
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · วิดีโอเกม
161 Chs

Aquarium of Monster

"Doctor ! the medicine success the medicine success" Skadi cried in my hug, she free from ishar-mla there's just one problem. her abyssal hunter power is gone, she basically normal Aegir girl.

"good, how is Laurentina and everyone ?" I take a peek near corridor where Laurentina observe me from far.

"I see her fine, very well. let me go Skadi, i need to check the Seaborn in the bucket" Skadi shake her head and hug me tighter than before, i phase through her then check the bucket where everyone medical team in research room.

"Can i check it ?"

"Valtor, finally you came, check this" I checked and I saw Caerula arbor., Ishar-mla, many sea terror and the eggs despite their size as big as my palm.

I create big aquarium and put them there, they look at me with something. i put Unmelting Iceberg above water and Primordial lifespring plankton in there, those big Seaborn aquarium is great for relaxation, i put little decoration in there with cute little sunken ship where ishar-mla take shelter, then i put nice little water forest where Caerula arbor take shelter, then put lifespring in great water slide and many thing to decor this big aquarium. i put pellet in there and the Sea crawler and sea terror eat that with relish while i give ishar mla big meat, the Caerula arbor some piece of slurpee fish pellets, the life spring with great nutrient microbes then give the unmelting iceberg some of supplement water dip.

"How cute they are, my little pet" seeing them eating is comforting my soul. 

"So this is your plan ?"

"what ? do you want to become fish there with your bikini floating around in water and get fed by food ?" Kal'tsit throw me middle finger. i put oxygen circulation machine then put anything for their sustain, and honestly i feel proud of this.

"hmm where is great place to put this, my room for my comfort perhaps, no no, they will see me having "private Handling" someone, hmm maybe in my office for lightning in my night long rest ? aha that will be ideal" i put a lightning and turn off the light, a beautiful light illuminating aquarium creating magical wonder of the sea. i turn on the light and the lightning is showing inside the aquarium.

"okay, that is good. i need collect more seaborn to fill this aquarium perhaps i can edit it more in the future"

"Valtor, put that in my office"

"Duh, built it on your own cat. since when i share everything i create for you"

"You petty bastard, Valtor ! OY" i go away from there with Kal'tsit nagging to me about the Aquarium i create.

"The world threatening enemy turn into a fish tank ? a room decoration. but i fear when the first time doctor actually use his godly power, is threatening, my soul scream to me to run but my body dont obey me, it feels my body accept death sentence, when hearing Operator Gladiia scream, i felt powerless, can't do anything to stop doctor or told Doctor to spare Operator Gladiia"

"Me too, that power is dangerous in many sense, doctor able to control and use it for greater good but when is not, maybe we can see that with our eye, Operator Gladiia electrocuted to death, frozen like ice statue then break like glass then burn into ashes, i can't sleep without having a nightmare, thinking what if my position is Operator Gladiia, when doctor actually mad at me for something so mundane but the consequence of my action creating bigger problem to us"

"hush, lets go. We already done our job, don't forget we still have many mission to deal with" in deployment room, i stand watching over team that ready to be deployed.

"Roberta, i need your help for this"

"yes doctor"

"do you bring make up equipment ?"

"I do why ?"

"good, Is Nine colored dear in here ?"

"Doctor, the team already dispatched, they will arrive in approximately 20 to 30 minutes" i nod to Amiya report.

"We need to wait here, Operator Muelsyse is in here too ?"

"Approximately she will arrive in 2 to 3 minutes" i look at the water bottle beside me and pick it up, and pour it to floor.

"Come out please, i know you hide in there" Muelsyse appear and act silly.

"i got caught, your sight is good doctor"

"I detect you by smell, since when i put a mint scent in my drink" Muelsyse sniff her odor and i wheeze.

"make you smell your own odor" Muelsyse blush because i tease her.

"you meany"

"Now, now. there is something i need you to observe, especially i want create"

"A medicine ?"

"Yes, Race altering medicine" Muelsyse look at me with concern and look everyone who just waiting patiently.

"Race altering medicine ? Doctor are try to change race of being forcefully ?"

"No, you will know letter. is she come ?"

"No doctor, they already reach the platform, ah they arrive" i see everyone return with Nine Colored Deer, i give her a Buddhist Greeting.

"Greeting, honored one. my name Valtor Ismael you can address me as Doctor as form of respect, i need your help regarding medicine i create"

"Such honor meet you Doctor, what kind help you want"

"Do you perhaps have this type of herbal" i show her the type of herbal in Yan that she had, she nod and give it to me.

"Thank you" i mix that herbal with my bare hand, the herbal releasing fragrant scent of aromatherapy, i take a simple pot of plant then cultivate it.

"Muelsyse, will you report me the plant condition. if she say ready to ripe, tell me okay"

"Doctor.. are you try to cultivated that herbal ?"

"Shhh, you will know it" i pour a water then some fertilizer then play a nice little song with Guzheng, the little plant growth from little sprout then small plant then adult plant despite is little like a bonsai tree but is enough.

"stop doctor" i stop playing the beautiful music and look ta the small plant releasing an outstanding fragrance. i take out something that is a nice Holy water, i pour it and the plant bear a fruit, an God Fruit, A peach.

i wait a little then peach ripe, i take it then the plant died little by little.

"Doctor, why you kill her...."

"is part of life Cycle Muelsyse, she done her duty to bear a fruit"

"But...." Muelsyse hear the plant thanks her and she die with happiness despite she still young but giving the chance to bear a God fruit is one of life time, is worth for her life.

"you hear her right ? born from soil, it will return to soil. Its part of cycle, its beautiful. you maybe hate me because i kill a newborn but put that different perspective, she done her best to do what life told her to do, give a new life in another form, is this fruit, the seed inside it is her new form to reborn into new tree, while the fruit is gift from her to everyone enjoy it, does she hate the person eat her fruit ? no, she never but she wish to reborn by you planting another seed" i cut the fruit then plant the seed again and the tree reborn once more as little sprout.

"See, endless cycle of rebirth. before, she can bear one fruit but now she can bear a two fruit, each time she will grow better depend on environment she get" I give everyone each peach cut.

"Eat it, she wish you too eat it" everyone eat the fruit and they feel joy from it, the peach taste was outstanding in many level, is like eating nice comforting fruit in lake watching heaven scenery in peaceful nature.

"What fruit is this Doctor"

"Finally you ask, i read a fable before about immortality fruit. every three thousand years, anyone who eats it will become immortal, and their body will become both light and strong. The second type blooms every six thousand years, anyone who eats it will be able to fly and enjoy eternal youth. The third type blooms every nine thousand years, anyone who eats it will become "eternal as heaven and earth, as long-lived as the sun and moon." That fruit called Peaches of immortality, The very fruit i gave you is The Fourth type that blooms every twelve thousand years, it give you immortality in truest sense, your body too light you can even move at 1000x speed of light and strong as god able lift mobile city or cracking a continent just by one finger, you able to fly at hyper sonic speed or 30 time faster than sound also able breath under space environment or deep water as normally as possible, your body can't grow old, physical body always in peak mental health never deteriorating and you immune to any type human disease or outer disease such seaborn mutation body and mental, and demon corruption body and mind. the last one is something more, you become one with the planet and universe, you can draw power from them to aid you and any harmful environment in the world or universe can't harm you and you can live a life until Universe cease to exist, even Terra or this world destroy, you can perfectly fine in other world or planet or living in mobile colony in star without much problem anyway" Everyone wide eye and i eat one of the two peaches cut.

"But too bad, that is only fable, not a real deal. unlucky"

"Doctor... do you eat one a real deal"

"The question already answered before right" everyone aware of celestial body i show before.

"you eat real one ?" Kal'tsit ask me and i nod.

"Correct, i eat the fourth type and i eat full basket of those fruit. well that was long time ago, i still remember eat the fruit sitting on my chamber, seeing many people below me do their daily lives while smoking some cigar, well lets past memory become memory okay. lets deal with today problem for better future. Thorn, can you get me this type of poison from your failed experiment, blue poison, i need you to get me this type poison you produce. warfarin, fetch me the blood bag of some people who join infiltration of trimounts mission" i show them type of poison they need, they nod and pick it up, i wait them and they arrive.

"here doctor" i take them and Alchemy table appear.

"The procedure creating Race Altering medicine is to kill the Race trait, by poison provided from Thorn and Blue poison, with little bit amplification in potency, we can erase one being trait or ancient trait but the process really torturous it basically resetting your identity, i would not recommend this medicine for mass use. by this peach power, the Torturous effect will be nullified, so you dont need scream your lungs out to endure the pain, the peach also create a new type race for you based on Originium adaptation and evolution recording system inside you, you maybe turn into new race but not elder race rather different race from Ancient. despite your race already changed, doesn't mean your appearance change totally. that is why I need Roberta to create unique disguise, with combining this peach and seaborn cell, altering the purpose. you can perfectly disguise yourself, for example your face totally, changing your hair color, hiding your old race trait, iris color, altering your voice, but not bone structure" The medicine complete and the beauty product is ready.

"That is amazing invention doctor. how we able to break the mask ?"

"pinch your forehead, the mask will tear out like ski mask. here, remember, the race will following your original race but with different species, you must not make it obvious no matter what, change your behavior, this only change your race trait, face look, hair color, iris color, voice altering. the behavior is yours to act" The team eat the medicine and they actually transform, i take out a note and see their transformation.

"Lets go Roberta"

"Yes doctor" i put a make up to them, Roberta also aid me while we casually talk about make up routine, implemented to modern make up product that also giving me another source of income for Rhodes island product but we need stable resource for it to produce, natural beauty product and chemical beauty product.

the make up success and the 15 member of the team is literally a different person, the aura they give is not their self.

"See ?" i gave them big mirror, seeing they transforming someone else is different matter.

"Amazing, ah... my voice ? it change" 

"Fantastic isn't it ? Closure. help me to breach Columbia Government Computer System"

"Finally, time to shine" Closure open up her computer and i close it.

"IP detection, are you for real ?"

"Oh... i forget.."

"Any one have old laptop or computer i can use, broken one more better so i can throw it away"

"Doctor, here is my old laptop" Amiya gave me her laptop.

"So you can have new one from me as compensation ?" Amiya nod in excitement.

"Very well after this. Closure, i need you connect me to CMD and type this" Closure nod and type the computer programming to access Columbia Government Access and it appear a login.

"Doctor there is access to it"

"Put this username and password" i told her Marx Id then we in.

"good, from that access add new individual from pioneers and secret agent from Maylander then create a order from the council regarding the experiment out of commission"

"What !?"

"Just do it, you have time limit before Super A.I Max aware his system breached"

"Why you dont tell me earlier Doctor, we literally"

"Hacking the brain of Columbia president, Imbecile country is nothing but a playground for me, now the Marx existence is in my palm, Selene will be next to be silenced by me. now after you creating the legal document, go to archive then create a new order by this id, new code and this command prompt" Closure type it and do what i say.

"Good, lock that order and type it the order in absolute order, create contingency order by this scenario and this scenario in the specific database, and create another emergency respond in case something not go as plan" Closure type the order and a Columbia logo appear.

"Your order is absolute, my master" Marx appear and i cackle like Sima Yi. 

"SUPER AI ????? you just man made, easy to breach..... one step away until Columbia in civil war, now what is your move Selene" i close the laptop and break it just by grab it then step on it like put out cigar.

"Now. as Saria to be Captain on this mission, your duty to inspect the Laboratory and pull out who is the mastermind behind those experiment, while the other you can participate the project but this bracelet will tell you in dangerous situation, this bracelet is recording device to council, everyone who do anything to you will be declare guilty by Marx and by Columbia jurisdiction, Saria in other hand have absolute authority to execute someone in there, the Council will declare them MIA, or missing in action. all is your judgement, unredeemable person ? punch their head, annoying person, breaking one or two bone not problem right ? crippling person is also not a problem, after all you gain permission by the council so you don't need to worry someone will jail you because you now is imaginary individual not real individual" Saria then punch me in my face.

"Bastard manipulator, you use us to destroy Rhine labs"

"you really lack insight, i give you a chance to see yourself in there as someone else not as Saria former Director Defense section of Rhine labs. Argue with me in here but once you know the truth of that laboratory, you will definitely thank me, while you idle in here, i give you actual job to save your precious company despite the approach is bad but approach is approach, the result is more important. go, what you waiting for ? do you need another proof of point from my side ?" Saria stare at my eye while me just stare at her normally.

"Ck, consider you lucky. you really need a total beatdown by someone" i cackle again then look at her

"call them to come here, i will prove you wrong, with out god power as Kal'tsit say, i can survive on my own, im here try to help you to fix your "friend" company, if you dont like how i help you well good luck" Saria click her tongue and leave, everyone make haste to their mission and i rub my face where Saria punch me.

"Next is Crimson Troupe, Phantom and Shalem is former member from the troupe, i will aid you this time directly to infiltrated the troupe and end them once and for all"

"Doctor, we afraid. the Troupe able manipulate us once more"

"hmm.... is that so...." i take out silk of destiny where everyone can see their fate, their event from past future and present simultaneously. 

"This is thread of destiny, one of God Treasury i got from killing Primordial Goddess of Fate" i take one particular silk that showing connection of Crimson troupe to Phantom and Saleem, i take out destiny cut in form of normal scissor then cut it. the silk turn red and cease to exist.

"Now, Crimson troupe can't do anything to you. your fate bound by them is no more, you are free from them. dont you worry, someone manipulate you, i will cut the intangible force of connection to any other synonym of belonging. so you will be free" i put back the scissor and silk of destiny i had to my dimensional pocket.

"because this Feranmut little bit powerful in Art Domain especially fondness in tragedy, his desire create greatest tragedy in this planet, but i wonder he can foresee tragedy shall enact to him by me. god of theatre and madness as i see him but the throne of God of madness belong to me, i hate sharing seat with someone weaker than me, then claim the god of theatre throne to....." i take out witch king photo then grip it until it burn 

"Kill him with his loyal dog.... burn them in stake and... watch them burn into ashes...." a eerie scream of agony appear reenacting witch king and his remnant burn down in Leithanein capital.

"ups, future spoiler. well, you guys ready ? after all, this will be one side massacre, well they are maniac they will be happy get killed by us "Killed" in this situation "Tragedy", they will be feel rejoice of it, we gonna go to haunting castle for fun and giggle to see the lunatic dressing in funny clothing then burn them to the ground" some of people rejoice while other still comprehend what happening.

"Valtor, you gonna use Crimson troupe as weapon to eliminate Witch king ?"

"Yes, why ? rather being a useless god why not turn him into useful for once. this also helping Tarra and Victoria children got kidnapped before its too late, take this as Contingency contract for us, and i found some nice treasury in there, consider this treasure hunt and another operator recruitment well i found another pure blooded vampire in there and good Art manipulation person"


"Correct Phantom, we gonna kidnap him and brainwash him from Crimson Troupe manipulation, he have great Art manipulation called Script Art, we can study Art manipulation cause of effect from him, i will use my power to eliminate Troupe Master"

"Absolute erasure"

"no, that is too merciful. Penance stare. my eye ability to be able inflict absolute suffering and torment that they inflicted to the innocent as form of sin, more sin their commit more torturous their agony will be into damnation where their soul, origin, and existence, condemn them to eternal torment. the target will felt every bad thing happened to their victim in this case Troupe Master will experience every tragedy he inflict to other and i supercharge it with Omega Sanction, this is a infinite life simulation where is life progress become worse than before, with penance stare and Omega sanction combine, every time Troupe Master die in one life simulation next life simulation will be more crueler than before, repeat the process. i wonder, his madness and desire for tragedy inflicted to him would be able break him for adding little salt to the wound, i will use personal time lock to repeat the beginning torment until it stack up, until i cant get enough of it.... you guys can do anything to the troupe member though"

"You monster Valtor, that's hell inducing torment basically"

"yes, hell simulation. Penance stare is ability that literally torment your mind and soul, the body you in here express the torment you experience bit by bit it will kill you in real life and condemn you to death, so you don't need to worry of he "Powerful entity" i have many ace on my sleeves ready to play in high table gamble who shall rule in this god forsaken planet. alright too much talk, lets do the job shall we, everyone you can survey type of medicine especially beauty medicine, remember beauty is eternal not temporal, until Sami mission team return, Jessica return, hellagur Return, many people in mission return, we will go to Kjerag for another outer source of material and trade"

"yes doctor"

"Good luck, i will take care in here"

"Yes, who want go there" Some of operator join in, some other not. Nine Colored Dear Join in apparently including sui sibling.

"i want to see doctor fight against God" seeing Nian excited is expected but seeing dusk, is not expected.

"Doctor, because we gonna fight totally God Army, in sense, we need little buff perhaps you can provide it ?" Warfarin wink to everyone, while i know her scheme.

"you want me turn you into Enchantress again ? hmmmmm... with one condition" i look at Kal'tsit who look at me.

"Say Kal'tsit have you ever try to use beast within ability is show you before"

"Beast within ? oh you mean fusion with Mon3tr ? yes why ?" i whisper to her then she look at everyone with sneer.

"alright, the condition is, you must follow my movement" Kal'tsit take out glasses then do Specialist dance while i hold my laughter seeing everyone dance following her movement.

"way to go grandma" i whistle in excitement despite she clearly embarrassed but she need to do it one way or another.

Everyone from outside come to check everyone doing dance in here, i burst out laughing when everyone try to record them, but the shame will be worth after gain the buff though. i video it as core memory.

one dance is done, Kal'ytsit hide behind me then hug me.

"Done, how shameful that was"

"What reward you want ?"


"Roger that. three day"


"Everyone please take 1 meter away from each other"

Everyone did what I told them to do and then I clapped my hands, a circle appeared.

"wait doctor, what is this?"

"Hush, be quite dont disturb my concentration" the circle then became a collection of magic circles with a unique language that has a certain rune, this is like the implementation of Science Magic and coupled with art unit alteration it is quite difficult in setting the "balance" until they all shine brightly, from the sky descended a larger divine light illuminating them.

I removed my hand where the bright light exploded out, I saw them shrouded in light and they appeared, with their new evolution.

Perfect bodies with highly controlled strength, their animal traits are now stronger and more dominant even creating astral projection of their Ancient and Elder race, the power of their Originium art can now be manifested perfectly without even using a unit as a medium. the clothes they use are the Great version of cyber gear where their clothes show their origin with designs according to their personality and easy to adjust easily.

Their art units are now more versatile with new forms and new shapes to suit their evolution which makes the final touch, now they reach a true feranmut race.

"Oh my, look what we have here, the youngster become adult, the adult become more handsome and beautiful. can you feel it, Power surging inside you, ready to be released, ready to be command" Kal'tsit track a record for this experiment and i use mass teleportation magic

"Time to test out new power, have fun" i teleport them and give Kal'tsit individual evolution chart to be studied.

"Study it maybe you have reference for future" I kiss her then vanish, Kal'tsit nod and take a look of evolution report.

On the battlefield, in Crimson troupe castle, scout team report to us. and we raid the Troupe, is just like Raid boss in Kazimierz major, everyone literally destroying the castle inside out straight murder anyone except some people for recruitment.

I met the Troupe Master fighting with Phantom and Shalem with their new found power.

"Doctor of Rhodes island, I didn't expect you to be the mastermind who destroyed my troupe but it won't work, this is all included in the script I made, you are the main star of my script Doctor" I looked at the Troupe master, then sighed.

"Thank you, now I ask for payment" I coded Phantom and Shalem to pinch hi from three sides. we darted and stabbed the Troupe master then I fired Penance stare and Omega Saction at the Troupe master.

"Arrgggghhhhh" Troupe master screams in pain then Phantom gives an additional insult that is breaking his mask.

"Troupe is no more Doctor, thank you, thank you" Phantom cried and i hug him to calm him down, Shalem hug us too and they depart from this room.

i'm curious, what item i get from this god, he god of theatre and madness, maybe majora mask or something else, there is nothing. what if Nurgle cauldron combine whatever this guys drop maybe i can create alchemy cauldron, is good for Cultivation world, maybe that guy can provide it.

"Im sorry but you should die here" Boo appear and i approach Troupe master and kill him like how Zeus Kill Kratos.


"Sorry.... the curtain already drop, the theatre has been closed but thank you for adding me to your script" with genuine happiness smile i can give , the Troupe master touched then shed a tear, his mask drop and i see someone handsome in that mask.

"Cliff hanger ending that world never known, a redemption perhaps shall be the secret in end of the script. this is my farewell, Save this world" Troupe master cease to exist, his body turn into light and gone forever.

[God Arm : Physic Sizer]

[ Physic Sizer : Transcendent grade Equipment in form of Art unit in Musical Organ. It fires a sonic shot which uses sonic energy, and can also release a sonic boom in all directions and sonic pulses, which are all-round attacks]

"Worth" I get out and burn the place down, i see everyone outside wave at me.


"Say the things Amiya"

"Mission Complete" We celebrate and take our loots from here, but i stop and command Verdugo to clean this place and bury it, and create purification magic to make sure nothing can resurrect back from our skirmish.

We return and i take back their evolution.

"No doctor, dont take it"

"Blame you end it early" everyone click their tongue

"See, you corrupted by absolute power you had before, now when i take it, you seems lost reasoning. ck, ck, ck, you need work hard to gain another chance. all right, lets put that Loot into our storage, we need calculated the gain and recycle other thing. Can you take Playwright to intense medic procedure, do not wake him up. while the other, i dont know she was, she claim to be Vampire Royal Family member ? Warfarin, Midnight, Closure, do you know her ?"

"No idea"

"No a clue doctor"

"nope, nope, no idea"

"Theresa ? where that lazy Sarkaz King ?"

"Your Majesty already return to kazdel after he got dragged by Theresis"

"Oh, poor her. well the third option then" I return back in time where Londonium raid, everyone wide eye when we literally return to the past just by there.

i see myself try to execute Sanguinarch.

"Oh my, me from future, what do you need ?"

"Can i borrow that man before you kill him ?"

"wait, two ? huh ?" Sanguinarch confused until i appear in front of him, Symbiote bind him down and eat all his leeches, disabling his art and his ability to fight back.

"Symbiote ? cool"

"yeah, have fun"

"Of course, see you around future me"

"Alright" We return to the future where i crucified Sanguinarch and torment him with symbiote literally eating him alive.

"Hey handsome, do you know this girl in your Royal member ?" Sanguinarch look at me with hatred and not answering me.

"To think that true hatred would be as dazzling and wonderous as this sight before me. To you wreathed in such powerless state, make my heart trembling with eagerness, beautiful colors of hate...I want to...dye you in my favorite color" Symbiote turn into disgusting and more hideous form of leeches ready to eat Sanguinarch alive. Sanguinarch for the first time of his life fear, the fear that his power now abandoned him, the monster ready to eat him, flashback after flashback his brain to reenact to remember his glorious day is nothing until one particular day when he caught an intruder that escape from his grasp.

"YOU !"

"Finally you remember. when you're young, you caught me as intruder but now i return the favor, i caught you. so give me a favor, do you know her in your royal court ?"

"I dont care, FINALLY I FOUND YOU" Symbiote then kill him on the spot, blood pouring from Crucifixion and only bone chewing, meat tearing can be heard in there.

"i ask you nicely but, consider this is the reward i can give you as you "Blessed" your fellow kin with "Heirs". i will do the same to you, sorry in advance Former Royal Court, you shall be my slave from now on" i get decked by Kal'tsit.

"oy, stop doing crazy things. you actually return to past to kill Sanguinarch again ?"

"i need new slave"

"Slave my ass, bury him"

"Fine, Symbiote contain him, im not done experiment him" Symbiote turn into container with Sanguinarch body preserve, Mael appear and take that Container then vanish out of thin air.

"what do you want alter him or you literally breaking your promise not experiment to human"

"Well, he already death"

"Alive before you torment him but i can't argue with you after all he deserve that. they will arrive in 2 to 3 day but what you gain from god slaying"

"a Organ ?" Physic Sizer appear and Kal'tsit check it.

"nothing amazing from this Organ except it float, is common"

"Try to play a note" Kal'tsit play a note to that Organ and the organ literally releasing sonic blast to directed area. Kal'tsit try to play again an again until create perfect symphony and consecutive attack keep appear hitting the room and destroying some of furniture here.

"Same as Leithanein art unit, so this is the trash you got"

"Hmmmm.... next you will know. but for everyone in here, im sorry to give you trauma, please do not do that, im not a good man in heart. well time to clean up my mess, how about yours boss, you literally destroying this room furniture, have the money to compensate that ?" Kal'tsit look around and sigh.

"Well, you responsible too" I clean up Sanguinarch blood then turn it into Sanguine Core from Shadowverse, i alchemy that shit then approach the vampire girl, i force open her mouth then pour the Saguine core to it, She scream and transform into grotesque leeches, she has same appearance like Shalltear from Overlord but with three jaw like mouth releasing vampire power overwhelmed in here more than Warfarin and Midnight but lesser than their full evolution.

"hmmm such a appearance. in the name of holy spirit die you piece of shit" appear A brilliance of light enveloping her body then she scream in pain, the light dim out and the Sarkaz girl naked with a wriggling three mouthed leeches beside her. i take that leeches and this leeches remind me of Hunter become Great One.

"Another Pet obtained, it will be good inhabitant in my Aquarium" i get smack again by kal'tsit.

"Another monster you claim as a pet"

"More the better though, all monster is on my surveillance not roaming around in the world creating another headache. well rest guys, i must take my pet to its new home, by the way" i create report regarding her origin and belonging, she will great ally for us and keep Playwright in check for 24 hours.

"until everyone return we will go to Kjerag, but the Columbia one will be late a little bit, send some operator to reinforcement, in case she cannot handle the situation"

"Situation you mean, Department of Defense is on the move"

"yes, The Colonel more precisely, if he come out then we will on move Kal'tsit"

"Hmm..... well lets go. Amiya will take care in here"

"Me ?"

"Your Step Mom and supposedly Step Father will take care annoying people. who gonna guard the house if your strict aunty still busy outside, the boss is not here you can freely do anything though"

"Freely your ass, if i return you all creating mess, i will scold you all"

"Do not feed the Monster aquarium without my presence, you dont want turn into the Vampire girl there right, a monster" everyone nod then i play around with this leeches who somehow grow fond with me.

"I forget, Mumu, do you have this specific plant in your collection ?" i gave her the list and she read it.

"This and this, i dont have it" i look the plant and only in Sargon especially Acahualla.

"Hmm Gavial, Tomimi, Eunectes. did Acahualla grow this type of plant ? " those three look at it.

"There is doctor but it hard to grow and its in deep forest of Acahualla"

"Okay, thank you. Verdugo" Verdugo manifest with his famous robed version in resident evil.

"Fetch me this" The Verdugo nod and vanish out of thin air.

"Nine Colored Deer, did your mountain grow this type of plant ?" I give her the description and she shook her head.

"sorry, doctor. my mountain not grow this type of plant" Only in Sami then.

"Verdugo" another Verdugo appear and i give the sketch to it.

"There is plant in this specific region, fetch me the fruit not the plant, the fruit. if you meet this being, ask her to give the fruit her blessing" Verdugo nod and vanish out of thin air.

"Another monster ?"

"Hmmmm.... yes.. in that corridor you remember ?"

"i knew it, you keep dangerous being for your collection but the true dangerous being or monster in here"

"Is me, yes, i aware of it. i must check your evolution report and progress, i need all of you who already taste the evolution give me report regarding drawback, capability, new profound power and many thing report to me in detail such physical change, mental change or anything, give me in detail so i can recheck it in this report i gave to kal'tsit. when Evolution medicine available including cyber gear"

"yes doctor"

"Good work everyone, time to rest and dont forget submit your report" I and Kal'tsit do some rechecking for the Evolution Report, while some of operator help us to check and brain storming, i put the leeches on aquarium and it burrow a nest under the sand, i fed the tank and continue to check the report.

Some of evolution has little bit flaw especially balance, in sense, chart their evolution too obscure, the path way especially. Verdugo appear and gave me the plant and the fruit.

"Thank you" Verdugo vanish then i mix the plant and the fruit, create a dew from it. i drink the dew then burp accidentally.

"Sorry, continue"

"what is that dew ?"

"oh, a poison"

"what ?"

"A poison to eliminate limitations of existence, my body tries to digest it and it succeeds. The burp earlier is the natural response that I evolved"

"Please tell us if you do something crazy"

"well i apologize for that" we continue to check and check until past midnight, only i and kal'tsit still work in this late hours, everyone already sleep or rest in their room.



"Im sorry"

"For what ?"

"when energy outburst, you mad because of me right ?" i dont answer that, Kal'tsit stare at me and sigh.

"Your silence is the answer, im sorry. will you forgive me ? i know you throwing tantrum with something crazy in this week, you even almost lost your cool about Gladiia, please punish me if you really that mad. mad is understatement more like you want leash out your anger, by killing Troupe master but you can't, more annoying enough you gain shit reward from him" i stop my work and look at Kal'tsit.

".... you right.... i want to leash out my anger but i will not too, can i punish you ?" Kal'tsit nod and i hug her from behind, i lean on the wall then put kal'tsit on my lap.

"Let me stay like this" i i hug her tightly remind me of Ama, when she in home. i miss her now. tear flowing down on my cheek, remembering the very moment when see in my side, i fear someday i will alone again in that cursed world or worse, in foreign universe without company is torture.

" He cried ? " Kal'tsit thought herself, she felt the emotion flowing down on her shoulder, my hug getting weak and Kal'tsit can feel i already asleep.

 " Good night, Valtor" Kal'tsit hug me back, lean to my chest then proceed to sleep, in this room with many report laying around where we sleep together in silent of the night and the sky, next morning everyone seeing us sleep soundly hugging each other.

" Doctor... cried ?" Everyone can see my tears keep flowing while Kal'tsit unbothered about the wet clothes. She sleeps leisurely hugging my hand.

" let them be, we must clean this report" Everyone checks the report, many corrections and many assumptions and many notes in each clipped report, from my suggestion and Kal'sit suggestion. until Her Evolution report that so many note, suggestion, and assumption.

"Peak Favoritism as always"

"Hush.. she's here. You can steal Doctor when Doctor goes on a mission" Everyone looked at Angela, who let her arrogant intrusive thought won for a moment.

 "It seems Dr Angela is proficient at stealing."

"Don't get me wrong, if I was the luckiest woman favored by him. I would not mind he doing anything to me literally. I will listen to him whatever insane request and act he would want me to do. To be honest, I'm ready to go to hell, even ready to go to the darkest abyss to catch him. maybe he will scold me but it worth for anything"

"..... ughhh.....hurrgghhh.... Good morning" Kal'tsit wake up and she her clothes wet, she check my face, still crying.

"Valtor, wake up. your tear wet my clothes" i'm not answering when Kal'tsit try to release herself my hug instantly become tighter than before.

"Valtor... Valtor !! i want to pee" Kal'tsit struggling to escape and look at everyone who ignoring her, cleaning the report.

"Someone help me please"

"I'm sorry Dr Kal'tsit, our hand is full" Kal'tsit look at them with annoyed face.

"So you want me wet myself here ?" Everyone ignore that then proceed to continue whatever they doing.

"Valtor, wake up. you know what, dont blame me" Everyone run away from this room, i woke up then touch my cheek with tear stain and rub it off.

"Huh ? i cried for whole night !? sigh, Good morning"

"Valtor let me go" i release her from my hug then she run away quickly, i feel my pants wet and wide eye.

"KAL'TSIT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Kal'tsit giggle hearing that.

i grumble while cleaning my wet pants, smell like piss. and i get out from my bathroom and using my casual clothes.

"Doctor. Morning"

"Morning Amiya is there a problem"

"Jessica Team already arrive, Santalla team already arrive, Hellagur team already arrive. but there is a problem in Jessica Team"

"What problem ?"

"Doctor, Its been honor to meet you" we exchange hand shake and i surprise to see Bonny Brynley himself send the goods personally, moreover the intel i get he curious about me and want to investigate me by himself despite Jessica and BS member refuse him to tag along but seeing many Raythean guard and member in here.

"Sure, thank you for your time bringing the Goods despite busy schedule you had" Bonny laugh hearing that.

"Can i watch over what you gonna do"

"i dont mind perhaps you can order your team to move away from my goods so i can check it" Bonny code them to move away, i check the Goods, a polished steel and new batch from the factory, but this is ordinary steel not Titanium, i need to fix this.

"Perfect, did Jessica already pay the goods ?"

"Already pay in cash, dont worry" i nod then check another thing that is Hellagur team bring back.

"Doctor, 400 Originite from Ursus then a piece of Emperor blade demon Shard" i nod and check it, the shard releasing darkness and i suppress it with my Saint Aura. the blackish stone turn into pure blue white.

"Thank you Hellagur" i juggle this Purified Demon Shard around then approach Santalla team.

"Doctor, this is your belonging given by Cyclops Race in Sami, and we bring another new recruitment"

"I see, welcome to Rhodes Island, my name Valtor Ismael, Sephiroth is my Royalty name. you can call me Doctor, leader, senior, teacher whatever you want to call but i warn you in advance, never call my name directly, someone all seeing and all hearing in here, she will scold you and nobody in here sane enough endure 7 to 8 hours scolding" A new Operator Valarqvin's approach me and stare at my eyes.

" monster in skin of human " everyone become quite, no word can be uttered from Valaqvin's information despite that is true.

" interesting why you say it like that ?"

" i can see many future in span of 7 second just seeing your eye, you here not try to save this world yet you try protect it out of boredom and curiosity, you insane being, you..... monster... but the very monster that willing to save everyone not for noble cause, not for humanity empathy or morality, just finding out something, tell me monster.... what do you seek in here ?"

"from many future you see which one going to be the answer ?" Valaqvin's goes silent then blush then close her face with her hand.

"Why you blushing ? perhaps you found interesting future that i already know the answer ?" Valaqvin shake her head try to calm down but she can't

"Oh my oh my, cat got your tongue, what's the matter ? Future provide you a revelation ?.... tell me great fortune teller... spoil me the future so i can enact it and able to face it like how supposedly end... come on don't be shy, scream it to me. what is the answer ?"

"Pardon me, i must go...." Valaqvin's run away from me with her red tomato face, while me confuse.

"That my answer ? huh, unexpected. as expected greatest seer, rather facing the domino effect, ignore it, run from it for safety precaution, smart move" My head get smacked by Kal'tsit.

"no sexual harassment to new Operator"

"Duh, she start it first, she call me monster in human skin, Never before have I been so offended by something I one hundred percent agree with"

"i agree with that"

"Fair enough"

"What the truest answer, what you seek in here Valtor.... curious reason" what i seek ? i forget what i seek in here to be honest.

"you maybe treat me like insane person but to be honest, i seek nothing in particular, i do the Doctor Job for purpose to help people but the truest thing was just spending time in this world despite i live immortal life, until i say, welp that was fun proceed to go other universe. call me whatever they like whatever they want, in the end of the day i'm just a guy enjoying his retirement life with someone i love. right ?"

"Who will be the lucky one ?" Kal'tsit look at me with hope and i sneer.

"That is secret, ask her though"

"Petty, humph" I got kick in the butt by kal'tsit.

"Hey ! those are new laundry. Everyone stay back approximately 3 to 4 meter"


"that box full of demon shard, the rune in there, is special rune to contain them from escaping and releasing corruption, now the thing inside that getting stronger each time we mention it, ignoring the fact some of roaming demon in north tundra already slayed by Emperor Blade Tianshi and Priestess, while other still weaker compare the thing inside the box, i want you to know, the demon shard inside there capable corrupting you, turn you into dark version of you"

"What you mean dark version"

"For example" I change my hand to scarlet king Hand, a hand with grotesque feature with spike and eyes all of it 

"This is power of You could say, Outer God Hand. hideous and dangerous in many way but dont you worry" i return back the hand as normal human hand

"i will not abuse this power"

"That power dangerous Valtor, you contain that power every second ?"

"Yes, why ?"

"Sigh.... do you want implement that to new... nevermind" Kal'tsit know there is outsider here, we can't risk it the company product to other people.

"Dont you worry, i need that power to contain most dangerous being in here"

"IM BACK BITCHES" Koshelna appear with container of Originium ore.

"welcome back" Koshelna hug me then boldly kiss me in front of Kal'tsit, kal'tsit annoyed and push her out.

"You in working hour"

"my boss is Sephiroth, you have no right to order me" i push them both aside and rub my lips with my thumbs.

"Argue all you want" i check the goods and give the teams a energy drink, i nod then bow down to everyone.

"thank you now we ready to gain natural resource from Kjerag trade with Karlan Trade, Kal'tsit. i will invent something"

"Invent ?"

"Ascendant, project Fafnir"

[Understood, Recollecting all Loots from Dimensional pocket except infinite Glitch Food Storage. Loot from Arknight, Touhou, Monster Hunter, Warcraft, Warhammer 40k, Bayonetta, God Of War, Marvel, DC, Lord of The Rings has been arranged, Your Former World Loot has been Collected. Scanning... Rearranging the item based on Category.... Consumable, Equipment, Treasury. arrangement complete. would you like any other editing ?]

"Hmmm, let check the Equipment"

[Please check this]

Ascendant show me billion Holodecks at once, item, tools, many thing that be use as equipment. in here, from magical to science based.

"Ascendant, Archimedes"

[Understood, 4 Dimensional design prompt activated. what i can do for you today Sir, i recommend upgrading Pixie or perhaps editing some of your save data]

" add that into future project for now i want a Mobile Workshop, currently i have portable, this time i want a big workshop"

[ noted. Based on your desire, i will use your durance as base. any suggestion of what type mobile Workshop ? ]

"Can you show me Hanging Garden of Babylon"


Ascendant show me Hanging Garden of Babylon belong to Nebuchadnezzar II in Fate universe but in Apocrypha it belong Semiramis but after scanning, learning and understanding the structure inside out with Ascendant hologram.

"Can you show me Silver City"


Ascendant show me Silver city from Diablo, i check the design, infrastructure and the magical thing. 

"Show me Torghast, The Lantern of Delos and lastly Tyr's Temple"


Appear those three infrastructure then i rub my hand.

"Here we go" i design this silver city as bases modifying it a little to match Science and technology combine with Maykr color pallet and some forerunner Hard light technology implementation, then use Torghast fuse it with silver Spire, design it so aesthetic, combination of magic and science is fascinating to be hold. then Modified Lantern of Delos to create floating spire for me to contain some of my treasury.

after done designing it, i talk to ascendant to use my Equipment resource and put some treasury by my design with additional thing such living cloud, this cloud created with artificial method, making this undetectable and somehow the Silver city turn into a literal heaven.

A paradise hidden above the cloud.

[Such sight to be hold, the initial design has been completed. would you like to add another improvement in workshop ?]

"Forging Chamber based on Sunwell, Alchemy room with Nurgle Cauldron, 4D Creation chamber based on Inheritor, Merchant Shop based on Forerunner Interior"

[Providing the design....]

I reedit this and create it more better based combination of Forerunner, High Heaven, Torghast, Archimedes Engineering and Tyr's Temple Bridge with many cool looking rune around it then statue like Angel in each bridge, connecting 9 bridge into outer city where artificial cloud are, a majestic cloud formation surrounding this workshop and i create a new thing that is artificial day.

where based on the Crystal Arch day and night module, in day where brilliance of light formation showing a majestic heaven such Paradiso while in the night showing ethereal luminous Umbra on Kaldorei.

designing the sky and other is such simple manner creating illusion such realistic view but the fact my talent creating my imagination turn into living thing more beneficial thing transcendence limitation talent make this workshop literal Mobile Workshop that doesn't bound into universe more precisely exist outside creation as new world apart from the creation itself.

[Congratulation on the second design Sir, another thing you want to add or change perhaps ?]

"Inhabitant, The box"

[Providing the box, i scan many rogue demon inside it need to be release]

"Hmmm before we release them, wait for it. brain storm with me, despite Unimind power of Conquest, War and Victory. i need to think first to gain the formula, War = Problem, Conquest = Act, Victory = Result. Intensity = Square is irrelevant in this formula. Result = Problem ÷ Act"

[ Continue sir ]

" put that logic in different equation, Problem is Anti Life Equation While Act is Life Equation. as Anti life equation is loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding ⋅ guilt ⋅ shame ⋅ failure ⋅ judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side. meanwhile life equation is companionship + understanding + assurance + joy + altruism ÷ respect ÷ commendation ÷ sympathy ⋅ innocence ⋅ dignity ⋅ success ⋅ acceptance y=n where y=despair and n=caution, love=truth, death=rebirth, and self=light side. taking out Y = N, we can gain equation is loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding ⋅ guilt ⋅ shame ⋅ failure ⋅ judgment / companionship + understanding + assurance + joy + altruism ÷ respect ÷ commendation ÷ sympathy ⋅ innocence ⋅ dignity ⋅ success ⋅ acceptance. based on equation we can deduce that equation related toward specific respond where body respond is Act, mind Respond is reaction, soul respond is individuality. Loneliness / Companionship = Soul Respond, Alienation / Understanding = Mind Respond , Fear / Assurance = Body Respond, Despair / Joy = Mind Respond, Self-worth / Altruism = Mind Respond, mockery / Respect = body respond ,Condemnation / Commendation = mind respond, misunderstanding / Sympathy = body respond, Guilt / Innocence = mind respond ,Shame / Dignity = body respond ,Failure / Success = mind respond, Judgement / Acceptance = body respond. despite the Soul respond here only one variable, we can conclude this formula effective against mind and body but not soul totally because their soul is free in some aspect, because of that we need the Y = N equation for completing the formula " Ascendant provide me a wide holodecks for me to create the formula.

"if anti life Y=N is despair = caution, love=truth, death=rebirth, and self=light side, while Life Y=N is hope=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side. in that formula, i alter some formula work by following previous equation where is Despair = Mind Respond, Caution = Body Respond, Hope = Mind Respond, Folly = Body respond. Creating new formula of endless harmony Despair = Folly ÷ Hope = Caution, if despair from certain cause from folly act divided by cautious act will bring hope to overcome Despair even work in opposite way if hope from certain cause from cautious act will bring a folly to inflict despair. Love is complex thing, it can be expressed by Soul respond or Mind Respond where given the reaction of body either Lies or Truth by that logic and previous equation. Love = Loneliness / Companionship or Despair / Joy with the expression of Misunderstanding / Sympathy giving the complexity of love you can get a hunch how love work, Loneliness / Companionship is the reason Love appear, As Misunderstanding / Sympathy is the reaction when you understand what love is, as Despair / Joy is last respond of your mind to become your memory, either love bring you despair such lost the loved one, betrayal or anything that cut the reason of your love or bring you joy such getting your soul mate or the one will be your lover, loyalty and anything that bond the reason of your love. its beautiful yet cruel once it get you because love is complex, hitting the soul you tormented from it, hitting the mind you crazed by it, hitting the body you craved for it. Life, Death, Rebirth is endless cycle of Saṃsāra creating a Pythagorean theorem where Rebirth = Life + Death, once existence reach Life Condition and Death situation they will reach Rebirth Chance to repeat the cycle but there is a catch, Rebirth is condition where soul is the source of reincarnation while Life and Death is Mind and body as soul is Eternal. given the fact equation was Soul Respond = Mind Body Respond + Mind Body Respond where following the equation before, we can conclude Loneliness / Companionship = Shame / Dignity / Failure / Success + Judgement / Acceptance / Alienation / Understanding but we can change the word. Loneliness / Companionship is Otherness / Unity by that logic is Enlightenment. then Shame / Dignity / Failure / Success can be change into Unknown / Known / Oversight / Oversee. Then Judgement / Acceptance / Alienation / Understanding change into Denial / Embrace / Apathy / Sympathy making it new Equation where Enlightenment = Truth Wisdom + Revelation Respond. last is Self, Self is Origin where is Light Side or Dark Side together as harmony but what make those two matter for Self ? it is Soul ? or body ? or Mind ? the answer was Mind as Self = Guilt or Innocence, We can change the word into Origin = Tainted or Pure, Origin = Villain or Hero, Origin = God or Mortal, Origin = Exist or Cease. we can wrap this then" i create another formula once more.

" Recapping before where Despair = Folly ÷ Hope = Caution , Love = (Reason - Emotion) ÷ Action, Enlightenment = Truth Wisdom + Revelation Respond, Origin = True or False. by that we can simplify the equation based on emotional spectrum where Love + Act + Hope ÷ Reason ÷ Emotion - Despair - Folly =Revelation, enlightenment=Source, Truth=Key and Self=Origin. with that we can expand it to new equation, Unity + Truth + Revelation + Purpose + Indeterminacy ÷ Freedom ÷ Right ÷ Action ⋅ Hope ⋅ Will ⋅ Accomplish ⋅ Reason y=n where y=Singularity and n=Totality, All = None, Non-existence = Existence, and Origin = Transcendence"

[Sir, congratulation. you gain Dominion Equation ]

"Excuse me what ?"

[ With omnipotent Formula as the source this Equation make you rule and reign over anything and everything, as such, you has absolute Supremacy and Absolute control over all in existence and Beyond as if they were your servants, completely changing anything by simply issuing a command.

You have boundless dominion and lordship over the infinite and ineffable, rewriting universal laws and concepts on a whim, creating and destroying multiverses by simply commanding it. This also includes individual entities and beings, turning even the most powerful figures, like cosmic beings and Supreme gods, into your puppets and servants, making them do your work as a lord would to his people as they are even beyond Beyond-Existance Physiologies]

That moment, my brain stop thinking, what ? what ???? Curse you transcendence Limitation, i need do stupid illogical bullshit yet i gain this shit ? thank you though.

"Any other thing i should worry about ?"

[Sir, This Equation is carved into your tattoo. i can't erase it, i'm afraid, i will be the one will be erased. moreover Sir, Foreign Entity give you something, Would you like to read it ?]

"Sure, open it" Ascendant open big holodecks with many foreign language where only i can read it.

[ From God.

The Equation Carved into your Tattoo, now you dont need to worry about losing the Equation. Congratulation, i hope you use this Equation in your journey.

From Satan The Devil and Your Best buddy.

Hey Shitass ! You create something crazy again ? Dont forget, Hell is free and come with better Wine you Human asshole, Racial slur 3x

From Seraphim, Cherubim, Lesser Angel and Heaven Inhabitant.

Congratulation Valtor, we hope you use this Equation for greater good. 

From Azathoth

Ahahahahahahah, You have Dominion Equation, fascinating. let me study it. you dont mind right ?

From Oblivion

As expected from my Son, I'm proud of you, Come to Marvel, i will celebrate your achievement with glory

From White Phoenix

Total Dominion in Equation ? Valtor My friend you never fail to surprise me, perhaps you can go to Marvel if you want, i just give you recommendation for next world but i suggest the other will be great, oh hey, That guy send you message regarding something. 

From Horakthy

Amazing as always, I'm Horakthy, will help you My master.

From Minerva

Controlling aspect in form of Equation ? Fascinating to study. 

From Amaterasu

i will waiting you here

From Mifuyu

Valtor, come home. i need you right now.

From Jenova

Master, I'm Jenova will absolutely help you in any situation.

That is all Sir, the Orbs has been collected, do you want use it to upgrade ?]

"Hmmmm.. Give me the list of my permanent Physiology from mind, body, Soul"

[ Understood, providing the list

Mind : Unimind, Omnipotent Formula.

Body : Ultimate Lifeform, Dominion Equation, Dimensional Pocket

Soul : Omnipotent Energy or Unity of Solaris

Is there particular thing you want to add sir ?]

"Add my Dominion Equation to my personal archive"

[Understood.....Sir, It seem Equation willing to be archived, perhaps can you give me the chance to study it ?]

"Go on"

[Thank you for your benevolence..... the Equation has been archived, the study is success, thank you sir. another thing Sir, I would like to report you regarding the Inhabitant of Your workshop, is there any idea ?]

"Demon Shard, in my first draft, the box full of demon shard from my expedition in North tundra before, i want subdue them and turn them into new weapon to defeat their own kind, possibly to fight that Magician lady in Avalon Forest, but with this unexpected event, looks like i dont need fight her personally if i can just tell her to jump off from cliff or choke herself to the death. too powerful yet boring, no challenge at all, sigh... too much complaint be grateful Valtor, be grateful, imagine this world as your world to enjoy little thing before next world where you can't have shit to obtain while everyone taking everything on sight. well.... Done, i already subjugate the Demon inside the box, I need you to purified them with Paradiso Light, Suppress their influence with Life Hunt Fire then i need you provide me Fairy wisp card from Shadowverse"

[Understood. please check this and let me do your Order]

Ascendant show me Fairy wisp card in base and Evolved, i take evolved one and redesign the wing with more majesty, i take out Navi and redesign her like that, by my own hand then Navi fly.

{Hello !}


{Yes ?}

"Good respond, let me edit your A.I then Adjust you"


I Edit her A.I with Composer Eye without blasting the composer, i just stare at her, her Holodeck appear, and i manipulate her A.I deck then change everything from Super A.I to Advance A.I

Just like combination of Cortana, Guilty Spark and Vega. Somehow Her A.I Evolve into more Sophisticated A.I

She same like Ascendant Daughter, yet i use her as my bidding perhaps she can be useful for Physic Sizer i had.


{Hello !}

"Alright, adjusting is done. i will enhance you with new item next time"

{Thanks !}

Navi fly beside my Shoulder then perch on my shoulder relaxing her Digital Fairy Wing.

[Sir, Purifying successful. i collected 726 Normal Demon Shard, 1 Unique Demon Shard there is one Demon Shard from Emperor blade would you like to save it ]

"Unique ? hmmm... save it"

[Understood, have you decide who will become your inhabitant there Sir ?]

 "Create approximately 12 Guardian from Halo, 1 Lævateinn Dragon from Shadow Verse shall be the truest protector if im not around. And use remaining Shard into Armiger as worker in there"

[Providing.... please Check]

Ascendant show me the Guardian, Lævateinn and Dozen Armiger ready to be created, i redesign Armiger color pallet same as Lævateinn including Guardian.


[What purpose for this workshop ?]

"Create me a scheme, where this workshop as Merchant or Shop for multidimensional workshop. use Natural Source from World of Svarga, when magical resource send it to Workshop while non magical source send it to greater ark to be studied. as Greater Ark scientific discovery will be send to Workshop while failed one will be recycle to Wonder of Svarga. Workshop is collecting many type source of thing, if i'm not buying or using it, divided them into two, Where magical goods will be send to Svarga to preserve the magical property while Science Goods will be send to Greater ark to be studied further"

[Scheme created, every object from different universe will be displayed in Workshop merchant, do you want me to give Merchant place a someone to take care ?]

"Please don't be human, i want cute thing to be my shopkeepers"

[Perhaps would like this creature to be your merchant place ?]

Ascendant show me Beans from every operator and people here, i scream for how cute they are.

"That's what I'm talking about! That's why they're the MVP! That's why they're the goat, the goat!"

[Looks like i hit your soft Spot Sir, very well, what name you like for this place ?]

"hmmm.... Kalimdor, land of eternal starlight"

[Understood, Mobile Celestial Workshop Kalimdor Created. i add this to your save data sir, you can access the Workshop whenever you want because the workshop doesn't bound with time and space continuum, you can spend whatever time you like there with reality just a adjustable time]

[ God Arm : Kalimdor Workshop ]

"Thank you. By the way Ascendant can you redesign System Shop to Kalimdor Workshop ?"

[It will take time Sir, perhaps you can check the workshop]

"Very well, open the gate of Kalimdor" appear gigantic Diamond gate crafted like a heavenly gate with the crystal of Omega sign glowing in pure light. every corner of the gate creating majestic sophisticated technology and runic magic beyond beauty with the ornament of soldier of god in form of crafted stone, adorned with armor and attire of Greek Sparta added with Greek god body.

When i step in front of it, the stone golem eye glow white then they arise from their slumber, one each golem open raise their weapon and bow down to me like Last spartan in Ghost of Sparta beside me, they height is around same as Giant, around 30 to 35 Meters.

"My Lord" they speak in unison with majestic and domineering voice of Poseidon, Nice.

"Open the Gate"

"Your order is our command" the golem stand then open the gate by creating knight ceremony of welcoming home, The Gate open then releasing artificial Clouds spreading like a cloud of shinning world, gleaming a beauty and releasing soothing scent.

"Orion, Yumi. Lets go" i walk toward to gate.

"Yes Father" Those two run to me then take picture of the Golem.

"My prince, my princess" The golem give them salute, Orion and Yumi act like most respected individual, when we reach inside, they can see majesty of Kalimdor. the Golem follow us and the gate closed with the cloud running to inside then the gat vanish creating luminous light glitter in symbol of V.

Kal'tsit run to the V but it phase through her. the V still glowing in light aspect, and float there.

"VALTOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Kal'tsit scream her lungs out regretting she can have the welcoming ceremony not even chance to go inside.

"Is doctor that amazing my daughter ?"

"ummm... yes, Doctor always like that"

"Jessica my dear, do you want me matchmaking you with Doctor ?" when Jessica hear that from her father, she blush hard and hide her face.

"no.. i can't be Doctor wife, im not that good to be his wife"

"Dont be pessimist Jessica, Doctor indeed had handsome son and beautiful Daughter, he has experience and charm and power, you must claim him whatever cost" Jessica look at Kal'tsit who rant and about me leaving her.

"i think i will find other"

"Why ?"

"i choose my own"

"Very well, i shall respect that My Daughter. i'm glad you work with Doctor, i put faith in doctor when the time is right, you can return home or you want go independent, all is your choice. as father especially your father i will support it no matter what"

"Thank you Father" Kal'tsit snap out of it then look at everyone

"We've Been Tricked, We've Been Amazed and We've Been Quite Possibly, Mocked. the goods for our company got corrupted by Rogue God when he return i want full commando on him, i dont care he ruler everything or anything, we will RIOT ! WE WILL SUBJUGATE GOD ! WE WILL REBEL WE WILL SUBDUE GOD ! ARISE AND THIS TIME WE WILL HAVE VICTORY AND GLORY !"

"YEAAAHHHHHHHHHH" Everyone goes rampage waiting me to comeback while me watching Orion, Yumi, Nier and Alice playing with beans.

[Sir, Altering is complete, now Shop Feature in Save data already changed in to Kalimdor Workshop]

"Thank you Ascendant" i walk toward shop then I pat Kal'tsit beans who lazily resting and playing wool ball then i check out the shop.

[ Ω SHOP Ω ]

💰 Buy ( New Feature )

 Kal'tsit beans wave her little feet to make me check the new feature.

i open it, when i see the list it was Fascinating to see.


Imaginary equation, but full explanation in next chapter

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts