
Witch of Vengeance: The Elven Mage's Redemption

Shantal, a young elf with a deep desire for revenge. Her motivation is rooted in a tragic event from her past - the brutal murder of her parents by a powerful and malevolent assassin. Determined to avenge her parents' death, As she delves deeper into the world of Caleb, With newfound knowledge and formidable powers, she sets out to confront the people responsible for her family's tragedy. Fueled by grief and anger, Shantal embarks on a transformative journey to become a powerful witch. Over time, Shantal hones her magical abilities, delving into the secrets of spellcasting, potion-making, and incantations, Shantal not only gains the power to exact her revenge but also learns the importance of balance and responsibility in using her newfound abilities. The story is a captivating tale of personal growth, resilience, and the pursuit of justice in a magical and enchanting world.

hrly_ur_treasure · แฟนตาซี
32 Chs

Midst of Chaos

As a mere day passed, the Orc Army, led by the formidable Kalam, descended upon the tranquil land of the flower kingdom. Kalam, a low saint stage orc, commanded a force that included ten sub-leaders, each a mid-ancient stage warrior, overseeing various units of patrons. Their march through the enchanted Forest Eceferie was relentless, ominous clouds gathering in their wake.

Edward, bearing the weight of the kingdom's hope, stood resolute at the forefront. Orchids, the embodiment of his magical prowess, became his weapon of choice. With a focused gaze, he channeled his energy, conjuring a colossal wall of interwoven orchid blossoms that rose to meet the approaching Orc Army.

Kalam, undeterred, bellowed a command to his forces, "Stop!" The army, a sea of brutish strength, came to an abrupt halt. Kalam surveyed the magical obstruction before him with a sinister grin. "So, this is how you welcome us, huh?" he sneered.

However, defiance burned in Edward's eyes. In response to Kalam's taunt, he raised his hands, orchestrating the orchids to solidify into an imposing barrier. The air quivered with the clash of opposing energies as Kalam, wielding a mighty axe, unleashed a devastating strike infused with wind magic.

The impact reverberated through the forest, causing the very ground to tremble. The orchid wall, resilient but not impervious, strained against the force of Kalam's onslaught. Petals scattered like confetti in the aftermath of a powerful gust, but the orchids held, albeit barely.

Edward, determined to protect his kingdom, intensified his focus. Orchids, resilient in their own right, responded to his will. The air shimmered as Edward harnessed the essence of the enchanted flowers, seeking to reinforce the weakened defense.

Kalam, eyes glinting with malicious delight, swung his axe once more, this time with an even more potent burst of wind magic. The force was overwhelming, tearing through the air with a ferocity that threatened to breach the orchid barrier. Edward, undeterred, poured his magical essence into the orchids, a silent plea for strength.

The clash between Kalam's raw power and Edward's unwavering determination unfolded in a spectacle of magic and might. The fate of the flower kingdom hung in the balance, and the air crackled with the intensity of the magical duel between wind and orchids.

As the high legendary mages, Florian, Xee, Venna, Jam, and Hedy, joined Edward on the front lines, Kalam, the Orc leader, signaled the commencement of the battle. A hundred thousand orc soldiers surged forward, their intent clear — to extract the mana veins of the flower kingdom and seize its magical essence.

Aer, one of the ten low ancient stage orcs, bellowed, "They're here!" The orc commanders, including Bek, Crez, and Deroq, quickly strategized. "Let's start," Aer proclaimed, and his comrades nodded in agreement.

In response, the orc commanders paired themselves with specific high legendary mages, aligning their elemental affinities. "I choose Xee; his power is rose," declared Crez. "I'll take Venna, with her gumamela magic," asserted Deroq. "Florian, with the magic of tulips," added Bek. "Jam, whose power lies in lavender," chimed in Crez. "And Hedy, wielding the magic of lilies," completed Deroq. While the remainins are evading the kingdom. The ten low ancient stage orcs, all wind users, prepared for the magical skirmish.

The battlefield transformed into a canvas of conflicting elements as the orcs unleashed their wind magic, seeking to overpower the floral defenses. Xee, manipulating the essence of roses, conjured thorny barriers that twisted and writhed against the gusts of wind. Venna's gumamela magic manifested as protective vines, entwining with the orcish tempest in a delicate dance of resistance.

Florian, attuned to the power of tulips, wielded floral projectiles that countered the relentless wind assaults. Jam's lavender magic manifested as soothing waves, attempting to calm the chaotic currents unleashed by the orcish onslaught. Hedy, with her lily magic, formed ethereal shields that absorbed and diffused the aggressive wind attacks.

The air resonated with the clash of elements, a symphony of magic and fury. Each high legendary mage, in tandem with their orc counterpart, engaged in a duel that transcended the physical realm. Petals and leaves swirled in the tempest, and the forest bore witness to a battle where nature's forces collided with unyielding determination.

The fate of the flower kingdom teetered on the delicate balance of magic, as the high legendary mages and the orc commanders wove spells that echoed through the enchanted land. The struggle for dominance in this ephemeral dance between wind and flora would determine the destiny of the kingdom and the preservation of its magical essence.

In the unfolding skirmish, the high legendary mages and the orc commanders continued their magical duel, the very air crackling with the clash of elements.

Xee, surrounded by a cascade of roses, retaliated against Crez's relentless wind attacks. "Your tempest won't wither the strength of my roses!" He exclaimed, weaving the blossoms into a protective barrier that absorbed and deflected the gusts.

Venna, embracing the power of gumamela, summoned vibrant blooms that acted as both shield and weapon. "Your winds may howl, but the resilience of my gumamela will endure," she declared, countering Deroq's advances with a burst of floral energy.

Florian, attuned to the magic of tulips, conjured enchanted bulbs that exploded into dazzling displays of color. "Feel the vibrancy of tulips! Your storm cannot drown out their brilliance," he asserted, deflecting Bek's wind-infused assaults.

Jam, master of lavender magic, created fragrant mist that enveloped the battlefield. "In the midst of chaos, find serenity. Lavender's soothing touch will quell your tempest," he calmly stated, dispersing the turbulent winds summoned by Crez.

Hedy, her lily magic a beacon of ethereal defense, erected crystalline barriers that refracted the oncoming wind. "Lilies stand strong against adversity. Your gale will not break the purity of their essence," she asserted, countering Deroq's relentless assaults.