
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Do you forget who i am ?

The ensemble begins with a sleek frock coat in a deep shade of charcoal gray. The coat is crafted from a luxurious blend of wool and cashmere, offering a refined drape and a touch of modern comfort. The lapels and cuffs are accentuated with discreet black leather trim, adding a contemporary edge to the classic design.

Underneath the frock coat, a crisp white shirt with a high-standing collar and concealed buttons is worn. The shirt features a subtle pinstripe pattern, adding a touch of modern sophistication. The cuffs are fastened with sleek silver cufflinks, engraved with the Marshal's emblem, a symbol of authority and distinction.

Complementing the frock coat, a tailored waistcoat in a contrasting shade of deep burgundy adds a pop of color to the ensemble. The waistcoat is adorned with discreet silver buttons, featuring an engraved emblem of crossed swords, a symbol of the Marshal's military prowess. The burgundy fabric is finely textured, giving the waistcoat a modern yet distinguished appearance.

The lower half of the ensemble showcases tailored trousers in a complementary charcoal gray hue. The trousers are crafted from a blend of wool and silk, offering both durability and a refined sheen. The sleek silhouette is modern and flattering, accentuating the Marshal's commanding presence. The trousers are paired with polished black leather boots, featuring subtle silver accents and a sturdy sole, ensuring both style and practicality.

To complete the look, a black felt top hat with a narrow brim rests elegantly atop the Marshal's head. The hatband is made of supple black leather, embossed with the Marshal's crest in silver, representing the blend of traditional and contemporary influences. On the lapel of the frock coat, a discreet silver lapel pin in the shape of a star symbolizes the Marshal's high rank and leadership.

"Perfect Yey!" Amiya and Selena clapped their hands together, seeing myself so handsome, Wow. Trust woman to give better style rather i who seek efficiency and normal daily clothes.

"Hmmm, Thank you. Shall we go to the meeting my princesses ?" I bowed to give a Victorian era salute, Amiya and Selena saluted like noble princesses.

"It will be our pleasure, but Doctor. Please wait." The two of them took pictures with me in various styles and positions and even sent them to the Rhodes Island group, causing my room to be broken into by Koshelna and then photographed myself from corner to corner, from angle to angle until then Koshelna sat on the chair and I stood beside her, Koshelna smiled and I smiled and then was photographed by Amiya.

Mumu woke up and Ho'olheyak woke up because of the commotion going on here, they were surprised to see my appearance was very elegant and charming.

" Alright, is enough for today, I'm being waited on by various nobles. The photo session will be later" They nodded and I looked at Koshelna gently.

"Koshelna, I need you to go with me to the meeting, as secretary of the duke. because you and me already have experience dealing with this greedy royalty so" I covered Koshelna's body with the Celestial Beast's wings then gave her the clothes that Arachna had made and designed according to Priscilla.

The attire begins with a floor-length gown in a delicate shade of ivory. The gown is crafted from fine silk, adorned with intricate lace overlay in floral patterns, adding a touch of ethereal beauty. The neckline is modestly high, accentuated with delicate ruffles and adorned with a subtle silver brooch.

A fitted bodice showcases a contemporary twist, featuring a sleek and minimalist design. The bodice is tailored to perfection, hugging Koshelna figure and emphasizing her graceful silhouette. The back of the gown is adorned with a cascading ribbon, delicately tied into a bow, adding a modern and feminine touch.

The gown gracefully flows into a sweeping train, trailing behind Koshelna with regal elegance. The hem of the dress is embellished with intricate silver embroidery, inspired by trailing vines and blooming roses, capturing the beauty of nature.

To accompany the gown, Koshelna wears long, sheer gloves made of delicate white lace, reaching up to her upper arms. The lace gloves add a touch of refinement and grace to the ensemble.

For accessories, a delicate silver tiara rests atop Koshelna perfectly coiffed hair, adorned with shimmering crystals and pearls. The tiara represents her noble lineage and adds a radiant touch of glamour to her appearance.

As for footwear, Koshelna wears dainty ivory satin slippers with silver accents. The slippers are adorned with elegant bows and feature a modern low heel, providing both comfort and style.

To carry essential belongings, Koshelna carries a small ivory-colored satin clutch with silver embroidery, adorned with a silver chain strap. The clutch is embellished with a subtle monogram, showcasing Koshelna initials with a modern font.

I opened my wings and saw the amazingly beautiful and charming Koshelna, I gave my hand and Koshelna took it elegantly.

"Lets go My Countess, there are people we need to take care off" as Koshelna walked away she gave kal'tsit a smug face and my entire harem and other women smug faces. I won bitch, now go fuck yourself. that is in her mind.

Theresa hit my wall hard until it cracked and a mosquito fell there. everyone looked at Theresa who aware then Theresa smiled innocently.

"Oops, there's a mosquito" Theresa left not to vent her emotions, Kal'tsit then opened my wardrobe and took all my clothes and arranged them according to her taste and threw away unnecessary clothes.

"there, officially his clothes are choose of mine" but all the clothes Kal'tsit chose were ordinary clothes, namely very tight t-shirts, normal trousers and boxers.

And that's where my room was messed up by everyone who came there while on the other side I sat with Koshelna standing next to me.

"Thank you for taking the time to wait for me, Welcome to the Rhodes Island Space Ship. Olympia, My name is Valtor "Sephiroth" Ismael. I'm Doctor here, and many of you know me Since my Reign as Grand Duke Ursus. I welcome you with open hand" I smiled at them and they looked at me casually, I didn't want to use my charms here even though I knew my charms were already passively attracting them.

"Lets get into point shall we, Former Duke. I know you are bound by this company that defends the justice of infected and drug companies, but why are you interfering in Victoria's political matters ?" I looked at Duke Wellington with a gentle smile.

"I didn't want to interfere but, the people of Londonium asked me to help them which in terms of involvement could be argued that I was forced to interfere by their pleas for help."

"In that case, we thank you for your help in evacuating the Londonium people and the Steam knight, but we reserve the right to ask for the Steam knight back."

"We ? You seem to have misinterpreted that Duke Windermer. Steam Knight is my creation with Edward Artorius and King Frederick III. Its mine since both of them are already death, since when did you build it ? design it ? support it ? or give it full everything you had ? none. i don't remember it since Frederick son death because of interest then banish them to guard that graveyard and now you want to take it from me ? the rightfully creator of that knight ? what kind of creator am I seeing his own creation abandoned and turned into Occupier weapon ? as long as i'm still alive that purpose of knight is last defender and tip of the spear of Victoria might and glory as those two intended wish for Steam knight"

"Then you have no right to take it because you were just an architect and a doctor back then"

"Again ? do you forget who i am before i become a Duke of Urus or Victoria famous doctor ? I'm Artorius Edward Brother, just because i don't want to become royalty doesn't mean i don't have the capability of becoming one. but this time, i become one, for second time. for this feud only, As i support Vina or Alexandrina to become the next heir of Victoria Throne"

"I disagree for that Duke, Draco has right too"

"Which Draco ? Artorius or Dublinns ? From Artorius house she already gave the right of the throne to Aslan heir, Dublinns ? ask independence to Aslan heir"

"but I can't go with that, that is not how its work"

"Oh really ? Say who ? Dublinns House ? Then go on. Conquer Londonium, 70,000 Sarkaz soldiers inside, 10,000 Reinforcement is on the way, 32 Wall Cannon, 3 Royal Sarkaz court and 1 Sarkaz Senate, 2 Catastrophe battle Ship. that is my intel from my interference in Londonium, if you can win with your dublinns force, I will personally crown whoever you choose to become the Rightfully ruler of Victoria" Everyone was surprised by the news that they didn't know at all, Koshelna saw their expressions were so funny that she held back her laughter.

"If you are here just a waste of time, just go home and enjoy your power, let me and the citizens of londonium take back the city. you are just an atmosphere destroyer no service to the country at all, no action only think and big talk. yet the brave one died in battlefield while you are still here, inhaling the glory of Victoria since my conquest against Gaul before that made the very Empire perish burn down to ashes, I have every right to take back what is supposedly mine, including your authority currently you have, All Victoria might is from Gaul and I'm former Marshal from Gaul that took Down Leithanein, Victoria and Ursus in 4 months without casualty from my side before. I'm the one create Gaul to become mighty empire yet i'm the one who take down the very empire i serve before, I'm the one bring Victoria might and glory before and do you want me recreate same fate like Gaul to Victoria? Give me 7 days, you will watch every corner Victoria will burn to ashes with you standing in pile of corpse of your fellow country men. This meeting is over, I'm wasting time telling you my story to someone coward like you all" I got up and then left from this meeting room, Koshelna excused herself and left from this meeting room, while the nobles were thinking hard about my insults and threats.

"you push yourself too hard my lord" I took off my robe and gave it to Koshelna which she received with tenderness.

"yes, at least they realize. Their country needs them, yet they continue to breathe the glory I built with those 2 people. Everything went downfall since Frederick's death sigh. Give me your opinion Koshelna, am I truly worthy to become king ?" Koshelna ran quickly in front of me, I stopped and looked at Koshelna gently.

"King without a throne, that is your currently now" I thought and smiled then kissed Koshelna's lips for a moment.

"someone has good leadership but never want become one" Koshelna nodded to me.

"That's right, even though you are have leader aura and with clear evidence of being the Duke of Ursus, the entire population of Ursus is willing to even want you to be their king because you prioritize their conditions over politics. that's why Sephiroth, if you become royalty then I will follow you wherever you go and sit on the throne next" Koshelna hugged me warmly.

"I'm retired Koshelna, I don't want to be a Duke anymore nor do anything that has ties to the kingdom. I'm a marshal Koshelna, my purpose is war. fighting something for sake. i'm glad i'm choosing you by my side since my reign as Duke before, Thank you" Koshelna hugged me again tightly then the bully came.

"Alright its enough, enough lovely relationship moment. we have much to do after this" Theresa separated us and Koshelna clicked her mouth, Theresa pulled me away.

"Save those clothes Koshelna, its gift from me" Koshelna nodded then Theresa pulled me to her room and locked it, Then she slapped me but I didn't move at all because I was surprised by this slap.

"YOU SAVE VICTORIA YET YOU DECLINE TO SAVE MY PEOPLE? WHY!" I didn't answer and saw Theresa crying loudly.

"ANSWER ME!" I saw Kal'tsit at the door and gave her the code, Stay out of this or you'll regret it. Kal'tsit nodded and closed the door then she stood in front of the door and eavesdropped.

"My country has been destroyed many times, from this and that and this and that. my people have moved out to other places, and some were discriminated against because of it. now you are going to do the same, why. Why cant you save us ? its just my honest wish to you ! Wonderland that full of unique being yet you able to connect them all into one great society, we have that and many of us willing to unite as long as you provide the real deal and i still put much faith someday you will help Kazdel return its promised land, i patiently wait, and wait but The more i wait the more my heart in turmoil, you just WHY !" I didn't answer because this is also offensive, because Kazdel is based on Israel and the Holy Roman Empire, so no wonder this place is a crusade place. This Kazdel is bad guy but they are not a bad guy in full, its just unfair treatment based on game lore, or Fate in simplify.

"ANSWER ME YOU BASTARD" this woman couldn't shut up, I was thinking of ways to build kazdel like German.

"No" Theresa gasped and tears appeared in her eyes and she ran out of words.

"I can't do that, I'm bound to this dream of yours Theresa. Uniting Sarkaz people yet you almost killed by them. I think it's ironic, Just out of spite to the world they hurt you who had good intentions of uniting them and improving their name, I don't want you to be hurt or even killed by your own people Theresa or antagonized by the world, no, I don't want that"

"So you only care about me rather than my people? So this is your true character, you only care about me rather than my people" I immediately slapped Theresa making her shocked, the slap was not too hard but it was enough for her.

"How dare you say that ? I only care about you putting aside your people, your people put their hopes on you of course I care about you because the whole of Sarkaz put their hopes as if you are their representative, if I don't care about you then I have ignored the Sarkaz people from the beginning" I looked at Theresa who touched her red cheeks and Theresa looked at me with quite a variety of gazes plus her emotions mixed.

"Is that enough for you ?"

"ITS NOT ENOUGH" I silenced then looked at Theresa who was getting irritated.

"I've had enough of this, I'll just get out of here and go take care of the Kazdel by myself" Theresa started to leave but I held her hand.

"Let...me...go" I held Theresa's hand even though she struggled violently, Theresa then hit my hand and even hurt my hand then she tried to cut her hand even though I held her other hand.

"LET ME GO !" Kal'tsit came in and hugged Theresa.

"Theresa enough, enough. Its my fault too, don't blame Valtor"

"Shut up, Shut up, Shut up" Theresa and Kal'tsit argued then Amiya came to make it worse until W and some people came to calm Theresa down but I was just silent. I just didn't move as if I was shock.

"we are bastard"

"I know, she put hope in us yet we failed her"

"You should help her after this, she had enough of this unfairness especially this war, we will make casualty for Sarkaz and this is gonna be historical moment"

"Yes, it needs time also needs something that is"

"aid from our Alter self"

"yes" I then walked into this horde of people who were trying their best to calm Theresa down.

"calm down" Absolute order I used then everyone here calmed down instantly.

"Sigh, Theresa. After this war, lets go to Kazdel, but. i'm not going to be the king even you beg me for it, i will rebuild the promised land you seek for but that is your responsibility after that" Theresa looked at me harshly then shouted.

"Liar! Liar! Liar! I don't care anymore"

"Fine, after the war if I don't help build Kazdel with my own two hands then I resign from Doctor Rhodes Island then become King of Kazdel" Everyone was shocked and Theresa was wide-eyed.

"no, dont. Valtor, you cant"

"Doctor, you can't do that. is" I just kept quiet and looked at Theresa who was looking at me with a happy look.

"You are greedy plus selfish. Just reminder if you disappoint me when I finish building Kazdel. I won't help you anymore. Come on Kal'tsit, we have no time. The Kazdel Reinforcement is already in Londonium, Amiya Tell Londonian in Research facility to create 54 Steam knights is enough, Koshelna Tell some nobles who are still here if they want to take care of Kazdelian occupation, be ready their army in 2 days. Mael" Mael appeared and then greeted.

"Until I return, cover up Kal'tsit work and Closure Work. ALL OUT" Mael snorted and giggled for a moment.

"Your wish, is our command" I opened the portal where Closure was sleeping comfortably, I pulled her pajamas and carried her like a sack of rice.

"Lets Go" I opened the portal to the Celestial Workshop that I had created in my dimensional pocket where I had combined the technology of Halo, Maykr, Apex Hunter, Seaborn king, Mass Effect, many more advanced sci-fi races and technology related matters.

"Farewell" The portal closed and Mael split himself into dozens of me then began executing my further orders.

"What project ?" Amiya asked Mael then Mael smiled.

"Shush. Ear on the wall" everyone knew what Mael meant and went to do their respective tasks while Theresa looked at Mael to which Mael sighed.

"I suggest him to help you, I as his representative apologize for his behavior but I hope you don't take the slap to heart. but remember one thing Theresa, He will help you even if you don't ask, it's just that you are too hasty. step by step not rushing everything. sigh, I will stop commenting because you are his lover. Remember that, this is the last favor he will give you. Goodbye" Mael went to help take care of Kal'tsit's work while Theresa sat and looked at the slap on her cheek that didn't make an impression but the slap was enough to make her depressed.

"You are the hope of sarkaz" those words were still ringing in Theresa's head, Theresa curled up and cried bitterly.

"Im sorry Valtor, Im sorry Kal'tsit, Im sorry everyone. Im so sorry, ugh" Theresa cried in this empty room while I was sad to hear that, sigh sudden impulse of rage making me not calm and reasonable person, I need more hard work.

time to make breakthrough

Fast update, shit. Chinese empress already brought me the ticket to china, bruhhh. i have no money, this bitch i mean old lady is sadistic woman.

i will postpone the update despite my project already done, maybe 4 to 6 day pause. i must enjoy my vacation as beggar in china. Spare me change

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