
Winter Days *9*

Sorry for the super long wait guys. I've been crazy busy lately x_x. The next update shouldnt take AS long (i hope).

Anyways this chapter starts off with a ZOOM RESULT and then it goes to the normal writing style. Enjoy.



Everyone in the club had left for the nightly celebrations on Main Street leaving only your gang of friends and a single medic who was checking Gabe's wounds. The room was silent except for the TV, which was showing live footage of Main Street, and Gabe's soft moans. All initial complaints had dulled down into a silence. No one could think of what to say.

"Erm wasn't that your friend?" Snow asked breaking the silence.

"That's a pretty stupid question Snow." Hope replied shaking his head.

"Did it just say she was getting married?!" Yuffie screamed. The group broke out into discussion as everyone tried to figure out what was going on.

"[Name] wouldn't just go and get hitched." Xion argued as Kairi nodded her head in agreement.

"Knowing her track record she's probably in trouble. We need to find her." Tifa crossed her arms.

Only one person noticed the figure draped in black cloaks cross the room towards the group. As the figure stepped nearer, Vanitas ripped his necklace off and the small keyblade charm grew into his full sized weapon. He whipped it up and held it at the neck of the stranger.

"Vanitas!" Ven yelled getting everyone's attention focused on him.

"What do you think you're doing?" Auron questioned as he made his way through the group to Vanitas.

"He probably just wants to show off his little rich boy gadget." Axel rolled his eyes at Vanitas.

"He's been following us all night, not that any of you idiots would notice." He growled. One by one all the gazes moved from Vanitas to the figure.

"Who are you?" Cloud asked. Silence returned for a moment, not even Gabe was heard anymore, and the cloaked figure didn't move. Finally he reached up and dropped his hood revealing black hair with eyes that were tinted a shade of red.

"My name is Noctis Caelum, and I can help you get your friend back." He gave a slight nod.

"You can?" Sora asked loudly.

Noctis nodded his head again, "As we speak your friend is being taken to the castle I presume. Once she's in those walls it will be hard to get her out."

"Why would she agree to marry some Prince? That's not like [Name] at all." Demyx said.

"She may not have been asked. I wouldn't put it behind the King to force her to do this." Noctis explained solemnly.

"He's probably right!" KK yelled.

Yuna and Paine nodded. Yuna spoke up, "I got a bad feeling about the King."

"But...", Roxas began, but Riku finished the question, "Why [Name]?"

Noctis thought a moment before shaking his head, "I don't know. Honestly I don't...What are your names?"

Brief introductions were made around the room ending with Kairi who blushed bright pink and stumbled over her name. It wasn't a moment later that the door of the club flew open, hitting the wall in the process. Standing at the door was Namine. Her white dress was torn and had splotches of dried blood and dirt in every occasional spot. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Namine?" Terra said. Namine stumbled forward, but when her eyes noticed Gabe she ran across the room to him. Gabe was lying unconscious on a small rectangular table. The medic was patching up an abdominal wound.

"Is he ok?!" Namine cried.

The medic nodded his head, "Yes he should be fine. He lost a lot of blood though, and the wound will scar badly. The weapons he was shot with usually kills. He's very lucky."

"What weapon was it?" Zack asked.

"We call it a shark. I'm not even sure of the correct term anymore. Anyways, it's a small bullet that shatters on impact which is why it bleeds so much. We call it a shark though because after time passes the bullet shards eat the skin and start digging deeper into the body. I got out all the shards though so don't worry."

Namine rested her cheek on Gabe's and just laid there. Cid shook the medic's hand. "Thanks for everythin' doc."

The medic nodded and left the club. All attention was turned back to Namine. Usually some would stay skeptical of the newly met stranger, but at this point they were willing to trust anyone if it meant answers.

"What happened to Gabe, Namine?" Angeal asked softly. Namine slowly lifted her face from his. Tears began to leak from her sad eyes again. She covered her mouth to stifle a sob and sat down in a seat at the table Gabe was lying on.

"I'm sorry." She said through her hand. Namine took a moment to recollect herself. She was never this emotional, but considering all that had just happened she allowed herself to cry freely. "These guys followed us from the park. T-They shot Gabe after fighting a while and forced me away. I was led up to that really tall building on Main Street and into a room. All of a sudden another guy brought [Name] into the room, she must have followed us."

"What was [Name] doing out there alone anyways?" Kairi asked. Nobody in the room noticed a certain male stiffen at the question.

"They wanted me to marry the prince b-but [Name] offered to take my place and the King agreed." Namine finished. She buried her head into her hands as everyone took in all this new information.

"We need to go get her." [BOC] declared with a newfound determination.

"We can't just go running into the castle demanding her back." Xion crossed her arms.

"I can get you guys into the castle." Noctis spoke up. "It won't be easy though."

"What do you want?" Cloud asked skeptically. It was a question most people had running through their minds, along with many others that is.

"Look we can stand here and debate what I would want in return, and let me remind you that while we do so your chances of saving your friend get slimmer and slimmer", Noctis said firmly, "Or you can choose to just trust me. I'll get you in, no strings attached...wait, you guys can fight right?"

Yuffie pumped her fist, "You betcha! That King is gonna wish he never took [Name]!"

Noctis nodded his head in satisfaction. A small smile graced his features.

"Fine. Now how are you gonna get us in?" [BOC] asked.

"I'll have to make some calls. If you'll excuse me." Noctis pulled a phone out of his pocket and began to walk out of the club.

"He's gonna come back right yo?" Reno asked skeptically. Kairi sighed as she watched his retreating figure, "I sure hope so."

The group began to talk about their plans. Cid would have to fly back and grab the weapons, and they would need to drop Gabe off at the Hollow Bastion hospital for sure. Namine's frail voice interrupted everyone. "I need to tell you why she took me place." She said quietly.

"She's just that type of person." Zack crossed his arms.

"Yeah plus you're her friend. We'd all try to do the same if we were in her shoes." Xion agreed. The guys turned to look at her. Xion blushed and shook her head, "Well I mean us girls would! The guys would want to -well not want to marry the prince but they'd want to save you -I mean they'd...oh shut up you all know what I mean."

A light chuckle floated around the room despite the still hanging tension. Namine's frown didn't budge. She held herself tightly, as if she would fall apart at any moment.

"Guys...", She bit her lip, "Guys I'm pregnant."

Nobody said a single word. The silence was deafening as everyone stared at the petite girl's sad form. Some questioned their hearing. The silence was broken as Noctis walked back in.

"I made the call we're good to go."

Blackness was all you could see, but it wasn't because of your uncanny ability to fall unconscious at the most inopportune moment this time. Instead the King ordered you to be blindfolded before you border the ship. Now you sat between two guards wearing white on a mysterious ship flying to a place you have never seen before. Also because of the blindfold you wouldn't be able to the path to the castle which meant you couldn't escape and backtrack to the city.

Slowly the ship began to stop moving until eventually you could no longer feel the rumbling engine shake beneath your feet. It wasn't long before the guards roughly lifted you from your seat and forced you to walk blindly to the ship's exit. You could feel the shift in atmosphere when you stepped outside. The smell of fresh cut grass and sweet flowers overpowered you. Your blindfold was ripped off your face and you were instantly blinded once again by the bright light. How long had the trip here been for it to already be bright outside?

"Move." One of the men barked and pushed you forward. You slowly walked forward. You were in a gigantic courtyard with gardens and fountains. It had white walls surrounding you on three sides. The white walls went so high in the air you couldn't see what was on the other side. The one side that wasn't a white wall was instead a monstrous mansion. The mansion was four stories and was also a shade of white. The front had two story pillars with a balcony sitting on top of them. It was elegant to say the least. You assumed their castle would be like one of the ones from medieval times with a moat and dungeon, but this place looked more like the white house or a celebrity's mansion.

You were led up the marble front stair case to the front doors which were already wide open. Inside was a large, open foyer. The floors were a shiny marble green and there was a spiraling staircase leading to other floors. There were many people in uniform rushing around cleaning and carrying various objects. The King stood in the center of the open foyer. Once you were standing beside him he shooed the guards away.

"Everyone clear the room." He ordered in his booming accent. Immediately the room was cleared out. He then yelled, "Rex come here."

It took a moment but after some time had passed you saw a male figure descend from the stairs. From a distance you could tell he was wearing a pair of black dress pants and a plain white button up shirt. He looked handsome as he came towards you. Once he got right in front of you though you changed your mind. He looked like the King, in other words he looked fake. He seemed to perfect. His skin was flawless and tanned exactly the right shade. His dark brown hair was slicked back and his brown eyes seemed cold. He was about your height.

"Who's this?" He asked in a similar accent to the King.

"Son this is your fiancé." The King smiled, "Her name is [Name]. [Name] this is my son Prince Rex Bryant."

His eyes traced over your form and in response you tore your gaze away from him. A cold hand reached under your chin and lifted your face up. Rex had pulled your face close to his. An uncontrollable blush covered your face but you kept your frown in place.

"Not bad Father. She's not hideous." Rex let go of your face and stuck his hands in his pockets, "I'll have to set her up for some surgeries. Fix her flaws."

"Well of course son. I've already set the appointments for before your wedding." King Bryant smoothly replied. Rex smiled a cold too white smile at you. An unpleasant chill ran down your spine. "Would you like to show her to her room son? It's down the hall from yours."

Rex scoffed, "No. Have a maid do it. Cray and Kane will be over in a few."

Without another word Rex passed you and walked out the front doors. The King called for a maid then left after she arrived. You slowly followed the maid. You were in too much shock to do anything else.