
Witch Princess

A young Princess who discovered her potential of doing magic and having a superpower as a young witch which was powerful Her Father was hating her on being her daughter felt like a curse.He began to warm up to her cause it was his daughter anyways ,but little did they know something more serious was about to happen

Noor_2008 · ไซไฟ
3 Chs

The haunting shadows

As days passed, Elysia found herself increasingly ensnared by unsettling dreams. Each night bought forth a worsening torment, with a mysterious tall man at the epic enter of her subconscious unease. 

Determined to unravel the mystery, Elysia sacrificed sleep, forsaking her daily responsibilities. No longer tethered to the rhythms of day and night, she became a nocturnal explorer, planning to awaken in the eerie silence that cloaked the midnight hours.

Concern etched across her parents' faces, their worry mirrored the shadows in Elysia's haunted dreams. Yet, they remained oblivious to her inner turmoil. In the midst of her relentless pursuit, life's mundane demands blurred into insignificance, leaving her in a state of perpetual despair.

The nights were a surreal dance of shadows, and the tall man remained an elusive enigma. Elysia sensed a presence, an otherworldly guardian that veiled itself in the darkness of her room, an ethereal sentinel observing her every move.

Tonight marked a turning point. Weeks of torment had forged a resolve within Elysia. As the clock ticked towards midnight, she steeled herself for the confrontation with the unseen. The air crackled with anticipation as she delved into the realm of her dreams, determined to uncover the truth behind the mysterious tall man.

The suspense hung thick in the night, and Elysia's journey into the unknown promised to unravel secrets that transcended the boundaries of mere dreams.

In the silence of the night, while the castle lay shrouded in an eerie stillness, Elysia clandestinely slipped out of her chambers, on a quest to lay her hands upon a mysterious tome hidden within the labyrinthine library. The heavy door yielded to her touch as she entered, and with a sense of urgency, she seized the enchanted book that hinted at untold secrets, perhaps even malevolent in nature.

With the stolen knowledge cradled in her arms, Elysia hastened back to her quarters, heedless of prying eyes or the consequences of her clandestine mission. As midnight's veil enveloped the castle, an unsettling presence pervaded her room, and an enigmatic figure, towering and statuesque, loomed behind her curtains. His physique mirrored that of a sculpted deity, while his obsidian locks cascaded silkily down to his broad shoulders.

A chill crept into Elysia's bones as she sensed the unseen observer. Determined not to succumb to fear, she confronted the silent interloper.

"Reveal yourself! I am unafraid," she declared, a mix of concern and defiance collaring her voice.

The tall man, an ethereal presence in the moonlit chamber, contemplated her. He decided to end the charade and spoke in the deepest, resonant tones.

"I will unveil myself, but only if you can maintain composure and desist from unwarranted panic," his words echoed through the room.

Elysia, her anger palpable, retorted, "Show yourself, coward! I fear nothing."

The tall man, unaccustomed to such disrespect, pondered whether to engage with the young princess or remain an elusive Specter haunting her nocturnal reveries.

In the dimly lit room, he materialized silently behind her, sending shivers down her spine. A sly smirk adorned his face, recognizing her fear as he relished in being the enigmatic presence in her midst.

Gasping for breath, she summoned the strength to face him, determined not to succumb to her apprehension. The mysterious stranger turned out to be a striking figure – a blend of beauty and masculinity. His hazel eyes sparkled with an inner fire, and his long, dark hair cascaded gracefully over his shoulders.

With a blend of concern and curiosity, she questioned, "What do you want from me, and who are you?"

Damian, with an air of assurance, met her gaze, making it difficult for her to maintain eye contact. "Well, I'm Damian. Relax, I have no intentions of causing harm. I'm here to tell you something."

As her fear lingered, she probed further, "Where are you from, how did you find me, and why are you here?"

"I'm a demon-vampire, part of your lineage. Your great-grandmother was a half-witch, half-vampire, and your father shared the same heritage but kept it a secret," Damian disclosed, his deep voice resonating like one just awakened.

Dumbfounded, she questioned the nature of her newfound gift. "What gift?"

"Well, we can delve into the details later if you're not ready for more," he replied cryptically before vanishing into thin air, leaving her yearning for answers.

"Wait!" she screamed, but Damian was gone, leaving her alone with a cascade of revelations. Her father's silence about their supernatural lineage unraveled years of deception. With thoughts swirling in her mind, she contemplated searching for answers in a mysterious book rumored to hold the secrets of her ancestry.

Exhausted by the emotional turmoil, she resigned to sleep, hoping the morning light would bring clarity. This night brought no haunting dreams, just a rare sense of calm in her newfound reality.


It was morning everything felt like a dream. Being woked by her maid in her room coming up with breakfast. She went to just drink a cup of tea and those freshly baked scones her favorite. The maid excused herself.

She was left alone just having thoughts the tall figured man appeared out of no where.

"So you decided to come back after a long night" she said with concern why is he here

"Yeah I said I had to explain everything to you before that's why I'm here " he said

" Well tell me where are you from" said by Elysia

" I'm just a person not human but a person who's a vampire if you know but I come in peace I promise I won't hurt you or anyone around you" he said

"A vampire "she shouted

" Relax, I'm a vampire so as your father is just a half witch but he discovered that but he's hate for witches is beyond " he said

" My father a witch" she had already been having a lot of questions

" Yes but for you it's different you just a half witch and vampire your grandmother the latest one just passed the gift to you due to some issues " he said

" I never knew that" she said

"Well I will leave you for now princess " he said

He came closer and picked up her hand and just kissed it. He vanished over the air without finishing the whole conversation.

She was left to think. Why would her father have secret. Why does he hates witches.She already been questioning her life. Was this a dream or anything cause this was a lot of things to know very late.