
Wishes and Sweet Kisses

The Meng family on leaving hospital took the wrong baby girl home, raising her as their little princess, while the real princess of the Meng family was taken to a small rural village, raised with love and affection by the family that she believed was her own. Six months before her eighteenth birthday, the patriarch of the Meng family, and Chairman of Meng Corp found out about the accidental baby swap at the hospital, as both babies had been given the name tag ‘Baby Meng’. Due to being dissatisfied with the child that he realised was not his real granddaughter who the rumours indicated was two faced, he started the search for his true granddaughter, locating her some three months later. Overriding the demands of his son and daughter-in-law that the only recognisable true princess of the Meng family was the child that they had raised since the day she had come home from hospital, he dragged them to the small rural village, where she had been raised by her adoptive family and brought her home. For Abigail Meng, that day marked a dramatic change in her life. When her adoptive family learnt the truth, every member except her adoptive grandmother not only demanded the return of their rightful daughter but compensation to be provided to them. Her biological parents rejected this and refused to send the child that they had raised back and only begrudgingly took her home. On her arrival at her real parent’s home, she saw the two faces constantly present themselves, in front of her grandfather who loved her for her, they were nice and loving, but as soon as he left, they turned on her, treating her as if she was a family servant, shoving her in a room that not even one of the family servants would use while maintaining a façade room for her grandfather to believe that she was being treated well. On the even of her shared eighteenth birthday, Abigail Meng just before she crawled into bed, looked out the tiny window and spotted a shooting star before uttering “I wish that things will become better as of tomorrow. I wish my life would change. I wish that my so-called family receive what they deserve for treating me as they have.” As she drifted off to sleep, a quiet voice came from the corner that had been watching her charge in the shadows, waved her wand and said, “Your Wishes are granted,” before clicking her fingers and disappearing into the air. This is the story of how Abigail Meng’s life changed with three simple wishes granted by her fairy godmother and the love it spurned.

klmorgan · สมัยใหม่
230 Chs

That b*tch

As she exited the school complex, Sara turned and noticed that Yasmin was following behind her. She wanted to slap that b*tch for not ruining the day for that b*tch who was attempting to steal what was her. Her parents, her grandfather, her inheritance, her life. But the problem was that witch beside her Rebecca Mo.

Unlike the rest of the idiots in the class, Sara made sure she knew everything about those who could impact her future, which that witch could. Everyone though because she stayed in the school dorms, did not have much in the way of access to luxury items and worked part time outside school that she was from a nothing family and they could do what they liked to her.

But the truth was well hidden, and there was no way that she would risk things going astray in dealing with her. The investigators she contacted were good, and given what they found out regarding Rebecca Mo, Sara was grateful for that simple fact.

Mo was her maternal family name. A common name in the country but they were anything other than common. Her mother's cousin was just the king of Country D, making her not only a member of a royal family but technically a princess. Then there was her paternal grandfather, the country's president, and he doted on his only granddaughter.

Of course, that illustrious background did not prevent her parents from having an unhappy marriage, which drove all their children away from them. Her mother's cousin had to give permission for her to be able to divorce her husband, and he refused. And her grandfather had made it clear that he would support his daughter-in-law in the divorce due to his son's ongoing adultery, and that he could forget about receiving what he deemed to be his inheritance from the family because it would go to Rebecca and her brothers, not him.

Sara paused, turned to Yasmin and said, "Can you see that b*tch?"

"Not anymore. Some old man, with bodyguards met her and that other b*tch Rebecca Mo, before she got in one car with the old man and drove off. Rebecca Mo, was shown into another car and is just driving off now."

Sara turned and observed the car that Yasmin was pointing to, and immediately recognised it. It was the car that often accompanied her grandfather. That b*tch convinced her grandfather to pick her up and have him totally ignore her, the recognised princess of the Meng Family. She better watch out tonight because she was going to be ruined. How dare she do that.

Yasmin, without being prompted said "You invited those b*tches?"

Good Yasmin, she knows the right question to ask, and hopefully just a couple of simple answers will get her ready to cause trouble tonight. "My grandfather, finding about the situation of Abigail, given the freakish circumstances of our birth in the same hospital felt pity for her, and offered to her parents the chance for her to have an education. She is just some backwards country hick that I only tolerate because of I respect my grandfather. However, he is insistent that she be part of the celebrations tonight and that she could invite people she wanted there. She will ruin the party, that I have worked so hard to make sure is a perfect celebration…"

Sara looked at Yasmin and noticed her smile. Yasmin quickly said "Leave it with me Sara. I will make sure that they are made a laughingstock tonight. It is your party, and you need to shine."

Sara looked around and noticed Sebastian climbing into a car. It was strange that that Daniel had not come and picked him up from school today, given that he had been carefully watching him the last few weeks. It had been an opportunity that she could put herself in front of the hot Daniel Wu, to try and convince him to marry her before he found out the truth. She needed to secure her position and marrying the youngest and hottest male CEO in the country would do that, if the truth came out. The only problem was that he would not be as malleable as Sebastian was.

Yasmin seeing the direction Sara was looking in, said "It is a pity his brother is not here. Looking at that hot older man, is a highlight of the day."

Smiling sweetly, to restore her calmness Sara said "True. But…"

"You like Sebastian too. Sara, I know you are the best girl in our school and any man would want to marry you, but you are dreaming. I heard that Daniel Wu is dating a supermodel and she put out on her social media that she expects him to propose any day. While I want to see you, my best friend, marry the most eligible man, because you deserve it, setting your sights in him will be heartbreak. Grab Sebastian, and I will grab James An. How will that be, married to best friends."

Sara restrained herself from overreacting, nodded and said "That is something to think about in the future, but come on. Mother has booked me in at the hotel day spa to set ready for the party. I was not able to get the full beauty package for you, but they were able to find someone who can give you a mini facial and do your hair and makeup. I cannot have my best friend not looking her best." With that Sara hooked her arm into Yasmin's and the two of them headed towards car her parents has sent to whisk them to the hotel to get ready for the party.

Hi my lovely readers

I thank you for being so understanding that at the moment I will be back to a minimum of 5 chapters per week, until I complete the Soldier Husband.

I promise that I am working hard to complete it so that I can get back to giving you daily updates on Wishes and Sweet Kisses.

I would love to make what happens to Sara, in part decided by you, so your suggestions as to things that can happen to her will be something that I take into account.

Hugs, kisses and here is hoping that your wishes come true!


25 January 2022

klmorgancreators' thoughts