
Highest Realm of Trust

"Check your weapons, we will leave in five minutes."

Two days have passed and the group had finally decided to move to another location, preferably, closer to the totem pillar.

Sigil ordered the group calmly. These two days haven't been a waste for the group. Even though it was hard for Sigil to cultivate with the current quality of energy, he meditated continuously, exploring his soul. His whole body projected a peaceful image.

Even his teammates started to notice the change as the arrogant Sigil had transformed into a calm and mature human being. Even though the change wasn't huge, nonetheless, it was noticeable. His relationship with Alicia took a turn for the better as she stood behind Sigil.

Her face had a small smile as she looked at Sigil's calm self that could give out orders and started possessing the features of a leader.

After the group started packing and gearing up, Bethany walked over to Sigil and Alicia.

"Ho ho, Sigil, what did Alicia do to you? I wouldn't even dream of your current self." Bethany smiled in a teasing manner and sat near Alicia.

"As long as you dream of me, it is fine." Sigil smiled smugly and his projected aura collapsed immediately. Such an immediate change caused Bethany to feel surprised and his words made Alicia groan in her heart.

'I am sitting right here!' She could only feel slightly bitter without complaining. After all, these past two days, Sigil treated her with quite a strange manner. He would give bits of advice regarding meditation, he would even cook sometimes and he never forgot to take advantage of her when they were alone.

Previously, she would have never thought that she could feel this excited by just feeling his breath in her ears and his warm and sturdy hands on his neck and chest region.

"Hmm? What's this?" Bethany was thinking of a comeback when she looked at a strange mark on Alicia's neck. The side of her neck was being covered by her dark hair but the red mark was still noticeable on her milky white skin.

She immediately reached near Alicia's neck and brushed away her hair. Alicia's eyes widened in surprise by the sudden movement and Bethany's eyes widened because of the mark.

"My, my, you have already marked your territory, huh. Sigil, I didn't know that you had the guts to finally take on Alicia." Bethany smiled slyly. Her words caused a blush to creep up Alicia's cheeks as she covered the hickey with her hair. She glared at Sigil with an indignant expression and got up.

Sigil wasn't affected by her expression. Alicia's pout was one of her many charms that could boil a man's blood.

"You know, to outsiders, it would look like you also want one of my territorial marks on your neck." Sigil grinned and crept near Bethany.

"Now that I think of it, your blue hair gives you a youthful feeling and your freckles look cute, too. How 'bout it? Want a nibble on your neck?" Sigil kept on getting closer.

Before he could tease her more, Bethany stood up with a red face and quickly walked near Alicia. She couldn't handle Sigil by herself.

After five minutes, Sigil got up and clapped his hands.

"Alright, we will move out according to the plan. Jacob will remain behind and keep a lookout and provide backup. I and Oliver will be the vanguard while the rest will provide support. Any questions?"

The group shook their heads as his demeanor surprised Bethany once again.

'Maybe he really changed?' Her eyes held an indescribable emotion and her expression remained neutral.

The group moved out as they walked through the streets slowly. Jacob followed the group as he held a Wooden Class Rifle– Spark78. It could be noted that Jacob's demeanor looked extremely similar to an assassin. Even Sigil had trouble sensing him and he was stronger than Jacob.

They were almost 800 metres away from the Totem Pillar when they heard the sound of running and immediately stopped. Jacob also prepared himself as he immediately set his rifle. His aim was set towards the group's direction and he saw a black figure jumping from a high location.


A suppressed sound emerged as the bullet was fired towards the unknown assailant with utmost precision.

Meanwhile, Sigil's eyes widened as he saw the face of the unknown assailant. He wanted to shout and stop Jacob but the bullet was already moving towards the newcomer.

Without any surprises, the bullet pierced the thigh of the man as he fell.

"What the hell???" A Familiar voice erupted from the figure as he removed his hood. His face surprised everyone, except for Jacob. He was standing a little far from the group, and even if he could shoot a moving target, it was still hard to see the facial features of a man with his cultivation.

He quickly reloaded the gun and aimed once again, only to see Sigil stopping him and motioning him to get near the group.


"Wow, you really hate me don't you?" Ivan spoke with a bitter expression. His face was contorted as he looked at his injury healing at a great speed. Sigil's group looked at the strange scene with a shocked gaze.

"Gates Constellation." Jacob immediately spoke in a surprised voice. He was sure in his abilities and seeing the wound from his gun healing so easily allowed him to deduce Ivan's situation.

"What are you guys looking so shocked for? This is a super-sized Ancestral Pool. If you did not even form a constellation in this place, you should just jump off a building." Ivan spoke as his words cut through the hearts of the group.

Sigil and Alicia remained expressionless.

"Either way, a constellation providing a healing ability is quite rare." Sigil shook his head and moved his hand towards Ivan. Ivan smiled and grabbed on his hand, getting pulled up immediately.

"Let's go. I want to have a word with you." With Sigil's nod, Ivan led the whole group to his hideout, which was only 300 metres away from the totem pillar.

It was an office building with more than eight floors.


In a conference room, Ivan was introducing the two leaders of the group.

"Sigil, she is Yasmine. She is leading the group from the Yellow Spider and she is also one of the apprentices under Alan, the Family Head of the family." Ivan spoke as he introduced the charming girl.

"Yasmine, he is Sigil. John Grey's adopted son as well as the leader of the group from the Grey Family. I hope you two get along well." Ivan spoke out as they both shook each other's hand.

The moment Sigil shook her hand, he felt a strange touch. It felt like Yasmin's palm had very tiny spikes covering her palms.

After nodding, they both sat down as well.

"I am sure that both of you have concluded the existence of a treasure based on the instructions left by Lord Sparrow, right?"

Ivan did not waste time and brought up the main topic. His eyes were observing both of their expressions. Sure enough, Yasmine and Sigil looked more solemn.

Sigil's mind flashed countless thoughts and factored every clue and possibility he could think of. After giving it some time, he could only come up with the only situation that was most likely.

Sigil turned towards Ivan with a smile.

"If you gathered us, you should have information about the treasure. What are the conditions of cooperation and how do you propose that we distribute the profits?"

Yasmine also understood Ivan's intention. She looked at the discussion with interest in her expression.

"Right now, there are four groups from the families, three groups from the alliance and one group consisting of lone witches. If we group together, we would be able to achieve more profits and reduce the risks. As for the treasures, they are the eggs containing Adolescent Familiars."

As Ivan's voice fell, both of them widened their eyes. Familiar Egg!

Sigil immediately composed his mind and recalled the information he was taught about the spell.

Many familiars are very violent, vicious and dangerous the moment they are born. But contrary to their nature, these kinds of familiars also exhibited extraordinary battle power. These kinds of Familiars could be only tamed and contracted after gaining their trusts. And the only method to gain their trust is to become their parent, which is decided the moment these Familiars are birthed.

To tackle this issue, many witches dedicated their entire lives. It was only during the Bloodline Revolution when a genius Witch named Walter Blackbone invented a spell that could create an egg-like structure around the body of the Familiar and slowly erase their memories, sending them to the condition when these Familiars were birthed.

After sealing them in a spell egg, the user needed to wait for the incubation period to complete and then become the first existence that the familiar lay its eyes on. This way, the witch will be regarded as the parent and will be able to gain complete trust of the Familiars.

"Which familiars?" Yasmine asked suddenly.

"We are not provided with the information." Ivan shook his head.

Sigil nodded and took a deep breath.

"Then the issue of distribution?" He asked him in a serious expression.

Ivan took some time before answering.

"Yasmine's group will gain 20 percent while we both will take 40 percent each."

Even though the Yellow Spider was the direct subordinate of the guild, it did not mean that they completely owned them. He still needed to give them sufficient profits and remuneration for their assistance.

Yasmine's look turned slightly cold but she remained quiet. She understood her family's position and could only bite the bullet.

It was Sigil that shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"Ivan, you are my friend and I will give you my last offer. 50 percent."

"Are you crazy?" Yasmine shouted in rage and frustration. She wasn't even given an equal treatment while this rascal was asking for more, how could she not rage?

"Sigil, think of the bigger picture. If we gain more eggs, you will still profit. Don't think of the profit on the basis of contribution, but by the quantity." Ivan spoke seriously.

Sigil understood his meaning. If they were able to acquire a lot of eggs, their group may have some surplus that could be either sold or given to the highest contributor.

"No, you misunderstood. I am giving the price based on the effort that me and my group will expend. You are hated by the RedHawks while your relationship with the BlackBees is neutral. Let's not forget the competition between the three dark Guilds and the greed of lone witches. With just three groups, we won't be able to defend the malicious attack of the RedHawks and the harassment of other groups."

His statement caused both Ivan and Yasmine to close their mouths.

Sigil smiled gently.

"Sigil, you are my friend and I am concerned with your well being. I am also not shameless to ask a huge piece of 60 percent and settled for 50 percent. You should recognise my goodwill and not undermine my efforts."

His next statement made both of them speechless. He was simply blackmailing Ivan by taking a cover named friendship.

"Besides, my talents will certainly be more than enough." Sigil's voice turned a little deep as his body started to shake a little.

Slowly, his nails started to elongate while his canines grew sharper and their tips could be seen touching his outer lips. His exposed wrist was also getting covered by silver-grey fur, similar to the color of his hair.

"A constellation with full body transformation!" Yasmine couldn't help but exclaim as Ivan's eyes shined brightly. Sure, he could heal his body in a short time, but many other witches could do the same with various materials and spells.

It was a talent like Sigil's transformation that many Witches desired in their early stage. Not only this grants them a great battle power, but Ivan also knew that their defense had been greatly increased, touching the realm of Chakra Stage, gaining safety from most of the mortal weapons.

Sigil smiled as his expression looked especially vicious. He returned to his original self.

"Alright. The resources will be divided into 50-40-10. Sigil will take 50 while Yasmine will gain 10."

Yasmine's face looked very ugly as he looked at both of the males with hatred. Ivan did not suffer any loss as he may gain even more with the help of Sigil's Constellation. She immediately changed her expression and smiled at both of them.

"Two masters, please give this girl a path to survive. I will lose my face greatly if I only gain 10 percent. Perhaps, I may be able to provide other services to appease the masters." Yasmine's voice was extremely seductive and she slightly unzipped her suit. Her pure white skin providing a great sight for Sigil's and Ivan's eyes.

Since the important stuff has been discussed, the mood had loosened as they both decided to play along Yasmine.

"Say, Sigil. Do you know the highest form of trust in the real of friendship?" Ivan asked as his eyes stared at Yasmine teasing herself seductively. She did not perform anything explicit, but the way her hands touched her body as she stretched gave out many intentions.

Sigil nodded at Ivan's words.

"Of course, it is the realm where two friends can be comfortable around each other even if they are naked."

He was also staring at Yasmine slowly unzipping her suit till her deep cleavage could be seen.

"Masters♪ Please! Stop teasing poor Yasmine." She was already moaning as her eyes looked at both of them passionately.

"Alas, this trust is only a mythical legend as no two guys will be friends with each other if they actually sat around naked. Besides, I don't want to be touchy with my friends, especially this old gangster." He smiled and got up reluctantly.

Ivan also smiled as he got out of the room with Sigil, leaving poor Yasmine alone.



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