
Dojo battle bets and Girl's Shopping trip...

It was almost noon and April was on her way back to the lair to check on the turtles to see if they were getting along with their new guests. When she entered the lair, she saw something she did not expect. Mikey was playing video games with Ana in the living room, Donnie was with Gwen talking about something science related, and Raph was chasing after Vicky who had something in her hand that he wanted back it seemed like.

                                "Give it back Vicky!" Raph shouted, "For the last time you're not going to throw out my stuff."

                                "Aren't you a little bit too old to be having these types of posters?" Vicky said with a sly smile.

            Raph blushed slightly then said through gritted teeth, "Give it back."

            April walked into the lair and bravely said, "Hey guys, what's up?"

            Gwen was the first to greet April, "Hi, how is your hand feeling?"

                                "Better thanks for asking." She said.

            Vicky shoved the rolled up poster back to Raph, with a bit more force than intended, then started to walk over to April, "Listen, I'm sorry I burnt your hand I was just trying to protect my sisters. So please forgive me."

                                "It's alright I totally understand." April said, "By the way, where is Leo?"

                            "He is in the dojo with Liz teaching her to fight." Ana said, not looking away from the screen.

Just then as the dojo's door opened, a cold wind blew out from it, making everyone shiver. Leo and Liz both step out of the dojo covered in snow and smiling from ear to ear.

                                "Where did you learn to fight like that?" Leo asked excitedly.

                                "Well I could ask you the same thing." Liz laughed as she brushed some snow off her shoulder, "You are pretty fast for a turtle."

            They were both laughing until they stopped to see that everyone was staring at them.

                                "What?" they asked in unison.

"so who won?" Raph asked with a slight smirk on his face.

They looked at each other remembering the epic sparring session they just had and smiled then said in unison, "It was a tie."

            Donnie jumps out of his chair, smiling like an idiot, and says to Raph, "I win, pay up."

                                "Wait a minute... What is going on Raph?" asked Leo.

            Raph just glared at Leo while walking over to Donnie and muttered under his breath, "You just had to make it a tie didn't you."

            Leo looked at Donnie and asked, "Donnie, you and Raph were betting on if I would lose?"

            Donnie looked up from counting the money that Raph gave him and said, "Oh no, Raph was the one betting on you to lose. I was betting on your chivalrous nature to end it in a tie."

                                "Well as interesting as this is, I have an offer for the girls here." April announced, finally getting everyone's attention and then asked the girls, "How would the girls like to go shopping for clothes with me?"

            The girls looked at each other then down at their own clothes. After being with the turtles and in the sewer overnight the girl's clothes have become a bit dingy.

                                "Ok, we'll go with you." Liz said as she stepped forward and shook April's hand, "Thank you."


Up in the streets of New York, Detective Cross parked her motorcycle in an abandoned alley and covered it with a tarp. For the past five blocks she has been following the strange pulsing glow from the little pink crystal she found at central park, and for some reason it was getting stronger in this alley. She walked around with the stone placed squarely in her hand, watching it to see if the pulsing changed in any way. As she was walking she also kept an eye out to see if there was any place for someone to hide or escape.

                                [I hope I can get this situation under control, otherwise New York will be the new Salem.] She thought to herself.

            Suddenly the crystal started to pulse extremely fast, which made Detective Cross stop in her tracks. She looked around for some sort of an exit, but didn't see one. Then it dawned on her to look down, and she stepped back a few feet. She was standing on a manhole cover, and it seemed like the perfect escape route. There were only a few things bugging her as she lifted the manhole cover and stared down into the sewer.

            New York is a big city, almost like a maze. Most locals get lost in the city itself, so underground is an even worse network of tunnels and pipes. One wrong turn, and you're lost forever in the tunnels under New York. She looked at the crystal's strong pulsing glow one last time before she jumped into the sewer.

                                [This crystal better lead me to whoever started that fire and not into a trap.] She thought to herself as she made her way down into the sewer with the pulsing glowing crystal as her guide.


In the shopping district of New York, April was in a very popular clothing store with the girls trying to find them some new clothes. Liz, Vicky, and Gwen had already picked out their outfits and were ready to check out. All that was keeping them back was an indecisive Ana.

                                "Ok, should I get this one," Ana asked as she held up a hanger with a cute pink top then held up another one and asked, "or should I get this one?"

            Vicky was banging her head against the wall as she said, "Who cares, just pick one already and let's go."

                                "Be patient Vicky, it's not like we didn't know this was going to happen." Liz said with a slight smile.

                                "Yea well I still wish she would hurry up."  Vicky said as she crossed her arms and leaned against the wall, "I don't like the looks these city girls are giving us."

            Liz looked around and sure enough there were some girls around the store that were glancing at them and whispering. Ana finally made a decision and they were able to check out of the store and leave. As they were walking down the sidewalk, Liz couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following them.

                                "Hey guys, why don't we get some lunch while we are up here?" suggested April.

            Ana, Gwen, and Vicky didn't hesitate to say yes to free food. While Liz still couldn't shake the feeling of someone following them. They stopped to eat at a fast food place and all the while Liz was looking around feeling like the person that was following them was close and now just watching them.

                                "Hey Liz, are you alright?" asked April.

            Liz snapped back to what was going on and said, "wha- yea I'm fine."

                                "Liz, you have been acting weird since we left the store." Gwen said worriedly, "Is something wrong?"

            Just then Liz felt like lightning had shot through her entire body and she collapsed on the floor.

                                "Liz are you ok?!" April asked as she rushed to Liz's side.

                Vicky sensed a magical presence and started to scan the area. She then spotted an Asian woman with a long black ponytail and fierce eyes staring straight at her with a wicked smile. She then turned around and started to walk away.

                                "Oh no you don't!" Vicky hissed, "Gwen, look after Liz. Ana, you're coming with me."

                Gwen looked up at Vicky as she was tending to Liz and said, "Vicky please don't be rash we have to have a plan and…"

                                "I'm in, let's go!" exclaimed Ana.

            *With that said the two witches ran off after the mystery sorceress who attacked their sister.*

the romance is on the way hehehe... by the way you can message me on Twitter or Instagram




remember ask for scarlet cross and get recommended a great summer read.

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