
Wise Skeleton Lich

Necromancer accidentally falls to spatial rift and gets on modern Earth.

Homeless1983 · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Chapter 3

- I'm sorry, lord, but we can't let anyone hear about our future plans! Kurt bowed and said slavishly.

WHAT PLANS ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT WEIRDO! Lebowski screamed in his thoughts.

- Don't worry, master, I will fix the window right now, no one else will see your real shining personality. - Kurt went to the window and began to close the gap that he used before for spying around.

- Yes, right. What was my personality again? Lebowski asked.

- Great lord! Or perhaps the Lich King. Or maybe the Dark Knight? Immortal Skeleton King? After all, you are my master, and I am your loyal protege. - Kurt said confidently.

- Are you okay, kid? No headache?

I literally woke up like a fucking skeleton a few minutes ago, I still can't believe this is happening. And this weirdo comes here and starts all this nonsense. Everything used to be so good. I have always been the great sage Lebowski. I had no worries or problems. But today is like a fucking nightmare. I walked over to my wretched chair and sat down. Damn, pretty dirty, but to hell. Anyway, he clearly knows how I look. There is no point in denying it anymore. The question is what to do? How do I respond to this guy's inappropriate behavior?

- Lord! I've read a bunch of books and watched a lot of movies and anime. I know a lot about skeletons, necromancers, liches and the like. I will definitely be useful to you. - Kurt continued to insist.

As he said all this, Kurt looked around. There was a complete mess around, a bunch of things scattered everywhere. Torn newspapers on the walls, the window covered with some kind of dirty rags. The stench was terrible. Kurt couldn't understand what this beautiful fantasy creature needed in such a hole. A real living skeleton! It seemed to him that he was sleeping in reality looking at him. Damn it is magic! He always dreamed of something like that, magic, system, apocalypse, reincarnation. He loved various genres on the subject of fantasy, and at the same time he lived his ordinary useless life. And so he finally met something absolutely incredible. A real miracle, a fantasy creature from another world. Of course he is trying to pretend to be local, but you can't fool him, he saw everything with his own eyes. A walking living skeleton! This is definitely some kind of lich or something, he probably has all kinds of super powers. He needed to get into his trust at any cost. It was the chance of his life!

He certainly understood with some part of his consciousness that coming here like this was dangerous. All the same, the skeleton looked quite intimidating and at first Kurt could hardly digest what he saw. But he quickly dismissed all his doubts, he would never miss this chance, even under the threat of death! If he can serve such a supernatural being, then it is likely that he himself will receive a piece of his power. He was ready to become a vampire, a zombie, a skeleton, whatever, he didn't care about the consequences. If he just walked by now, he would not forgive himself in his life. There is no turning back, only forward.

But while he was thinking to himself and looking around, he saw something like an impromptu rookery for a homeless person in the corner. He was horrified when he looked closely. There was blood all around, some ridiculous mass of flesh and blood around. OH MY GOD! There was part of a human face! It seemed the man was simply deprived of all his bones without exception! Even Kurt was scared to hell. He immediately turned away and stubbornly tried to throw what he saw out of his head. He cannot start vomit all around now, he will ruin everything! He knew there were risks. What to expect from an evil lich? That he will help grandmothers to cross the road ?! Of course not, he will kill cruelly! This is the walking reaper of death, now it is clear what he was doing here. Apparently he was experimenting on this poor homeless man. But get all the bones out of it? What a terrible death!

Kurt tried hard to calm himself down and stop the shivers. It's okay, I expected something like that, because that's what I was looking for right? There is no way back. I'll provide him with other test subjects ... I can, it's okay. All for a great purpose. We need to get together and think carefully, if I am useless, the same fate may well await me.

- Yes? How interesting. Well, tell me who I remind you the most? And what do you think a master like me should do? - Lebowski asked, sitting on his throne.

He flinched at the master's voice. Is he testing me? Or does he himself not know who he is? I should not ask fucking questions! The main rule of survival. I must answer questions, praise, flatter and do whatever is told to me. I will become his subordinate, I can definitely handle it. And so he is a skeleton, I saw everything perfectly, a black skeleton. Maybe he's just a skeleton ... Or maybe a lich ... Necromancer ... Damn it Kurt. It is not necessary to give a clear answer that something vague will do. Exactly! Take over the world! It is obvious. Everyone should bow before the great immortal being in one way or another. But how can he do it? I have to find out about his abilities, but ask directly ... Stop, he killed a homeless man, took all his bones from him. What for? Is it restoring its strength? And he chooses isolated homeless people because he is too weak to act openly ... Everything is clear. Indeed, if, for example, he is not a lich, but just a skeleton or some kind of necromancer, then he may well be killed with modern weapons. He can only act from the shadows ...

Who has the ability to absorb other people's skeletons? By the way, maybe he doesn't have to absorb the skeletons of people? Of course, I could kill a homeless person ... Probably ... But something reluctant to become a criminal, although if I will receive an order then... I will have to?... What choice do i have? Anyway. So who can absorb bones of other creatures? A skeleton? It won't fucking work, if I call him a skeleton he will make me a meat paste. A necromancer is more likely to fit, for example, in the diablo series of games, this class has quite a few abilities based on bones. The necromancer may not sound as cool as the overlord, but the semantic meaning is more suitable.

Now what should he do as a necromancer? Raise the dead? But what's the point. Lower ranks of the undead from canon is too dumb, it will only expose him and make him more visible... And he obviously too weak now, he would not have to kill this poor homeless otherwise. First, he must keep a low profile and recuperate. He needs a shadow organization to help him stay in the shadows ... Kurt braced himself.

- Forgive me, master, I thought about it and made you wait ... You best fit the description of a necromancer. Although I would call you rather a great master of the necromancers. It is among necromancers that abilities are most often associated with ... - Kurt again took a short glance towards the flesh in the corner, but immediately turned away and continued - Associated with absorbing bones. Obviously, despite all your former power, you were very tired and exhausted yourself after moving to earth. Therefore, before conquering the world, you should recover. To do this, you need to stay in the shadows and not attract attention. And that's exactly what you might need me for! Please give me a chance, I will work hard for the glory of our secret organization. - Kurt finally finished his tirade.

Lebowski went wild. Necromancer? Absorbing bones? Take over the world? Shadow organization?