
Witch of Vengeance: The Elven Mage's Redemption

Shantal, a young elf with a deep desire for revenge. Her motivation is rooted in a tragic event from her past - the brutal murder of her parents by a powerful and malevolent assassin. Determined to avenge her parents' death, As she delves deeper into the world of Caleb, With newfound knowledge and formidable powers, she sets out to confront the people responsible for her family's tragedy. Fueled by grief and anger, Shantal embarks on a transformative journey to become a powerful witch. Over time, Shantal hones her magical abilities, delving into the secrets of spellcasting, potion-making, and incantations, Shantal not only gains the power to exact her revenge but also learns the importance of balance and responsibility in using her newfound abilities. The story is a captivating tale of personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of justice in a magical and enchanting world.

hrly_ur_treasure · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs


The battlefield transformed into a surreal winter tableau, with shimmering ice crystals hanging in the air like ethereal jewels. The very ground beneath Oden's colossal figure groaned under the pressure of the freezing enchantment, forming delicate patterns of frost that radiated outwards. Each heartbeat echoed with the eerie resonance of encroaching ice, amplifying the profound impact of Shantal's potent spell.

Oden, trapped within the icy prison, struggled against the relentless grip of the freezing magic. His once fiery breath now manifested as frosty puffs, a stark testament to the overwhelming power of Shantal's retaliation. The golden hue that had defined Oden's presence began to fade, replaced by an otherworldly glimmer of ice that encased him in an ethereal glow.

As the freezing tendrils reached every crevice of Oden's immense form, his movements became sluggish, his roars subdued to muted echoes. Shantal, eyes ablaze with determination, maintained her focus, channeling the energies of the frozen vortex with unparalleled mastery. The battlefield, once a tumultuous arena of fire and force, now stood silent, frozen in time.

Eva, Andy, and Anna, witnessing the unfolding spectacle, were struck with awe and trepidation. Shantal's "Absolute Zero Zone" had not merely neutralized Oden; it had transformed him into a majestic sculpture of frozen might, a monument to the supremacy of elemental magic. The air, now thick with the frigid aftermath, bore testament to the dangerous beauty of Shantal's newfound power—a power that had not only saved their lives but had proven to be the ultimate weapon against the very force that sought to shatter the foundations of their existence.

As the frigid aftermath of Shantal's "Ice Zero Zone" settled, the once-frozen battlefield echoed with a chorus of breathless amazement. Eva, gasping in a mixture of awe and terror, exclaimed, "Woooooohhhh! That was so terrifying, Shantal." She couldn't help but express a newfound reverence for her master's potent and dominant magical prowess. "I guess I've got a Master who's powerful and dominant. Well, to be honest, I really envy your skill, Master," Eva admitted, a hint of admiration lacing her words.

Shantal, however, dismissed the praise with a stern tone, "Shut up! Can't you see the situation? We were almost done for by that giant gorilla, and I don't intend to meet my end here. That's why I had no choice but to give it my all to defeat that creature." The gravity of their recent struggle lingered in the air, and Shantal's determination remained unyielding.

Anna, ever the voice of levity, chimed in, "Well, well, well, even though we almost died, you're still so cool, Shantal." Her words carried a mix of gratitude and admiration, acknowledging Shantal's unflinching resolve in the face of peril.

With the immediate threat subdued, Shantal redirected the focus to the practical matters at hand. "Okay, enough about that. We need to move on to the next plan. We can't afford to bask in victory just yet. This kingdom has suffered damages, and we need to repair it. More importantly, I changed my mind this is not only a temporary place to grow stronger, we should aim to transform this small kingdom into something greater, something truly ours," Shantal declared with a visionary gleam in her eyes.

The group, now united in purpose, began to strategize, outlining the steps needed to rebuild and fortify their newfound realm. As they ventured into the uncharted territory of kingdom-building, the echoes of their recent battle served as a reminder of the challenges they had overcome and the strength that bound them together.

After nearly a month of tireless effort, the small kingdom, once marred by the chaos of battle, now stood renewed and revitalized. The collaborative endeavors of Shantal, Eva, Anna, and Andy had materialized into a thriving kingdom, a testament to their resilience and shared vision.

Nestled within the heart of the Forest Daryle, the small kingdom with its roots and trees design emerges as a tranquil haven, seamlessly integrated into the natural tapestry of the enchanted woodland. The architecture of this community is a testament to the harmonious coexistence between nature and its inhabitants.

The buildings, constructed from the interwoven roots of ancient trees, create a network of charming cottages and communal spaces. Each structure, adorned with intricate leaf patterns and organic designs, exudes a rustic elegance that blends seamlessly with the surrounding forest. The tree canopy above provides a natural roof, dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves to cast a warm glow on the pathways below.

Winding pathways, paved with smooth stones and adorned with luminescent mushrooms, meander through the settlement. Small bridges crafted from vines connect different sections of the kingdom, allowing the inhabitants to traverse the crystal-clear streams that weave their way around the tree-root structures.

 Their homes are nestled amidst blooming flower beds, where vibrant blossoms and fragrant herbs color the air with a delicate perfume. A central gathering area, featuring a majestic ancient tree with roots extending into the ground, serves as the heart of the kingdom—a place for communal meetings, celebrations, and shared moments

Surveying the results of their hard work, Shantal couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. "Now that we're done, I can't help but notice the void in our forces. We lack people, guards, servants, allies – we are only four here," she mused, recognizing the need to bolster the kingdom's infrastructure for long-term prosperity.

Anna, ever practical, expressed a sentiment that resonated with the others. "Witch Shantal, we're truly grateful to have been a part of this, but we need to return to our kingdom," she stated, highlighting the duty each held to their respective domains. Sensing the sincerity in their voices, Andy knelt, his plea resonating with the desire to rejoin their homeland.

After a few contemplative moments, Shantal relented, acknowledging the importance of letting them return to their own kingdom. "Uhmm...so I have no choice but to let you go, but remember, you're always welcome here," she conceded. With that, Anna and Andy were granted permission to depart, leaving behind a kingdom they had helped rebuild.