
One Second!

Alvin, Linfel, Milia, and Nori appeared in the same Spaceship as before. There, a few Maguses and Familiars who didn't take part in the test were still waiting. Other than them, there were also those who survived the test.

Alvin couldn't help but find somewhere to sit straight away, and so did Milia. Nori wasn't much better, lying on Milia's lap with a very feeble amount of Magic Energy coming from his core. 40 Clicks, or a little bit over 40 hours... No sleep, no real rest. The times they took to rest their bodies on the asteroid were filled with tension since they had to pay attention to their surroundings nonstop. It was physically, mentally, and magically tiring.

*Zun, zun, zun, zun, zun...*