but I had no choice but to advise her, I walked over to Flandre, took my glove, wiped her mouth full of sauce.

"Miss Flandre, you were in too much of a hurry to eat. Look at the sauce on your shirt"

"I can't help it, you ate so well I forgot to look at my hygiene" I sighed and cleaned the prayer on Flandre's clothes until the notification appeared, I got the ultimate price of Cunny.

[Talent Obtained : Child Caretaking Mastery ]

[ Child Caretaking Mastery: A profound expertise in nurturing and tending to children, encompassing all age groups from infants to toddlers and beyond. Proficient in the nuances of feeding, soothing, and managing discipline, this mastery extends to handling tantrums and behavioral challenges with ease.

This mastery includes an innate talent for deciphering and responding to children's body language, an exceptional ability to resolve behavioral issues effortlessly, and an intricate understanding of child psychology and behavior. Those who possess this mastery naturally establish a deep rapport with children, fostering genuine love and empathy in return.

This extraordinary skill set enables one to excel in various child-related roles, such as parenting, teaching, guiding, motivating, entertaining, managing, and communicating effectively with children. Those with this mastery not only ensure the physical well-being of children but also nurture their emotional and cognitive development.

Possessing an intuitive understanding of a child's emotional needs, helping them create a safe and nurturing environment where children can thrive. This mastery extends to educational aspects, where individuals excel in tailoring learning experiences to suit a child's unique style, fostering intellectual growth and curiosity.

Furthermore, those with this expertise are adept at guiding children through the complexities of social interactions, instilling important values and principles. You have a knack for turning ordinary moments into valuable teaching opportunities, imparting life skills, manners, and empathy.

In addition to your unparalleled child-rearing abilities, you are sought-after mentors and counselors, offering invaluable insights into the intricacies of child behavior and development.

Your uncanny ability to connect with children on a profound level ensures that you become trusted confidants and role models, leaving a lasting positive impact on the young lives]

I then teach Flandre about manner and she all ear, She sit down and listen to me with greatest interest, i teach hear with pedagogy mastery, added narrative mastery and child care taking mastery making her never lose focus upon my teaching.

After 3 minutes lecture she practice it and she perfect it and instant, oh my lord she quick learner.

I pamper her with sweet, a self made sweet from cherry and low sugar, this like a jelly but she like the taste nonetheless.

"Mr. Mael, will you play with me?" She finally used the right way to invite me to play.

"It's up to you Miss, what game shall we play today?"

"I want to play dolls, but I don't have any"

"That can be done My Lady, perhaps you would like to make your own doll?"

"My own doll? I, I, I can't everything I touch always falls apart"

"No, no, no, Lady Flandre. don't be pessimistic, let this butler help you control your "Eyes" and Abilities. maybe then you can be more humble like a Lady should be" Flandre was delighted to hear that.

"Are you sure?"

"Let's find out" I took Flandre's right hand where she was hesitant because she saw the "eye" that flew away from me, she slapped my hand but I still held it, the eye floated in her hand and she accidentally squeezed it. I didn't break, I still stood there like nothing happened, Flandre was surprised and saw me well.

"Mael, you actually"

"Yes, Lady Flandre, I survived your ability. Look, it's safe, your eye ability is like this" I demonstrated Flandre's eye ability where the "Eye" is the living state of the Object, she can destroy the living state of the Object, by pouring her power on the Object, as she stated that all objects have an "Eye".

I taught her how to destroy the entire "Eye" of the object, she only needs to pry the eye without destroying it for example, people's powers or abilities, after I learned from Fujiwara's accident that based on Phoenix Force and Omega Force, she is just like walking Omega Force but more volatile.

Flandre demonstrated it and it worked, with an apple as a test, she tried not to destroy the whole apple, she destroyed the skin of the apple without losing the fruit. she was very happy, someone can teach her to control her power now the hard part is to destroy the seed inside the apple without damaging the fruit, I told her to focus the seed rather than the fruit by scanning the Seed with her Vampire Eye.

At first she had hard time because she never use her Eye ability. So i teach her how to use third eye, As focusing her vampire genetic with my Azure Eye as reference, she actually did it. her progress beyond my expectation. Pedagogy and Child Caretaking talent is something else.

She even can see molecular structure of object, with combination the "eye" ability she had and control over it, she practically can destroy molecular state using her new ability third eye of scarlet, her red eye become more dazzling crimson when she use it but she say, its like staring without blinking, it hurt but more adapting she will able to use this ability as normal.

This something even Remillia never achieve it, because she lazy and bored. also Scarlet mansion inhabitant never understand how i able do that without much effort.

then i teach her forbidden technique that someone as vampire never know, how to conquer sun, i told her to take the sun "eye", she do it and crush specifically thing that make her unable walk into sun, she did it and i told her to return the eye back. 

after that we test that, she hesitate, but when i look behind, she bravely walk to bright sun and she for the first time feel the sunlight on her skin not burn her instead it warm. she feel it, she done it, and she fly and dancing around the mansion how she able conquer the sun. thanks forbidden knowledge i had, i can do this as simple as always.

"Amazing, no wonder Gods choose him" I call Flandre to come down, she come down with dash and hug me, she able to be free, her control of power, ability to conquer sun, and she need social skill perhaps i should teach her about that too.

Until i receive notification.

[ + 1737146163628767147517 Orbs Gained]

olala, another bounty. great. teaching cunny is farm.

I release the Hug and teach her to make her own Doll, By toymaking talent.

[Toymaking Santa: A master artisan with an exceptional talent for crafting unique and enchanting handmade toys. Proficient in a diverse range of artisanal techniques, including welding, weaving, pottery, and needlecraft, they have the remarkable ability to create exquisite objects that captivate both young and old alike.

Your craft transcends mere production; it is a form of artistry that combines skill, creativity, and a deep understanding of the essence of play. You possess the gift of transforming raw materials into cherished playthings, each imbued with a distinct personality and character.

These toymaking santa are not only capable of producing toys for sale but also excel in the realm of exhibition, where your creations serve as awe-inspiring works of art. Your toys transcend functionality, becoming collectibles and treasured heirlooms that evoke nostalgia and wonder.

Your mastery in toymaking is a testament to their passion and dedication to the craft, as you breathe life into inanimate materials, bringing joy and imagination to children and adults alike. Your creations are not just playthings; they are cherished pieces of artistry that inspire creativity and wonder]

I sit her down in my lap, and teach her to knit her own Doll, bit by bit she able knit her own Fumo, what ? its piece of Art as Touhou Fans. Fumo is love Fumo is life.

She create it and its beautiful, and i do create my own plush that she cherish it, she then create other doll for them and i told her about social skill.

[Social Dynamo: A consummate in the art of social interaction, possessing an innate talent for building connections, fostering relationships, and creating a vibrant sense of community. With an engaging personality and a keen understanding of human dynamics, you are the life and soul of any social gathering.

Your social prowess extends beyond mere pleasantries; it is an art form they have mastered. you effortlessly initiate conversations, bridge gaps between individuals, and create an inclusive atmosphere where people from diverse backgrounds feel welcome and valued.

your mastery encompasses various aspects of social engagement, from being an attentive listener who genuinely cares about others to being a captivating storyteller who can regale an audience with riveting tales. you intuitively navigate social nuances, adapting your demeanor to suit any situation, whether it's a formal business event or an informal gathering of friends.

your work is marked by an unwavering commitment to fostering positive connections and nurturing the bonds of friendship and camaraderie. you have a unique ability to bring people together, creating a sense of belonging and unity wherever you go.

Moreover, you possess the rare gift of mentoring and inspiring others in the art of socializing, helping individuals overcome shyness, build self-confidence, and enhance their interpersonal skills. you are not just social butterflies but also social architects, shaping the social fabric of their communities and leaving a lasting impact on the lives you touch.

In every social setting, you are the undeniable dynamos, infusing energy, warmth, and a sense of togetherness. you are the catalysts for meaningful connections, forging bonds that last a lifetime and enriching the human experience through your extraordinary talent for socializing]

She approach them with formality and give the gift to each of person in here with polite manner, somehow, Remilla cried to see her sister grow more better than her own.

i appear and congratulate Flandre about her success, she happy beyond happy, we in gather talk about anything we had in mind in unity despite some of us shy to do it, but i gain more respect from Remillia and Sakuya, im curious is her breast is real.

after staring at her chest, Sakuya aware of my staring but she ignore it despite she clearly uncomfortable, i play ignorant and continue play with all of them in board game.

[ The Gamer : Master of Games and Competitions: An unparalleled expert with an innate talent for games and competitions, coupled with an unyielding determination and strategic brilliance. You possess an extraordinary intellect and the ability to formulate winning strategies swiftly and effectively. While Your skills are exceptional, You prefer fair play but possess an encyclopedic knowledge of the mechanics of games, enabling You to spot and understand cheating techniques.

Moreover, Your prowess extends to the realm of psychology, allowing You to influence and persuade opponents to your advantage within games. You possess an innate understanding of odds, can decipher the intentions and resources of fellow players, and consistently employ the most optimal strategies to secure victory in any game or competition.

This mastery is not confined to a single game or competition; You have flawlessly honed Your abilities across the entire spectrum of games, both existing and yet to be conceived. Your knowledge is encyclopedic, and You are invulnerable to defeat unless You choose otherwise. Your performances are consistently flawless, and You are undisputedly the preeminent force in every game or competition across the universe]

Im not playing rather as referee, so the game making it more fun for my story telling and The Gamer Talent, no wonder they never satisfied play despite this time is lunch time.

i cook the lunch for them and we have a guest none other Reimu, Sanae, Marisa who accidentally curious about me and want to visit patchouli.

Sanae flustered to see me with Butler clothes while Reimu just here because she know, I invite them to guest room, and give them sweet that Reimu instantly devour that, Sanae enjoy the sweet like normal girl while Marisa just try to steal some sweet on her pocket.

The resident appear and Reimu told them to take me back to Hakurei unless the Gods will be angry, but Flandre decline, she want me here to play with her then fight broke out, while me just stand there watching the fun.

"why you staring at my chest ?"

"You before caress my body yes ?"

"that, i just want to feel the muscle"

"so do i, i want to feel the boobs" She look at me with disgust while look at her with same disgust face.

"You and i not so different, you already touch mine, now is my time to touch yours, equality lady"

" you are disgusting man"

"same as you, you are shameless woman touching a sleeping man and kidnapping him out of his bed"

" that because Lady Remillia order"

"Except for that caress, it's your own curiosity. maybe I should tell Mrs. Remillia that her maid is nothing more than a perverted woman who touches men while sleeping" Sakuya was exasperated and glanced at me with a pitiful and disgusting look, while I looked at Sakuya with a look of annoyance and contempt making the auras in us clash slightly.

"Hey you two, what's wrong?" Hong meiling interrupted our moment before the bloodshed happened, if she hadn't stopped me, I would have definitely violated Sakuya, fucked her in the pause world, I don't care anymore.

"It's nothing, just a little misunderstanding, right Miss Sakuya?"

"Yes, everything is a misunderstanding" but our eyes were staring at each other ready to stab each other. Hong Meilling laughed and hugged us both.

"Ah, I knew it. Lady Sakuya is jealous of Mael's talent but Mael wants to Serve Lady Remillia so this feud is ...." we both stared at Hong with bloodlust, she giggled awkwardly and annoyed while we both kept staring at each other and our fight broke out.

Sakuya used her famous move ["Sakuya's World"] while I just danced away from her like there was nothing to worry about.

[ Dance Troupe : A virtuoso in the world of dance, possessing an extraordinary talent for conveying emotions, stories, and cultural expressions through the language of movement. With grace, precision, and an innate understanding of rhythm, You have risen to the pinnacle of artistic expression through dance.

Your mastery of dance transcends mere physical skill; it is an art form that communicates the human experience. Every step you take, every gesture You make, is a reflection of Your passion, dedication, and commitment to the art of dance. Whether You are interpreting classical ballet, contemporary choreography, or traditional folk dances, Your performances are captivating, evoking a spectrum of emotions.

Your expertise spans a wide range of dance styles, from classical to contemporary, hip-hop to salsa, and beyond. You possess an uncanny ability to seamlessly blend technique, creativity, and cultural nuances into your performances, leaving audiences spellbound by your artistry.

Your work is characterized by a tireless pursuit of perfection, an unrelenting passion for the art of dance, and an ability to transcend cultural boundaries through your performances. You are not only dancers but also storytellers, conveying narratives through the power of movement.

Moreover, you possess the rare gift of mentoring and inspiring others in the art of dance. you nurture the next generation of dancers, passing on your knowledge, technique, and artistic sensibility to ensure that the tradition of dance endures and evolves.

In every performance, you are the undeniable maestros, using the universal language of dance to create moments of beauty, inspiration, and connection. You are the embodiment of artistry, enriching our lives with the timeless magic of your dance mastery]

despite a time stop i still dance gracefully and flawless in many aspect until Sakuya getting more angry of my slippery dance. Sakuya use [Sign I "Serial Killing Doll"],[Maid Secret Skill "Manipulating Doll"],[Maid Secret Skill "Killing Doll"].....

She spam that but i always dodge that no matter how hard she try until my turn to attack, i use my [Omega Sign " Red Star Wave Dancing Around Cosmos"] Time stop disappear and  the Omega beam catch Sakuya who run for her life, all her blade knife deflected even erased from existence, many her knife throwing is futile one laser deflected ? million more to go.

She run to many corridor of mansion but my laser beam still catch up with her until she reverse it but laser doing instant sharp turn and it lock into me, Sakuya hug me and smile that the attack gonna get me too.

"Im down, you down with me"

"is that so" Reality break and she just hugging an pillow while all my laser beam waiting right in front of her.

"you run around like monkey in a illusion while the real you stay here and hugging the pillow i purposely taken from your room, have a good night" laser beam dance around her and zap her, Sakuya scream cutely and she fainted.

[ + 71882717787143714738188148 Orbs Gained ]

[God Arm : Dagger Of Time ]

[ Dagger of Time: Crafted by the Empress of Time, Kaileena, from the Sand of Time, a mystical artifact featured in the Prince of Persia video game series. Kaileena sealed her existence within the dagger's hilt, imbuing it with the ability to manipulate time in various ways. This remarkable weapon grants its wielder the power to reverse time, halt its flow, slow it down, and access other time-related abilities. However, it's important to note that while potent, its capabilities are on a universal scale and not as overwhelming as the "World Pause" you had. an ability deemed too mighty from Kaileena's view, as it has the potential to halt reality itself.

The Dagger of Time possesses limitless potential and can be harnessed at will, offering both offensive and defensive advantages. Depending on your mood and intent, you may even have the ability to resurrect Kaileena into a new form, making her a valuable ally on your journey]

Nice Farm, i world pause and see the dagger itself. its beautiful and its perfect. i craft a scabbard for this dagger from my best product on wonderland.

[Handicraft Artisan: A true maestro in the world of handcrafted creations, possessing an extraordinary talent for crafting intricate and beautiful objects by hand. With a skilled touch and a creative spirit, you have mastered the art of turning raw materials into exquisite works of art.

your handicraft transcends mere craftsmanship; it is an expression of their passion and creativity.

Each piece you create is a labor of love, meticulously designed and meticulously crafted to perfection. Whether it's sculpting, weaving, painting, or any other form of artisanal work, your creations stand as testaments to your exceptional talent.

your mastery extends beyond the physical act of creating; it includes a deep understanding of materials, techniques, and aesthetics. you seamlessly blend tradition and innovation, producing pieces that pay homage to heritage while pushing the boundaries of contemporary artistry.

your work is characterized by a dedication to detail, an unwavering commitment to quality, and an ability to infuse your creations with a sense of wonder and beauty. your handmade objects not only serve utilitarian purposes but also possess an innate ability to evoke emotions and inspire admiration.

Moreover, you possess the rare gift of mentoring and inspiring others in the art of handicraft. you nurture the next generation of artisans, passing on your skills, knowledge, and creative spirit to ensure that the tradition of handcrafting endures and evolves.

In every creation, you are the undeniable artisans, transforming ordinary materials into extraordinary pieces of art. you are the guardians of a timeless tradition, enriching our lives with the beauty and craftsmanship of their handmade creations]

I made Jambiya with arabic letters on the skin, bringing it closer to a more authentic thing especially in arabic culture. sigh I miss being in Sargon watching liberi girls doing belly dancing.

After placing this, a notification appears.

[Time Dagger added to your Items]

I nodded and checked Sakuya's body, she was fine. I only disabled her for 2 minutes, I healed her and covered her body with my clothes, I slightly glanced at her half naked body, let's call it even.

"I win" Sakuya got up and threw various daggers at me, I took my dagger and performed a judgment cut with it, the range was small but the speed could still keep up.

I activated the time sand and performed faster slashes until I used Judgement cut End where Sakuya's time completely stopped and I appeared, drew my dagger back and the slash put Sakuya into oblivion, Sakuya fell and I caught her in the air, she was bleeding profusely and I used Phoenix fire to heal her.

"Stop it, there's no point in you continuing" Sakuya stuck out her tongue, and pushed me with a confused face, I just sighed and threw her other clothes. she picked it up and walked away while I was pinched by Sanae, and scolded. she told me not to use that spell card but I didn't listen to her, instead I almost drew blood because of a silly thing.

I instead repaid her with the same attitude, she apologized and asked for forgiveness after what she did in the first hand, the three of them fought in the mansion, I kept my eyes closed while I fought and they lost their minds, it's sound unfair. ignoring the fact that I could destroy the entire Gensokyo with one beam blast.

I lectured all of them including Sakuya as well, somehow she felt sorry for what she did before, I lost the fight but I won the war.

And I officially returned to Hakurei although I had to say goodbye to Flandre and Remillia, I patted their heads gently, they enjoyed the pats but still I got good information about someone who wanted to meet me.

She was none other than Yukari, she was waiting for me in Hakurei, so I could go home. well, honestly it was good, I could make something before I went to the monster hunter world.

We arrived at Hakurei and I saw someone, Hecatia and Junko, Clownpiece reported to them about me, but I greeted them kindly and talked about the world briefly, our conversation became too familiar because of my actions about humiliating Amaterasu.

They laughed at how brave a mere mortal like me was to reject the goddess' marriage and beat them alone, so basically they liked the drama of fighting God. we can't understand the mind of a crazy creature, it's like opening a lockbox with many layered locks.

One lock opens then another locks, repeat.

But after chatting with them for a long time, I gave them a snack to get us closer, we almost forgot that someone was waiting for us to finish chatting.

"how long those three talk, is never end. many subject always appear and it get nowhere but he able too pick it up and go conversation to somewhere"

"never before i see him talk so much perhaps his social skill better against insane person, i mean look at Junko and Hecatia, they feel calm and comfortable around him despite they literally plotting to destroy god"

"Now what do we need to do?"

"Let it go, one way or another they will eventually give up" I finished talking to them even though they clearly had an interest in my Omega Effect ability that can destroy anything, but I didn't want that ability to test their personal interests.

"Yukari, nice to meet you. My name is"

"I know, you have to go back to your home, right? Don't worry, I already know everything."

"I see, thank you. And goodbye Sanae, tell those two goddesses I'm going home" Sanae approached me nervously then she looked at me with hope in her eyes.

"I like you Mael, can you be my boyfriend" This is getting out of hand, she's cute but damn, I have no sexual intentions in this world.

"You're not my type, I'm sorry" I looked down and looked at her who had tears in her eyes, I felt guilty but I gave her a simple kiss on her forehead and stroked her hair gently.

"Sorry, that's all I can give you" I nodded at Yukari, the Gap portal opened, I walked towards her and left forever in Japan, in the meantime there was a blush in her face like a tomato and she fainted, in the meantime some girl click out their tongue, who could be blamed, I was a celebrity in Gensokyo.

I bought a lot of consoles here and bought a lot of casual clothes and sold some of my clothes that were a little tight, I got another profit from the business and I went back to my hotel to recap the spoils this time.

[World Paused]

[ Orbs > 623,866,980,718,800,786,999,742,545,865,309,342,468

Name > Valtor "Sephiroth" Ismael

Classes > Heavenly Marshal/ The Doctor

|= Shop =|

Talent Λ > Health Mastery/ Technology Mastery / Combat Proficiency/ Forbidden Knowledge / Religion Mastery/ Cleaning Mastery/ Sewing Mastery / Maintenance Mastery / Business Mastery / Eternal Serenity / Energy Cultivation Mastery / Narrative Mastery / Chemical Mastery / Research Mastery / Pedagogy Mastery / Bio-chemistry Mastery / Medical Mastery/ Improvisation Mastery / Affectionate Touch Mastery / Mantra Manipulation Mastery / Child Caretaking Mastery / Toymaking Santa / The Gamer / Massage Manner / Writing Looping / Calligraphy Splash / Drawing Figure / Counseling Passionate / Social Dynamo / Handicraft Artisan / Musical Zenith / Dance Troupe [Ω] Celestial Magic Chef / Meta Arch Wizard 

Buff (New Feature added) > Lotus Blessing (Effective treatment)/ Imperial Degree(Eternal Prosperity) / Gourd Power ( The Only one medicine ) / Magic Basket (Top Quality Crop) / Sword Boost (No Tribulation turbocharge power) / Harmony Flute ( Heaven Musical ) / Fish Drum ( Age enchanting Beauty and Wiser ) / Death Feather Fan ( Death Realm Access ) 

Existence Trait > Pinnacle Celestial Body/Marshal Unimind/Unity of Solaris/God Arms

Body Trait Λ Σ> Twin Eye of the Lord, Winged Dragon Of Ra Third Eye

Ultimate Musou Ranbu ⚔️⚔️⚔️

Arceus Style >

Beast Wrath ↑

Armament Sage ↑

Gunslonger Sonata↑

Cyber Artisan ↑

Supreme Wizard ↑

Army >

South Demon Σ Λ

Seaborn Σ Λ

Item >

Ascendant Λ

Dagger of Time Λ Σ 

Pocket World > Wonderland Λ Ω

[ God Arm Armory ]

Extraterrestrial Entity essence

Vergil Devil Speed

After Image Abilities

Enhanced Prothean A. I Core 1x,

Enhance Sensor Module 1x,

Nanotechnology Healing Nanobots 1x,

Counter Blast Energy

Energy Dome 1x,

Technology Distortion Module 1x,

Atomic Energy Concentration 1x,

Auto Targeting Module 1x,

Anti-Gravity Module 1x,

Instant Freeze Attack Module 1x,

BFG 1000 Blueprint 1x,

The Composer Blueprint 1x,

Holy Fire Meggido

Flame of God Olympus

Flame of Life Hunt Flame

Halo Ring Blueprint 1x

Omega Effect Energy

Phoenix Force

First Flame

Reminder : you need more talent from learning and material from fighting before go to next universe. Sincerely God]

[  ⚔️ Forge  ]

[ Salvage ]

Extraterrestrial Entity essence > Great One Contract

Vergil Devil Speed > Demonic Heritage , Devil Knight Swordmanship Talent, Devil Speed.

[ Material ]

Forbidden Knowledge Talent + Omega Effect + Phoenix Force + First Flame + Great One Contract > Random eldritch Symbiosis.

[  Σ Enhance  ]

[ Main Attribute ]

Pinnacle Celestial Body >[ Speed ] = >[ Requirement : Devil Speed ]

[ Forge 56×10⁵³ Orbs ]

I click it and gain new notification.

[ Pinnacle celestial Body [ Speed ] : Your speed is superhuman, allowing you to move at incredible velocities with precision and control, whether running, flying, swimming, or any other form of motion. You can react and move at speeds that surpass the capabilities of ordinary beings. This speed also contributes to your overall efficiency in various actions ]

[Random eldritch Symbiosis : a symbiosis between you and eldritch entity. deciding the entity..... Complete. Outer God called, user transported to in between Reality]

I arrived at a dimension where I saw that, An eldritch entity beyond my aspect.


2 chapter in Touhou. i dont want prolong the world traveling too long, sole focus in arknight but taking reference as respective world that currently adventuring

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