
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Assassin and Major

"Sigh, I told you not to do it" Theresa fainted due to my fingering, Theresa's body couldn't withstand the excessive stimulation I gave her and she screamed louder than usual.

I then kidnapped Koshelna and Freyja who were eavesdropping from the door, took them to the next room and gave the same treatment as Theresa, as usual they also passed out. I figured this out so I might as well wait for them to wake up, after all they were in a hidden cabin designed by me that even the best trackers would have a hard time tracking down.

I saw my phone notification where Angela called me to come over, I left quickly and appeared next to her.

"Is there a problem?"

"You surprised me, I tried your Evolution theorem but something seems off" I checked Angela's research. Her research was quite specific, especially in physical evolution, in fact as time progresses human evolution will weaken but Angela had already entered enhanced human.

"So in this simulation you want to enter the realm of Supernatural Human?"

"Theoretically correct, I'm honest Valtor, I want to be like you, when you showed the Omnipotent Formula my feelings were already foggy, I wanted to hold your hand together for a bright future but you were too far away, I tried to run after you but you were out of reach, when you did the Cyber Gear presentation, it sounded trivial in implementation and ridiculous to do but I as a researcher also understand, theories can change in the middle of research"

"I suggest not, being like me is a change of identity and origin, you may want to be me but you can't copy me completely because you are you, everyone has a special characteristic that must be preserved. You have that Angela"

"What? What's my specialty, I'm not like Kal'tsit" I hug Angela and stroke her head.

"Trying your best, you're trying this without anyone asking you to. don't be jealous of someone, it's a bad trait, you have to maintain the trait of trying your best no matter how difficult, no matter how challenging, you have to try your best, failing is normal, don't have high expectations so you don't get disappointed. enjoy what you're doing, don't force it" Angela nodded and then let go of my hug, She gave me a kiss on the lips and continued the work.

I assisted Angela in this Evolution in a short time of no more than two hours we finished, making Supernatural human, fortunately I used the Jenova System that made SOLDIER, it was quite effective because it had the same roots.

"Finally, it works"

"Good Job, you should rest now" Angela nodded and took a rest by stripping herself.

"Why are you taking off your clothes"

"No reason, I just like taking off my clothes because it is more comfortable releasing some steam off" I raise my shoulders and look at the report Tyrant sent me, so far so good just a welcoming ceremony, I have to improvise a bit on that.

Angela saw me focusing on the report, she took off her bra and panties, then approached me, angela took my report and sat on my lap.

"Valtor, what do you think" I looked into Angela's eyes and tried not to look at her naked body at the moment.

"Beautiful, is there anything I need to know?" Angela giggles and touches my chin.

"Valtor, you scumbag, you stole many maiden hearts and some of old ladies, your physique is so seductive that even some women have been captivated by that form, I want to taste it"

"Blame the charm not the man"

"Same excuse, but i wonder, how is the sensation" Angela brought her face close to mine, then my hand pointed to the door where Symbiote locked this room, Angela saw that and smiled.

"No intruders" I pull Angela's head up and kiss her aggressively on the lips, my tongue plays gently on her mouth, Angela enjoys this kiss until Angela gets muddy, my other hand strokes her back and searches for her sensitive spots, Angela is weak behind the neck, hips and thighs, her erotic spots are on the right breast, neck and obviously vagina.

I broke our kiss and sniffed Angela's neck, played with her right breast and explored her pussy from the outside, Angela moaned softly then when my hand went inside her pussy to tease her further Angela moaned loudly.

"Should I stop?"

"no. Please continue." I played with her pussy mouth like two fingers walking, giving a little stimulation that I didn't expect Angela moaned and twitched, Angela had reached a sensual point, I then went to her breasts and gently bit her right nipple, she climaxed.

Angela sprayed her vaginal fluid unexpectedly wetting my pants, I stopped my activities and looked at Angela who covered her face cutely, she was gasping so much air and she was quite type not loud type in sexual act, noted.

"Enjoy it?" Angela Nod and she sit on the floor open up my pants and she my cock that bigger than her own head, it towering the almighty Zeus Rod.

"Is this your true size?"

"After ascended yes"

"How long, Curious reason?"

"6.8 inch estimate, 17.5 Cm" Angela was surprised and tried to measure it with her hand and then measured her pussy span, I laughed at that.

"Calm down, your vagina span is approximately 9.6 cm, how can it fit all in" Angela panicked and tried to be professional.

"I'm just measuring, do you know the size of all the women's vaginas on Rhodes island?"

"I'm a doctor, Angela. I've studied all your physical features inside and out. I have to be professional about it and know my limits. Of course I know your size."


"Heh, say that to someone who wants to have sex with me under the guise of stripping herself naked" Angela pouted her ploy already foreseen by me.

"Am I that predictable?"

"Yes, Smart people are easy to predict"

"At least I'm not stupid" Angela then grabs my cock and tries to give it a blow job, sloppy scientist first time blowjob. 

Angela's blowjob was a little irregular especially in the breathing session, Angela sucked my cock without knowing the technique, Angela coughed because she was out of breath and choked on her own saliva, I wanted to laugh but what can I do, first time dont be mad at her, we are here not in grape situation.

"You need study more"

"Dont blame me, its my first time sucking yours, im not kal'tsit"

"I see" I sat Angela on my chair then spread her thighs where her muddy pussy was clearly displayed, I brought my head closer and licked Angela's pussy, Angela closed her mouth and moaned loudly, I peeked at Angela's face who was trying her best to hold back her moans, my fingers were in charge of widening her pussy mouth wider and then I cleaned Angela's entire pussy, played with her clitrotis like a lollipop then teased the entrance of her pussy with my finger, like a gentle poke.

Angela could not resist the stimulation I gave her and she squirted, her cum creating beautiful water flow and I saw her red face with a smile.

I slapped my cock on Angela's pussy and Angela panicked.

"No, no, no, Not here please. I feel uncomfortable" I carried her to the patient bed and I took off my clothes literally I was naked, Angela can't stop looking at my body and she tried to caress it.

"Such beautiful body"

"So its yours. continue or no?"

"Ummm....umm....please be gentle to me, its my first time" I nod and push my penis slowly to her vagina, Angela try to hold the pain and I kiss her to overcome the suffering, when I already deep enough to touch her womb.

I broke our kiss as Angela looked at me with a soft moan, Angela's pussy squeezing my cock tightly, I could see blood dripping from her pussy.


"Its okay, you can continue" I started moving my hips, Angela moaned softly against it, after giving the sensation of penetration, I was able to speed up my hip movement, Angela moaned but didn't give any comment but I know, her mind is in turmoil. she wants to express it but her shyness is on the way, she is not honest but I can't force her, slowly torture her in crave of sexual pleasure.

"Angela im sorry"

"What?" I tap her sensitive area and her body becomes over sensitive, her face is like in classic doujin crave for sexual stimulation, I speed up my tempo and she actually moan now.

Every thrust I give taps on the mouth of her womb and every thrust stimulates pleasure in Angela's brain, Angela's brain responds to increase the sensitivity she has.

"Valtor, Valtor, Valtor, keep doing that, keep messing with my sweet spot" I speed up my thrusts and Angela squirts, more than usual.

I change styles and continue to fuck Angela, Angela gets more sensitive every time she squirts, I play and massage her breasts, we are even bathed in sweat in this session, Angela is on her back and I pound her harder. Angela clutched at the pillow and continued to moan into it.

I grip Angela's hips and keep slapping my hips against her ass, each slap creates a nice rhythm, I play this slap by following the stimulation like a gear machine, Angela is lost in pleasure, she cannot think rationally, only think for pleasuring herself.

She try to stimulate more her naughty body by pinch her nipple and fondling her breast, she feel pleasure beyond her imagination, fucked by me and play herself, she crave more and more until she can't get enough.

I see Angela is ready, Angela is also a little closer to climax, I stick my cock deep making Angela's uterus mouth fully touched, then we squirt together, she scream and moan loudly, I come too much and my sperm spoil from her vagina, Angela drop down and I carry her to the bed but she on her knee sucking and drinking my sperm with great enthusiasm.

"forbidden god sperm" I smack her head and she cutely yelp.

"Hush, im holding back if not, you will die" Angela realized with her previous words, Angela looked at me with a sardonic smile.

"You're lying aren't you? You don't want to have sex because you're afraid we'll get addicted and forget ourselves"

"That's literally true, you don't even realize we've been having sex all day"

"ALL DAY ? oh no.... well how about second round ?" Angela opened her thighs wide and showed me her tantalizing pussy even though it was covered in my sperm.

"Addicted ?"

"Blame yourself, can you satisfy me more than this ?"

"Sure" I used the personal time lock.

"How about endurance test" And we do foreplay brutal sex, I don't care anymore, I hold it so much before time to release the beast.

I pinned Angela down and played with her G Spot ferociously, Angela moaned erotically, my other hand played with her nipple and made the sensitive stimulation too big for her, Angela trembled and she squirted heavily.

I returned to rummaging through her pussy from all sides until Angela always squirted and squirted, Angela just screamed erotically and wanted to continue to be spoiled there, I looked at Angela who was already immersed in pleasure, her eyes were already between lust and addiction, her breathing was already disorderly, she had lost the rationality of this stimulation.

I made a hook in my finger and pierced her G Spot, continuing to tease the spot until Angela was moaning loudly with her tongue hanging out.

"Valtor, stop, stop, stop, stop!" Angela squirts repeatedly but I don't stop, keep continue to play her pussy, until Angela already shaking like having a stroke, Angela falls down with irregular breathing, red face and unstoppable lust, I check my hand is full of Angela's love juices.

"Sorry, overdid it. Have a good night" I tidied up all our depraved activities, Angela was already asleep because she literally passed out in 7 second, I gave her a kiss on the mouth and walk away from her beauty sleep.

Meanwhile at the opening ceremony of Wonder Ark 3 hours before the opening, I showed up with an amazingly fresh body after taking bath in heaven obviously.

"3 more hours yes" I read the report again and nodded.

"Please go to your respective posts, I will prepare a welcoming ceremony for the New Major. if you want, sit in the stadium up there, you will see the Major opening ceremony, you will see the first phenomenon in your life. how spectacular the opening ceremony looks like" Navi turned into Primordial Malzeno Armor then my Cape turned into Primordial Malzeno wing and went to the main center of Major.

"Lets go we can't miss the Doctor Opening Celebration" everyone runs toward the Floating stadium above where they can see below them, a giant field that is going to be used as the Opening ceremony.

At the counter full of fans and visitors who have flooded the ticket location, dozens of Tyrant neatly organize the comfort and safety of visitors with a tall body and a frightening presence no one is stupid enough to make trouble, every step the tyrant takes, the ground trembles like an earthquake happening, those dude is powerhouse, mess around you will find out in no time.

The door opens where to see the new Major full of attraction and many entertainment, all stalls open up and welcome them up. in the main field where many Tyrant Officer gather and they gone.

The welcoming ceremony began where the opening ceremony was held with choreography, phenomenal music and welcoming celebrations using Kazimierz history as a knight and celebrate like a total medieval welcoming party of Knight returning from a long expedition.

The welcoming event was amazing like a world cup party, it basically imitates the world cup every 4 years, this welcoming celebration became an interesting spectacle even the harmony of every choreography performed was stunning, making the charm of Knightly honor come back to life even some Kazimierz people tear up how much history they grow, all this welcoming celebration ended with Long lost Kazimierz Knightly Vow, with Native Tongue of Kazimierz, some of KGCC, Adeptus, Association influential individuals follow the Knightly vow, is consider national History that they must respect nonetheless.

Ceremony end and They feel rejoice, all the Shinning Armor knight vanish leaving me behind, My armor transmute and i appear in my Devil Zenith from and transform into Human like figure.

My face is Tseng from FF7 remake with Dante SIN DEVIL Trigger Horn and wing behind me.

"Welcome visitor, my name Lucifer Morningstar, Owner of Mishima Company, as you can see i am indeed a Sarkaz, dont mind my demonic transformation before, is my heritage from my ancestor. please enjoy all attraction and entertainment here, the major will start in 2 hours, you can check the schedule on information center, if you need any information regarding the attraction and event, please go to Mobile Drone, it will give you the flyer. welcome to New 24th Major, Sponsored fully by Mishima Company and Join corporation Rhodes Island. Have fun" I spread out my demonic wing and fly toward People stadium above.

I appear in tribune and tidying up my tie, then smile at Rhodes Island member.

"How is it ? Amazing right ?"

"Doctor is that new Sarkaz Race that recorded in ancient time ?"

"Incorrect Logos, well i know some, Surtr ancestor also primordial Sarkaz in form of Giant, while me is different. im Satan, true Satan who is embodiment of Evil, or you could say Anti-God. Anti-God is entity opposite of God, personification of Evil in many sense, Negative aspect, darkness, void anything regarding evil from emotion, ideology, unconscious and conscious or even intangible such desire, concept and many thing, i'm the lord of evil truest sarkaz the God of Sarkaz if you will, True Feranmut of Ancient Sarkaz.  Any question ?"

"Oh...Doctor. such cruel method, exploiting someone Evil desire"

"ssshhhh, I exploit People who have status, power and authority. who dont have them ? why bother, anyway, where is Koshelna ?"

"she sick"

"Oh no, well who want become my substitute, The Boss still busy, Amiya you must substitute Kal'tsit. Angela also Busy, ck pain. Closure you want become my substitute ?"

"No, no , no, no, no"

"Ck, you are unresponsible core member like Kal'tsit. Lets go Amiya, I will Call Mael to substitute me" Amiya Excited and jump to my hand, i carry her like a child carry and she hug my neck.

"Doctor and Amiya Out" I jump and Amiya scream excitement when we fly above the Wonder Ark.

"Sigh, I want to jump too but this platform is too high we will fall, lets go guys, time to work" We arrived at the meeting room where Mael was waiting for me.

"Uncle Mael"

"Oh My, Amiya, you grown. how's your day ?"

"great, doctor taking care of me"

"Perfect, So you want me to exploit this loser ?"

"Yes, we need money"

"Easy, Amiya Learn from us okay how to make your path as Leader, you must understand view of business and government. remember"

"All is your choice, you indeed not born as a Leader you forced to be one, you and me are the same, i never want be leader but the situation call me to be one. Leader are made, you are made to become leader, By Theresa with compassionate leadership, by Kal'tsit with strict Leadership, by me with understand about of Human Nature. when we the old era comes to end, we pass leadership to you as new Era, your future is bright Amiya, i already see it and i'm proud of you, dont worry, as us behind you, go walk to mysterious and dangerous future, we always support you no matter what" Amiya tear up then Hug me and Mael.

"Sometime you need talk less do more"

"If i talk less do more, everyone rant"

"Who care" Amiya giggle to hear Me and Mael Argue.

We arrived at the meeting room, even though this meeting was just a friendly meeting but I had expected that these stingy rich people would be interested in our business and try to exploit it.

It's just that with my talents of Mastermind and Counseling passion, I can exploit them further making it a little out of my control because I didn't expect that KGCC would invest in Mishima Company.

They were interested in my business approach towards the Theme Park, the Major on the other hand would be a mind breaking point.

When the Major started, we sat in the VIP room, watching the Major from above, the Major started with great enthusiasm, this warm-up battle was over, I saw Margaret and Maria there, they were very excited and I also saw Pinus Sylvestris members, oh my our cute cunny knight clubs.

I can't give support to keep my Image here, to be honest I want to yell my lungs out to support them in the audience seat.

During the break, the promotion began Estus Flask became the first promotion, making all the knights who were exhausted instantly refreshed, then with Life spray, all their physical wounds were perfectly healed.

These two promotions made the news booming in Kazimierz, a quick treatment medicine, new product from Rhodes island even worse this Major is currently livestreamed in many major countries such as Leithanein, Victoria, Ursus, Yan, Higashi, Lungmen, Columbia, Siesta, Laterano, Kazdel. A Mind breaking medical discovery, who created that ? Rhodes island.

Next tournament will be promoted as cinematic as possible, first promotion Tournament was Raid Boss, The boss is vary from gigantic monster or Robot, Many amazing and world threatening individual that either awesome looking or disgusting looking. then promotion of battle royal where survival is the fittest, everyone must survive in many terrain, area even many amazing place they can explore each place has its own inhabitant that can grant many advantage when they got slain, the sole purpose was who last remaining.

The last promotion was two side battle knight, a war simulation where everyone battling in random terrain or place that the team must take the specific Point Area to gain point for their respective side, the more area they claim more point they get, area will be randomize every 7 minutes, make the fight fair, if the knight cannot fight or surrender, they will be transported to Respawn area from the arena and wait until can be deployed again, the cooldowns is 7 second more longer if they died too much, this is about team tactic rather stubborn individual ego.

this making all audience excited, they never expect this type event implemented in the major, is more battle thrilling than other predecessor Major before, they become more excited than want to see boss raid, Battle royal and Battle knight, but the fun just begin. Audience can choose the three ranking system.

This beyond expected, Audience can choose the theme for knight and even Knight participant do not expect it, Now the major flow of tournament is in the hand of Audience.

The vote set, every audience choose which preference of Theme, and the winner unexpectedly Boss Raid and more amazingly, the boss can be choose by Audience and participant, there is 80 Major Boss that every major boss can be showed in Special effect of technology, a realistic simulation of what type raid boss, environment to how dangerous the boss was, making all people know this is boss fight, a walking threat and calamity, a catastrophe in form of shape not a nature but a true shape.

The winner was Immora, Is Fortress of Demonic Entity that produce endless demonic swarm, and the ranking point of this Immora raid boss how long The knight survive the Swarm of Demon, the more longer the knight survive more harder the demon was and more point they get, basically i try to recreate Immora invasion in doom.

"Theme is set, we shall start the major in 30 minutes, Audience please buy some snack or food this time, the thrilling fight of endless enemy will begun, can the knight prevail against endless enemy or they will fall as the enemy surround them ? We can't wait to that happened, Stay tuned" Mob do best job after all i pay him to make Major become more thrilling and inducing, he can say whatever he want even gave commentary regarding Knight skill in combat and display some awesome commentary regarding fight situation in audience view, and he recapture that as intended in First warm up last stand.

I am satisfied to see this and I see that KGCC, Adeptus and the Association do not like this method especially KGCC because they cannot control events like this and exploit them.

"before we start the event folks i like to give Mr Lucifer for sponsoring this event, I announce the reward of the major so the knight will more ready than ever" A hologram appear showing me in casual Suit then an armor appear from all side creating my Primordial Malzeno armor with its lance and it can be modified into desire object such necklace, bracelet and many daily life object. display of advance technology of armor making all knight flabbergasted except Margaret who knew already. then a special ticket for family for whole week, free access and privileges to freely enjoy all attraction, stand product, entertainment of the Park, Chance of sponsorship from Mishima company with better equipment for next major, Sponsorship from Rhodes island is free healthcare from after major is done and most mind blowing was 1 billion LMD cash no tax and no interest, for the winner.

"That's include all, see you in the next round with Mr Lucifer himself will be join us to spectate the Major, support your favorite knight with cheers folks, give them spirit to continue to fight and retain their honor and glory as knight. Mob Out" the warm-up event ended and the whole crowd cheered, the next round was in the next stadium where the arena was more suitable for watching the World Raid.

On this side of the meeting room, some of the Association and Adeptus officials were quite interested in Mob's speech while KGCC was a little greedy because they wanted to get a taste of the money and technology as well. with the atmosphere calming down, the three of us left after all of Kazimierz's officials left.

"Armorless union will be dispatched"

"Yes, They will. Lucky for us, they can't touch us in here if they want deal with Verdugo"

"Doctor what is Verdugo ?" Mael and I looked at each other, then we nodded. I squatted down and looked at Amiya.

"Amiya, do not freak out okay" Amiya nod then i whistle.

In corridor appear dozens of Verdugo from resident Evil 4 with more Refine exoskeleton that can blend in environment and totally undetectable by human sense even cannot be detected by natural environment, Amiya freak out then hide behind me hugging my leg.

"Doctor, im scarred, please shoo them away" All Verdugo Nod and go away, to their position.

"Amiya, they already gone"

"Are you sure ?"

"Yes, Amiya, they already go" Amiya take a peek in front of her there is nothing there.

"Are you sure ?"

"yes Amiya"

"Ummm, Can i go together with you ? i'm scared" Looks like i traumatize her, i erase her memory regarding Verdugo but she pass out because of that.

"Well, Looks like she asking forbidden question"

"No worry, she will be fine" i delete recording on her Sarkaz crown to make sure she never know about Verdugo.

"The place is set"

"Now is time for grand Conquest"

"Between most well known Black ops vs Executioner. i wonder who gonna win"

"Probably us, moreover those Verdugo is best assassin in our Greater ark"

"Well, is she fine ?"

"She ? well yes, surprisingly she can't wait to meet you"

"well, it is what it is. Care for drink"

"You pay"

"Fine" we go to next stadium after i take Amiya return to Rhodes Island. i sit down with Mob and gain interview by him, i approach it with friendly manner after all its also promotion for our humble dummy corporation.

To be honest traditional Knightly duel is interest me, i want have the thrill like For Honor, Dark Soul and Many Medieval Fight as Video Game Reference, well that is concluded

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