
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Cure creation

"So how long are you guys going to hug me?" I couldn't move because my body was locked by Kal'tsit, Amiya, Victoria, Talulah and surprisingly someone that I never expected, W.

"Let us stay like this" I sighed and vanished from their embrace with Absolute speed then walked leisurely to the place where I have to start doing research for the cure, I don't have time for homecoming parties or lovey dovey acts.

I must focus my priority first, The Abyss note says the Suppressant no longer works, the Originium now adapt and evolve making the situation worse than before.

I went out of the space ship and went to Laterano for a moment to pick up my equipment, and also picked up some things that I left there that were needed by me. 

I arrived at my home and these wisps were the key to finding out about Feraerus and the source of that meteor.

After taking all my equipment that I hid under the bunker and I paid the Notarial hall to demolish my house without a trace.

After finishing I returned to Rhodes Island quickly, then Kal'tsit straight interrogated me in many members happened there.

"I don't have time Kal'tsit, I must do something" Kal'tsit prevented me from telling what happened after I was destroyed, I really didn't want to but it didn't matter.

I told him what happened after I vanished from Touhou world understanding supernatural beings and their duties in terms of life then I told him where I went to Monster hunter world hunting so many monsters understanding the behavior of Natural monsters born from there. understanding balance work then I went to warcraft to study world entity and many things regarding magic, ancient civilization and many supernatural to godlike power then I went to Warhammer fighting chaos Godly being alone and saving universe from their grasp and free 3 to 4 civilizations from their unending ploy.

then last is God of war, i'm not telling Final Fantasy one consider that is Intermezzo, I ascend as God to become Youngest Generation of God and claim the title myself king of the gods after great war between Titan and God as the winner, lead and rebuild civilization from scratch and make it prosper almost 7000 years more less.

walking around in other pantheon that rule by other god to understand their study, power, capability, civilization as full then I died as human not as God yet here I am returning with complete my godlike ability that more refine and better than ever.

"Ironically, i try to avoid the rightfully throne of the God but i turn into one, such a fate doesnt it? well at last i cannot abandon your god forsaken world. but shhhh, don't tell new members that im a god now, let's go. we have no time to waste" everyone can't believe that i have become a God but not abusing my power for personal gain, for now.

"why are you standing there, help me make Oripathy medicine" they realized and rushed to help me, I ordered them to take one liter of unsuppressed Oripathy patient and one of body Originium crystal.

"Don't bother for now, sit down first" I took all my equipment and made it like Cylix to make Physiology easy without requiring subject tests.

"Doctor that?"

"this is called Cylix, genetic repository to store and catalogue indexed specimens. so you don't need human subjects to test medicine if morality was questioned, pour the blood and and put the stone there, it will generate a hologram to show the specimens" when they put the stone and blood there, Cylix activated and generated a hologram where it was a Sarkaz.

"Fantastic isn't it, with this one touch" I touched the Sarkaz's Hologram body and it showed all the Sarkaz's biology from genetic, body structure, race origin and many crucial information to hidden diseases and even more so this Cylix scanning can be accessed with specific orders.

"You hid this from me?" I laughed softly at that from Kal'tsit.

"Yes, its in below our Laterano House, but i already destroyed it. i brought everything from there to here. this will be new technology. You can diagnose Skadi to get Seaborn Cure but that will be done tomorrow. inspect it, take your time to study and"

"Wait Doctor, is there anything you hide?" I looked at Closure with a smug look.

"Many, many, so many but I tell you take it slowly, we have to take care of Oripathy first, the next advancement of our technology will be created in probably the end of this year"

"too long Doctor, i want to know"

"Patient Closure, we cant risk it, remember human greed is bottomless just like you did right now, insatiable knowledge of many advance technology makes you narrow minded" Closure covered his face in shame but we teased him with laughter.

"Okay, okay, fine. i will wait but what technology you...." i show her my Seraphim wing making her lost her mind, i command seraphim wing creating shield with light energy Laser beam, laser sword even many control of drones and command from fusion weapon, many gundam related thing to transfromer fusion weapon and drones.

"I give you spoiler, this drone is easy to command and you can add A.I to it and many things but this will be your homework for tomorrow project" Seraphim returned and vanish. Closure screamed like a fanatic and wanted that drone for herself.

"DOCTOR, DOCTOR, PLEASE THAT DRONE, I WANT IT" I giggle and shake my head.

"Operator Closure, be professional" Kal'tsit stares at Closure, Closure panics and nervously laughs.

"yes Boss"

"Valtor, so what next"

"For the manufacture of medicine this time, I will make the theorem while you only need to mix it following the theorem I gave, it may seem that I do all this work, but I only do the planning and set the dosage, the rest you will take care of, Cylix Oripathy" Cylix active and show how Oripathy works in Cell assimilation and blood crystal, then I started making the theorem by regulating the body's immunity, especially taking the example of Limit breaker medicine and Suppressant I have.

Making it a stimulus to fight Unprocessed Originium or any originium threat, then after finishing the genetic manipulation I then looked at those who were too mesmerized by the immunity creation.

"This stimulates the body's immunity" I fed this to Cylix, Cylix processed it and saw a New Genetic immunity which suppressed Cell Assimilation further but the Blood Crystals were getting more and more and made Sarkaz's body filled with excessive Crystals.

"Looks like it failed, Doctor" I laughed at that and shook my head.

"That was the plan I wanted Ansel, I didn't expect this theorem to fully work"

"Isn't that missing the point of the Cure?"

"Cure does not necessarily cure the disease completely but makes the body immune, the initial plan of Genetic Immunity is how Originium responds in the body when this drug is given and the results are quite good as an initial description of the drug, from this excessive crystallization we can draw a conclusion. how to melt this crystal without the need to grow Originium crystallization in a person's body"

"melting originium with the body is very improbable Doctor, literally, one's body doesn't have such a high temperature to melt an Originium crystal" I laughed softly at that and opened my glasses then sighed while closing my eyes.

"There's nothing impossible for me Ansel, it's just that I'm using things that have already been answered from before. Originium is a vessel of Infinite energy. Based on that information, let's say Originium is Living Energy, they need a host to live. The current condition or reality now we do not have stable or harmless Originium even from Mine is Unprocessed and Volatile energy born from Originium Vein in the planet. Take the example of Pure Originium that I made in the past where it is the true form of Originium, A Space Stone that has Infinite energy. Now my task is quite simple, there is no need to take excessive energy or create a large or too sophisticated technology for that. I make stimulants for white blood cells, let's say someone starts to get an Oripathy infection, Originium will eat the cells as well as all forms of things they are like Dna, biological structures or whatever they can host. Therefore when that happens, Eosinophils White Blood Cells will identify the Originium infection and destroy some of the things that interfere with the Lymphocytes task, Lymphocytes on the other hand will suppress and destroy the Infection only during the suppression and destruction process, Monocytes white blood cells will clean the remaining Originium particle marks and I give a little stimulation not only cleaning in the connotation of extermination, Monocytes will filter the remaining Originium particles that will be identified by Eosinophils, if Eonsinophils identify particles that have been filtered by Monocytes as "Safe" then this harmless Originium Particle will settle in your body cells as a new type of energy. Because Originium is an energy that adapts and evolves to its host, and the current condition is that these Originium particles have adapted and evolved from their fight with white blood cells, they will change their position to become antibodies where these Originium energy antibodies will help Neutrophils reduce the infection that is happening with the immune response of the body assisted by Basophils white blood cells, Basophils are the reason why crystals appear in the human body therefore with the help of Originium Antibody just now, the allergic response becomes a symbiotic system where originium particles will be melted with Originium Antibody and then Basophils will extract them into a form of excretion whether it is sweat, cough, snot, sneezing depending on the number of Originium crystal levels and Cell Assimilation. It's just that when this mutual symbiosis process occurs the human body will experience a severe fever because the effect of fusion in the body will make the human body have blood crystal levels below 0.1 u/L and cell assimilation below 1% for infected people while for Non-Infected people, crystal levels will remain below 0.1 u/L while cell assimilation if any cannot exceed 1%. That's the medicine system I made based on the example of Originium Unit, Suppressant and Originite Prime made by me by combining the 3 systems and increasing what needs to be increased in the human body to produce a Cure, literally this is not the cure but a new Antibody that corresponds to the immune system in the human body, now the problem is that the contamination level of Originium Mine or products from the planet is too heavy and dangerous, therefore we return to the assumption, Originium is living energy it also needs food source just like our cellular body to fight it plus the ability of this Antibody is the same as originium it adapt and evolve to fight your body survival against its own kin, they will be your guardian just like your white cell body to protect you from harmful substances, diseases, any foreign object to your life, then the need for a certain supplement or nutrition to replace cells that have been lost due to the task of new antibodies and white blood cells is recommended for humans who use Originium art not to overuse their bodies as a medium, if they don't want to be severely exhausted when using it. As a memo and note, When you have a high fever your body will sweat profusely and requires constant energy drinks and water to sterilize the temperature in your body as well as replace the fluids that come out, remember not all drinks are suitable for replacing fluids, try not to consume alcohol or any form of liquid that does not replenish energy in your body. then please underline, this sweat is a form of circulation of residual energy disposal of symbiotic results occurring in your body, because Originium Crystal in the body in connotation is Originium and again in the description Originium is infinite energy in a vessel, logically and in the previous explanation, this sweat also counts as unprocessed Originium energy vessel, you can outsmart it with an originium unit made by yourself or if you want to learn how to reprocess this exhaust with an energy form like the example of using this unprocessed originium into Originium art although, please underline again, even though this is unprocessed originium, it is still dangerous because it can produce another Oripathy spread. with that in mind, you must learn how to recycle that energy, and that applies when you have been given antibodies as well as when the antibodies react. are there any questions that are not important to ask? Closure, turn off that mic because you are relaying my explanation to the entire Space ship which is classified information regarding our product, your violation against company rules will be dealt with by Dr. Kal'tsit herself, Good luck" Kal'tsit looks at Closure in disdain and Closure just laughs like an innocent girl.

"Sorry force of habit" I covered my face and laughed, then the Rhodes island mob from outside ran over and gave me a hug.

"doctor, you did it. you did the impossible, hiks, hiks, uaaaaagghhhh" Amiya cried in her hug while everyone was glad and emotional for that, the way of the cure is simple but somehow we overlook on that aspect that never treat Oripathy a disease rather a process body reaction to foreign energy.

"yes, return to work okay. we are not done yet, we still need to produce the cure, create a doses and many more including giving the cure to the whole world, Treating many patients or operators suffering from another disease byproduct Oripathy symptoms, come on, chop, chop, chop, keep tear tomorrow when the work is done. we still have work to, this is major first step for our company after successful Suppressant, we eventually probably soon will gain recognition from world and we can sail smoothly create branch in many city, village and many unreachable place except place that indeed cannot be reach or currently dangerous place to get involved as our purpose is for human right especially infected right and equality stand together as big society, we may lack manpower from now on but don't you worry, we have enough for today and we gladly accept new one tomorrow" they nodded and continued to thank me even though I didn't deserve that thanks. All the intruders left and I sighed.

"Closure, next time dont do like this. it prolong the project, focus to objective is important but what you did right now is same as espionage, you maybe unaware when those recording become hidden blade for us, especially some new operator or personel currently on field duty that they will be use for bargain chip for any other technology that we will develop in further progress, right now i tolerate it but tomorrow" i show her and everyone in here in the future where Closure action create domino effect making everyone who greed for power and advancement use this cure of personal gain which is become out of control making world turn into chaos once more.

"this called Cause and Effect, what i show you here is true what happened from what you do today. this tomorrow i say will be fated outcome your world, look and observe it with your very eye, action today deciding what outcome for tomorrow, playing ignorant is bliss because you dont know this type of godly event but i different, i can see billion outcome what you do today will create many outcome but what i show you now is the true outcome will happened. so keep that in mind, i try to save you from this outcome that i work hard enough but your current action with sudden impulse of ego oversight it. this time i must use power that i truly dont want to use, Order !" a loud boom hear in the universe and i inhale.

"I as marshal of heaven using my authority as God by using my voice of God, command the event of spoiling my cure creation to be erased. Change it into information that the cure already steadily progressing" Loud boom hear and i take a deep breath, the future change where the timeline return back where world still normal as usual.

"Consider this a reminder, my voice is absolute order from God, all i say will be truth and all i say will be command to all creation, even how godly you are, i say this it become this, i say that it become that, you cannot change or try to undo it you need 2 to 5 omnipotent power to able deny the order even you have one it still not enough. well, knowledge for today is secret for tomorrow, Now" I snapped my fingers as the whole future view vanished and we returned to the research room.

"We are going to make this stimulant so that the white blood cells can do just that, please try to follow my method."

"Doctor I'm sorry for my action"

"hush, is okay, you still young and full of spirit, excited to much will be that kind reaction moreover we can learn from mistake, this time i undo your mistake tomorrow you undo on your own, like i say before ignorant is a bliss but if you indecisive if this will create domino effect talk to reliable, if doctor not act its fine, if doctor act well another problem to be fixed or "Another Side Job", keep that in mind for all of you, operator and personel out there. Oh yeah talk about Job, Kal'tsit, my payment of work for 3 month you didn't pay until this day and i get no promotion either, do you clearly lack fund and intention to pay your immeasurable value subordinate here ? hm ? Hmmmm ?" Kal'tsit Annoyed and throw me a middle finger.

"You already rich, in fact a god. you can do anything and everything"

"Fair point but what if i don't want to do anything and everything, what you gonna do about it, or should i throw you proposal of resignation ? or should i rallied to every corner of this space ship that you corrupt boss who overwork this "Worker" out of spite, it seem i treated with no human right in here"

"Human, you are god, you are not following human rule" Kal'tsit's mouth was closed by Saria, Saria knew it was a trap that would make us get a domino effect.

"Looks like your intuition getting rusty Kal'tsit, if you continue the thing you say earlier maybe your human right and law will be abolish then i shall become tyrant god who overwork you to death and fun fact, i control death, i will make all of you immortal and turn you into my toy and lost every human right and will you can imagine and supposedly had. ck, ck, ck. so easy to sway you. alright enough joking, i never be that kind a god, but if i become one, stop me, as you Rhodes island family is my sole reason to be human despite im clearly a god right now. let's go we have no time to waste, i need to watch Major too, i want support Margaret in her debut Major, supporting her as Doctor and Rhodes Island"

They nodded and started creating the drug, I directed them to make the drug from mixing to measuring, processing the drug and mixing it, after trial and error because I knew it was impossible to do but with the help of Hope in me the results were very satisfying, when tried on Cylix, the effect of this Antibody worked perfectly and there was no defect. but there was one simple problem actually.


That's where I have to intervene to adjust the dosage to make the cell assimilation rate no more than 2 percent and the blood crystal intensity level no more than 0.10 u/L, as well as adjusting for age which is very crucial because they will be in a sick condition when high fever occurs.

I concocted this medicine myself and one medicine was successfully formed but who will be the first patient.

"Who will be the first try?" I stirred the vial with my finger.

"Me" Kal'tsit volunteered and I shook my head.

"No, your originium is not severe. we need severe originium Infected Operator"

"Amiya or Ifrit or Reed?"

"Call them here then" Saria and Kal'tsit go look after them while I casually talk about the next project, they came but brought some uninvited personnel.

"Doctor, did you actually create the cure?" I nod to Ifrit and she rejoices beyond words.

"Doctor, am I going to be the first?" Reed asked me and I nodded.

"no doctor call me first, so I will be the first" I just giggle hearing that from Amiya and show them three Cure without everyone notice.

"what flavor?"

"there is flavor?"

"Can I have a honey flavor I like honey"

"I want strawberry"

"can i have mango please" i mix them with that fruit and they drink it with relish.

"doctor, there is no effect"

"The effect is already visible, look at you sweating excessively. Your body is currently experiencing high heat, try to bathe frequently and eat or drink nutritious supplements, if you don't do that" their bodies collapsed and I caught them before they hit the floor.

"look, you are weak. rest, the effect will be seen tomorrow at the earliest, the day after tomorrow at the longest but this high fever will be finished on the second day and disappear completely on the third day. sleep okay" they were very hot and started to fall asleep, I picked them up and put them on the operating bed here.

"Please check with Cylix" When everyone checked with Cylix, the result was amazing. Cell Assimilation reduced to 1 percent, Blood Crystal particle reduced to 0.10 u/L and there is glowing light in there body circulate together with blood flow.

"Mission complete, good job everyone"

"DOCTOR !" we celebrate to the news, All Rhodes Islander in ship hear the news that cure already invented in span of Seven hour progress, Amiya, Ifrit and Reed is first patient and currently in recovery state, their recovery was fast by help many medical personel while me keep creating the cure, some of the Operator lend their hand to distribute the cure for each operator in here except in field and branch because they on duty and cannot be called.

more so it will halt their mission or worse making the mission fail, it is not good reason for us to call them back before finishing the job.

I sat down with Sui's siblings, Nian organized a banquet for the "Super Spicy Success Celebration Feast"

"nice work Doctor, i never doubt you can bring miracle" Nian laugh while me just eating this hot sauce casually with out feeling burn inside out.

"You know me well, by the way. how the Other ?"

"Well, some of them return to Yan and some stay such us three and Brother sometime in here but he have duty to protect north demon invasion, while the other try to go to other Country to understand their culture"

"Huh, weird but its great. can i have more"

"its already empty ? Doctor, your stomach made out of Furnace, i like that, here, here, have some" Dusk already in verge of vomiting while Ling is already drunk so she cannot count as joining this banquet.

Me and Nian talk a lot until the pot is empty, me and nian was full and we part way to check other.

I slap my head and try to scold them, apparently everyone take the cure and inject it without order and discipline.

"you all are really hopeless" I was forced to work overtime taking care of Rhodes Island alone again. what a life

Oripathy Cure has been Decoded with Logic and Science, Using Originium Unit work, suppressant that suppress Originium particle and Originite from story that is Infinite nuclear reactor from Bio-engineering bacteria (if you read previous Chapter, you will understand how Originite work in this novel) therefore i need to sleep. its 1 am and i already create cure for game, fuck me man. sometime when i try to sleep i create this shit, sigh i need to gain healthy sleep schedule

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts